View Full Version : Hair salon hair dryer (one you sit under).... damaging??

May 12th, 2011, 09:36 PM
So, I was going through the thrift store the other day and saw one of those hair dryers that you sit under at the hair salon (you know the ones that are dome shaped and it comes down over your head).... well, of course, I HAD to have it.

I remember my grandma having one and I used to sit under it with curlers, etc.... I was thinking it would be a good alternative to my plug in heat cap for doing deep conditioning treatments and maybe even for when I use my caruso curlers (to speed up the process a bit)... do you think these are as damaging as handheld hair fryers? I think it is a more "gentle" heat...

I would keep it on the low setting.... ((crosses fingers that it isn't so bad)). What do you think?? :confused:

May 13th, 2011, 07:28 AM
I haven't used one consistently enough to tell. Might be ok, might not...

I suspect on me they'd result in being only good for pin curls and the like. My hair is a pretty high thickness for my texture, and a regular blow dryer takes forever. So I'd expect the dome style dryer to work better if my hair were sectioned and not hanging in one dense mass.

May 13th, 2011, 07:37 AM
The last time I sat under one was December of '09. I don't know if it's any more damaging than a blowdryer on a medium setting.

Every salon I've ever been to (Dominican salons) sticks me under one of those things before attacking my hair with a blowdryer, I guess to get everything dry before going in for a blow out. Last time, they had to hunt around for the largest rollers they had, and then squished my head under the thingy, so that was kind of painful.

I JUST finished blowdrying and flatironing. Kind of impressed with how well it came out :) Now, I kind of understand why the salon people cringe whenever they see me coming. I wouldn't wanna straighten all that hair either :laugh:

May 13th, 2011, 07:45 AM
I always got the idea, that it is less damaging than what the (conventional) hair dresser does to my hair. Maybe because it's not that hot does not come as close the hair, head and skin.

May 14th, 2011, 11:53 AM
I always got the idea, that it is less damaging than what the (conventional) hair dresser does to my hair. Maybe because it's not that hot does not come as close the hair, head and skin.

That is kinda what I thought as well... I figured I would have my hair wrapped in something (shower cap or turbi twist thing) if doing a deep conditioning treatment so the air wouldn't be directly on my hair too... mainly just using it for the heat.

Think I will try it a few times and see if I notice any change (good or bad!) in my hair. :)

Jean Stuart
May 14th, 2011, 11:59 AM
I got one for Christmas and use it for deep oil and conditioning. I oil up wrap my hair in a damp towel and cover with a shower cap and sit under it for as lond as i can sit still. I love it.

May 14th, 2011, 12:09 PM
I got one for Christmas and use it for deep oil and conditioning. I oil up wrap my hair in a damp towel and cover with a shower cap and sit under it for as lond as i can sit still. I love it.

This is EXACTLY what I was planning on doing... glad to hear someone else has had good success with it!

Athena's Owl
May 14th, 2011, 12:11 PM
honestly if I were to get a hair dryer the dome version is what I'd get, precisely because you could use it for deep oil treatments and rollersetting. but I have no room in my apartment to keep one!

May 14th, 2011, 12:46 PM
I got one for Christmas and use it for deep oil and conditioning. I oil up wrap my hair in a damp towel and cover with a shower cap and sit under it for as lond as i can sit still. I love it.

*envy* I can see your point, now I want one too :o

Jean Stuart
May 14th, 2011, 12:54 PM
honestly if I were to get a hair dryer the dome version is what I'd get, precisely because you could use it for deep oil treatments and rollersetting. but I have no room in my apartment to keep one!

There is a picture in my random album, I have no place to keep it but on my dresser. I would keep it on the dinning room table as a center piece is I had too. ;) joking...maybe.

May 14th, 2011, 02:53 PM
An old hairdresser of mine had those and when I told her that I put a moratorium on heatstyling and if she could be as gentle as possible with my hair when drying it. She put my hair in rollers and stuck me under one of these, so I'm guessing it's less damaging.

Sure feels good though. I wasn't feeling well and the hot air on my head was so soothing!