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May 15th, 2011, 11:55 AM
I put some pictures up on Facebook of my hair, which is now at 37" and I'm very proud of it.
The comments came in and I was quite vexed. I said my goal was knee-length and the first thing my friends ask is if I was going to cut it after that.:confused: The next one is if I'm going to donate to Locks of love. :rolleyes: After that I linked to the NYT article about Locks of Love, and said I'm growing my hair and keeping it. Now keep in mind these ARE my friends, they've been very good to me and I'm not deleting them over something like that but I'm just slightly pissed.

One of my hairy friends posted in my defense. It got me to thinking...does everyone get this kind of reaction? When you post pics, do people automatically start in with the "when are you going to cut it" crap?
The pic!

May 15th, 2011, 12:01 PM
Try not to get too angry with them. Hair so long is not conventional and they may just be trying to ask you questions about why you're doing it. They may be asking those questions based on what little experience they have with people with such long hair, as in: "The only other person I knew who had really long hair ended up donating it. Is that what you're doing?"

May 15th, 2011, 12:05 PM
It could be...the thing is I don't think 37" is "long" since I was about a foot longer than that before I cut. :p Skewed perspective.

May 15th, 2011, 12:06 PM
Wow! Your hair is so thick and such a lovely color!

May 15th, 2011, 12:09 PM
Awwww. I'm sorry you got some less than positive reactions. I'm not so surprised though. The Mainstream does not understand these lengths we've got here on LHC. It is perplexing though, since a pixie is acceptable, even though extreme, it's regarded as a kind of "look". So why not have super-long hair as your "look"?

I think it's just something we have to accept that pretty much anything past waist, sometimes even shorter, is just unusual.

That's why I like it, personally. I like the uniqueness and "shock" factor of super-long hair. One of the things that bothers me is that around my Ancient Civilization location, hair between BSL and waist is really common :D I'd rather be unusual!!

You've got gorgeous hair by the way. Just tell your fb friends that you're going for a "look".

May 15th, 2011, 12:11 PM
People usually comment on my hairpictures by saying how long im planning on growing it instead of when im gonna cut it..I think when ppl ask you about cutting it can only mean theyre jealous of it and i do think 37 inches can be called long ;)

May 15th, 2011, 12:15 PM
First of all, your hair is absolutely gorgeous!

I think in your position, I'd tell my friends that the long hair is my way of being culturally non-conformist. They're welcome to follow whatever trends they like, but you're going to ignore what they say about your hair on principle.

May 15th, 2011, 12:26 PM
Thank you for the lovely compliments :D

I know it shouldn't gall me so much but I've ALWAYS gotten those comments online and in real life. "Why don't you cut your hair?" It seems to be a deeply human urge to mess things up, I don't know. I'm sure it's their way of expressing curiosity but it still bugs me.
And I know I need to stop being irked over petty things.:p

elbow chic
May 15th, 2011, 12:28 PM
1) That is awesome hair!

2) Personally I try not to inflict my hair obsession on "civilians."

May 15th, 2011, 12:37 PM
your hair is gorgeous!

I think I would also get annoyed when people would ask me those questions all the time.
most people don't see my hair down though, so it does not get asked a lot, maybe that is also the reason why I like to wear it up.

May 15th, 2011, 12:40 PM
Your hair is lovely! Ooof, the color is like buttah! I think it's beautiful.

I have my profile pic on my FB page and people have been either flattering or ambiguous. I choose to think they meant nice things. I only have the one and that was because someone asked about my hair. I am like elbow chic and don't open discussion with civilians. LOVE THAT!

I think most people that know me know that they do NOT want to post an opinion piece on any of my pics without being invited to. I am EXTREMELY political on my FB page and if someone comes by and starts a negative dialogue I have been known to show my teeth. It normally only takes once. :)

May 15th, 2011, 12:43 PM
You have my dream hair. I'm envious, wouldn't be surprised if they are too.

It's also pretty unusual IRL to see hair that long that actually belongs to its original owner (i.e. not extensions). This may be another reason for the comments - because it's fairly unusual.

May 15th, 2011, 12:44 PM
Love your hair! :D

I'm also a little jealous 37" looks so long on you.. on me, I'm not even to TB yet. Bah..

But anyways, personally I just don't post hair pictures on facebook. Those types of pictures pretty much invite comments on your hair and I generally get enough as it is (mine are mostly on the color though or when I will cut off the old dye).

May 15th, 2011, 12:45 PM
Yeah, I'm considering bolting down more on comments on my page. In fact I was going to just delete the first two because it was so stupid.

I would wear mine up more but I either have heavy hair or the world's most sensitive scalp, because I struggle to find updos that don't give me a headache.

Civilians, hahaha. Non-members of the hair militia!

ETA: Yes, 37" looks long on me because I'm only 5'2", and scoliosis/swayback has shortened my torso.

May 15th, 2011, 12:46 PM
Unfortunately, my hair isn't yet nearly long enough for me to get those sorts of comments... :(

Interestingly, my DH, whose hair has been at hip for six years, was once out with his sister when someone asked if he donated to LoL. His sister said, "Oh, yes-- that's actually the only reason he grows it! He just grows it, donates it, and keeps doing that. He's done it for years!" After the person left, DH told his sister that wasn't true. Sister said she knew, but that they should tell people he donates so he doesn't seem weird. :rolleyes: She's a strange person, anyway, but still-- it shows what people think of long hair!

May 15th, 2011, 12:50 PM
1) That is awesome hair!

2) Personally I try not to inflict my hair obsession on "civilians."
LOL!!!! That's how I feel too ... well ever since I told my dentist's assistant that I hardly ever use shampoo. The look of horror on her face. LOL. No matter what I said after that did not matter.

:) BranwenWolf, you have beautiful hair!! Perfect for growing and even more perfect for keeping it long.
I have a secretary who's daughters donate hair all the time. They grow it just to donate it. She tells me ALL the time about donating mine once it gets a bit longer. I just smile and say 'not yet'.

May 15th, 2011, 12:51 PM
Your hair is lovely! Sorry, you are getting those comments. No one has told me to cut my hair or asked when I am cutting...ever. They know better.:patrol:

May 15th, 2011, 12:59 PM
Your hair is beautiful! Love the colour and texture. :)

Personally I'd avoid putting hair photos on FB, not just to avoid donation comments, but because photos of the back of my head outside LHC might seem a bit showy and odd. But that's just me, I'm a coward when it comes to social situations. :shrug:

elbow chic
May 15th, 2011, 01:09 PM
I guess I always worry that someone will take it as a sign that I'm not taking care of myself. A very sweet friend of mine offered to watch my kids so I could go get a haircut awhile back. My hair was APL at the time.

(a very poofy, very untamed APL. I could see her point; it honestly looked like it needed pruning shears.)

People around here see freshly cut/styled hair as a form of basic self-care. My hair has very obviously not seen the inside of a salon in a long time now.

I can appreciate the good intentions but can't imagine how crazy it must get for those with REALLY long hair. lol. I'll probably start getting offers to drive me to the psychiatrist's office. :laugh:

May 15th, 2011, 01:25 PM
I don't post pictures of my hair on facebook. Maybe if I did a cool updo (and it's part of a who outfit or dress up).
People who are not that into hair, don't get the purpose of hair pictures. (What is the purpose anyway?) So I'd only put the pictures were they are appreciated.

May 15th, 2011, 01:27 PM
The solution is not to post LHC type hair pics on Facebook. Post your hair length pics here for those of us who understand and appreciate. Most of the rest of the world doesn't get it. I have FB friends from all aspects of my life so I keep things hair neutral there. I have at least one pic that kind of shows the length of my hair but I've never gotten a comment on it.

May 15th, 2011, 01:28 PM
If people were judging my sanity based on Facebook pics, I'm too far gone. :D
I have probably 100 pictures of my mule, several of the trucks, 60 or so of my artwork, lots of the countryside where I drive, dozens taken off Failblog and such and other stupid things such as what I cook.

ETA: Said pic has now turned into an argument in the comments section and now I might wind up pulling it down, yay.

May 15th, 2011, 01:33 PM
If people were judging my sanity based on Facebook pics, I'm too far gone. :D
I have probably 100 pictures of my mule, several of the trucks, 60 or so of my artwork, lots of the countryside where I drive, dozens taken off Failblog and such and other stupid things such as what I cook.

ETA: Said pic has now turned into an argument in the comments section and now I might wind up pulling it down, yay.

lolz do whatever you are comfortable with :)

elbow chic
May 15th, 2011, 01:43 PM
ETA: Said pic has now turned into an argument in the comments section and now I might wind up pulling it down, yay.

really? dear god, FB drama. That's actually kind of funny. :D

May 15th, 2011, 01:48 PM
Good gosh you have wonderful hair!
I do get the same as you, honestly. Only a handful of people always compliment my curls and tell me they are jealous. Others just want me to cut it :confused: But i'm like...and your opinions are important because...? They act like they're the wisest smartest people around to be telling others what to do with their hair. Maybe there's a reason why people started coming to ME for hair advice. Tsk
I just ignore them usually and let them be, only balding will stop me from growing my hair :D
Again, totally envious of your length!

Jean Stuart
May 15th, 2011, 01:58 PM
I get it too. People do not realize how rude they are being.

May 15th, 2011, 02:09 PM
I think your hair is gorgeous! People are nuts! I do understand where you are coming from, comment related. When I cut my TB length to a bob (ugh) I got so tired of hearing and explaining about LOL. Finally, I just tell them flat out "No, I'm not donating it, it's special to me" and leave it at that. I have it all braided on both ends, and when my hair is all grown back in, will be doing something with it to remind me not to be stupid and cut it again! Just ignore their ignorance to our culture, I love the "No open forum with civilians" ha! Perfect. I love your color too, blondes have all the fun I tell you!

Good luck dealing with them my friend, good on you for not letting it ruin friendships. Some people just will never get it, no matter how compatible we are otherwise.


May 15th, 2011, 02:09 PM
What beautiful hair you have! :cloud9:

I'm also beginning to get those comments at ~30 inches. One of my boyfriend's good friends asked him if I was donating to LoL. It was meant in a nice way, but it still made me feel sad and uncomfortable that most people in the outside world see long hair as a thing to be grown and shorn, rather than something to keep and care for. :(

May 15th, 2011, 02:16 PM
I put some pictures up on Facebook of my hair, which is now at 37" and I'm very proud of it.
The comments came in and I was quite vexed. I said my goal was knee-length and the first thing my friends ask is if I was going to cut it after that.:confused: The next one is if I'm going to donate to Locks of love. :rolleyes: After that I linked to the NYT article about Locks of Love, and said I'm growing my hair and keeping it. Now keep in mind these ARE my friends, they've been very good to me and I'm not deleting them over something like that but I'm just slightly pissed.

One of my hairy friends posted in my defense. It got me to thinking...does everyone get this kind of reaction? When you post pics, do people automatically start in with the "when are you going to cut it" crap?
The pic!


You are a little longer than my dream length, and I LOVE your colour! Is it natural? I had NO idea you were that long already!!! Way to Go!!!:cheese:

May 15th, 2011, 02:38 PM
Same here. I think if I were to post a length shot, that would be considered tame and boring. Most peeps on my list already know my "strange" hair habits and tolerate me. :D

If people were judging my sanity based on Facebook pics, I'm too far gone. :D
I have probably 100 pictures of my mule, several of the trucks, 60 or so of my artwork, lots of the countryside where I drive, dozens taken off Failblog and such and other stupid things such as what I cook.

ETA: Said pic has now turned into an argument in the comments section and now I might wind up pulling it down, yay.

May 15th, 2011, 02:52 PM
Your hair is gorgeous! It is beautiful. And like most people said, ignore your friend's comments. They don't understand long hair or its appeal. I know so many girls growing their hair to donate to LOL and they get offended if I start talking about it. I don't grow long hair to give away, I grow it for me. And that's answer enough.

May 15th, 2011, 02:54 PM
Yup, natural color! Unless you're counting some sun highlights. I'm loving the compliments, thank you. :D

May 15th, 2011, 02:58 PM
Unfortunate people are being nasty and it has turned into a big problem on your fb page.

Some people really like others to conform to cultural norms. The idea that one may break a cultural norm is very threatening to some. I think it threatens their identity somehow.

Your hair is lovely and as much as people may make not so ideal comments to you I bet many of them are secretly jealous!

May 15th, 2011, 03:28 PM
I find FB to be a weird place anyway. You end up with a large number of "friends" but most of them don't really know you, or know you in a very general sense of the word. I try to avoid posting anything even remotely intimate on there. And I generally don't talk to anyone about my hair plans. It would either turn into 1)competition, some chick will want to beat me to it or some other crazy behavior, or 2)a conversation about why on earth would I want to do that or how weird or something of that nature. Why get into that? This is my own personal beauty/grooming business. Doesn't make sense to share it really.

And I agree with the comment about being very politically correct on FB and showing teeth when needed. It's a very MAINSTREAM kind of place, you may as well be walking down the street of a big city. Whenever I post an even slightly serious/opinionated/personal comment, I get a zillion responses from a zillion random people asking tons of questions and offering their personal opinions too. That's what FB is about, isn't it?

May 15th, 2011, 03:36 PM
I find FB to be a weird place anyway. You end up with a large number of "friends" but most of them don't really know you, or know you in a very general sense of the word.

Well that's a choice the user makes. People who have hundreds and hundreds of friends make no sense to me unless it's some kind of networking. I don't see the point of that. If you don't even talk to some people, why have them as "friends?" I deleted all those people who added me that knew me from elementary school a long time ago after realizing they just wanted a bigger friend count. It's quite lame. So, if you don't want them there, don't have them there. :) Your choice.

To OP, it would piss me off, too. You have pretty hair. No worries. I seriously don't get the whole "are you going to donate it?" thing. It's a part of your body. Why is it anyone else's business? Why don't they say "You have two kidneys, you should donate one" or "You going to donate blood soon?" I only notice that kind of thing in relation to hair. And yes those things are very different, but it's the same concept: my body is my own and my hair is apart of that and just because it's long enough to use in a wig doesn't mean it has to be! :)

May 15th, 2011, 03:39 PM
You have gorgeous hair!
Don't let these people get you down
they just don't understand....we here at LHC
are a different breed I guess lol!

May 15th, 2011, 03:55 PM
You have gorgeous hair!
Don't let these people get you down
they just don't understand....we here at LHC
are a different breed I guess lol!
Jajaja a different breed, i like that :D

May 15th, 2011, 04:01 PM
I just can't believe so many people make comments like that!

I personally think it's weird to grow hair just to cut it off and donate! There I said it :D.

I mean, if I had super long hair and got tired of it, I might decide to donate it, because it seems like a nice thing to do (maybe not to Locks of Love though... but to somewhere I know it'd be used). But I wouldn't grow it just to donate it.

I've never, ever assumed that people would have long hair just to cut it off... and I'd never make that sort of comment to someone, whether I was growing my hair or not :rolleyes:. Some people don't understand what sort of commitment it takes to actually grow hair to unusually long lengths!

May 15th, 2011, 04:29 PM
I know nothing about LoL but we have something very similar in Quebec called "défi têtes rasées" (shaved head challenge). It's organised by Leucan (Leucamia Canada).

Basically what people need to do is raised a certain amounth of money and then get your head completely cancer-like shaved.

Imagine that, you need to donate money to become bald. That's dedication. There's no minimum lenght though. If they can't make a wig out of it, they'll just keep the money for cancer research.

I've really rarely heard somebody here tell someone to donate hair, since everybody can do the challenge.

May 15th, 2011, 04:37 PM
I just wound up deleting all comments on the photo and I think everyone got the hint, so far.

I seem to be a magnet for the "donate" and "cut" comments in real life and on the internet.

A hair comment was also the cause of a fight between my ex boyfriend and I before we broke up... his dad cracked a hair joke that caused me to just give him a blank (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jezebel/2010/10/kim102309.gif) look because I didn't think it was funny. Amazingly enough, I don't laugh at things that aren't funny. Boyfriend pulled me aside and lectured me for about 15 minutes... I don't think a blank look is rude and he thinks it was, and was deeply offended that I would do such a thing to his dad.
So perhaps I'm a bit hair-trigger (haha!! ha!) on hair comments right now, I dunno.

This is why I love LHC! I always feel welcome and there's so many people that think the way I do.

May 15th, 2011, 04:41 PM
I just wound up deleting all comments on the photo and I think everyone got the hint, so far.

I seem to be a magnet for the "donate" and "cut" comments in real life and on the internet.

A hair comment was also the cause of a fight between my ex boyfriend and I before we broke up... his dad cracked a hair joke that caused me to just give him a blank look because I didn't think it was funny. Amazingly enough, I don't laugh at things that aren't funny. Boyfriend pulled me aside and lectured me for about 15 minutes... I don't think a blank look is rude and he thinks it was, and was deeply offended that I would do such a thing to his dad.
So perhaps I'm a bit hair-trigger (haha!! ha!) on hair comments right now, I dunno.

This is why I love LHC! I always feel welcome and there's so many people that think the way I do.

That's ridiculous about what your ex did. I don't dignify people with a laugh if I don't think something is funny. It's not rude; we shouldn't be forced to make them feel better about something we didn't care for. That's a bit overly sensitive.

LHC is quite nice, especially when you need closure on things like this! :D

May 15th, 2011, 04:47 PM
He didn't deserve me or my hair.:hatchet: (I've always been wanting to use that smiley!)
I'm just so happy to have reached that length (and what appears to be classic) because meds have been doing a number on my thickness and growth.

Dark Queen
May 15th, 2011, 08:54 PM
I put some pictures up on Facebook of my hair, which is now at 37" and I'm very proud of it.
The comments came in and I was quite vexed. I said my goal was knee-length and the first thing my friends ask is if I was going to cut it after that.:confused: The next one is if I'm going to donate to Locks of love. :rolleyes: After that I linked to the NYT article about Locks of Love, and said I'm growing my hair and keeping it. Now keep in mind these ARE my friends, they've been very good to me and I'm not deleting them over something like that but I'm just slightly pissed.

One of my hairy friends posted in my defense. It got me to thinking...does everyone get this kind of reaction? When you post pics, do people automatically start in with the "when are you going to cut it" crap?

I just wound up deleting all comments on the photo and I think everyone got the hint, so far.

I seem to be a magnet for the "donate" and "cut" comments in real life and on the internet.

A hair comment was also the cause of a fight between my ex boyfriend and I before we broke up... his dad cracked a hair joke that caused me to just give him a blank (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jezebel/2010/10/kim102309.gif) look because I didn't think it was funny. Amazingly enough, I don't laugh at things that aren't funny. Boyfriend pulled me aside and lectured me for about 15 minutes... I don't think a blank look is rude and he thinks it was, and was deeply offended that I would do such a thing to his dad.
So perhaps I'm a bit hair-trigger (haha!! ha!) on hair comments right now, I dunno.

This is why I love LHC! I always feel welcome and there's so many people that think the way I do.

He didn't deserve me or my hair.:hatchet: (I've always been wanting to use that smiley!)
I'm just so happy to have reached that length (and what appears to be classic) because meds have been doing a number on my thickness and growth.

First off, I have to swoon over your hair: It's SOOOOO Pretty! The color, the length, the waves, all of it :agape:
Hehe, had to get that out of my system, it's gorgeous :D. Anyway, sorry to hear your friends were less than supportive; I'm amazed that a discussion on someone's hair could get that far between friends. I recently posted a pic of my own on FB (it's in my album here), and got similar responses, but it didn't turn out that badly. A few people did start in with the "donate it" crap, but I responded with, "Hey I'm still alive you know. It will go with the rest of my organs someday :)". That seemed to shut everyone up. I still don't get why other people feel the need to throw the donation argument around every time someone has nice hair, but then that's why I love talking here with the rest of the "hair militia" (love that). Also, your ex sounds like he was just being a jerk. I understand that's his dad and all, but if he really said something rude to you, then I see nothing wrong with how you reacted. If your ex really knew how you feel about your hair, shouldn't he have defended you? Sheesh :rolleyes:. Either way, I love how you say he deserves neither you nor your hair :D

May 15th, 2011, 09:44 PM
Great picture! Facebook can be so weird. I have posted a couple of pictures of my hair and mostly just got one or two likes. I dont think anyone particularly cares about my hair but me. :shrug: but thats ok.

Sometime I think people on FB just say stuff to say it. Another :shrug:

May 15th, 2011, 10:36 PM
The donation comments happen to me too, but it's only one person. On the down side, every single time I have worn my hair down around her (for over 2 years, I am serious!) she makes a comment about how I could/should donate it and it "would still be long."

Makes my blood boil every time, especially because almost every time it's after someone compliments my hair (last time someone said that she loved my hair and seeing it down, and she wished hers looked like that... followed by a segue by ms. rudepants about how I "should" donate it).

I've been polite about it so far, but I've got my limits, and I think she's getting near it. I don't consider her a friend, though, just an acquaintance.

Sorry the picture post got all dramatic, but I will say that your hair is just gorgeous, and I also love the color.

Dark Queen
May 15th, 2011, 10:47 PM
The donation comments happen to me too, but it's only one person. On the down side, every single time I have worn my hair down around her (for over 2 years, I am serious!) she makes a comment about how I could/should donate it and it "would still be long."

Makes my blood boil every time, especially because almost every time it's after someone compliments my hair (last time someone said that she loved my hair and seeing it down, and she wished hers looked like that... followed by a segue by ms. rudepants about how I "should" donate it).

I've been polite about it so far, but I've got my limits, and I think she's getting near it. I don't consider her a friend, though, just an acquaintance.

Sorry the picture post got all dramatic, but I will say that your hair is just gorgeous, and I also love the color.

What have you told her about how much it bothers you? Perhaps un-friending her is the solution in this case.

May 15th, 2011, 10:57 PM
The donation comments happen to me too, but it's only one person. On the down side, every single time I have worn my hair down around her (for over 2 years, I am serious!) she makes a comment about how I could/should donate it and it "would still be long."

Makes my blood boil every time, especially because almost every time it's after someone compliments my hair (last time someone said that she loved my hair and seeing it down, and she wished hers looked like that... followed by a segue by ms. rudepants about how I "should" donate it).

I've been polite about it so far, but I've got my limits, and I think she's getting near it. I don't consider her a friend, though, just an acquaintance.

Sorry the picture post got all dramatic, but I will say that your hair is just gorgeous, and I also love the color.

I am surprised you have said nothing for so long. A long time ago I would have told her: "Perhaps you are just jealous, but my hair is none of your business." Then just stared. If it goes on for THAT long. OI! haha

May 15th, 2011, 11:07 PM
Maybe we're all just running into the same people?:slap: < what I feel like doing some days
Or my favorite "So when are you going to cut it?" as if hair cuts are like teeth cleaning or eye exams.

As for Facebook...someone said I should have saved it before I deleted for the amusement but I didn't want to...it was just so stupid. I'm not going to not post hair pics because it's my Facebook, dammit! but any cut/donate comments will be removed, as will any catfights.

May 15th, 2011, 11:53 PM
I actually haven't had any problems on FB when it comes to hair related stuff. People seem to like the photos of the various updos I do or create and I've had a number of people try the various hair treatments I've tried after I posted about them on FB. If someone where to post rude comments, I would delete the comments and if the person persisted, they would be unfriended. As for LOL comments/questions, I tell them that I'm growing it for ME. :)

May 16th, 2011, 04:00 AM
*Glee*! I love your hair ^_^ As for others getting the same response, I get the "are you going to cut it" question quite often. Most women around here only grow to BSL at most and after that they usually donate to Locks of Love. Pretty annoying o_O A lot of them also believe the stereotype of really long hair being gross for some reason.

May 16th, 2011, 05:07 AM
This makes me glad I live somewhere where people have all different lengths of hair, and it isn't uncommon to see people with long hair (not uber knee length long...but waist or so long, and occasionally down to classic), and this is in people of all ages. I've seen older women with long hair, as well as teenage girls, and people in between.

So, yeah, I've never had hair comments (since maybe high school?!) but I will consider it a compliment when someone finally does cause it will mean my hair is getting LOOOONG!!

May 17th, 2011, 03:07 PM
Well that's a choice the user makes. People who have hundreds and hundreds of friends make no sense to me unless it's some kind of networking. I don't see the point of that. If you don't even talk to some people, why have them as "friends?" I deleted all those people who added me that knew me from elementary school a long time ago after realizing they just wanted a bigger friend count. It's quite lame. So, if you don't want them there, don't have them there. :) Your choice.

Lost track of this thread for a while. Sorry didn't reply earlier.

I've always had that FB dilemma cuz there are so many "levels" of friendship, you know? If you just stick to your closest friends, then you kind of defeat the purpose of fb IMO cuz you talk to those ppl all the time anyway and you can just share photos and stuff with them directly.

Once you go beyond the most intimate friends, then there's gonna be some stuff you don't want to share, some slightly uncomfortable comments, etc.

I started off with just my close friends, and then I was never on fb. I just didn't get it and it wasn't any fun. Why would I wanna go on fb to talk to my best friend and my mom?

Now, I kind of went the other way and I'm just adding everyone and anyone who asks. It's cool to run into those elementary school "friends". It's a lot more fun and now I go on fb all the time. You get sooooo much more interesting feedback, opinions, links to interesting articles, etc.

But in this case, you've got to be careful what you share and what you say. It's a trade-off. But for me, the point of a social networking site is to be social and network, you know? :twocents:

May 17th, 2011, 05:28 PM
Lost track of this thread for a while. Sorry didn't reply earlier.

I've always had that FB dilemma cuz there are so many "levels" of friendship, you know? If you just stick to your closest friends, then you kind of defeat the purpose of fb IMO cuz you talk to those ppl all the time anyway and you can just share photos and stuff with them directly.

Once you go beyond the most intimate friends, then there's gonna be some stuff you don't want to share, some slightly uncomfortable comments, etc.

I started off with just my close friends, and then I was never on fb. I just didn't get it and it wasn't any fun. Why would I wanna go on fb to talk to my best friend and my mom?

Now, I kind of went the other way and I'm just adding everyone and anyone who asks. It's cool to run into those elementary school "friends". It's a lot more fun and now I go on fb all the time. You get sooooo much more interesting feedback, opinions, links to interesting articles, etc.

But in this case, you've got to be careful what you share and what you say. It's a trade-off. But for me, the point of a social networking site is to be social and network, you know? :twocents:

I have different lists of friends that can see certain things. It wasn't really a problem with these people until now... guh I dunno.
I just never expected a hair picture to start a rumble!

May 17th, 2011, 07:05 PM
Welll, don't be sad! We ALL love your hair and think you're beautiful. People can be rude and insensitive and a lot of people just don't get long hair. I find it perplexing, but what do I know?

Good call on deleting the comments you don't like. It sounds from your posts like you're a very sweet, good-natured person, which often times makes people think they can just say whatever they want whenever they want.

Good thing we have LHC.


May 17th, 2011, 07:17 PM
I don't mention my hair on FB, nor do I show pictures of it. I very rarely show pictures of myself, let alone my hair, due to self-image issues. Nobody but my husband actually sees my hair down other than my once or twice a year trips to the salon, and even then as soon as I'm out the door it goes back up. I am very self-conscious about it and hearing even an unintentionally hurtful remark would crush me.

May 17th, 2011, 07:28 PM
You have gorgeous hair, i personally would'nt care what others think and just keep growing as long you like.

May 17th, 2011, 07:37 PM
aww take no notice what do they know? save your photos for here we appreciate a good mane when we see one! I don't post length shots on facebook as I can't be bothered. My hair is no where near as long as yours but I get strange remarks when I tell them i am growing to classic, well point there, they dont have a clue what classic length is!

-simply Venus-
May 17th, 2011, 07:48 PM
They weren't insulting you, just inquiring, right? It's odd for someone to grow their hair so long, and unusual sight, so they are curious. People typically think that you'd cut it because they typically see long hair as dirty and not nice, because they're used to short hair that you style everyday into things, not long natural hair.

Just know that they probably don't mean any harm, they are just not used to it. =] I can understand where they're coming from! It's just I also see the side that long natural hair is beautiful, and so that's what I'm choosing to do right now (And when I get tired of it, I'll have short hair again. =/)

May 17th, 2011, 08:58 PM
People can be so pushy in what they think looks good or not. My hair has been BS most my life and people with shoulder length hint I should cut mine. It seems like if someone immitates our choices, like hair length, it's reassuring or something. If I copy you, then yours must be the best. Just love you, luv your style, be happy and confident!

May 17th, 2011, 09:44 PM
I can't even imagine a discussion of hair length on my FB, let alone an argument about it!

I could *maybe* see someone asking me how long my hair is, and we all discuss what length we're at or what style(s) we like on ourselves, but I can't see anyone ever getting into a "you should do ____________" type of mode. Bizarre, how people think they're entitled to run other peoples' lives!

May 18th, 2011, 12:13 AM
I posted one length shot on my recent FB account and got no comment. I had posted one on the previous account, got one comment from someone who hadn't seen me for a while and said "hey it's grown since last time". And that's all. Nobody cares :D .
Then again my new account has 7 "friends", one being my BF, and the others having never seen me IRL :D .

May 18th, 2011, 01:52 AM
I guess the thing that got me was I thought these people 1) knew I had long hair 2) knew hair was my "thing". But I guess you can never assume.
I also probably need to prune my Facebook friends, it appears there are too many cabins on the range, so to speak...

May 18th, 2011, 02:46 AM
You've got really beautiful hair and it seems to me that most people who question others choices are just afraid. They follow the mainstream and are threatened by people who don't. I wouldn't take it personally and it sounds like you haven't. Enjoy your gorgeous, healthy locks!

May 18th, 2011, 03:34 AM
wow!.....Now im really looking forward to my hair getting long! long! long! I would love all the attention whether it be negative or positive!! yea i know im a bad girl and like to stirr things up but thats what makes the world a more interesting place in my opinion! :D

May 18th, 2011, 04:59 AM
My take is:
1) your hair length is something unusual IRL so it kind of invites a lot of comments. That is how the things roll.
2) your friends have seen you like a thousand times and probably have their own idea of the best hair length on you. Maybe they think that you see what they see, so you must be growing your hair longer that the length which is most flattering on you (according to their vision) for some purpose. And what is the common purpose for growing your hair really long? That is right - donating.

SO there you go!

Just my 50 cents.

May 19th, 2011, 12:01 PM
Rather than starting another thread I just wanted to say that-
Mom measured my hair and it's actually more like 38.5" than 37"! That makes me happy!!

May 19th, 2011, 12:47 PM
your hair looks great, im very envious of your color.

i dont post hair pics on my normal facebook for a couple reasons.
1: people pull the same stuff they are pulling with you.. my mom saw a pic of my hair down and thinks i need to cut it.. "you need to cut that before you start tripping over it!".. mom always had short hair ever since i was a little girl..

2: i got endless friend requests from creepy f3ti$h people and got freaked out because they could see my real name and where i live and what schools i go to.. so i opened a special long hair facebook with my lhc name. that way i can assert more control over what info these creeps see when they stumble across my long haired profile pic.

May 19th, 2011, 01:06 PM
Nope; nobody says things like that to me, but I don't have friends other than here, so that's probably why.

May 19th, 2011, 01:15 PM
I've gotta be honest about a couple things: one...your hair is awesome. really beautiful. and two....I wish I could get some attention like that. But then, my hair is just BEGINNING to get long by real life standards...I think you dont really get told you have long hair until about waist.

I think that that people are uncomfortable with people having long hair in the same way they are uncomfortable with people choosing to not have children, or not own a car. It is somewhat unconventional-- and even though it is totally your choice, people are going to judge and anything that isn't mainstream...which in the hair situation is longer hair than shoulder length bob, then you are strange. It's typical human behavior to try to establish an us vs. them mentality.

In other words, all of us here at LHC, can be the us or them...depending on the context.

But you aren't alone. And half ormore of us in this thread are jealous of your hair :)

May 19th, 2011, 01:58 PM
I think it's because most people with long hair cut it to donate. I know plenty of people who specifically grow their hair to cut it. A lot of people I know say that's what they want to do. I know few people who grow their hair long because they want it long.

PS Your hair is gorgeous. :) Very beautiful indeed. :)

Dark Queen
May 19th, 2011, 02:14 PM
Interestingly enough, I think one of my friends deleted a comment asking if I were going to donate. I noticed the second "donation" comment was gone last time I checked. I don't think this was a negative response, knowing my friends, probably just changed their mind. The comment was in no way disrespectful.:hmm:
People are usually really cool about it when I say my hair length is a personal goal, just like some people work hard to try to beat their own running time. It's funny, I've never actually met anyone growing out their hair strictly for the purpose of donation.