View Full Version : to dye or to perm?

April 21st, 2011, 04:13 PM
Hi every one I know that most of you would say None.But i have decided to make a change so i would like to know your personal opinion ,preferably based on your experiment,on which one is worse for hair.

After that I would also like to know wheather or not it would be a good idea to have highlights on my dark dark brown hair at this colour http://gamosgamos.gr/cs/blogs/wedglamo/colour_31_3_09pic2.jpg
P.S I have pale skin ( at least in winter) and my eyes are brown (sometimes honey-yellow)

Thanks all of you in advance for your help.

April 21st, 2011, 04:33 PM
dye. Perm would be more difficult to grow out, and you have to get used to caring for a new texture. i don't know which one is more damaging, but I imagine that the perm would be more frustrating.

Before you do either, try learning a few hairstyles and get a new hairtoy (or 5 :D). It helps sometimes when I am feeling restless about my hair.

April 21st, 2011, 04:39 PM
I would say if you are wanting to pick between perming or dying your hair, go for the dye!!! I have known many people, including myself, that are quite happy with their dyed hair. I have never really heard of anyone who was super pleased with the results of a perm though. I know of several women who get a perm, like it for about a week, then are miserable for a couple years trying to grow it out.

April 21st, 2011, 04:39 PM
I also vote for dye. It's a fun color and if you do a few streaks you'd still have mostly virgin hair.

April 21st, 2011, 04:41 PM
dye. Perm would be more difficult to grow out, and you have to get used to caring for a new texture. i don't know which one is more damaging, but I imagine that the perm would be more frustrating.

Before you do either, try learning a few hairstyles and get a new hairtoy (or 5 :D). It helps sometimes when I am feeling restless about my hair.

I agree. I think you would be more frustrated with a perm if you chose to get one, as opposed to a dye job.

April 21st, 2011, 04:44 PM
:twocents: I vote for dye, too! I had two perms in grade school, and both times I ended up growing out as much of the perm as I could and getting a crew cut out of frustration from not being able to style it like I wanted to. The perms were fun at the time, but just know that it will be REALLY annoying once you get significant roots growing in, depending on how tight the perm curls are compared to your virgin hair.

I have experimented with a few different semi-permanent dyes (both DIY and at the salon) and none had the same horrifying effect on my hair. At least that's my personal experience. One of the times I dyed, I left it on too long and got a blue-ish "mermaid" hue...oops! The beauty of semi-permanent dye is that you don't really get very bad roots if you wash 3-4 times a week, since the dye will fade before your hair has too much time to grow. Plus, if you mess up or change your mind, it isn't permanent! :)

Hope this helps!

April 21st, 2011, 04:45 PM
well being a straight hair, I would go for a spiral perm myself - at the length that my hair is now .. BUT then I think I would also like to try a new hair colour too ..

lol .. I can't make up my mind, so I think I'd go with neither and be happy with what I have .. good luck on choosing what you want to do .. :-)

April 21st, 2011, 04:45 PM
I vote for dye. I've done both and the perm made my hair thinner in places where it's finer. You can always change your texture with damp braids/buns or even heat for a while, but you can't do that with dye if you choose to go lighter (which I think that's what you want?). I'm not a fan of the stripey highlighted look (I know some aren't that obvious), I'd go for a golden brown all over color instead, because it looks more natural, but that's just my taste (though it would be less damaging).

April 21st, 2011, 05:38 PM
Dye. Less buyer's remorse.

April 21st, 2011, 05:41 PM
Absolutely color. You're not going much lighter with the highlights so the damage would be minimal and far easier when growing out.

A perm can completely wreck your hair plus the new growth wouldn't blend well and you'd be left with straighter, flatter roots as it grows and dry, frizzy length. As a 2C, can't you encourage some natural wurl by plopping or setting your hair on curlers when you feel the need for a texture change?

April 21st, 2011, 06:23 PM
I've home dyed for two decade and had several professional perms in the past. I suggest dye as you won't be damaging the whole head, and you can do a strand test beforehand (use hair from brush or plughole). With a dye you can always semi-permanent over the top but a perm you are pretty much stuck.

With a perm the result is less certain even in the hands of a pro. I did not know I was curly when I had perms and the hairdresser was surprised how fast the perm lotion took. Once it went way too tight - now I know my hair has ringlet and s-waves it makes sense! :rolleyes:

April 21st, 2011, 07:29 PM
id go for a semi dye; perms ruin hair!

April 21st, 2011, 07:29 PM
Another vote for dye because of less damage and eaiser to grow out.

April 25th, 2011, 01:32 AM
Thank you all very much for yor help and advice I think the majority is obviously and i dont actually have to count hahahahaha

April 25th, 2011, 02:24 AM
Voting for dye too :)

Perming is really very drying unless you are mentally prepared for it.

April 25th, 2011, 02:32 AM
I go for dye. I think it's easier to reverse! I've straightened a perm before cause I didn't want to grow it out, and of course that doubly damaged it!

I also think dye regrowth (depending on colour) doesn't look as bad as perm regrowth, which (to me) looks really funny.

April 25th, 2011, 02:33 AM
Another dyer. I know dying can be damaging but perms really wreck hair (I found out the hard way). Go for a semi if you can, there are lots of gentle-er products on the market now and you can have fun experimenting.

April 25th, 2011, 02:59 AM
Dye! No perm. I had one 5 years ago, it took me 2 years to grow out my dry straw hair that was splitted all over the place,perms never work out,at least not for tje persons i know.. There is one women i know who think they are great but her hair is soo dry and thin..its killing your hair.

April 25th, 2011, 03:44 AM
Another for dye. :) Much easier to change if you get bored of it, or grow out, and even with chemical dye it's less damaging than perming.

April 25th, 2011, 06:37 AM
You're basically stuck with a perm. It permanently changes your texture. The growing out stage largely depends on your texture. You're a 2c... You're risking a whole lot of damage to go just a tad bit curlier. Maybe try reading up on the CG method to try and bring out more curl?

Dye can be bleached out once you're tired of it. It will damage your hair, but a radical change is possible if you want it.

You kind of marry a perm. Dye is more of a steady relationship. Or is a perm more a steady relationship and dye a fling? :hmm: :lol:

April 25th, 2011, 08:10 AM
I know she said she would dye, but just for the argument you don't need to MARRY FOR LIFE either.

If she doesn't like the perm, she can relax it and have straighter hair.

If the dye is the wrong color/don't like it, she can bleach/or depending on the color just cover with another dye.

Both are damaging, which one is worst will depend on the hair. The "correction" will be different than the starting hair, but similar.

April 25th, 2011, 08:29 AM
I know she said she would dye, but just for the argument you don't need to MARRY FOR LIFE either.

If she doesn't like the perm, she can relax it and have straighter hair.

Perms on their own are damaging. Relaxers on their own can totally mess your hair up. Under no circumstances would I combine the two. This is definitely not as easy (as in: more risks involved) as changing your hair color, and dye doesn't even have to be chemical.

April 25th, 2011, 09:25 AM
Perms on their own are damaging. Relaxers on their own can totally mess your hair up. Under no circumstances would I combine the two. This is definitely not as easy (as in: more risks involved) as changing your hair color, and dye doesn't even have to be chemical.

I was assuming the OP was talking about two CHEMICAL processes, so ruled out non-chemical colors (damage wise that would be obvious to ask). "Combine the two"? Perms and relaxers are the same thing. I wouldn't say perming/relaxing is the worst ON EVERY scenario, a lot of AA women on this other hair board I read consider bleaching waaaaay worse than relaxers.

My argument was: none of the options are final (like if you cut your hair, that's final). I explicitly said it was damaging. I've had experience with both, by the way (dyes/bleach and perms/relaxers).

April 25th, 2011, 09:33 AM
Perms on their own are damaging. Relaxers on their own can totally mess your hair up. Under no circumstances would I combine the two. This is definitely not as easy (as in: more risks involved) as changing your hair color, and dye doesn't even have to be chemical.

I would NEVER combine the two either. One of my friends started with 2a hair, chemically straightened (it was SL) and it looked fantastic! She got tired of the upkeep and got a perm to return to her natural. It looked soooo terrible and strawlike.

OP, Like others I say dye! I have never permed, but I have chemically straightened and it definitely damaged my hair. It wasn't super noticeable at first, but years later, my MBL ends are still growing out and are definitely damaged from it.

April 25th, 2011, 09:39 AM
Just to be clear, I'm not advising anyone to perm/relax twice. :rolleyes: I'm just saying they are options. If we are gonna start putting personal experiences I know women who relaxed their whole hair way more than twice, even at the same salon everytime, some were okay, some were not.