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March 23rd, 2011, 08:34 PM
Wanted to share with you all a nice website that helps you with natural conditioners and to help you further understand your hair.

March 23rd, 2011, 08:46 PM
So..much....information............can't stop reading

March 23rd, 2011, 08:57 PM
Thanks! I can't wait to try some out

March 23rd, 2011, 09:29 PM
This is glorious! Thank you so much!

Edit: while some of his ideas are good, I disagree with many others. Shampoo every day but don't condition every day? Whaa???

Further Edit: AND he thinks hair longer than shoulder-length is unattractive! BOO ON HIM!

March 23rd, 2011, 09:35 PM
How did I not find this before?! Thanks for the link! :)

Jenn of Pence
March 23rd, 2011, 09:49 PM
Yeah, it will take a while to read through, but it looks very interesting. He as a stylist, of course, seems very interested in cutting (especially cutting off "hanging curtains of hair that a person is hiding behind" :p), but then again that was just the intro; most of it is about working with your hair, which is great for growing long. I'll be perusing this as I have time. :)

March 23rd, 2011, 09:55 PM
Your welcome hope you guys find it usefull!

March 23rd, 2011, 10:52 PM
hehe well not sure I like THIS quote: "
Hair that is longer than shoulder length is not very pretty in and of itself unless (1) you have a great deal of it; (2) it is superbly styled; and (3) it is very healthy. Long hair tends to get flattened by its own weight and look droopy and dead; natural waves are "pulled out" by the length. And all too often the hair is blunt cut, probably in some misguided commitment to the retention of every last inch, adding to its flabbiness. Hair like this, and especially hair that goes past the shoulder, doesn't move with the head and makes the whole face and body look less dynamic and alive.
As a result, the very advantage sought with long hair--the illusion of volume, of lots of bouncy, shiny hair--is lost. And because a woman doesn't know where that elusive volume has gone to, she thinks she must grow her hair longer in search of it. Inevitably, the longer it gets, the worse it looks, the more it drags down the face--and body--and finally, the older it makes her seem."

LOL Well I totally disagree, but if there's handy information in the book in other regards, I'll happily read it to learn more ;)

I have ALWAYS thought long hair was beautiful, even when I didn't have it myself! And of course it moves :rolleyes:. My hair doesn't just SIT there when I walk around lol. And I also disagree that long hair makes a person look old! Most people think I'm a lot younger than I am, and I've got long hair... I highly doubt that chopping my hair to shoulder length would make me appear any younger!

So ummm I wouldn't go to this guy to cut my hair ;)

And err...this: "And shorter hair--with a good cut--is infinitely more versatile (to say nothing of being much easier to take care of) than longer hair. " I disagree completely that short hair is MORE versatile than long hair! Wow just look through this forum and see how many amazing long hair styles there are... Geez you could do something completely different every day for a year I think lol.

As I read more of the book, I quite like many of his recommendations, such as his scalp massages etc. Also when he talks of washing every day he uses a 1:7 shampoo to water mix, so very dilute shampoo, and advocates using natural shampoos without a lot of chemicals (this makes sense to me!), and he also believes in using hair rinses. I'm not sure about conditioning less frequently, but if you do a really dilute cleansing shampoo followed by an ACV type rins then I'm not sure you SHOULD need conditioning?! That being said, hair that is just washed and not conditioned for me is very tangly and frustrating... but not so bad if I oil shampoo.

So my verdict is: I quite like this book and it has a lot of useful information (haven't read it all yet) but I do disagree with his notions of hair styling and long hair (and find it VERY amusing that almost all the illustrations in this book are of a woman/women with LONG hair given that he doesn't like it below shoulder length lol). However, I do like the idea that hair should be sort of ready to go once it's been combed out, instead of styled to death... I'd like to achieve that with my own hair!

March 23rd, 2011, 11:01 PM
It's very good. Especially the scalp massage methods are wonderful! Thanks!! :D

March 24th, 2011, 12:23 AM
Thank you for sharing it! :flowers:

March 24th, 2011, 07:36 AM
Glad you guys enjoy it and I also didnt agree with some of the stuff in thier but I liked the methods and natural conditions and stuff so I decided to share with you guys! If you guys try any of his natural conditions or methods let me know how they work! :)

March 24th, 2011, 07:47 AM
Thank you for posting. :)

While I disagree with some stuff and take a lot of the advice with a huge grain of salt, some tips are quite useful.
It was an interesting read.

March 24th, 2011, 08:07 AM
He provides a lot of good information on hair and hair care but I found him to be the type of stylist who wants to get creative with a clients hair for his own satisfaction. HE knows best. It's all about HIS vision. I would take his advice and run as fast as I could from an appointment with him. I wouldn't trust anyone who seems to dislike long hair as much as he does with my hair.

March 24th, 2011, 08:39 AM
Yay details on how to do a scalp massage! Also diluting shampoo sounds like a good money saver and idea, although if I don't condition then I can't comb my hair which I can only do wet anyways because of my curls. I try to be extra gentle combing when it's wet, but with my curls I'd rip out so much hair doing it dry so I don't bother anymore. Ok I am only half way through, must finish reading this today since I will have some time:D
Thanks so much for the link!

P.S. I also found it funny how he has all these pictures of long hair but it turns out he dislikes it :p

For my hair it is horribly unmanageable at shoulder length or shorter due to my type of curls. I'd have to spend so much time fixing my hair that I now just spend enjoying it (as best I can with some awkward layers that are shoulder length looking funny right now while growing them out! lol!) All in all I think I'd like to learn how to cut my own hair once it is long enough to do that with, unless I can do it when it's wet and way longer than dry..?

March 24th, 2011, 08:44 AM
Lots of great info! Thanks so much :)

March 24th, 2011, 08:58 AM
He advocates for shorter hair, yet a vast majority of his pictures are of ladies (maybe the same one?) with waist+ length hair.

Although I am going to have to use some of his tips, such as pre-mixing shampoo dilutions once a week.

March 24th, 2011, 09:15 AM
Wanted to share with you all a nice website that helps you with natural conditioners and to help you further understand your hair.

Thanks ever so much for all the Info. have just printed out the whole lot :blossom:

March 24th, 2011, 10:26 AM
hehe well not sure I like THIS quote: "
Hair that is longer than shoulder length is not very pretty in and of itself unless (1) you have a great deal of it; (2) it is superbly styled; and (3) it is very healthy.

Well, obviously LHCers have very pretty hair, even when it's longer than shoulder length, because we all come into the categories of no. 2 & 3. :p

March 24th, 2011, 10:34 AM
thanks for sharing! it seems like a good read minus the parts about cutting hair ^^"

March 24th, 2011, 02:12 PM
Fascinating, thanks for posting! And the case history bits in the Afterword are hysterical in all their 1980s aspirational glory! :)

March 24th, 2011, 03:08 PM
I second everyone praising the scalp massage instructions. They are JUST the thing I've been wanting. Wonderful! Can't really comment on the rest. As with most things you need to use your own judgement and stay true to your own style.

March 24th, 2011, 03:39 PM
Holy Monkey...that man charges $700 for a haircut.

That's a lot of Ficcares!

March 24th, 2011, 03:44 PM
Very cool site.

Although I very much appreciate a skillful haircut, I'm not sure that I agree that long hair is always unflattering if conditions 1, 2 and 3 aren't met. Condition 3 (healthy hair) is non-negotiable. However, I suspect i or ii hair can look gorgeous very long if it is cut and styled appropriately. I also suspect that "superb styling" may be what WE think of as normal styling.

I think he may have a point about very long hair lacking movement. Some people prefer hair to have so much movement that it almost dances about the head when the person turns. To such a person, hair that merely sways gently at the ends would seem lifeless and static. I haven't seen much in the way of videos of long-haired women with their hair down, so it's difficult for me to form an opinion one way or another.