View Full Version : The things we do for the sake of our hair...

May 7th, 2011, 09:56 PM
I'm sitting in my room laughing at myself because I know I look so ridiculous right now. I have a head full of Curlfromers, and if that wasn't bad enough, I have a pair of tights on top of that. I had read a tip somewhere that said if you put the tights on top of the Curlformers when sleeping in them they can't move around as much, thus it minimizes the risk of damage or breakage to the hair. This is obviously completely justifiable to anyone who cares for their hair, but I know I would never live it down if anyone in my family saw me like this. My question for everyone out there is this: what is the craziest/most ridiculous looking thing you do for the sake of your hair?

May 7th, 2011, 10:13 PM
I've done my fair share of insane hair treatments! I posted a horrible story a while back about my first cassia treatment. Basically I covered my head in cassia and while ripping off seran wrap to save the remainder I cut my thumb badly! It was bleeding all over and my mom called 911. When the (incredibly hot) EMTs got to my house I had to answer the door with a head covered in green goop! :doh: They probobly thought I was insane....or the swamp thing. :laugh:

May 7th, 2011, 11:52 PM
I'm laughing at you too!!!! (With you, actually) I can see it!!!! Well, although at the moment I'm not recalling anything really 'crazy', I remember times when I was thinking 'hmmm, if I wasn't single, would I really want to walk around the house like this?" (kitchen garbage bags wrapped around my head and tied at my forhead with a big clip for example:o)

May 7th, 2011, 11:55 PM
When dying my hair with henna or vegetable based dye, I have that on my head, plus a shower cap, over top of that my small head turban, and over THAT a thick toque. I look like an alien. (:

May 8th, 2011, 12:02 AM
With a headscarf, I do a really good impersonation of a pirate around bedtime :P.

May 8th, 2011, 12:12 AM
Im constantly running around into the bathroom with spoonfuls of things out of the kitchen and my mom and sis are always giving me wierd looks, lol, wearing a silk scarf one time when my fiance came to stay the weekend (my satin pillow case was in the wash) was really funny! He kept getting mad and ripping it off my head! so I pinned it on and he didnt know and tried to rip it off my head again and accidentaly took out a small chunk of hair, lol

May 8th, 2011, 12:13 AM
I've put all sorts of crazy things on my hair. I don't know which was the craziest. My BF is the most freaked out by my monistat/castor oil combo. I don't usually do them when hes around, but since he happens to be my next door neighbor, sometimes he shows up unannounced and catches me at various stages of hair experimentation.

him: Are you putting laxatives and herpes cream in your hair again?
me: Its not herpes cream! Its for yeast infections.
him: Oh well in that case its not weird at all...

May 8th, 2011, 01:37 AM
lols iv heard about the miconazole creams for hair growth... i kinda wanna try it but its quite expensive nd kinda scares me a little haha but as for my crazy things i have done.. when i was home alone i would make up concoctions (dnt no how to spell that) of essential oils and coconut oil and apply it to my head, i wud then put a hot towel on my head then put a plastic shopping bag over tht so wen i got a knock at the door i wud quickly take it all off and pretend nothing weird was going on when i answered the door... but now that im living with 2 other flatmates im kinda worried bout wot they myt think if im walking round the house with glad wrap nd wot not on my head hahaha

May 8th, 2011, 08:37 AM
I've done my fair share of insane hair treatments! I posted a horrible story a while back about my first cassia treatment. Basically I covered my head in cassia and while ripping off seran wrap to save the remainder I cut my thumb badly! It was bleeding all over and my mom called 911. When the (incredibly hot) EMTs got to my house I had to answer the door with a head covered in green goop! :doh: They probobly thought I was insane....or the swamp thing. :laugh:

Hahaha, thats terrible!! My mom is the same way though, she always overreacts over the littlest things.

wen i got a knock at the door i wud quickly take it all off and pretend nothing weird was going on when i answered the door...

I always do the same thing :) I'm not quite prepared to answer the door with a goopy, plastic covered head yet! Although, I have read on here that some LHC's will put treatments on their hair, put a scarf over it and then go out in public. I personally couldn't do that either haha.

May 8th, 2011, 08:42 AM
Thing is when you have a head-full of henna you can't just pretend you're not doing it! :laugh: I just quickly wrap a towel round my head for the fresh-out-the-shower look!

The worse one for me must have been when I was slathering mayonaise into my hair for a treatment, heard a loud sqeaking noise.. looked up and the window cleaner was there! I felt awkward just walking out the room but there was no option! :laugh:

May 8th, 2011, 09:44 AM
I'm so glad that I'm not the only one! Various treatments with all sorts of platic bags or saran wrap and lots of scarves to hide the silliness. Right now I am growing out a panel of blue and that requires pinning back sections then applying the punky color, wrapping in saran wrap and having my kids look at me funny. WHen I was still bleaching the roots, I think they found it even more entertaining.

May 8th, 2011, 09:48 AM
"I'm rinsing out this cassia, so if you have to pee, you might as well come into the bathroom and do it, or go in the kitchen sink if you're shy about doing it in the same room as me. In any case, I'm not leaving this shower until I'm done."

May 8th, 2011, 09:54 AM
At this stage my BF doesn't even comment anymore when I raid the fridge/cupboards for honey, molasses, EVOO, coconut milk or whatever. Or when I walk around our house with the resulting stcky smelly mess on my head :p

May 8th, 2011, 09:57 AM
him: Are you putting laxatives and herpes cream in your hair again?
me: Its not herpes cream! Its for yeast infections.
him: Oh well in that case its not weird at all...

Oh man, that is too funny. This is a great thread. :)

It's not very weird, but Caca Rouge is the closest I come to being able to contribute. :)

http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/8600/picture12hs.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/217/picture12hs.png/)

May 8th, 2011, 10:46 AM
Heh! Probably going out on the street to the hardware store with my hair up in my microfiber towel turban...I was pressed for time and didn't want to be dripping everywhere.

May 8th, 2011, 12:45 PM
Between putting oils, avocados, bananas, eggs, honey, apple cider vinegar, beer and aloe vera gel on my head, it's hard to suprise my mother anymore with a hair treatment xD

The weirdest look I sported is when I had mixture of olive oil, honey, egg and yoghurt on my head, saran wrapped that, put a headband on top of that, and ended up sticking paper towels under the edges of the headband because the drips were driving me crazy xD

And every other week I grease it up with a full coconut oil treatment and I don't wear a scarf, towel or anything, just a really greasy bun xD

May 8th, 2011, 01:15 PM
"I'm rinsing out this cassia, so if you have to pee, you might as well come into the bathroom and do it, or go in the kitchen sink if you're shy about doing it in the same room as me. In any case, I'm not leaving this shower until I'm done."

Yes! This! I tend to feel like we're embarking on a long road trip every time I getting ready to rinse. "I'm about to wash this out, need the restroom? Are you sure? Are you SURE?"
I have very little shame when it comes to my hair experiments though. I've gone out in everything from curlers to coconut oil, but as long as I'm wearing a scarf, I'm a-ok.

May 8th, 2011, 01:27 PM
I've done my fair share of insane hair treatments! I posted a horrible story a while back about my first cassia treatment. Basically I covered my head in cassia and while ripping off seran wrap to save the remainder I cut my thumb badly! It was bleeding all over and my mom called 911. When the (incredibly hot) EMTs got to my house I had to answer the door with a head covered in green goop! :doh: They probobly thought I was insane....or the swamp thing. :laugh:

Hahaha! That's too funny and of course they had to be hot! It's a universal law, whenever we're in the most undignified situation possible, they have to come by.

I've put all sorts of crazy things on my hair. I don't know which was the craziest. My BF is the most freaked out by my monistat/castor oil combo. I don't usually do them when hes around, but since he happens to be my next door neighbor, sometimes he shows up unannounced and catches me at various stages of hair experimentation.

him: Are you putting laxatives and herpes cream in your hair again?
me: Its not herpes cream! Its for yeast infections.
him: Oh well in that case its not weird at all...


I've done henna before, years ago, but my mother has always done it and her mother before her... and you get the idea, so it was never something weird. It's just an Indian thing.

I guess the most extreme thing I've done is mix a conditioner potion (highly modified SMT) for every single time I washed for about two months straight. And if I was about to see a boy I was (am) completely enamored with, of course that was wash day. It's more the scheduling insanity that was the craziest thing I've done with my hair. I have since ceased to give a damn (mostly:o)

May 8th, 2011, 02:32 PM
Haha - the stories in this thread are too funny!!

I'm currently using onion juice every other night for a half hour on my head, so I suppose that's pretty crazy! Lucky I'm single right now!

May 8th, 2011, 02:43 PM
Haha. It's not actually a hair treatment but I made my own face cream based on vitamin a, e, and d and added green tea leaves for a little oil control as well as the calming effect it has on my skin. The first time my husband saw me walking around in it, he did a double take, screwed up his face and asked, "When did you catch the plague because I don't remember you having oozing green sores?"

May 8th, 2011, 03:42 PM
Hmn, I haven't used products for my hair, but definitely have used all sorts of facials as experiments. My boyfriend was freaked out by my avocado treatment. I do want to experiment for my hair but haven't decided which one just yet. :)

May 8th, 2011, 04:01 PM
LOL, OMG these stories are too funny! :) I've used henna, cassia, indigo, amla, honey, AVG, EVOO, tons of oils & butters, coconut milk, and avocados. I haven't had any major mishaps, but thank you for sharing I got quite a laugh!

May 8th, 2011, 04:59 PM
I'm laughing at you too!!!! (With you, actually) I can see it!!!! Well, although at the moment I'm not recalling anything really 'crazy', I remember times when I was thinking 'hmmm, if I wasn't single, would I really want to walk around the house like this?" (kitchen garbage bags wrapped around my head and tied at my forhead with a big clip for example:o)

I also use bin liners because they stay on better than shower caps! The clip idea is so much better than my hair elastic which invariably also catches part of my fringe (bangs). :p I cover the evidence with a microfibre turban tho, which our postman has seen.

May 8th, 2011, 06:22 PM
I'm currently using onion juice every other night for a half hour on my head, so I suppose that's pretty crazy! Lucky I'm single right now!

What are the benefits of the onion juice? I have never hard of anyone using that before!

May 8th, 2011, 08:46 PM
My brother comes to visit and is rummaging through my fridge, looking for something to eat (even though I just cooked dinner an hour ago...) and pulls out various things, looks at them dubiously then looks at me with his face all scrunched up and asks "Did you put this in your hair?" Ahaha.