View Full Version : Pre-Natal vitamins Good so far..

April 8th, 2011, 10:02 AM
I started taking Pre-natal vitamins from Wal-mart and I swear my hair is growing faster!
I wonder if others have found this to be true..?
I also bought some oil for my hair,it comes in a spray bottle and has olive oil in it.
I have not measured my hair but I am going to this month to see if I am correct that it is growing faster!
I still have my tape from when my hair was long and I was here before..I just came back about a couple of months ago....
I dont know how to get a pic up of my hair the way it is now .....??? You go away for awhile and forget how to work the site..LOL
I thought you could subscribe to your threads and get a notice in your email? It use to be that way...But anyway I started this because Natures Best Pre-natal vitamins seem, to work..
I have found one shampoo so far that I like and it seems to really work for me..Suave moisturizing shampoo in Light green bottle....
Now does this shampoo have cones?
My hair needs alot of moisture to stay healthy and shampoos are hard to find that my hair likes..
So any imput here would be much appreciated and or help..Thanks!!

April 8th, 2011, 10:08 AM
I have often wondered about pre natal vitamins as when ever i have been pregnant my hair grow so much and was mega thick hmmm:hmm:

April 8th, 2011, 06:26 PM
'runing out to get pre-natal vitamins' :grin: