View Full Version : Split on top of dutch braid?

April 24th, 2011, 11:39 PM
This is one of those questions that I'm sure is answered around here somewhere, but I can't figure out the right words to search for to find it.

I've just started to get the hang of dutch braids...

But as they've started looking decent enough to keep in for the day, as the day goes on, a section at the top on one side keeps basically splitting open, and looking really weird like its thinning in that area.

Sometimes it shows a tiny bit at the start, but looks pretty major by end of the day.

Like this...

Is there something I'm doing wrong on braiding technique here?

Or is this actually a thinning area and not just a weird parting from the braid?

It's the same side every time. But just the one side.

I've tried to get it tighter at top, and adding product, but didn't seem to help much.

Any other suggestions on how to get this to stay together right?

April 24th, 2011, 11:47 PM
It looks to me like it's a natural part in your hair that's just making its way out. Maybe you could try gathering the three sections of hair (when you start the braid) a little differently, so they don't expose that part. I hope that makes sense!

April 24th, 2011, 11:58 PM
That's definitely your parting showing through and not thinning. My hair does this whenever I wear it up if I've not got the style tight enough. However, I do not like overly tight styles as I'm worried about pulling hairs out so I compromise and let the parting show if it wants to. :)

April 25th, 2011, 12:40 AM
I agree -- it looks fine, and appears to be your natural part. :)

Would gathering the bang part of your hair into a barrette to clip it in place and then beginning your braid below that secure it?

April 25th, 2011, 08:45 AM
I hate to be a naysayer but that bare area does not look like a natural part. It looks like the hair isn't growing in the bare places.

I have the same trouble with a small area near the top of my head, at the crown. The hair has thinned in the last 5 years.

What I do is brush all my hair back and drape it slightly over the spot, then clip the hair in a flexi 8 or tortoise shell comb. Then I braid it, or coil it or whatever.

April 25th, 2011, 09:25 AM
I think you could cover that area by taking a bigger section at the top - like you're planning to pull the top back in a barrette. Then take the section right under it and divide it in half; start your braid with those 3 sections.

April 25th, 2011, 09:53 AM
That looks like about the thickness of hair I'd expect on a ii. I don't think you're thinning, you just have "hair cleavage". Usually, if you brush all the hair back so it's well-aligned when you start braiding, and perhaps braid a little snugger, the hair won't have as much room to shift and separate like that.

April 25th, 2011, 10:44 AM
P.S., I don't agree that your hair is thinning. I think it's a sectioning problem.

April 26th, 2011, 06:50 AM
Thanks... will have to play around with the top sections a bit and see if i can get it to behave... :-)

April 26th, 2011, 06:59 AM
I hate to be a naysayer but that bare area does not look like a natural part. It looks like the hair isn't growing in the bare places.

I have the same trouble with a small area near the top of my head, at the crown. The hair has thinned in the last 5 years.

What I do is brush all my hair back and drape it slightly over the spot, then clip the hair in a flexi 8 or tortoise shell comb. Then I braid it, or coil it or whatever.

Hmm I'm almost of this point of view too. I don't think it ALL looks thinning, but there are a couple of patches there that do look sort of thin. I have similar areas on my scalp I get really, really paranoid about!

It could just be the light or the camera angle though! Most of it looks okay, but there is a bit that looks as if the hair isn't as thick as it is in the other areas.

April 26th, 2011, 07:06 AM
Interesting thread! I will be watching for ideas on how to deal with it.
I get the same thing in my hair. I think that it is hair cleavage also,( I HOPE so). My hair just loves to part there, I HATE it! Every time I fix my hair, it looks good in the front, then I look at the back - UCK there is the cleavage or gap showing making me look like I have a bald spot, so I have to comb over the hair to cover it.

April 26th, 2011, 07:14 AM
It kinda reminds me of my own cowlick. Most of the time I'll just get a bump when wearing updos/braids but sometimes it'll split. Not badly but still. But you don't seem to have the swirlyness that I have so maybe it's just a natural parting. I would actually try starting the braid a bit higher if it's possible and try to cover it with a section that you add to one of the strands. That way you kinda hide the parting a bit and maybe you can reduce the split by doing that as well. Good luck!