View Full Version : I've let down my hair twice recently....

April 3rd, 2011, 10:46 PM
... and people's reactions are quite something!
The first time, I had knocked out my hairstick taking off my apron after work, so I quickly took it and my pins out and shook out my (classic length) braid. One of my coworkers saw and said "holy ******* ****, where did all that length come from!?" Then she asked how long it is, and if it took ages to brush and put up.
The second time, a girl was asking how my hairstick worked, so I took it out to show her. She was amazed at how long my braid is and said "OMG, it just keeps going forever!"
Both times I happened to be wearing a simple ponytail, braided, then wrapped around a hairstick. Very easy to redo nicely, and also makes a smallish bun for the amount of hair I have.
As I almost never wear my hair down in public, people have no idea how long it is, and I guess I didn't expect a reaction, so I found both these incidents quite amusing and gratifying.

April 3rd, 2011, 11:03 PM
I have a feeling my reaction would be similar. Probably I'd be giggling like a fangirl. Really, I love to meet people with hair at lengths I have yet to reach. It's amazing how much hair those updos can hide! ! !

April 3rd, 2011, 11:04 PM
Haha, great story. Glad you shared it. :) I can't WAIT to blow people away with my length! I moved to NY from CA recently, and I've already gained a good 8 inches since I saw most of my friends last. Looking forward to wearing my hair up for most of visitation time, and then doing a "ta-da!" moment on one of the last days!

April 4th, 2011, 03:00 AM
Lovely story. I've had that happen as well because fine hair seems to compress down to almost nothing in a bun. I think it's funny when people react like that ;)