View Full Version : Back to square 1-BSL.

April 28th, 2011, 02:29 AM
So I went in for the layering job... she did exactly what I asked her too, she's great, I trust her, I saw what she did, what lay on the floor after getting the job done, I love the layers... but where has my length gone? I was at a solid-ish waist and now I'm at BSL again. GAAAAAHHHHH! HOW exactly did this happen? I nearly dropped the mirror when looking at the back side.... Sorry for the crappy pics, I'm kind of down the dumps....
And this is right after having the best hair day of my life, a couple of days ago:

April 28th, 2011, 03:05 AM
FluffSpider!! :grouphug:

It seems like you had a slight U-shape going on before your haircut and she could have thought you wanted to even things out, because it seems like your hemline is straighter now.

However, it really looks as though you are still midback and maybe just 1"-1.5" away from your previous hair length. I think it still looks good though :flower:

April 28th, 2011, 03:15 AM
I did have a slight U shape, but she didn't cut it out:( I looked at the floor after she was done, and there wasn't ANYTHING alarming. she just dusted off half an inch off of the very ends to blend them in and take care of any damage. What pisses me off is perhaps not the length itself(okay, it IS the length itself) but the fact that I dunno where the hell it went. She didn't clean the floor before my looking at it, she always held the locks so I can see them, and I only saw what should have been there, but the harsh truth is that before all of this, my hair hit my elbows and now it doesn't. I'm going to grab my flatiron now, and see if that minute curl at the end makes it look shorter...but I highly doubt it.

April 28th, 2011, 06:22 AM
I think you hair is lovely. If I am honest, I dont' really see much difference in length overall - perhaps an inch.
I don't think you have lost more than a couple of months growth - it won't take long before it grows back and your hair will be prettier than ever

April 28th, 2011, 06:28 AM
You have such pretty hair!I think you have the common amongst lhc'ers ''ghost hair cut syndrome''!As in,you only got an inch or so cut off but to you your hair feels so much shorter...trust me,i get that every single time i trim off even half an inch.There is almost no difference in length from what i see in those pictures,and you are definately past BSL...you'll be at waist before you know it!

April 28th, 2011, 06:49 AM
Lots of small cuts = more length. I had the same thing happen and lost about 2 inches when I had specified only one. I too looked at the floor and saw only small snippets of hair. Don't worry - it's still long - you look longer than BSL to me. Your hair is gorgeous. Give it a wash and put your own products into it. I do love you "best hair day" photo - are those bun waves?

April 28th, 2011, 06:53 AM
You were at "can I call this waist?", where very little of your hair was actually at waist. You got a very nice trim that leaves your hemline looking much thicker, but you're still maintaining the U hemline... so it no longer is very obvious that you're still in the "can I call this waist?" zone.

Braid your hair, get on with your life, and look at it again in 6 months.

Looking at the before picture, you had about 4" to go for a solid waist, so this result is not surprising or shocking. With your original hemline shape, anything where you're not edging in on hip would end up looking like you're back to BSL after a trim :(.

April 28th, 2011, 07:05 AM
All three pictures are beautiful. There doesn't seem to be much loss of length or quality :). It looks like a very long BSL or even a short waist length. Like I said, your hair is beautiful !!

April 28th, 2011, 07:06 AM
I have to agree with the others, I don't really see a big difference in the length, it still looks pretty long and I love the layers :)

April 28th, 2011, 07:33 AM
First of all, I'm sorry that you are upset with your hair length.:grouphug:

It looks like about an inch shorter like the others have said but your hair is gorgeous either way. When I saw the outside picture of your hair in the sun I literally gasped it is so beautiful. In my humble opinion the length missing isn't that noticeable.

April 28th, 2011, 07:34 AM
You were at "can I call this waist?", where very little of your hair was actually at waist. You got a very nice trim that leaves your hemline looking much thicker, but you're still maintaining the U hemline... so it no longer is very obvious that you're still in the "can I call this waist?" zone.
Looking at the before picture, you had about 4" to go for a solid waist, so this result is not surprising or shocking. With your original hemline shape, anything where you're not edging in on hip would end up looking like you're back to BSL after a trim :(.

I agree except I'd call the before hemline a V not a U. Since you only had some racer hairs at waist, that is why you have the "shockingly" shorter feeling. It's really only very minorly shorter and much more U than V now. This way, when you get to waist it'll be a real, full waist, and not just racer hairs! Plus you got rid of any dry or split ends. So in a few days I think you'll have adjusted and will like it more. Haircuts can be traumatic at times, but yours looks like what you asked for. Check around LHC and look at some of the horrible ones where folks DIDN'T get what they asked for!

April 28th, 2011, 07:40 AM
Wow, that best hair day picture is stunning! Really looks great!

I wanna say I don't think you are at BSL now, but longer. Calm down, give it a day or two, maybe you're just freaking out, and that's not good for anything :)

It's not much shorter, just enough to notice it.
It will grow faster at incomming warm days and it's in great condition!

April 28th, 2011, 07:55 AM
Wow! You may have lost a tiny amount of length( I can' t even see it). But your hair IMO. Looks so much more impressive now! Don't get me wrong, t was quite beautiful before, but when you Added the layers, you wentbto a whole new level of amazing! Swing that hair and revel in the rare beauty! Feeling down about that hair is like a supermodel feeling bad because her legs are too long. ;)

April 28th, 2011, 09:46 AM
Wow, your hair is beautiful in both pictures! I know you're upset about your length and I'm that way, too. I remember in high school (only 3 years ago) I went to get a trim and walked out with 3 inches gone. I was so upset. People noticed that it was shorter. But honestly, I can't tell much of a difference. But your hair is so lovely.

April 28th, 2011, 11:12 AM
Your hair looks gorgeous and will be back at elbow length soon. Enjoy those nice fresh ends!

April 28th, 2011, 05:25 PM
Things can always be worse. You can be at chin length, like me! I would LOVE to have your length.

April 28th, 2011, 05:32 PM
This hair length looks fine on you it won't take you a terribly long time to grow it back don't panic about it.

April 28th, 2011, 05:43 PM
It is not so bad. Sometimes one must take one step back to move two (or three or four ;) ) forward! Small sacrifices now, for the greater good of the future!

April 28th, 2011, 05:45 PM
You're way past BSL!!! :) and I agree with everyone here, in a month or two that inch or so will be back and it will be thicker than before and you'll be happy.

April 29th, 2011, 11:06 AM
Aww! I didn't check in the last day(ghost-exam today) and I couldn't reply in a more timely fashion, I apologise. Thank you for all the replies-I think I actually had the ghost cut syndrome:p Because if I go to my hairdresser and want 8 mms off, she will take 8, not 9, off of the longest layer-I think it was the styling. It does look shorter in the back now, but I'm trying to keep it as it is-in the back, and not stare too much about it. What I am staring at are the assymetrical layers in the front, which make ponytails look uber-cute^.^ I'll take a pic when I get a good face day:p I had gotten a trim 2 months ago, so I wasn't really due, at all. But as I went in for the layering anyways, I said half a cm wouldn't be such a bad idea, so I could push it another 4 months and earn a tiny bit of length. Thing is 'waist' has been a goal of mine for quite a while now... Yes, right now I'm pondering classic, but waist was a very big mini-goal in this process, and I was bummed that after having my hair called 'solid waist' I was back to 'can I call this waist'-which to me looked like BSL. But you guys are right, summer's coming and I'm planning some serious MN sessions!
Thank you for all the kind responses, you guys really put a smile on my face:)

April 29th, 2011, 04:00 PM
I cannot see any difference in the length to be honest, but it looks very nice.

April 30th, 2011, 05:40 AM
Your hair is beautiful... love the hair color too.

April 30th, 2011, 06:08 AM
BSL is square one? How depressing for those of us who've been growing for a while and only just reached it!

Your hair is definitely not BSL - it's just barely above waist if not right at it, only a tiny bit shorter than before, and really really gorgeous. :)

April 30th, 2011, 06:22 AM
It's not a lot, lot, lot of length lost, even if I understand that you now think so. It will soon be at waist, I'm sure! And of course, it looks beautiful!

April 30th, 2011, 06:22 AM
Well thing is imaginary or not, I've been at BSL for a loooong time...even before LHC, I would straighten it, and it would just hit my brastrap(that was probably APL), but it just seems I've been more or less BSL-ing for quite a while now... I'm speaking of years.Cutting out layers, getting rid of ends, growth stagnated due to a last bout of annorexia-you name it, BSL's had it:p It's just why I see BSL as very far back, and in my case, square one.

April 30th, 2011, 06:57 AM
It is amazing, sometimes, what just taking 1.5" off the ends will do in terms of how your length looks to you! I have had the same experience before, where after having a comparatively small cut, my hair has suddenly looked heaps shorter and has depressed me no end!

Fortunately, you really haven't lost much length, and in a couple of days you'll be used to your new length!

My advice is don't trim again until comfortably over waist, so when you do get a bit off the ends, you go no shorter than waist ;) That way you won't feel as if you've moved so far backwards!

As it is, I can't see much difference in your length at all, and before you know it you WILL be back at waist again!