View Full Version : Pure keratine, which treatment?

March 5th, 2011, 05:56 AM
Hi guys! I bought a bottle (50ml) of pure keratine from a german seller (if you care: behawe.com, is really chip). In general my hair doesn't like proteins but I'm near to the end of my no-trim year and my ends need little more attention, so I decide to try it too.
My keratine is 100% pure, how do you suggest me to use it? :hmm:

March 5th, 2011, 08:47 AM
Are there instructions on the packaging?

I remember a very long time ago i used something called liquid hair. It was yellow liquid you sprayed onto the hair, combed through then heat styled. The product claimed that the heat styling made the keratin stick to the hair filling in gaps in the cuticle.

March 5th, 2011, 09:37 AM
ummh there are no instructions on the bottle but the site suggests to use between 2 and 3%

I was thinking to do a simple spray (water, keratin, lactic acid, conserv.) but I heard about hot treatments with keratin (such as reconstructive packs), maybe that could be better but cannot imagine how to do by myself.

(sorry for my english LOL!)

March 5th, 2011, 09:42 AM
hi :). i use beurre de karité (and other raw butters) in my CWC once a week. i melt it, then cool it stirring well and then add it to my conditioner (in my hand). i let it sit on my hair for around 5-6 minutes and then finish with the WC. if you check out my "routine" i think i'm more specific there.

March 5th, 2011, 10:27 AM
Sorry, I didn't understand... do you mix keratin and karité with conditioner? I bought pure karité from marocco, it sounds good!
where can I find your routine?

March 5th, 2011, 01:26 PM
sorry for not being clear. it's raw keratin butter and when i melt it (it turns into an oil) and then i cool it so it becomes more like a cream. at this stage i start by putting conditioner on my head (in the shower after my hair is completely wet down with warm water). i then mix the creamy/oily keratin butter with my conditioner and massage. i let it stay on for about 3 minutes while i do other shower duties. then i add more conditioner (no cone, garnier triple nutrition) and massage a bit more. i then wait another minute or two and then rinse and massage. i have to be very patient and careful because this is verrrrry thick and doesn't move around or rinse willingly. i then wash it out with a normal Aubrey Organics shampoo (i had to wash 2 times last time, gently). after the wash i add more conditioner. i let my hair airdry and honestly there is still some of this buttery glossyness (i.e. greasyness) left on the hair. both times i have put my hair up and over the course of the day it has absorbed into my hair. i also use a bbb once the hair is completely dry and completely detangled and combed. HTH, i'm not sure if the raw keratin butter (pure/organic) is the same as the oil. but this is how i have been giving my hair a protein boost this past month. :)

March 5th, 2011, 02:24 PM
I never used, but I know keratin 100% can be used mixing with water, on washed (wet) hair. You can spray it, and when is almost dry you have to seal it with "some" heat. You can use your hair dryer, for exemple or some other thing.
Other ways to use it is mixing the keratin with some moisturing product, leaving on about 20 minutes on the heat.
The secret is heat the keratin to allow the protein to penetrate un the hair, and moisturing it very well after.
Don't mess or move, or wash your hair for 24 hours after the treatment, or it can break. Keep it up.
Keratin is pure protein and can damage your hair if you don't moisture well before and after.
I have no personal experience using Keratin, but my advice is to start using just a little bit, mixed with water or some moisturing cream.
Don't over do. You always can apply more later.
Good look! :)

March 5th, 2011, 03:36 PM
@Luna moon: thanx for precious informations, I'll try with the spray first and then with conditioner (at low percentage) :D

@Nymphe: Is it possible that you're misunderstanding karité with keratin (kératine in french)? Keratin it's an animal protein, not a butter.

March 6th, 2011, 02:31 AM
@Luna moon: thanx for precious informations, I'll try with the spray first and then with conditioner (at low percentage) :D

@Nymphe: Is it possible that you're misunderstanding karité with keratin (kératine in french)? Keratin it's an animal protein, not a butter.

why yes, i'm sorry! i assumed karité was keratin, and since you asked i looked it up and it's actually SHEA BUTTER!!! thanks for correcting me, and sorry for the mix-up. so that's how i use my raw shea butter....:rolleyes::p

March 6th, 2011, 10:10 AM
Hi again! :) Good to know the info was useful.
I forgot to say, you can use Keratin once a week, if your hair is damaged, or every 2 weeks, alternating with deep moisture treatments. Sometimes you can just mix a little with some leave on conditioner, just on your hair ends.
Some people mix with shampoo, but I am not sure just some seconds in contact with your hair can do something...

August 9th, 2011, 01:26 PM
If I mix pure keratine into my SMT, will:
1) The heat of my head will be enough or does it have to be blowdryer-HEAT?
2) Will the moisture of the SMT be enough, so my hair won't break?