View Full Version : Who's ever been bald??

June 12th, 2008, 01:01 PM
Hey! =)

Since I was bald 4 1/2 months ago, I wanted to ask... who of you has been bald before?
How long did it take you to grow out your hair again?
How did you trim, did you trim at all?

Mi-chan :D

June 12th, 2008, 01:05 PM
I've been bald. I trimmed up the back to keep from having a mullet until the sides grew out. My hair grows about an inch a month, but it seemed like it was forever until it reached my shoulders. Six years later and I'm now almost at classic.

June 12th, 2008, 01:08 PM
I think I'll do it that way too, a mullet scares me lol.

May I ask how tall you are? I'm jut 5'1 or just 5', lol, not quite sure (156cm in metric). So i don't think I will take 6 years to classic, my hair grows about 1.5cm per month

June 12th, 2008, 01:29 PM
I wasn't shaved bald, but the longest pieces on top were 1" at the very most. The rest was much less. It's been about 2.5 years and my hair is just past my shoulders. I've no idea how much it grows in a month - I've never measured. Like Chromis, I also had to get it trimmed regularly in the back to keep the dreaded mullet at bay. As it grows out, you'll go through some ugly stages, but some really really cute ones, too - baby pigtails everywhere, headbands are fun, little clips, etc. Have fun with that hair growing out!

June 12th, 2008, 01:36 PM
I think I'll do it that way too, a mullet scares me lol.

May I ask how tall you are? I'm jut 5'1 or just 5', lol, not quite sure (156cm in metric). So i don't think I will take 6 years to classic, my hair grows about 1.5cm per month

I'm about 5'5" but have a verrrrry long torso. I'd estimate I have a good foot of trimming in there at least as well to keep my hemline from getting ragged. My hair doesn't make very pretty fairytale ends so I keep it in a rough U-shape.

June 12th, 2008, 01:40 PM
I was, had a little mowhawk though ;) so not completely bald. And I had millimeter hair for a long time. That was many years and a lot of weight ago ;)

June 12th, 2008, 01:48 PM
I was never bald, but I did have a very short style that was as short as yours is on top, and even shorter at the sides and back. I did get the back trimmed and the sides evened out as I was growing it. Surprisingly, I found that I skipped on down to below chin length all around before I knew it.

Your hair is really growing!

June 12th, 2008, 01:48 PM
Aww, thanks for telling me =)
I guess I'll have long hair again pretty fast =) and this time without stupid dye :P all natural *bouncebounce*

June 12th, 2008, 01:54 PM
Ive gone from pixie to just under BSL in just over 2 years, if thats any help but looking at your photos I think you grow a lot quicker than me, you will be at your goal before you know it.

One person who's photos you should see is Igors, her hair is fantastic.

I shall be following your progress closely!

June 12th, 2008, 01:58 PM
Yes,I know Igors photos... she's my hair idol, actually :P in color and condition... just i want mine much longer, at least kneelength.

June 12th, 2008, 08:46 PM
I had NO hair in 1996-7!:cheese:

June 12th, 2008, 08:54 PM
:My best friend shaved about 2-3 months ago.She text me saying "guess what I did?", I just knew even though shes never talked about shaving before. I text back "you didnt shave your head did you?", next I got a Picture text. Shes crazy, but in a good way:happydance:

June 12th, 2008, 08:56 PM
almost bald

hated it so much i grew out my hair

June 12th, 2008, 09:30 PM
I have been bald several times. It's very freeing and I loved it. LOVED IT. I too am growing from nothing, and I just kept getting the back cut to avoid a mullet.

This picture was from when I was about 19.


June 13th, 2008, 12:50 AM
Bald here when I was 15. It's taken me 11 years to get from bald to classic. If I continued growing with no mistakes, I don't doubt I'd be closer to knee by now. As it is, I'm nearing classic, again. At shoulder, I had to stay at that length for about 2 or 3 years due to growing out a stylists idea of thinning out my hair (it needed it, I have a lot and it's curly which isn't good with a redhead when short. I develop a red fro). About 6 months back I went beyond classic. Due to hating the hemline though I had about 6-8" trimmed over over the time span of 3 months. So I've had several times when I back tracked.

June 13th, 2008, 01:58 AM
I've been bald twice and LOVED it. It felt extremely liberating! The first time my mum wouldn't do it for me, so I went into the bathroom and did as much as I could myself and then she reluctantly finished the back. :D Growing out can be a pain, but no more painful than growing out a pixie IMO. Such low maintenance *drool*.

June 13th, 2008, 04:03 AM
I have been bald several times. It's very freeing and I loved it. LOVED IT. I too am growing from nothing, and I just kept getting the back cut to avoid a mullet.

This picture was from when I was about 19.


WOOOOW... you were SO beautiful!! YOu look so much better with a shaved head than me.. :(

but anyways, it'll grow =)

June 13th, 2008, 04:30 AM
I was bald in 1997. I'd had short hair, cut it into a mohawk, then shaved my head. After a while I let it grow into a Grace Jones kind of flattop which I bleached on top. It was a cute 'do.

Going to salons, keeping on bleaching it, i gradually grew it into a short bob, angled, which I shaved in the back. This was the start of cutting my own hair. From 1999 to 2001 this grew to about shoulder length, but kept breaking off below that.

In NYC a stylist in a very expensive salon was the first to tell me that my hair is "babyfine" and that I should watch out for metal elastics. After that I decided I wanted to grow my hair, but it took a very long time, and two friends telling me about Rhassoul and oiling, before I found LHC and better hair care.

Bald was fun but I would rather have long hair.

June 13th, 2008, 04:44 AM
I've been bald. I was getting bald anyway, so I shaved everything except some sort of swept to the side bang (what didn't fall of my hair was growing straight, so it looked quite cool) Then as it started growing curly again, I kept on shaving everything during the winter (best moment to be bald!) until I saw it thicken back. I think this was in 2002. While it was very short, I hated it (curly and very short is not good) so I dyed it a lot of colors, and I had fun, or at least I tried :tongue: Then as it got longer I dyed it black.

I've made very stupid cuts (yeah go and trust hairdressers... oh my, pyramid effect!! I am gonna go and give you DOUBLE pyramid effect!) I should just have left it alone. I have had to cut again due to more sheddings, so I have no idea if I could have longer hair than I do now if I would have made the right choices. In my case the right choices would have been to control my health a little closer.

Shadow Walker
June 14th, 2008, 03:32 PM
I've either been bald or have had really short hair all my life, and I can't say I liked it too much. I always wanted long hair but was too insecure to grow it out. The longest I ever had it before now was down to my chin in high school, and I was going to grow it longer but I ended up cutting it for a girl (big mistake). Now that it's long I never plan on going back. :)

June 14th, 2008, 03:41 PM
Yeah, I can't say I liked it, either :P

it is STILL horrible, the short hair, I mean, you should see the way it is sticking up in the morning when I get up!! lol!

June 14th, 2008, 03:48 PM
I have never been, but I really, really wanted to do it. When my hair was at it's worst, I thought it might be best to shave it and re-do it from the beginning. I was talked out of it though...

Shadow Walker
June 14th, 2008, 03:51 PM
Yeah, I can't say I liked it, either :P


it is STILL horrible, the short hair, I mean, you should see the way it is sticking up in the morning when I get up!! lol!

Yep, I know exactly what you mean. The absolute worst though is when it's growing down your face, well, at least for a guy. You ladies can do way more acceptable things with it at that length then we can. :p

June 14th, 2008, 04:02 PM
True I love the cute little hairclips i can use now ^.^ it really does look cute.
that's the only good thing.

But i still have to make my hair wet every morning to make it lie flat on my head :P if I don't it sticks up horizontally.

Shadow Walker
June 14th, 2008, 04:10 PM
Yep, I remember those days. I used a lot of gel back then and made spikes, that was pretty much the only way I got through that stage.

June 14th, 2008, 04:26 PM
Hm, I tried gel, but I didn't want to damage my hair, so I stopped again. I didn't even like it, anyways. so i don't mind.

I really can't wait until it is all one length again and I can simply put it up and let it grow ^^

Shadow Walker
June 14th, 2008, 04:42 PM
Roughly a year (maybe a little more) and you'll be there! Your hair looks like it grows pretty quickly, so you'll have it long enough to put up in no time. It gets a lot easier once you can tuck it behind your ears, that's a big relief after having it always get in your eyes.

June 14th, 2008, 05:22 PM
hmm, it won't get into my eyes, since I always use hairclips to keep it out of my face ;)

but thanks... and I think it will be a little quicker than a year, really ô.O i mean, in 2 months, my hair already will have reaced chinlength (it grows 1cm per month, sometimes a little more).
And then I just need to wait for the rest to catch up ^^

Shadow Walker
June 14th, 2008, 05:53 PM
Yeah, lucky you. :P

You'll have it easier than I did. I had to frequently trim the back and sides to avoid walking around with a muilet, and I had to do it until the rest reached my neck.

June 14th, 2008, 06:39 PM
I've never been bald, literally. I was born with enough hair to make a ponytail on top of my head and I kinda resembled a little sumo wrestler.

I've wondered what it feels like to have no hair on my head, though. It sounds breezy!

June 14th, 2008, 07:40 PM
I was when I was a baby, I think! Other than that, I've never had short hair.


June 15th, 2008, 04:47 AM
Wll, ok, if you think about it like that, I've been bald twice :P as a baby and 4 months ago ;)

June 15th, 2008, 04:50 AM
I wasn't even bald as a baby! I came out with a full head of hair.

June 15th, 2008, 05:27 AM
I've been bald, it was in 1999 that I shaved clean and I had shoulder length hair for a wedding I was bridesmaid in 2000. I didn't trim, my hair is much curlier when shorter and didn't go through a mullet stage.

June 15th, 2008, 06:14 AM
I have never been bald.The shortest my hair has ever been is two inches back in 1984.But I'm never gonna cut it that short again.

June 15th, 2008, 08:05 AM
Full head of hair as a baby but had chemo in '03.

November 5th, 2011, 06:54 AM
I shaved my head bald so i could start growing long virgin hair, but after 3 weeks i started bleaching again =/ and then dyed it back to brown then i got to 7 months (7cm) and bleached it again and again and then shaved it all off again so i'm starting fresh AGAIN! To stop the mullet look whilst it was growing out i'd just shave the back to eye level and then a few weeks later shave the back up to ear length and then a week later i just shaved the very ends but this time i'm not going to shave it at all and just let it grow, so atm it's 2" long all over, the ends are laying flat going down my neck and the very top is short and spikey, thank god for hats!!

November 5th, 2011, 10:03 AM
I have a question for everyone who has shaved their head due to hair damage: was it worth it? Did you hair grow out dramatically improved in condition, or do you feel like the same problems you had before resurfaced?

Of course, this doesn't apply to anyone who had to shave their head for medical reasons, as that was a matter beyond their control in most cases.

I'm very curious on the topic because I dyed my hair WAY too much this summer, and now it's very damaged in my opinion. I have fully committed to growing out my natural hair after this incident. I toyed with the idea of getting a super short haircut, but then I realized my hair will not grow back in time for when I go to university, and I would really like to enjoy some curled hair for my graduation/prom photos :)

Do you feel that you could have achieved the same health/condition that you did with shaving your head but with regular trims/different techniques? I'm not trying to make anyone regret their decision to shave their head, I'm just curious of what advice they would pass on to others who have damaged hair :love:

November 5th, 2011, 10:12 AM
I don't regret shaving my hair off, but i do regret damaging it with all the dye, i have always been obsessed with changing my colour, once i dyed it blonde 11 times in 4 days cos i couldn't get the colour i wanted, in the end my hair was so damaged i couldn't even get a comb through it cos it was like chewing gum, the other week it was only 7cm but i shaved it again cos the comb wouldn't go through it again cos it was so damaged and there's no point in trying to grow long hair when it's in that condition so i shaved it off again to 4cm (longest setting on clippers), i've dyed it back to brown, it's still in really bad condition even though it's only 2" long so i'm probabl going to wait til after Christmas then shave it back to 4cm again and then hopefully all the dyed bits will get cut off and i can grow long virgin hair. And i don't regret it because i always wanted to see what i would look like bald and now i know i'll never have the urge again lol, but it does take ages growing out so i just regret damaging my hair in the first place cos then i'd have long hair and i'd be happy! And the damage was to the root so it would have taken years of trimming to get all the dyed hair off which i don't have patience for and now it's winter i just wear hats all the time! Sorry that was so long lol i tend to ramble! Hope it answered your question though!

November 5th, 2011, 10:17 AM
oh and the hair that grows back is so healthy and soft and the natural colour is actually much nicer then the colours i always dye it to but as it grows out it looks like a mullet which isn't so good and then i just want to cut it again or dye it thinking it will look better blonde or black...but then it will never get long again!

November 5th, 2011, 10:38 AM
I shaved my head bald so i could start growing long virgin hair, but after 3 weeks i started bleaching again =/ and then dyed it back to brown then i got to 7 months (7cm) and bleached it again and again and then shaved it all off again so i'm starting fresh AGAIN! To stop the mullet look whilst it was growing out i'd just shave the back to eye level and then a few weeks later shave the back up to ear length and then a week later i just shaved the very ends but this time i'm not going to shave it at all and just let it grow, so atm it's 2" long all over, the ends are laying flat going down my neck and the very top is short and spikey, thank god for hats!!

oh and the hair that grows back is so healthy and soft and the natural colour is actually much nicer then the colours i always dye it to but as it grows out it looks like a mullet which isn't so good and then i just want to cut it again or dye it thinking it will look better blonde or black...but then it will never get long again!

Good luck with your journey to long hair. One member to look up is Igor she doesn't post these days but she still have some posts. she is very knowledgeable about hair and growing it from bald. She grew from bald and is presently knee length its taken her 10 years; she is one of the main hair idols who came on here.

Your plan sounds excellent to me, just let it grow! I grew from pixie kind of **** up a hairdresser did to me and I never cut nothing until I could get it all in a pony without clips; that has to be my proudest goal out of all the lot! Id also advise you apart from asking lots of questions, in starting a blog on here, it may help during some frustrating stages which we all get!

This is a really friendly site and you will get excellent advise, ive been a member over 4 years now and love it; hope you will too!

November 5th, 2011, 12:11 PM
The last chemo treatment I received was on Nov9th, 2005. I was bald at that point. My hair is now 31.5", I have trimmed about 6" off over the last 6 years. It is amazing how fast our hair will grow back after an assault like chemo.

December 9th, 2011, 09:12 AM
This is a really friendly site and you will get excellent advise, ive been a member over 4 years now and love it; hope you will too!

I've been on LHC for a couple of years and that is how I got my hair so long quicker than it would been if it was just me alone. Growing hair from bald is a whole new dragon!;) I use to get a short cut and immediately grow it out over the years but it has been so long that I don't remember how I did it, besides, I'm older and am not looking forward to scraggly hair! So I am needing advice.






This was my hair taken Nov 15th and it is a little longer now. I'll take another snap after I shower and do my hair. As you see in the last picture, my hair came in kinda curly so I am learning how to deal with curly hair - I'm use to baby fine hair with some waves in it as it gets longer. I have not cut or trimmed my hair since it started growing in back in the Spring!

Here is the latest imitating Giorgio A Tsoukalos from "Ancient Aliens:"


http://mersea.blogforacure.com/cache/312618_271777676167776_142172979128247_1206671_578 1147_n.jpg_0_0_0.png

December 9th, 2011, 10:27 AM
I was shaved bald just about one year ago (or rather, I stopped shaving my head daily about one year ago and started to grow out). I'm now at about a jawline bob, but it would be longer if I didn't trim the back-mullet off. I can do pigtail stub half-ups :D so I'm pretty happy about that. I highly recommend daily scalp massages! They feel good and make you feel proactive about growing your hair...especially through the awkward "shag" lengths.

I have always favored a messy, choppy look, so I just snip off the longest bits in the back every couple of months / whenever my hair starts to look too "mullety." It's easy :D

Happy growing!

December 9th, 2011, 10:40 AM
I wasn't completely bald, but my hair was shaved about .25" all the way around.

Here is a pic after it grew out a few months and then three years later. I had cuts/trims in between:


That's the cool thing about hair....it grows back!

Right now I am growing from pixie. It's been about six months (with some trims in between) and I am almost at shoulder now. So, hopefully I will be BSL in less than a year from now!

Good luck & happy growing!

December 9th, 2011, 01:26 PM
I was shaved bald just about one year ago (or rather, I stopped shaving my head daily about one year ago and started to grow out). I'm now at about a jawline bob, but it would be longer if I didn't trim the back-mullet off. I can do pigtail stub half-ups :D so I'm pretty happy about that. I highly recommend daily scalp massages! They feel good and make you feel proactive about growing your hair...especially through the awkward "shag" lengths.

I have always favored a messy, choppy look, so I just snip off the longest bits in the back every couple of months / whenever my hair starts to look too "mullety." It's easy :D

Happy growing!

Hey, changling!
I am one of the unusual people in the world that like the mullet so that look doesn't bother me in the least. Here is a picture of the hair style I love the most:


Front View


Center View


Back View

Here is the hair I have now (I gooped it down to see how it would look at one length...


Front view


Side View


I have been using Nioxin on my hair which calls for 5 minutes of scalp massage when using product. Feels good on my head but man my hands and arms hurt!:D

December 9th, 2011, 01:30 PM
About 6 years ago I went through a major depression..some people cut themselves, I did something that in my world hurt more..I cut off my hair..It was to the middle of my back and I cut it to my scalp....

Afterwards I cried a lot..Took me a year before I stopped wearing wigs because they are so hot, and itch like crazy..In the middle of year two I didn't feel so gross anymore but longed for my long hair again..

I did tke up wearing hats, do you like hats??

December 9th, 2011, 01:45 PM
About 6 years ago I went through a major depression..some people cut themselves, I did something that in my world hurt more..I cut off my hair..It was to the middle of my back and I cut it to my scalp....

Afterwards I cried a lot..Took me a year before I stopped wearing wigs because they are so hot, and itch like crazy..In the middle of year two I didn't feel so gross anymore but longed for my long hair again..

I did tke up wearing hats, do you like hats??

Sorry to hear that you cut your hair when you were depressed! When I am depressed I pay more attention to brushing and combing because it makes feel prettier.

As for hats, I have a couple of hats but I don't think I look good in hats. Here is one example: (I was in Cancun! <3 )


And who could forget this one:


December 9th, 2011, 03:00 PM
I have been nearly bald. All of my hair fell out, but not all at the same time, so there was always just enough there to be hair. Looked terrible. And it grew in all uneven. I trimmed the mullet off the back when it was long enough, but didn't and havn't trimmed any of the rest. It started growing again in April I think, and I am just past shoulder now. I did do a few micro trims just to even out the hemline I guess.

December 9th, 2011, 03:10 PM
I had baldness on the lower back of my head across my nape from autoimmune diseases. It was scary. I used the hair on top to camouflage the loss with extensions. It took 6 months before it began to grow out and is now about 4 or 5 inches long in the area that was totally bald. It feels so good to have there again.

July 3rd, 2012, 07:36 AM
MungoMania, what autoimmunity did you have? I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2004 then cancer in 2010.