View Full Version : Help! What do you guys think about this?

May 13th, 2011, 10:23 AM
Hi guys. Just thought I would share something that I overheard today, and get your views on it, especially the guys out there.
Some of you may have read in other threads that I play bass drum in the NYPBoS. That's going fine.:D However, I am also a member, along with many of my family members(who are partly the culprits as descriped below) of a police pipe band(although only a few players in the band are actually in the police branch itself). One of the guys in the drum corps has what most people consider long hair(in our terms it's still mega-short, but we appear to have a slightly different view on the length of hair). He is 14, so is one of the youngest in the band, and by far the youngest in the drum corps, and it is his first year playing with us all.:cool: He has been growing his hair out and it was ending around about his chin. It is lovely and fine and healthy looking hair:), but everyone seemed to be giving him hassle about the length:mad:, so he got an inch or two cut off the ends. Now when you're a longhair, you notice the difference, but no-one else seems to.
The problem is the steriotypical view that all police bands are supposedly meant to portray.:confused:Everything is meant to pristine, and all stray hairs tucked out of the way under the hats we all have to wear... Now it's fine for all the short-haired guys who don't have any hair to tuck away, and it's fine for us few long-haired girls in the band that can bun, and twist, and crown braid and such:rolleyes:, so it all stays on top of our head, but everybody inbetween seems to get hassle for it, because they can't.
Before he had his hair cut because of all the hassle, he would have been able to put most of his hair under his hat, and at least pin away any loose strands. Now he can't, and apparently, unless he gets it cut, the band secretary (who is part of the police force) will not let him play with the band in public.:(And he is a very good drummer. (I'm tempted to turn up to the competition with a ton of bobby pins, and something to slick his hair down with just to get him on the field. Does anyone know of hair-friendly mouse/hairspray/gel?;))

Personally I think this is utterly wrong:mad:, but I don't know what to do or say. I am taking most of the season off this year, and moving to a different band next year, so I have the chance to do something, without there being much impact on myself, but I don't know how to argue against it.:(
Sorry its a long speel, but what do you think? What would you do?

May 13th, 2011, 11:45 AM
Sounds like the length he is at is difficult because you can not easily tuck it.. Or put it up easily.. Lookes like it might have to be a lot of pins or something. If they have a dresscode it is kind of understandable.. but I hope he keeps it growing if that is what he wants.

May 13th, 2011, 12:15 PM
I'd say pins and a super-strong gel. His hair should grow back within two months, so it'll get easier and easier for him to pin up.

I don't know that you'd have much to argue about with the dress code. The leader isn't just picking on him: everyone has the same standards.

Now, everyone else picking on him... I'd say the best way to deal with them is to befriend him, hang near him often, and when you hear other people make those remarks, make sure you get their attention, wrinkle your nose, and tell them in a clear voice that their comment wasn't very nice. Unfortunately, a lot of people think their just kidding around with someone (or at least that becomes their excuse when they get called out on it), so if they say that, then you'll have to follow up with something to the effect of "it didn't sound friendly".

It's a hard one, because adults can be pretty covert with their bullying.

May 13th, 2011, 03:24 PM
Point out exactly what you said in the original post, that he needs to grow it longer to get it out the way, surely they can't be that unreasonable, can they?

May 13th, 2011, 04:39 PM
If there are the same rules for males and females, then unfortunately it's a life lesson for this young man. Why not take some gel and bobby pins, at that age he probably has little experience of styling longer hair. He may well appreciate practical help, why not introduce him to LHC? I am sure there are other guys (and girls) around here that would be happy to help with tips on handing peer pressure. :)