View Full Version : Body-art quality henna to get rid of

June 16th, 2008, 06:57 AM
mods, please correct me if I am out of line!

When cleaning out basement closets this weekend, I came across a lot of old henna, some of unknown origin, carefully packed and stowed away on lower shelves of our closets.

Since I no longer do henna body art, I'd be more than glad to give it a good home to someone who hennas their hair. It's probably OK for body art, too, but I would not use it on paying clients anymore.

I'd be happy to trade it for hair forks, flexi-8s, products I can't get here (JASON, Aubrey) or other goodies, and am thinking specifically of Europeans looking for quality henna.

please PM me if you are interested.


June 16th, 2008, 09:24 PM
katze, how much henna do you have?

June 17th, 2008, 09:12 AM
Are you only interested in swapping or do you want to sell? What sort of payment do you want if you are willing to sell?

July 1st, 2008, 04:31 AM
I probably have about a kilo floating around in various baggies. It's been stored in the cellar, light-protected, but is too old for body art, now.

In addition I've got some BPAL imps that didn't work on me...Anne Bonny, Haunted, O, among others (complete list is at home). Happy to swap for other imps, to trade, or to sell.

I would prefer to trade for hairsticks or hairforks with Europeans - any plain wooden hairforks that would work on me, or any of Nightshade's or Mei Fai's sticks in cool colors. Will also trade for good deep conditioners, and am also willing to sell via Paypal.

Please PM me as I forgot I'd posted here - as of 1. 7 this offer is still good!

July 6th, 2008, 06:34 AM

OK, I finally dug all my henna bags out of my cellar.

I currently have about 250g Rajasthani henna, about 1 1/2 years old, sifted, excellent quality but too old for body art, been stored sealed in my cellar. Next there's the almost-full kilo of Iranian henna, too much clay/sand for body arts use but gave an excellent stain, also about 1.5- 2 years old, and properly stored.

As I don't henna my hair, I'd like to give this henna a good (European) home and would prefer a swap - hairsticks, hair forks in "decent" cool colors (nothing glitzy or pink) - or conditioners that are hard to find here - JASON, Aubrey, Urtekram, etc.

PM if interested...if you've PMd me already I will write back.