View Full Version : Macadamia Natural Oil?

May 12th, 2011, 07:32 AM
Hello everyone ;D. I know I haven't been on in.. well.. ages, but I have been mostly taking care of my hair. It's going well, I've almost completely laid off the straightener and have let go of the hairdryer all-together for months now. ANYWAYS during this time the only product I've really stuck with is my handy dandy coconut oil which.. I've noticed as I've quit abusing my hair so much, the amounts I use start making my hair oily and I'm having to use less.. yay.

SO my question here today is.. I was dabbling on youtube and found this really nice girl with hair tutorials and long hair (granted, they're extensions). However she admitted her natural hair is damaged and such and the way she keeps it looking and feeling nice is using Macadamia Natural Oil. I'm just wondering if anyone here has used it? I'm speaking of the shampoo/conditioner, and leave-in conditioner as well. Coconut oil is still a staple but I want to try something new.. however just recently starting college and quitting my full-time job for a part-time job so that I can actually GO.. I don't have money to waste :<.

Personal experiences would be great.. particularly if you have thin, straight-ish hair like mine.. that's damaged from careless abuse D:.

May 12th, 2011, 08:16 AM
I've used the Macadamia oil hair mask before...though I loved the smell, it weighed down my hair, and when I ran my hands through it, my hands were really greasy. It also felt more fuzzy. But like I said, I only used the hair mask, I don't know if the other products are like this or not. :P

May 12th, 2011, 08:27 AM
:o really.. and your hair is sort of similar to mine. Well that's not good XD. My hair DOES tend to be weighed down very easily... even by coconut oil if I just have a little too much. I'll have to keep that in mind, now. Since I think I can only order it offline I probably won't go for it if I don't hear raving reviews.