View Full Version : Does anyone have a routine like this? and does it work for you?

April 23rd, 2011, 09:37 AM
I have found out recently that my wavy hair absolutely loves coconut oil which is great but by putting it on dry hair everyday was making it greasy quickly as i was only CO a couple times a week.

I have tried this already and my hair has responded very well, i begin by CO daily and putting coconut oil in my hair and damp bunning but i'm concerned i may get terrible build up does anyone else with similar hair to mine already do this?

The reason i started doing this was my hair is at its best just after a heavy oiling so i was thinking it needed the moisture so far i have done this with either Grape seed or coconut oil, i'm trying to combat the very dry ends i get after a few months of no trimming i never had this problem when it was shorter.

April 23rd, 2011, 11:10 AM
The CO will wash all of the oil off of our hair-actually conditioners are more recommended to wash out oil build-up than shampoos. Loads of LHC members oil their hair when wet or damp, so no worries. I'm glad you found out something that works for you

April 23rd, 2011, 11:29 AM
Thank you, i thought doing this daily might be to time consuming and cold on my scalp but i read earlier that plenty of members here do damp buns with their hair is still damp but not soaking wet.

Its interesting what you say about the CO being enough to get the oil out as i was thinking i would need to clarify a lot! i have been battling with how to combat such dry ends as dry hair just soaks the oil right up. So maybe putting oil in damp hair works better.

April 23rd, 2011, 12:01 PM
me I do this! but I use EVOO, but I oil the last 4" daily and bun and I also CO wash.........great results!

Your hair is looking so long these days.......keep it up!

April 23rd, 2011, 01:50 PM
I have found out recently that my wavy hair absolutely loves coconut oil which is great but by putting it on dry hair everyday was making it greasy quickly as i was only CO a couple times a week.

I have tried this already and my hair has responded very well, i begin by CO daily and putting coconut oil in my hair and damp bunning but i'm concerned i may get terrible build up does anyone else with similar hair to mine already do this?

The reason i started doing this was my hair is at its best just after a heavy oiling so i was thinking it needed the moisture so far i have done this with either Grape seed or coconut oil, i'm trying to combat the very dry ends i get after a few months of no trimming i never had this problem when it was shorter.
Ohhh, I'm so trying this!

April 23rd, 2011, 03:14 PM
You're doing almost exactly what I do. *lol* I cowash daily, then leave in some conditioner, coconut oil, and sweet almond oil. Sometimes I damp braid instead of bun, depending on how ambitious I'm feeling.

I haven't had any issues with build up. :shrug: Every so often I shampoo my roots, but that's every two weeks at most and mostly because my scalp likes a little shampoo. It might depend on your particular hair and the conditioner you use, but I don't think you'll have many issues.

April 23rd, 2011, 04:56 PM
It's so nice to find something that works well, isn't it?!!! I tried CO (had cones though) and it was definitely not a good experience, and there was buildup. Not from oils though. Now with no cone condish, things are oh so looking up!! Sometimes dry ends might need something extra to lock the moisture/oil in, especially if there is more mechanical damage there, and higher porosity.

April 23rd, 2011, 04:57 PM
Oh yeah, forgot - damp bunning is the best thing ever!!!!!!

April 23rd, 2011, 04:59 PM
That's the main way I use coconut oil, on damp hair right before damp bunning. It works perfectly as a leave-in that way. On dry hair, it does nothing for me.

Also, I CWC, so I'm still not shampooing the oil out, and I never had problems with buildup.

April 23rd, 2011, 07:05 PM
I just started using coconut oil on my ends too and I love it!! I always put it in damp ends... I haven't tried damp bunning though, I'll have to give it a try!! :)

April 24th, 2011, 06:55 AM
me I do this! but I use EVOO, but I oil the last 4" daily and bun and I also CO wash.........great results!

Your hair is looking so long these days.......keep it up!

Oh thank you Jojo your comment made my day especially as it still feels so short i was hoping for waist by July but i think its more likely to be October. I will try olive oil as i think we have similar textured hair.

Ohhh, I'm so trying this!

Its worth a try my ends were super soft too.

You're doing almost exactly what I do. *lol* I cowash daily, then leave in some conditioner, coconut oil, and sweet almond oil. Sometimes I damp braid instead of bun, depending on how ambitious I'm feeling.

I love to braid when its damp but due to having wavy hair it goes crazy once dry like i've put my hair in a fuse :o

I haven't had any issues with build up. :shrug: Every so often I shampoo my roots, but that's every two weeks at most and mostly because my scalp likes a little shampoo. It might depend on your particular hair and the conditioner you use, but I don't think you'll have many issues.

I currently use the Inecto conditioner and when i was CO before i think i had to shampoo monthly maybe, but then i used to put oils on my hair daily when it was dry.

April 24th, 2011, 09:13 AM
I want to try this too! :)

When you say damp bun though do you leave your hair in the bun all day or just till it dries??

April 24th, 2011, 03:11 PM
I want to try this too! :)

When you say damp bun though do you leave your hair in the bun all day or just till it dries??

I put my hair in a bun when its damp but not soaking wet and leave it in all day, i leave it down for an hour before bed so the rest of my hair has a chance to dry. Some people go to bed with damp hair though.