View Full Version : Wonderful hair experience

June 17th, 2008, 11:11 AM
I had a great hair experience last week and I just have to share it with all my friends here on tLHC.

I was at a local market/cafe picking up some take out. While I was
waiting for my order I was hanging out by the bar talking to some of the employees. One of them asked me : "how do you get your hair to stay in a knot like that". I was wearing it up in an infinity. I pulled out the stick and said "with this. Want a demonstration of how its done?". They said sure, so I turned around and did the usual tilt-your-head-back-and-shake maneuver to straighten
it out before I put it up again... To which I heard a stunned "wow! Do that again." Who am I to say no ;) So I started again and brought it up into a new infinity in about 30 seconds and slid the stick back through it, nice and solid. They commented on how compactly the infinity stored all of my hair (36" around waist length on me).

My hair loved the attention. So this is what parents must feel like when people praise their children :)

June 17th, 2008, 11:17 AM
Congrats!! It feels so great when somebody compliments your hair doesn't it? I haven't seen my cousin in ages and she was amazed at how long my hair has gotten since she last saw me. It felt good, because I don't really notice it. I felt accomplished!

June 17th, 2008, 11:25 AM
I love compliments. I've had some great stories about my hair. Some that surprised me, but some that just made me smile.

About twelve years ago (ugh--I feel old now), I was in a store with a friend of mine after being at the barn. We were getting food to make at home. We were in line, and it was early spring, so I had my hair loose after having it up in my helmet. I was in line, my friend beside me and this mom and a little girl maybe 4 or 5 was behind me. I heard her mother whispering 'don't touch that...' and my friend was giggling. Later my friend told me the little girl kept asking 'whose hair is that?' over and over again because it was eye level to her. :) Then, she went to touch it and that's when her mother said not to. I wouldnt' have cared because I LOVE kids. That was just so adorable!

Another time, I went to a hair salon to get a quick trim. My hair is much easier to put into a braid for riding if it's even, and it'd been three months since I'd gotten a trim. So, I went to First Choice (not my regular hair dresser, but I was pressed for time). And I usually have my hair in a braid, but a high braid, so my hair looks much shorter than it is. I took it out and the girl said 'WOW! That's misleading!'. she then ran her finger through it to remove the kinks, and she kept doing that, and finally said 'is it real?'. I had to smile and say 'oh yah, it's my only girlie thing about me'. But, hello? Wouldn't a hair dresser know if it's a weave?

She did a good job. Stuck to my typical 1/2 inch or less. My hair grows like a WEED, so that's why long works for me! :)

June 17th, 2008, 11:31 AM
Haha, that's pretty cool, bet that felt nice.

And DarkhorseWhenever I go get my hair trimmed they always ask me if it's my natural color. I would think they'd be able to tell!

June 17th, 2008, 11:39 AM
That is great!!! Compliments are always so wonderful.

June 17th, 2008, 11:54 AM
Les, your post made my day. I can't stop smiling now :) And let me say that your hair deserves all the attention and the compliments in the world. It is beautiful and healthy.

June 17th, 2008, 12:34 PM
Les, I wish I lived closer to you so you could teach me how to do the infinity bun that easily. Great story BTW!

June 17th, 2008, 01:27 PM
Les, I wish I lived closer to you so you could teach me how to do the infinity bun that easily. Great story BTW!

harpgal took the words from my mouth! (or fingers?) ;) Les feel free to come back and give us your pointers! It takes me a long time to do an infinity, IF I can do one that particular day. I wouldn't dare take it down out in public because who knows if I'd be able to get it back properly...

June 17th, 2008, 01:34 PM
I wouldn't dare take it down out in public because who knows if I'd be able to get it back properly...
LOL! Oh yes, what a mess that can be! Sometimes it's just better to pretend you don't have much hair.....

June 17th, 2008, 01:47 PM
Isn't it nice to get hair compliments? I love it when that happens, and I love hearing stories of others' compliments. My version of your story is when I went to the chiropracter and I was wearing a bee-end bun. He obviously wanted to get at my neck, and I offered to take my hair down. By the time he said that it looked too complicated and he didn't want me to undo all that, it was down and I told him it was okay, it didn't take me long to put it back up. He did what he needed to do, and I put it up. Last time I timed myself, it was 26 seconds flat. And he went "Woah, you really can do it fast!"

June 17th, 2008, 02:04 PM
Writing princess--hahah! That made me laugh---I recently did a braiding clinic--to teach kids how to braid their horse's manes for horse shows. One thing they wanted to learn was how to do a specific fany tail braid, which requires a frenchbraid, then braid the center piece and make it into a pinwheel. I'm probably one of the fastest braiders out there in regards to speed, and the kids were like 'WOW--you can braid fast!' and I laughed and said 'with hair this long, if I couldn't, I'd be fired.' Teheheheh. I can braid my own hair very, very fast. Nothing fancy, just fast.

Oberon--I'm not sure if she asked me if my color was real or the length--it was weird. I was exhausted from a busy day of work, so I just didn't think to ask. My color is natural, but, well, I get it colored (semi permanent color) to cover the gray--just at the roots. But, like you said---wouldn't they be able to tell?

Lady Godiva
June 18th, 2008, 07:33 AM
Great story. I've done similar things, and it can be a lot of fun. :cheese: One time years ago, it was in a local collectibles/toy store, and the big, burly clerk behind the counter noticed my half-up style, so asked me how long my hair was. When I told him, he asked if I would show him, so I stepped back and dropped my hair from my clip. He was so delighted that he stopped everyone in the store and told them to come take a look and then applaud. So they did! :o

June 20th, 2008, 02:23 PM
He must have been really impressed with your hair!

June 20th, 2008, 05:08 PM
Very nice. I'd love to get compliments like that!

If your avatar is a representative picture of the length you have right now, I'd say you're at hip. (Waist is definitely harder to find on many guys than on girls, though.)