View Full Version : CO washing x hot weather?

April 24th, 2011, 06:36 PM
Hello everyone!
I noticed most of you guys live in cold or temperate weathers. I never found anyone in here that lives in a place like mine, so I decided to ask..

First, If you never came to Brazil, I must warn you that when I say hot weather I really mean it.
Specially where I live, in the northeast, in a beach-city..
Man, I can hardly breath and type this text at the same time without fainting.
Joking, ok. But it's really hot and humid, it's like 25-35 degrees all year long.
We don't even have real seasons, unless you count a 365 days summer as a season.

So, my question is:
Is it possible to CO wash in here?
My hair is very dry, and I thought it would be fine doing it.
In the first 2 weeks CO washing every other day and shampooing only in the weekends my hair became much more shiny and silky, and I was really glad with this method, but now I started to notice that my hair is shedding much more than usual during the shower, and I can only blame the CO wash for doing it :(
What do you think? Does the CO wash made anyone else's hair fall off?
Is it because of the climate? :confused:
i really hope not, my hair seems so healthy since I started to co wash..

April 24th, 2011, 07:50 PM
I can't help with your main question because I've never tried co washing but (and I know this sounds silly) but could it just be that your hair is shedding because of the extreme heat? Like how a cat naturally sheds it's fur in summer... Maybe, I don't know! :) But it sounds like that change in your routine is not working out. I also find that my hair looks great at first when I change shampoos or do something different but then buildup causes it to look like crap after a few weeks. CO Washing just might not work out for you being in such a hot environment all the time. If it's any consolation, it's been raining for 2 weeks straight where I live and it's cold as hell, I'm super jealous!

April 24th, 2011, 08:05 PM
A lot of folks think CO makes them shed more but the truth is, because it involves a lot more massage than just shampoo/coing does it just looks like more hair because the loose hairs come out easier and faster. Thats my opinion, based on logic, because if using conditioner on your head prior to COing didn't make your hair fall out, it's not going to change just because you CO.

April 24th, 2011, 08:38 PM
I don't think the cat logic applies on me in that case because I live here all my life, I think I would be bald if that happened to humans, lol

Yeah, I already thought that the CO washing shoudn't make my hair falls off because I already used it before, but idk.. maybe my roots are more oily, and that is causing the shed.
But it really doesn't feel oily..

April 24th, 2011, 09:59 PM
Maybe you have buildup and should try clarifying?

April 25th, 2011, 02:00 AM
Do you use a heavy or light conditioner on your scalp? Does it contain cones or is it cone free? Some people finds cones and heavier conditioners used on the scalp makes them shed more.

April 25th, 2011, 03:05 AM
I live in Brazil, did CO for almost a year, so yes, it's possible. I stopped because my hair didn't grow as much without sulfates. Ever heard about those fungi and bacteria that inhibit hair growth? That's partly how Monistat (miconazole nitrate) helps hair grow faster than normal. I think the heat and just mild cleaning might not help with that. Just my 2 cents. Or maybe *I* just sweat a lot, which is most likely because a lot of curlies do CO wash here. Try to check some national curly hair sites, you'll even find coneless conditioner brands/where to buy and such (google encaracoladas forum)...LHC didn't help me at all with that. I didn't have a problem finding them, but I know some do, I just read the labels. I made a reply in your starter thread, I hope you read it.

God, I wish we had a winter. :)

April 25th, 2011, 03:15 AM
Some people who CO-wash still use a normal shampoo once a month or once a week, maybe you could try that? Are you losing more hairs in total or just more hair all at once when you wash? Are you noticing the same amount of shedding when you brush, or when you run your fingers through your hair?

April 25th, 2011, 05:38 AM
Hi Sereia,
I live in a warm climate too and I find summer and humidity and CO don't always work well together. For me the problems are more that my hair gets build-up really quickly. Maybe play around a bit more with the mix of shampoo and conditioner only washes? eg you could do every second wash with shampoo (so you'd be washing with shampoo every 4 days or so).

April 25th, 2011, 09:10 AM
I live in Brazil, did CO for almost a year, so yes, it's possible. I stopped because my hair didn't grow as much without sulfates. Ever heard about those fungi and bacteria that inhibit hair growth? That's partly how Monistat (miconazole nitrate) helps hair grow faster than normal. I think the heat and just mild cleaning might not help with that. Just my 2 cents. Or maybe *I* just sweat a lot, which is most likely because a lot of curlies do CO wash here. Try to check some national curly hair sites, you'll even find coneless conditioner brands/where to buy and such (google encaracoladas forum)...LHC didn't help me at all with that. I didn't have a problem finding them, but I know some do, I just read the labels. I made a reply in your starter thread, I hope you read it.

God, I wish we had a winter.

well that's new to me, I'm definitly searching about monistat. anything to make my hair grows faster, it's so slow :(

Actually I still use cones, but I'm trying to find cone free options where I live.
But the condicioner I CO wash with is very very light, it never makes my hair oily, I have really dry hair.

Oh, and during the day my hair don't shed, I mean, it doesn't fall from the roots. But it breaks a lot, CO washing or shampooing.

April 25th, 2011, 09:46 AM
It's actually normal to shed, more so if you keep your hair contained for a long time/doesn't wash very often, all the daily shed will acumulate. A little breakage is okay too, not everyone's hair is perfect, but if you are noticing a lot, do the test if you need more moisture or protein.

Take a wet strand and stretch it, will it snap right away or strectch way too much/don't revert back to its original form? It should normally strecth about 50% its length. Snap right away you need more moisture, the second option you need protein.

A video on Monistat (we don't have it in Brazil but we do have general miconazole nitrate which is the same, vodol is a brand ._.): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U_gmnZJ0V8
A video on protein: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M3yhbfae_9s
Just a cool video for hair growth: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_LKGqydL8s

April 25th, 2011, 10:48 AM
Hi sereja,
I live in eastern part of India and we have a very humid climate most of the time of the year apart from the months of december to february when its cold in here.Conditioners dont work well for my hair I jus dont kno why:confused:!I can relate to you bcoz i've been havig this problem untill I found a little trick:cheese:!I am new to LHC and i've picked a very usefull and effective trick from here that is mixing a little bit of coconut oil in your shampoo.It relly works for me.I use normal shampoo and oil+shamppo alternately.Tha ratio of the oil and shampoo depends on you.I use 1/4th part oil and 3/4th shampoo and dont use any conditioner.I dont knw whether u alredy knew this or not but if u didnt know then hope this helps:)!

April 25th, 2011, 12:13 PM
I live in the very hot, humid triple digit summers of South Carolina.....I am finding that the more summer heat is coming, the less CO is working for me right now......:wail:

I am apparently going to have to change up my method for the summer months, then back to CO for winter.

*sighs* at least I am not the only one.

April 25th, 2011, 05:04 PM
I already tried to combine coconut oil with my shampoo, and it worked, I'm doing exactly this at the shampoo day.
well, I'll have to figure out a new way to deal with my hair..
maybe more shampoos (sulfate free) + coconut oil and alternate that to the CO washes..
I feel like a haircare alchemist!
I'll stop by to share what's working better for me, anyways..