View Full Version : Reporting back: cone free and new styling routine

April 24th, 2011, 10:12 PM
Hey all!

So, I recently switched to cone free (and an interspersing CO into my wash routine).

My hair is 1000 times shinier, less frizzy and straighter! This has allowed me to discover a new styling routine that gives me 1c/2a hair a sleek look.

Basically after the shower I do not brush. I put in a turban for 5 mins or so. Then, I finger comb a tiny bit and leave to dry. It dries like you would expect a 1c/2a to: straightish with waves. Once dry I comb it with a wide toothed comb (or even my fingers and a comb hours later). This seriously makes my hair sooo straight and sleek. I'm so happy cause I never would have thought that air drying this way could achieve such a great look.

And the no cones I think is part of it.

Anyhoo. I do notice no cones feels different. My hair is definitely less slippery. The result of this is I am noticing some minor tangles that I worry will be damaging. With cones I never get tangles. Anyone know how to deal with the no cone= more tangles issue, or how to minimize damage from this?


April 24th, 2011, 11:12 PM
Eek.. I was considering going cone-free but now I'm 2nd guessing..

April 24th, 2011, 11:40 PM
Why? It's been fantastic minus some minor tangles (my hair couldn't tangle if it tried with cones). But it's so much better air dried without cones that I figure I'll be saving damage from all those days I would have cracked and blowfried.

April 25th, 2011, 01:07 AM
Maybe oil damp after the CO or before you detangle. Or use cones and do a clarify wash when you feel you need (once a week/once or twice a month, some people go even longer).

April 25th, 2011, 02:26 AM
When I CO I use a wide tooth comb whilst my hair is saturated in cone free conditioner. Also a leave in of regular conditioner definitely gave me enough slip (I have tangly hair). I love love love fox's shea butter mixture which makes my hair feel like I've used cones very sleek indeed. It has taken me by surprise, since experimenting with leave in conditioners, how much my hair can actually take without looking greasy. Could you up your leave in amount just a tad to get rid of those tangles?

April 25th, 2011, 03:32 AM
You might make up your own detangling spray, to use on any little knots so your comb glides through?

April 25th, 2011, 05:06 AM
as firefox said a detangling spray works well or even make your own with a little conditioner, oil, AVG and water, this is what i do!

April 25th, 2011, 05:19 AM
Try putting a little bit of oil in your hair. I CO and when my hair is a little to dry I notice it tangles easier. When it's more moisturised it doesn't tangle at all any more. Try out a moisturising treatment! :)

April 25th, 2011, 09:37 AM
Great suggestions all! I shall definitely hunt for a cone free leave in, emphasize the oils more and also try making my own failing that.

I am going to say cone free for awhile. I just can't believe how straight and frizz free my hair is (see my most recent photo in my album). It seems to have taken me right out of the 2 category.

April 25th, 2011, 12:15 PM
Great suggestions all! I shall definitely hunt for a cone free leave in, emphasize the oils more and also try making my own failing that.

I am going to say cone free for awhile. I just can't believe how straight and frizz free my hair is (see my most recent photo in my album). It seems to have taken me right out of the 2 category.

Many wash-off conditioners can also be used as a leave-in, I have done so with several brands including Triple Nutrition. The Curly Girl method actually recommends not washing out all of your conditioner so I am definitely not the only person doing this! Part of me feels wash-off conditioners are a cynical marketing ploy to make us buy more products, because most goes down the drain. :p

April 25th, 2011, 01:06 PM
I've been washing with cone free conditioner too. My hair feels much softer :cloud9:

BUT, sometimes, when my hair gets really tangled, especially from being out in the wind, I'll use a coney conditioner (more like LOADED, lol) on the length, but still wash my scalp with a cone free.
You may also use a couple drops of a coney condish just on the very ends, if it's not wash day and you feel like it's getting tangled. I used to do that.
I don't think silicones are bad, I just like the way my hair feels without them. Or maybe it's my cone free condish that is just swesome ^^'