View Full Version : growing to never been before lengths

April 17th, 2011, 04:08 PM
Just wondering if any of you notice stalls when trying to grow hair to longer than before lengths or if you reach a certain goal, find if you cut back for one reason or another find you grow quicker to the place you cut from?

I recently cut back an inch just under 3 weeks ago and already my hair has grown back the inch I lost. This sounds unbelievable especially as I grow quite slow. Maybe I was growing faster than i thought and the damaged ends prevented me from retaining lengths...who knows:shrug: but I am happy either way!

Anybody else find this?

April 17th, 2011, 05:18 PM
I have, I always figure that I measured wrong or my hair is straighter then the last time I measured lol but it felt longer you know ;)
you might just be having a growth spurt!!
it happens! I'd go with it

April 17th, 2011, 05:27 PM
My growth spurts are always winter. I think damaged ends can fool us that hair isnt growing when in fact its just breaking off. My hair was measured 3x both when I cut and today.

Plus immediately after my hair trim my hair was above waist now its just on it again?

April 17th, 2011, 08:08 PM
I've trimmed it before. It grows about the same. It kinda grows better if I'm eating more meat. My hair sheds, breaks and splits but I color it so I can safely say that if I don't cut it, it gets longer. If I trim it, it never tries to make up for lost time and grows faster. I did reach the point at about waist length where it stopped getting longer last time I grew it out. Who knows, maybe if I wait long enough it will get even longer this time?

April 17th, 2011, 09:14 PM
I TOTALLY find this. Last August I was almost the same length as now (midback) and it seems to grow slower (breakage I think, my ends are fried) and also, I tend to cut more at this length because I start to get irritated at the damage.

However, last March (approximately) I cut to just above BSL, it was a very blunt and looked fabulous and healthy. Within three months it was back to midback, so apparently my hair, when healthy retains much more length. I notice this with my long bangs which have no damage as well. I got em trimmed to just past eye in January and they are now past chin again.

So midback for me is my "stall" point, which is a combo of factors I believe:
1) my ends have been chemically processed and break
2) my hair is quite fine and the older is gets the more prone to breakage
3) I get annoyed with my hairs damage more at this legth and S&D more as well as microtrim more and visit the hairdresser more. (Since the summer for example I think I have visited the hairdresser 3 times or so)

April 18th, 2011, 01:51 AM
Hmm i never actually paid attention whether it is growing faster if i took some damage off. It certainly is worth a try.
I love blunt ends and i think your hair look really lovely in your siggy,jojo!

April 18th, 2011, 07:18 AM
Just wondering if any of you notice stalls when trying to grow hair to longer than before lengths or if you reach a certain goal, find if you cut back for one reason or another find you grow quicker to the place you cut from?

I recently cut back an inch just under 3 weeks ago and already my hair has grown back the inch I lost.
I wish this were true for me, then I'd be back to classic length in no time. Sadly, that is not the case, but after persisting for half a year, my ends have finally started to thicken up *noticeably*. It's getting better with almost every trim, but it's not like they'd grow more. Maybe when the splits get less?