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View Full Version : Hair experts, how does this oil mixture look?

April 22nd, 2011, 01:42 AM
I know, I know I could make it myself! But I figure once if I bought all of the ingredients I would have too much product and I'm super busy these days.

Anyway I have blonde fine hair and was looking for a scalp overnight treatment, found this on ebay, basically a coconut oil base with essential oils and arnica, here are ingredients:

Fractionated Coconut Oil 85.88114%
Arnica 5.15287%
Peppermint C02 1.71762%
Rosemary 1.03057%
Bay 0.51546%
Cedarwood 0.68705%
Basil 0.41223%
Sage 0.68729%
Sandalwood 0.34352%
Cypress 0.17176%
Thyme 0.34364%
Carrot Seed 0.20611%
Patchouli 0.34364%
French Lavender, High Altitude 0.85881%
Roman Chamomile 0.51529%
Lemon 0.24047%
Ylang Ylang 0.10306%
Tea Tree 0.61834%
Grapefruit 0.17176%

How does this look? Thanks in advance!!

April 22nd, 2011, 04:39 AM
At first glance, are you trying to condition your hair or de-moth a closet! There are a few things in there I'd be leary of putting on my head- they're very strong and known to cause skin irritation at least, however the amounts are SO tiny that maybe that's not an issue.

I don't know about scalp treatments but I'm a big fan of straight up coconut oil for my hair. I rub a small amount between my palms and work it through my damp hair, then leave it in (until the next day when I wash, and repeat.) Works like a charm. I don't even use 'standard' conditioner (it makes my hair freak out if I use conditioner more than once or twice a week...)

April 22nd, 2011, 04:53 AM
Seems okay to me.

I'd try a little test patch to make sure you don't have any funky reactions to any of the essential oils. If you don't welt up then slather it on! :D

April 22nd, 2011, 05:27 AM
I have sensitive skin so I wouldn't apply that many essential oils to my head unless I knew they each had a benefit. Many allergic reactions don't show from a single patch test, for anything you leave on (e.g. moisturiser) the recommendation is to apply daily to the same spot for a week or more. What are you trying to achieve by treating your scalp? Reduce dandruff, thicker hair, faster growth? Have you run a search on your goal? There are several long running threads with scalp treatments that are working for some individuals.

April 22nd, 2011, 11:36 AM
Thanks everyone, and great idea about a patch test first. As for what I am trying to achieve, just healthy skin as well as growth. Anyway I ordered it and will report back!!

BTW here is what she has to say about the essential oils (looking at her info/videos she appears to be a holistic practioner of some sort):

"Cedarwood: This oil has proven to be a successful treatment for alopecia areata. The chemical composition of this ingredient is quite amazing. It cleans the receptor sites and re-establishes cellular function for hair growth

Basil: Basil works wonders when massaged into the scalp. It promotes and improves circulation, and renews hair follicles, which in turn improves the look and functionality of your hair. Imparts unbelievable shine and body.

Rosemary: Stimulates the hair-bulbs to renewed activity and prevents premature baldness. This will help with oily hair and dandruff. It will even effectively treat scabies. Also, it's great for an itchy scalp! Well known for its beneficial effect on the scalp and its ability to encourage healthy hair growth.

Arnica: A hair rinse prepared with arnica extract has been used to treat alopecia neurotica. It is one of the most powerful ingredients in treating female pattern baldness. Arnica increases local blood circulation, and may thereby help promote hair growth.

Sage: While deep cleaning impurities from your scalp, it works to balance hormones involved with hair growth. These hormones are: estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. It works by stimulating the neurotransmitters in the adrenal cortex. Alone, it will relieve dandruff, hair loss, and exzema

Sandalwood: This oils works in getting to the "root" of the problem. It stimulates the pineal gland which is responsible for releasing the very hormones that promote hair growth!

Bay: Helps your hair grow. If you have dull hair, this essential oil can restore it. It is also good for dandruff problems. For stimulating your hair health you can add three drops of bay essential oil to the shampoo you regularly use.

Cypress: Clears up and stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic system, which supports the delivery of nutrient rich blood for the hair follicles.

Thyme: Treatment for dermatitis, eczema, oily skin, and acne on the scalp

Patchouli: Very effective in sorting out rough, cracked and overly dehydrated skin and is used to treat acne, eczema, sores, ulcers, any fungal infections, as well as scalp disorders.

Lavender: soothes the scalp and calms wild, fly-away hair. "