View Full Version : Slow growth month?

May 9th, 2011, 01:14 PM
I color my hair a shade or two lighter than my natural dirty blonde. So, if I make a part and flatten the hair down, I can see the growth since my last coloring. I don't think I ever thought to watch it's growth rate until I joined TLHC, and now I'm ever so slightly obsessed. Heehee. Anyway, i colored it the day before Easter ( just roots), and I only see about at most a quarter inch of growth. I am really surprised, because my hair seems to grow effortlessly. Do people have fast and slow growth months? I have been sickly this month, and last month, with the flu and such. (three kids can really ping pong a virus). Any opinions? I cannot believe that it usually grows so slowly, because I had shoulder length hair two Summers ago, I'm now close to waist, and I've had countless trims. Baffling... P.s. I have not changed color, shampoo, etc. For quite a while. I only changed the not blow drying every day. Could that possibly play a role?

May 9th, 2011, 01:35 PM
I have months like this too, where I grow nothing, zilch for a few months and then I get good growth. This month i got 1.5" for me that is excellent but for the 2 months prior nothing! Though I always ends up with 6" a year which is what counts.

Try not to fret about it, it may even be your longer hairs are having a rest and the shorter hairs are growing. Continue with what your doing; it will grow.

May 9th, 2011, 02:53 PM
Don't say "dirty blond" on this board. LOL All the folks with that hair color get really offended by that description for some reason.

May 9th, 2011, 02:55 PM
Oh ok, lol um er "tawny".

May 9th, 2011, 02:57 PM
Oh ok, lol um er "tawny".

Yes, I think that is the preferred description:)

May 9th, 2011, 03:05 PM
I always felt like my hair grew faster when I was not paying attention to it. Just like the saying "a watched pot never boils". Now that I'm on the LHC, I also feel like its soooooo slow. I guess this process is a lesson in patience for us all!

May 9th, 2011, 04:33 PM
I just had about two months of slow growth, but I find that when I usually get to May it picks up again (or it has in the past, last year I had very short hair and didn't need a cut until the summer after having it cut in January).

May 9th, 2011, 04:38 PM
I have months of no growth and once got 1.25 inch in 3 weeks, so yes, I think it's normal for growth to vary a lot. Averaging over a year gives me 0.67 inches per month.

May 9th, 2011, 04:53 PM
How accurate is measuring anyway. I'd rather not measure that often. Next month will be better probably.

May 9th, 2011, 04:59 PM
It always varies with the person. I've had stalls and sudden bursts. My fun bursts that i love usually are 1 inch in two weeks. The not so fun slow periods are what come afterward :p 1 inch in two months. On average it's between .75-1 inch a month.

May 9th, 2011, 05:05 PM
I have been sickly this month, and last month, with the flu and such. (three kids can really ping pong a virus). Any opinions?

Illness uses up extra calories and nutrients fighting the infection and trying to regain homeostasis (reduce temperature, increase hydration etc). Plus most people don't eat or sleep well when they are sick, or when their children are sick. :( At times like that, hair growth is not a priority. You shouldn't really have caught the same virus more than once tho (yes I am aware of mutation). Is your diet, exercise regime and sleep patterns spot on the rest of the time?

May 9th, 2011, 07:27 PM
Illness uses up extra calories and nutrients fighting the infection and trying to regain homeostasis (reduce temperature, increase hydration etc). Plus most people don't eat or sleep well when they are sick, or when their children are sick. :( At times like that, hair growth is not a priority. You shouldn't really have caught the same virus more than once tho (yes I am aware of mutation). Is your diet, exercise regime and sleep patterns spot on the rest of the time?

Yes, I am very health conscious, and work out regularly, but my severe seasonal allergies lower my immune system during peak system. I mostly carried around a low grade version off and on of a few different lovely little viruses they took runs bringing home. It was just enough to stop e from going to the gym. I take quercicin and it helps a lot, but it's not perfect.

May 10th, 2011, 06:50 AM
I did a year of hair measuring and it averaged out to 6" a year. Most months I got 1/2" but there were a couple of only 1/4" and a couple of 3/4" so it all balances to 6" a year.

This month I don't think I got any growth. I need to go back and look at my measurements from that one year and see if this was one of my slow growth months then, too. I haven't been sick at all but I have been uber stressed so...

May 10th, 2011, 09:33 AM
I did a year of hair measuring and it averaged out to 6" a year. Most months I got 1/2" but there were a couple of only 1/4" and a couple of 3/4" so it all balances to 6" a year.

This month I don't think I got any growth. I need to go back and look at my measurements from that one year and see if this was one of my slow growth months then, too. I haven't been sick at all but I have been uber stressed so...

That's really interesting. I think I will try focusing on the average growth over a longer time span, like many of you said.

elbow chic
May 10th, 2011, 09:46 AM
I did not see any growth in Feb and March, and then got well over an inch in April. I don't color so there's no seeing root growth.

and measuring wavy hair is an inexact job at best, so I'm never sure whether it's REALLY not growing during a no-grow month or if I'm just bungling the tape measure.

things that make you say "WTF!!"

May 10th, 2011, 02:50 PM
I'm guessing it's because you got sick, your body needed to use the vitamins and proteins to heal yourself, so that's why the growth was stunned. Also, don't quote me on this, but I always thought that hair dye penetrates the scalp so like 1/10 of an inch into your scalp I'm guessing the hair gets dyed too, because when I don't dye my hair the roots seem to come (visibly) faster than when I do.

May 10th, 2011, 03:05 PM
My hair absolutely grows at differing rates. Sometimes it varies from side-to-side as well. Be thankful you get a rest from a root touch-up for now. Before you know it you be off and running!

May 10th, 2011, 03:50 PM
I even have uneven roots sometimes! I always wonder if that's because I just didn't dye them carefully enough (so missing some spots) or that some hairs are just growing faster :P

May 10th, 2011, 05:06 PM
Yeah...me, too. I'd never really measured before ... went from 24 - 27 between Nov. and Feb., but slower for March & April. I just did a 1/2 inch trim to get me back to 27. : )

Maybe it is just the weather on the eastern seaboard, MommyX3!

May 10th, 2011, 05:21 PM
I had no growth well...i have about half an inch or more of growth but the ends have obviously snapped off equaly so my hair is no longer this month i wa well gutted.

May 10th, 2011, 06:46 PM
Well I think variations in growth are normal, however being at LHC kinda makes you notice stuff that you wouldn't normally notice!

I mean, before I was here I was still growing my hair, but I wasn't obsessing over every inch, or keeping track of my regrowth. I always hated regrowth, but in a way I knew at least my hair was getting longer lol.

Now, I tend to actually look FOR regrowth, see how long it is, work out when I last coloured it, and start mentally calculating how fast (or not) my hair's growing!

This is why I decided to not measure for THREE MONTHS lol. My next measurement is July 1, which I guess is getting closer lol. I'm actually impressed I haven't measured yet!