View Full Version : Long Hair while travelling in Africa

May 4th, 2011, 06:58 PM
Hi everyone I'm really new here and was wondering if anyone had tips for travelling with long hair. I will be in Ghana for 2 months and really like my long (well actually it seems pretty short compared to some of the hair here) MBLish hair, but am worried about damage from the new climate including the extreme heat and sun I am sure to experience while on this trip.

Just a heads up regarding my type of hair (if that helps at all) I am 1bish (i think)/F/iii and am extremely fair so need to be wary of the sun for more than just my hair.

Any suggestions on how to keep up the health of my hair?

May 4th, 2011, 07:13 PM
Head scarves are an awesome way to protect your hair from extreme weather, and they can be really versatile and fun.
If you are not into that, I would try a wide-brimmed hat, or braid it and put it up.
They make sunscreens for hair but there is a limit to how effective those can be.

May 4th, 2011, 08:08 PM
Wear a WHITE (not colored) scarf or hat. If you remember the old classic films of the 30s and 40s, when the action was in a hot country (tropics, etc). the Brits (etc.) always wore white solars.
The white color deflects the heat of the sun..although the UV rays are another thing.

I'd also suggest to wear your hair in an updo to prevent tangles.

Have a great time!

May 4th, 2011, 08:17 PM
Coconut oil is supposed to act as a natural sunscreen for the hair, so what I'd do would be to slather my hair in coconut oil and then wear it in a bun or a braid, and also wear a hat if you're spending any length of time outside.

May 4th, 2011, 08:38 PM
What are your water and showering conditions going to be like? If water is going to be limited, or if showers are going to be low pressure, limited, or unpleasant enough to make them infrequent, I would stay away from any extra products that might attract dirt and gunk. (Been there, done that. Not fun.) I think the best you're going to be able to do if you have limited water/showers is a hat or scarf over an updo, and black will be more likely to block UV rays. (White would be cooler, though, all other things equal, so wear what you'll keep on.)

May 4th, 2011, 09:03 PM
i second ouseljay about the limited water situation...if you know water is going to be in short supply maybe try going WO for a while before you leave...this will give your scalp time to transition and will let you go for longer without needing a wash once you get there. It also allows you to travel without hair products which can be messy and heavy and harder to carry than just a comb and bbb.

May 4th, 2011, 09:29 PM
Thanks for all these amazing suggestions.

As far as I know showers are cool, but fairly decent and we are staying in what are essentially dorms at the University for most of the trip, but I will definitely start extending the time between washing even more (I made it 4 days between my last wash and today's).

And this means I get to do some more pre-trip shopping to pick up some new scarves and a wide brim hat.

Thanks again :)

May 4th, 2011, 09:43 PM
Great post! I was going to ask this as well. I will be traveling in Namibia this summer and I have long curly hair. The last trip I went to in Ecuador left me with unruly dreadlock masses. The humidity was really HIGH down there.

Namibia will be drier and similar to the weather here in AZ. I will try to keep my hair braided or in a pony.

Any other suggestions?


May 4th, 2011, 09:47 PM
I would say do the coconut oil idea for two reasons, the supposed spf protection factor and then to keep the sun from drying your hair too. The white scarf thing makes sense, my two cents is there is a laundry sheet you can add to your laundry load that will add spf 15 to all yoru clothes, I can't remember the name of the stuff, but I remember it's only $2 a box, I'd get that too.

May 4th, 2011, 10:28 PM
Maybe a high-UV protection Buff would be a good thing to bring?


May 5th, 2011, 12:12 AM
For the OP, I cosign what everyone else has said. I also think olive oil is said to have natural SPF
For the girl going to Namibia- probably condition or wet your hair a lot. I bet it'll dry out quickly otherwise

Safe travels to you both!

May 5th, 2011, 12:56 AM
Mini-braids? I'm not sure if they'd work for the OP (for a week or two they're great, but for a two month trip, your roots might do what mine did and begin to dread together as they grow out and loosen), but depending on how long your trip is, they might be an idea for you Cocoa_Crema? :)

May 5th, 2011, 09:29 AM
Both coconut oil and unrefined shea butter have a modest SPF; my shea comes from Ghana and is loved by my skin! Both are easier to remove with CO-washes than traditional shampoo. Covering up will give your hair and skin the best protection tho - don't forget your ears and parting as scalp burn is painful. Aloe vera might also be worth packing, both for sunburn and to add to conditioner (SMT-ish).

My family travels fairly extensively and sometimes end up short of hot water or water in general, my mother and I now both use leave-in conditioner which is also very economical (less to carry!). Fructis Triple Nutrition dilutes very well as a lighter leave-in. It's worth asking where the fresh water comes from and waste water goes to, as it may be better to use biodegradable products rather than commercial shampoos and conditioners. I would not assume anything even tho you are staying in a university, it may well be set up for a completely different cultural approach to hair care and hygiene.

May 5th, 2011, 09:35 AM
This is all so useful - I'll definitely pass this info off to the other girls on the trip as well. Thanks again :)