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June 11th, 2008, 10:22 PM
I have just remembered that there is, in fact, a word to describe that color of hair that hovers between blond and light-brown, often with reddish highlights. We've called it honey, golden, whiskey, rum, blondish, sort of brown, and i-don't-know. But now we can put a specific word on it! That word is "Tawny." Tawny like a lion's mane or a tawny owl's feathers.

So, tell us about your tawny hair. Do you embrace it or rebel against it? Do you drive yourself batty looking for hair-ties that blend in and hair-forks that stand out? Do you draw a blank when someone asks you "What color is your hair?"

Join the Tawny Support Group and tell us your not-exactly-a-blond woes!

June 11th, 2008, 10:26 PM
Hahahaha, I guess this is me, too.

I'm just going to post in all the color threads (except black), yes!

For the record, when people ask me about my haircolor, both the asker and the wearer are probably equally confused, haha. My typical answer is... "I am naturally a human skittle bag! :D"

June 11th, 2008, 10:30 PM

I'd previously settled on "dirty strawberry blonde" then had it labeled "caramel" by someone here, which I liked because it was shorter. But a real word is also good!!!

June 11th, 2008, 10:31 PM
I have just remembered that there is, in fact, a word to describe that color of hair that hovers between blond and light-brown, often with reddish highlights. We've called it honey, golden, whiskey, rum, blondish, sort of brown, and i-don't-know. But now we can put a specific word on it! That word is "Tawny." Tawny like a lion's mane or a tawny owl's feathers.

So, tell us about your tawny hair. Do you embrace it or rebel against it? Do you drive yourself batty looking for hair-ties that blend in and hair-forks that stand out? Do you draw a blank when someone asks you "What color is your hair?"

Join the Tawny Support Group and tell us your not-exactly-a-blond woes!

yes, yes and yes. Except because I can find complete hairs of all red, black, blonde and brown..I usually tell people I am calico. Heck, If I look hard enough there are probably some white/gray hairs. I certainly have them elsewhere. <<ahem>>

June 12th, 2008, 02:01 AM
I am now a Tawny!!

I have got rid of all my old dyed hair and now have quite a nice colour, tawny seems just right, it has a nice shine and is growing well now that all the old damage has gone :cheese:
I must measure it again!

June 12th, 2008, 02:05 AM
Well, since my hair changes between light blonde and dark brown and strawberry blonde... I think I'm in this group. :lol: I've right now got all of those colours showing in my hair, I think.

June 12th, 2008, 07:01 AM
Yes! Thanks for this! Puma-colored, I'm here!

I think on the old LHC there was a thread about hair-colored hair - our in between, constantly changing, "what color is it" hair.

June 12th, 2008, 07:49 AM
Katze, yes I was thinking about the old "hair colored hair" thread! I think many blondes fall into this category, and I back this up by noting how many of you all I saw on the blonde thread!

My hair changes daily and hourly. I definitely wouldn't call it brown, but it can be pretty dark, or quite red, or really blonde. It depends on products, lighting, and style. Sometimes I think it depends on day of the week or moon phase!

Happy Tawny everyone!

June 12th, 2008, 08:21 AM
From the back I've always been "blondish"
From the front, sort of brown.
(Hair gets much lighter as it grows)

If I oil it's weirdly redder.

Do I get to join?:pray:

June 12th, 2008, 08:22 AM
Yep I am here too.

June 12th, 2008, 08:33 AM
I guess that would apply to me too?
Dark golden/honey blonde is what I usually call it. Lighting has tremendous effect on what color my hair looks like..

June 12th, 2008, 08:49 AM
Sounds like I belong here. I don't tend to get too hung up over hair color but frizziness, that's another thing. I don't rebel against my hair but it rebels against me, especially in summer. Thank goodness for damp bunning.

June 12th, 2008, 10:19 AM
Tawny. That's nice. I've never heard it used to refer to hair color, though.

When I've asked stylists what color they would call my hair, every single one of them said "gold." (that answer will be changing to "silver" in the not too distant future, I think, although my current stylist calls my natural highlights "platinum". I like that.)

June 12th, 2008, 12:19 PM
I'm a tawny! My ex once picked up a strand of my hair in January, when my darker roots are coming in, and said, in complete surprise, "your hair's actually brown!" I thought that was hilarious.

June 12th, 2008, 12:49 PM
From the back I've always been "blondish"
From the front, sort of brown.
(Hair gets much lighter as it grows)

If I oil it's weirdly redder.

Do I get to join?:pray:

Yes, you can join!!

June 12th, 2008, 01:21 PM
It's so sad that when someone askes me what color my hair is "I don't know what to tell them" it seems to me to be a mix of light brown & red, maybe some blonde? I feel like I have to give a list of colors instead of just saying one.

June 12th, 2008, 01:43 PM
Count me in! My stylist told me I'm technically a dark golden blonde, but often it looks brown when it's your all-over color. She showed me color swatches though and sure enough I'm technically a blonde. Everyone who looks at me though would consider it in-between.

June 12th, 2008, 02:02 PM
I think im a tawny too, my hair goes from blond, to light brown, to red im a camillean , even my eyes change from blue to green!

June 12th, 2008, 02:21 PM
I've always called my hair sandy blonde, since I have black hairs, brown hairs, red hairs, etc. Just like individual grains of sand are different. Of course, thanks to cassia and henna, I'm more on the strawberry end than I used to be.

June 12th, 2008, 02:55 PM
Twany twany twany, I'm so in. I was blond as a child but my hair has darkend over the years and now it's dark blondish with som red/copper in it.... strange but nice :)

Flying Betty
June 12th, 2008, 08:38 PM
Wow, there's finally a nice word to describe my hair color. This is exactly me, except without the reddish part. I think that's why I try so hard to stay on the blond side of things- because *ahem* dark tawny hair is not at all flattering (on me at least) without a hint of red. It's such a dull color until it lightens up!

June 12th, 2008, 10:23 PM
Hey I think that might include me to. Im always getting comments about my hair color people asking me if I dyed it again. I have been called a red head and every other color it funny though because I dye my hair so you wouldnt think the color would change so frequently.

June 13th, 2008, 04:14 AM
...even my eyes change from blue to green!

My eyes do that as well! And have brown flecks in them. Seems that some of us don't like to settle on one colour, eh? :)

June 13th, 2008, 07:41 AM
Tawny! That sounds like me! :cheese:
I had really light blond hair as a child, but it got darker as a teen, till it was a mousy-brown / dishwater blond. I then started coloring it. I'm now coloring to almost my natural color, but a little lighter. More an ash blond.

Now that I've been on here, I've been thinking about trying to go natrual and stop coloring. Part of me wants to stop damaging my hair, but the other part of me likes how my hair looks in the color I have it. And then you have the grow out period....

June 13th, 2008, 07:44 AM
I guess I'm tawny too.

I think we call it "cendré" (some french word I think) in Sweden.

I have some golden reddish in my hair (have red haired brother and red haired son).

Ia have been called "dark blonde", "cendré", "light brown" "chestnut" and so on.

The strong red you can see in my profile and avatar, is henna though.

After I had my sons, the hair got darker.

My eyes are green and can look blueish and have small flecks (not many) - like some others described. Compared to a real blue eyed person, my eyes do not look blue.

July 1st, 2008, 09:34 PM
Oh awsome! I saw a link to this thread, and I had to investigate.
Me too! I belong here! Dark strawberry blonde I always called it. It gets very blonde at the ends that have seen a few years of sun, the roots are a ruddy brown, and there are always red and gold highlights throughout.
And my eyes, I grew up calling them blue, but DH thought I was kidding, because they are obviously green. Well there's a green ring in the middle, ok...

July 1st, 2008, 09:41 PM
Welcome all you tawny-haired peoples! It's great to know that I'm not alone!

Now that we're all here and accounted for . . .

I have a question for everyone. What colors of hair toys do you prefer? What metals, woods, or colors do you find stand out in your hair, and which metals, woods, or colors do you find blend into your hair?

Indigo Girl
July 1st, 2008, 09:43 PM
Oooh, I believe I am a tawny too! If asked, no two people will determine my hair color to be the same shade. My hair has a wide spectrum of variation, depending on the season and lighting.

My eyes also change color, but only various shades of blue. :bluesmile

July 2nd, 2008, 12:46 AM
My hair is pretty solidly blond, but I just had to stop in to say the "not quite blond, not quite brown" tawny color is one of my very favorite hair colors!

July 2nd, 2008, 01:09 AM
I think that I fit into this hair color category, though I did post in the blonde thread as well. My eyes can change color too, from green to blue and sometimes even brown if the lighting is right. I usually call my hair blonde though.

I have a a pretty pink ficcare that stands out nicely in my hair. Most of my hair toys are of the stand out variety, I have some black sticks I use a lot. As far as blending in stuff, I have some olive green hair sticks that blend surprisingly well. Oh and that tortoise shell stuff blends pretty well too.

July 2nd, 2008, 01:11 AM
I clicked on the thread, because I read the title and didn´t know what 'tawny' meant. And lo and behold, I think I belong here. Can I join? :)

I´ve seen color samples and am quite convinced that I´m medium blonde, technically, but in reality there are all kinds of colors there. My eyes are also not-really-blue, but also neither green nor grey. The best description I can give is 'blueish, but not bright blue'

July 2nd, 2008, 01:18 AM
My favorite hair toys are bright colors, generally. I have an especial tendency towards blue and green. Dark colors (like ebony wood, or any jewel tone) also look really good in it, generally. I don't generally do white, but that's probably just because it makes my hair look darker in comparison, when I want it to look lighter and brighter.

I generally don't think my hair looks best against purple in most lights, though. I don't really know why. It's not good for my complexion, either. Yellow is also not so good, though I have a yellow and black stick that I wear pretty often, and it doesn't look *bad* or anything.

Blue and green are definitely my favorites, though.

Oh, ETA! Forgot to answer part of the question. I definitely prefer hairtoys that STAND OUT against my hair color. To blend in, any light or medium shade of wood (brownish wood, not, like, bloodwood or tulipwood or any of the interestingly colored woods) generally works to blend in. I don't own much in those shades, as a result. I think walnut, oak, ash are good examples. I do own a big maple stick that I like a lot, even if I don't wear it often because I forget about all the toys I have.

Blending in (a "blonde" shade Linziclip):
Oddly, this is a mottled olive green and bronze-y finish, but still blends in. I'm positive my hair isn't GREEN, though.

Standing out:
http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k152/chloeishere/IMG_4091c.jpg http://i87.photobucket.com/albums/k152/chloeishere/IMG_4098c.jpg

Here's that maple stick I was talking about-- it has a purpleheart topper. It stands out, but in a different way.

July 2nd, 2008, 01:21 AM
I have a question for everyone. What colors of hair toys do you prefer? What metals, woods, or colors do you find stand out in your hair, and which metals, woods, or colors do you find blend into your hair?I'm not an expert in hairtoys... but, I love tortoise barettes or similar to tortoise. And I prefer the old ones (1900-1940).
I think they look great in my kind of hair color, but they aren't wrong for other colors though.
Tortoise both blend in and stands out, maybe because of the shape they use to have.

I have made some barettes with ribbonbows (in a nice old way, not 80's overdone satin bows), and then I like them black, cause that stands out in a nice way. Red or other colors looks blaha but would be great in dark/black hair.

For metals, I think gold would be what is supposed to look great on me, but I don't like gold. I love silver with marcasite (hope its their name in English) or false diamonds (ok, 20 pieces of big diamonds is ok to :)). Can't see that I do not look ok with silver, even if I'm "warm" in tone. For colors (in clothes) it is the warm ones that suits me best. I have just one silver toned barette with false diamonds, I more often ware the tortoise ones, or the ribboned.

If I buy a hairstick, I think I would chose a faux tortoise or black (same reasons as the barettes and bows).
Maybe wood if nice texture (I don't like teak).

July 2nd, 2008, 01:27 AM
I generally don't think my hair looks best against purple in most lights, though. I don't really know why. It's not good for my complexion, either.Purple looks really bad on me too. If used in eye makeup, I look really sick or as I've been hit.
I think it is generally a cold color. (I dont know if there are warm purple, like there are warm and cold blue or warm and cold red.)

July 2nd, 2008, 01:58 AM
blue, green, silver, and teal hairtoys look best on me. Petrol, peacock, ocean...I have recently figured out I'm a summer in coloration, so anything that suits my skin and eyes - from pale ice blue to deep jade - looks best.

My eyes change color, too, from dark blue to grey-green to yellow.

However, today I'm wearing my bronze sandals and my gold and black Ficcare. Sometimes I like gold or amber/saffron colors, then my eyes really look puma-colored.

Silver & Gold
July 2nd, 2008, 06:19 AM
I'm pretty sure this is where I belong. In darker light my hair looks quite brown but under bright lights I'm quite blond. I have pictures taken of me on the very same day where my hair looks like I must have colored it between photos.
The last performance I did, people were coming up to me after saying, "Wow, you've gone so blond!" Yet photos taken of me that day have me looking very brown. I'm often asked if I've colored my hair for this reason. Crazy!

July 2nd, 2008, 07:00 AM
Count me in. Someone here once referred to my hair as the color of a lion's mane. I have tempted the idea of hennaing, but I do love this color:) I have been toying with a henna streak tho...underneith...that would look cool i think. the hair behind my ear on one side...giving it lots and lots of thought tho

July 5th, 2008, 11:14 AM
Yep, I've been interested to find that a lot of Tawnies also have Hazel eyes. It's like we're difficult to define all the way around!

July 5th, 2008, 12:16 PM
I think I'm a dark Tawny colour

Silver & Gold
July 5th, 2008, 12:18 PM
Yep, I've been interested to find that a lot of Tawnies also have Hazel eyes. It's like we're difficult to define all the way around!

My eyes are kind of a bluish green. Sometimes they look very, very green, other times more blue. It used to be a lovely trap I would put my husband in whenever I was feeling particularly playful in that ornery kind of way. I would ask him what color my eyes were. We've been married 28 years now and he still gets a bit flummoxed when I ask him what color my eyes are. To tell you the truth, I don't know exactly what color to call them myself.

Silver & Gold
July 5th, 2008, 12:31 PM
Just one note on the eye color as it relates to tawny hair color. I remember reading someone calling this hair color "hair colored hair". So thinking of the eye thing, I took a picture of my eye with my computer. Today it seems the computer wants to call my eye a kind of green color. But since there seems to be just as much confusion over the changing eye color . . . I wonder if we can call this an "eye colored eye".


Hee hee. OK, don't beat me all you brown eyes out there! Some of my BEST friends have brown eyes. Even my husband and all our children have very, very dark brown eyes. I like to tell them that their eyes are so dark because they're full of $h1t right up to the top. They like to tell me that I'm just a quart low.

July 5th, 2008, 12:39 PM
hmmm don't know if i would fit in to this catagory or not but i'm betting i probably do, i now that my hair is naturally blonde but under most lights it appears brown, for that reason i bleached it to death for so many years but i've gone back to my natural colour now and i'm loving it... also kinda interested that most people of this hair colour do seem to have hazel eyes, maybee we're just naturally indecisive :p

July 5th, 2008, 12:44 PM
Another tawny here ! :)

My hair is dark blonde (http://i279.photobucket.com/albums/kk129/joliefolle/Hair/6moafter.jpg)-- so light brown, predominantly, but with lots of natural blonde highlights. When I was younger, it was more ashy, but lately it seems to have a much more golden tone...

Yep, I've been interested to find that a lot of Tawnies also have Hazel eyes. It's like we're difficult to define all the way around!
My eyes are your typical "hazel", too. Greenish-blue in the middle, with dark blue around the edges and yellow-brown around the pupil... Actually, they look just about exactly like this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Movie_Eyes.jpg).

July 5th, 2008, 01:31 PM
Yep, I've been interested to find that a lot of Tawnies also have Hazel eyes. It's like we're difficult to define all the way around!

My eyes aren't hazel, but they are a blue-grey shade that changes from day to day. I'm never quite comfortable defining their color, either. I generally go with blue, since they normally have a touch of blue, except on a very rare "completely grey" day. But I've never felt like my eyes are a true, bright blue. I didn't like them when I was a kid, but now I like being a bit different!

July 5th, 2008, 01:54 PM
I wanted to add what colors I prefer in hairtoys, but unfortunately I´m going for function rather than color...I keep buying green barettes and clips, though, because they look best against my hair in my opinion. Sadly, most of them I can only use for halfups, because they are to small. Brown and gold/amber makes my hair look dull, but I have some brown hairtoys because they are able to hold all the hair.

July 5th, 2008, 02:11 PM
My eyes are your typical "hazel", too. Greenish-blue in the middle, with dark blue around the edges and yellow-brown around the pupil... Actually, they look just about exactly like this (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Movie_Eyes.jpg).

Mine, too. Actually, on me, the ring in the center is almost yellow. and it radiates out like spokes on a wheel. I think it looks really cool but it does make it difficult to classify my eye color.

July 5th, 2008, 02:34 PM
Hurrah! I just found this! Can I join too, pretty please? Most recent hair pic below.

I just had a "fight" with my BF wherein I casually referred to my hair as "dark blonde," and she just snorted and said "yeah, right." She contends my hair is brown! Now I have an answer for her: Tawny. :D

Until I was about 6 or 7, my hair was white blonde. :confused:

Oh, and my eye color is completely and totally unchanging: bright blue, always. Any other solid blue-eyes out there?


I'd love to see others' eyes, too! :)


tawnily yours,

flaming bunny
July 5th, 2008, 03:03 PM
Yay there's an official word for us weirdy inbetweenies :cheese:

I feel pride for my not-quite-brown/not-quite-blonde/not-quite-red hair!!

Right on.

July 5th, 2008, 03:33 PM
Well i make part of this thread for sure!

July 5th, 2008, 03:40 PM
Ah..and my eyes changes from dark green, to medium green, to medium brown , to honey...

July 5th, 2008, 06:11 PM
I embrace mine. I have never colored it, and I never will. I like the fact that it is an enigma. I've been told I'm a blond, a brunette, and a redhead. :lol: I KNOW I'm not a redhead, and I don't consider myself a brunette candidate, but yeah, who can really tell what color it is? I always loved HairColoredHair's username because that is just how I always viewed MY hair color. :lol:

I also gave up trying to find ponytail holders that "match" because they never do. They are always either too brown or too yellow.

The only problem I really have is in deciding which color to report on my driver's license. I decided to go with brown, since it's getting darker as I age and they are good for five years.

Indigo Girl
July 5th, 2008, 07:59 PM
Pretty much any shade of brown looks good in my hair. I tend to gravitate towards cool colors: rich greens, deep blues, and of course, indigo! :D

Warm colors look good on me as long as they're "soft", that is, somewhat muted (i.e., coral instead of orange, etc.).

I look better in gold than I do in silver.

July 7th, 2008, 08:45 PM
brok3nwings, I love the kitty in your hair in your avatar picture! That is the essence of tawny!

July 7th, 2008, 08:48 PM
The only problem I really have is in deciding which color to report on my driver's license. I decided to go with brown, since it's getting darker as I age and they are good for five years.

When the lady behind the desk at the DMV asked: "Hair color?" I just looked at her and shrugged. She stared back for a moment and them mumbled, "Let's call it blond. That's good enough."


July 8th, 2008, 04:21 AM
Yes, I am tawny but never knew what to call it before. I now love my hair colour because I have strands of varying shades of blonde, brown and the odd bright red ones (my favourites) and I think that this combination makes my hair more interesting (to me anyway;)). I used to think it was dirty blonde but I've really come to appreciate in recent years since I stopped dying it.

The only thing that annoys me is that I can't wear purple. It really wouldn't work. But I think my hair looks great with green, which is my favourite colour, so I can live without purple.

Happy to be a Tawny

July 8th, 2008, 04:44 AM
Hi guess this is me too. I've been called mousy before and hated it! funny but it taken me 20 years to love my natural colour and now it's turning grey!

July 8th, 2008, 06:03 AM
Don't have it myself, just wanted to say it's my favorite kind of "blonde" :flowers: My bf's hair is a bit like this.

July 10th, 2008, 02:12 PM
I think I belong to this group too. If someone would ask what hair colour I have, I'd probably just say "dark blonde". When other people have commented on my hair colour, the most common things I have heard are honey and golden blonde. Once, someone compared my hair to the colour of a crop field (like wheat or rye) at harvest time. Depending on light, it can look about anything from strawberry blonde, via golden/honey blonde to a more dirty dishwater blonde.

July 11th, 2008, 07:14 PM
I can relate to the dmv confusion. After several minutes of two people arguing about my hair and eye color in front of my mom and I, they settled on brown and green. It was pretty funny stuff.

October 17th, 2008, 07:22 PM
I'm bumping this thread. I'm interested to see how many tawnys find that changing shampoos changes their hair color. I switch back and forth between organic shampoo (Avalon) and Brilliant Brunette by John Frieda. I swear that the organic shampoo give my hair cool tones over time, where the John Frieda seems to warm the color up. However, even if I use the same shampoo consistently, my color still seems to change some day to day...

October 17th, 2008, 07:26 PM
I'm bumping this thread. I'm interested to see how many tawnys find that changing shampoos changes their hair color. I switch back and forth between organic shampoo (Avalon) and Brilliant Brunette by John Frieda. I swear that the organic shampoo give my hair cool tones over time, where the John Frieda seems to warm the color up. However, even if I use the same shampoo consistently, my color still seems to change some day to day...

Well, the other day I mixed some conditioner with my shampoo (don't ask why, it was a fit of madness that seemed to have quite positive effects on my scalp's oil production) and my hair looks darker now that it did before, though it could be my imagination or me going barking mad.

October 17th, 2008, 08:41 PM
I'm a tawny wearing henna :P

And I've got hazel eyes. But lately since I've been red my eyes look more green. I've also been wearing more green eye-shadow!

And I think when I switch shampoos I'm straining so hard to notice any difference that I'll swear the color is different when in fact, it is not.

BUT: Some deep treatments and conditioners have a pearlecent look to them; those HAVE to be mica or some kind of glittery metallic substance. Wouldn't some of those get left in the shaft or on the hair? I think my hair sometimes looked lighter or more "shimmery" when I used them.... (for example the Feria conditioner from Sally's or out of the box)

October 17th, 2008, 09:16 PM
Yup, that would be me. My hair is naturally a dark blonde, with some ash tones and some golden-red tones in it. I highlight the top layer so it looks blonder, which helps to brighten up my very pale skin :)

I think tawny is a pretty word, I like it. I hated when people would say my hair was light brown (sorry, but to me that has the connotation of boring) or mousy (even worse). Hairstylists have always said my hair is blonde; not one has ever called me a brunette.

October 17th, 2008, 09:19 PM
Me too! I didn't know this was the name, I have some red in my blonde, but I would never use the word strawberry to describe my colour. Also the hair changes colour with the lighting as does my eyes. I was following the blonde thread for a while but I didn't feel at home there.

Does anyone know what the origin of the word tawny is?

October 18th, 2008, 02:47 AM
more, or stronger, shampoo definitely changes my hair color. And if I condition my crown (which I normally don't), it also makes my hair darker. I notice this with BF, another tawny; he's been using Burt's Bees Avacado treatment as a leave-in on his length, and his hair looks a lot darker too.

I really honestly prefer the look of my hair freshly washed (shampooed) because I like to encourage the blonde side of things. :D Lately, though, I have been oiling on dirty days and getting used to the look of my hair as ash brown.

October 18th, 2008, 07:32 AM
Yay! Now I know there is a name for my hair color. I've had people call it everything from light brown to dark blond to weird strawberry blond, but I like tawny much better. Thanks for the great new term!:)

October 18th, 2008, 08:00 AM
My eyes aren't hazel, but they are a blue-grey shade that changes from day to day. I'm never quite comfortable defining their color, either. I generally go with blue, since they normally have a touch of blue, except on a very rare "completely grey" day. But I've never felt like my eyes are a true, bright blue. I didn't like them when I was a kid, but now I like being a bit different!

You have my eyes!

I'm learning to love them. My sisters have bright blue eyes. It's different having not grey/not blue eyes.

I don't have tawny hair, though with enough sun and the right lighting it can almost look it. :lol: I just call it 'brown'. Can't go wrong with brown. (So I probably shouldn't be posting here, but I had to comment on the eyes!)

October 18th, 2008, 09:02 PM
Katze, I find that Burt's Bees Avacado definitely makes my hair darker too. I think it might be the rosemary leaf oil in it - supposedly rosemary can darken hair and also stave off grays...

October 18th, 2008, 10:58 PM
My hair is definitely tawny when it's not henna-red. I went henna-red a few weeks after a hair stylist called it "dishwater," which, as I said elsewhere, is just not how I want to think of my hair! Normally it's kind of a dark honey with traces of red. I tried the henna for a change, but I think it's a too stark a contrast with my paleness; my normal color is much softer looking.

I'm not sure how much shampoos change my hair color; I'll have to pay closer attention. :hmm:

Jan in ID
October 18th, 2008, 11:52 PM
I'm a tawny too!
I used to be a true blonde, but my hair seems to be getting darker with age. :( I called it dark blonde with red highlights when in the sun.

My eyes are also blue/green. They seem to change depending on what colors I wear.

I use CV shampoo bars and I'm told the castor oil can darken your hair. I have been doing the honey lightning treatments to help counter that.

As far as hair toys, I don't have a lot just a few headband and barettes. I tend to buy the ones that will blend with my hair. As my hair gets longer I plan to buy some cute ones!

flaming bunny
October 19th, 2008, 07:15 AM
Meeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm a tawny! :eyebrows: When I examine my hair some strands are brown, some are very light blonde and some are even bright coppery red... It's a random mix. My fine hair also contains wirey coarse hairs...what's going on? :shrug:

October 29th, 2008, 05:00 PM
I just got directed on this group, when asking opinion on my hair color, and I would say I was directed right. I always would answer that my hair is brown, but now..well, I think it is different. So if you wish, please count me in.

October 29th, 2008, 06:21 PM
I just got directed on this group, when asking opinion on my hair color, and I would say I was directed right. I always would answer that my hair is brown, but now..well, I think it is different. So if you wish, please count me in.

Aye, I reckon you're one of us! Come join the party, we have cookies :D

October 29th, 2008, 07:37 PM
I've always described my color as a kind of ashy blonde... tawny sounds better though!


October 29th, 2008, 07:49 PM
Timely bump of this thread! I am going back to my long lost trusty hair stylist tomorrow to get lowlights on the white (old highlights) lower 19" of my hair. It has taken me a whole year of agonizing over whether to be fakely light blonde like every other mother at the ballpark, or to let my natural whatever-it-is color grow down. I hope to be re-tawny this time tomorrow night. God I hope she does it right, and I hope my bf likes it :confused:.

Never thought of myself as 'tawny' before but that seems to be what my hair is naturally. It sure looks beautiful on all you previous posters here :).

I don't think I have a single red strand, however. It's mostly ashy so I hope I still fit in here.

October 29th, 2008, 08:46 PM
I just got directed on this group, when asking opinion on my hair color, and I would say I was directed right. I always would answer that my hair is brown, but now..well, I think it is different. So if you wish, please count me in.
You've got the right group, I'm sure. I have the same problem: I went to get a new passport at a big policestation, and when it was finally my turn, the officer asks: "Haircolour?" and I didn't quite know what to say so I ansvered:" What do you think? Blonde?" A bit later he asked for my eyecolour, and I tried for blue/green but the form would only take one colour so I went for blue. Funny:rolleyes:

October 30th, 2008, 02:37 AM
I think I fall into this category. Because my natural hair color just doesn't look good on me I henna, so it's red now. In Holland they call this muddy hair color: hair the color of the hair-of-the-dog-of-the-milkman (kind of weird in translation)

My eye color is blue/green/teal depending on the light, never anything near brown.

October 30th, 2008, 03:51 AM
Me! Me! Pick me!
Since I have the darker side of tawny which I don't like, I get highlights. It started when I realized that at the end of summer, I had lots of blonde strands and I liked it.
To blend all the highlighted strands again (from years and years fo highlighting), my hairdresser uses some kind of light brown I think hazelnut highlights as well. But even without the chemical "help" my hair has all possible and impossible colors. From very light blonde to mousy grey (predominantely), dark brown, a few almost black ones to reddish ones, you name it ;)
There was another poster saying about the different thickness of individual hairs - I know that too! I categorized my hair as F/M, but especially the dark hairs are really thick. The blond ones are thinner, but I think it's because of the peroxide.
My highlights are quite strong and obvious, but I still would not be able to describe my hair color. Thanks for the pretty name!
My eyes are definitely green, but also change a bit, but rather in intensity than in color. Usually, they change with the colors I wear. One day, I realized my eyes looked dark blue from a distance, hmmm...
As for the colors of hair toys, I usually pick black. It seems to always fit. Unfortunately, I could not find a good store for hair toys yet. Claire's and Bijoux Brigitte have some, but the unsual ones are not always the ones I like... I think I should look online for good sources. I'm hesitating though because I like to touch and feel the things I buy. Well, I'll have to risk it ;)

October 30th, 2008, 04:04 AM
I am a natural tawny - and my ends can go quite blonde if I swim or go in the sun a lot.

I rebel! And dye it dark brown/black. My eyebrows are naturally dark dark brown, and I prefer the look of the dark hair on me. I wouldn't mind going back to my natural colour, but I couldn't stand two-tone hair for years and years, and there's no way I'm cutting it ^_^

October 30th, 2008, 06:30 AM
Hello, I have noticed that if I ask a person with dark brown or black hair my hair color they automatically say blonde. If I ask someone with blonde or light brown hair they say brown. I remember my mom always called me her little blonde baby (she had black hair) so when I went to school, we played a game where the teacher said all of the people with white shoes stand up, etc. and she said all of the people with blonde hair stand up and I did and she yelled at me :( I was so sad. My hair wasn't blonde blonde but surely my mom wouldn't lie to me right? I was only 5 :/ Ever since then, I've always adamantly demanded that my hair be called brown.

It's really nice that you guys have started this thread. It's helped me to understand and feel that I fit in some where.

My eyes are green with gold in them and I have been told that they are brown and blue. :)

October 30th, 2008, 06:47 AM
Hello, I have noticed that if I ask a person with dark brown or black hair my hair color they automatically say blonde. If I ask someone with blonde or light brown hair they say brown. I remember my mom always called me her little blonde baby (she had black hair) so when I went to school, we played a game where the teacher said all of the people with white shoes stand up, etc. and she said all of the people with blonde hair stand up and I did and she yelled at me :( I was so sad. My hair wasn't blonde blonde but surely my mom wouldn't lie to me right? I was only 5 :/ Ever since then, I've always adamantly demanded that my hair be called brown.

It's really nice that you guys have started this thread. It's helped me to understand and feel that I fit in some where.

My eyes are green with gold in them and I have been told that they are brown and blue. :)

My sisters insist my hair's brown because they're all fairer than me, whereas a lot of my friends are dark and they call my hair blonde.

November 3rd, 2008, 10:47 AM
Hehehe. :)

Has anyone noticed that when they use ACV it lightens up their hair even more?

November 3rd, 2008, 01:10 PM
I don't know if anyone experienced this, there was a period of time when I was a teenager where my hair had a faint greenish tint to it, that's when I started to dislike the color! I guess it had something to do with the fact that my hair would get greasy in half a day. There was nothing I could do against that except for perming or bleaching it to death, that kept the greasyness away LOL.
Nowadays my hair still gets greasy quite quickly (in 2 days), but not as insane as within a day.

November 3rd, 2008, 06:04 PM
I think this is me. The ever elusive colour!

November 3rd, 2008, 07:31 PM
I've just come to think of an expression we have where I come from (It might be an expression they have everywhere, but I wouldn't know): "Much loved child has many names"

I think this applies to the hair coloured hair. Might be comforting when we are frustrated over names like washwater blonde, mousy brown and such. Try to remember that names like golden, amber and tawny are also used for the same colour :inlove:

November 4th, 2008, 03:47 AM
It's all relative. When I lived in New York City, I was considered tall and blonde. I would sometimes look around on the subway and be the tallest, palest person I saw! Now that I live in Northern Europe I am not considered blonde anymore, and I am shorter than average for a woman.

Oddly, my partner is considered blonde (that's him in Viking dress in my sig pic) though his body hair and eyebrows are darker than mine. When he trims his (reddish-blackish) beard down, he looks much blonder. I think for men, since they don't tend to bleach or dye their hair-colored hair, the border of blonde is more flowing.

I do often wish my hair were the color it was when I was a kid (somewhere between yellow and platinum) but it wasn't wavy then, and I really like having waves.

I've also got the changing eye color - green/grey/gold/brown/blue.

November 4th, 2008, 07:35 AM
Katze, I have those eyes too! (And congrats on your pregnancy, I totally haven't been around for 5 months...)...

My hair is probably on the dark end of Tawny ATM, but once I see the sun for more than 2 days it will lighten up rapidly (I'm thinking, Venezuela at Xmas, yessss!).

So... yeah. :magic:

November 4th, 2008, 07:42 AM
I think I am a tawny too!

November 8th, 2008, 06:54 AM
I'm wondering if I'm a tawny too.

November 8th, 2008, 07:42 AM
I'm wondering if I'm a tawny too.
Looks tawny to me. The first pic for sure. The ssecond one looks Ash blonde. The third one is almost red. Different light gives it different color apperance. Very pretty hair though:)

ETA: The first pic is almost same color as mine:)

November 8th, 2008, 09:03 AM
When I lived in South Dakota where a very high percentage of the people are of Swedish/Norwegian descent (lots of white-blondes), people said I had brown hair (and it was pretty darn golden then). Now that I live in an area where many more people have dark hair, most people call me blonde, although I personally think my hair is more brown.

November 8th, 2008, 09:25 AM
Looks tawny to me. The first pic for sure. The ssecond one looks Ash blonde. The third one is almost red. Different light gives it different color apperance. Very pretty hair though:)

ETA: The first pic is almost same color as mine:)
Thanks, I wasn't sure because of the one in the middle.

November 8th, 2008, 03:59 PM
I think that this is probably me too!

November 8th, 2008, 06:48 PM
Yay! I love cookies florenonite!
Just to add to the discussion..my eyes are very dark, but wam, brown, almost black, so seems I do not fit directly in club...:o
What seems to get my hair lighter now, is honey in my everyday conditioner..and a shampoo bar for blondes from Lush :)

November 9th, 2008, 06:13 PM
Does anyone else with tawny hair notice that is changes color with cones vs. no cones? I have been experimenting to figure out if I should go no cone and I notice that my hair looks a little darker with the no cone products and lighter with cones. Is there a reason for this?

November 9th, 2008, 06:25 PM
My hair looks lighter with cones too, I think it's just because it's so SHINY.

November 9th, 2008, 06:36 PM
I think my hair is darker without cones too, but the comparison is a bit off:

With cones and really drying sls shampoo: dull pale colour + frizz
CO- no cones: darker, reddish glow, sleek soft smooth hair

I am still working on finding a way to do CO that the scalp agrees to...
In my case I think the lighter colour comes from dryness.

November 9th, 2008, 07:22 PM
Another tawny here.:cheese:

November 11th, 2008, 03:23 AM
I love how pretty much everyone in here not only has 47438975 colors in their hair, but their eyes as well. I can relate, haha.

November 11th, 2008, 03:54 AM
I saw something recently that made me think about tawniness - some article about the new James Bond, and how he's 'blond.' If you look at him, he is...for a guy anyway...but he is just about as blonde as me, or my BF for that matter. It is so weird what is considered blonde and what isn't, and I think the border for men is a lot more flexible than that for women. I wonder why this is...?

November 11th, 2008, 04:09 AM
I saw something recently that made me think about tawniness - some article about the new James Bond, and how he's 'blond.' If you look at him, he is...for a guy anyway...but he is just about as blonde as me, or my BF for that matter. It is so weird what is considered blonde and what isn't, and I think the border for men is a lot more flexible than that for women. I wonder why this is...?
Well, men's hair stuff is a lot more basic, outside of LHC. There are three colours, light, dark and ginger, and there are three lengths, nothing, normal and hippie. Ever tried finding hair stuff for guys? It's just razors/clippers, weak little combs that can't handle real hair, and goo. I'm learning to adapt to going to girly shops to get my stuff, it's interesting the looks I'm getting. (Most people tend to think I'm buying for someone else, then when I start talking... Yeah) So, the colour... If it's anywhere in the light category, and not red, then it's blonde.

November 11th, 2008, 04:17 AM
Well, men's hair stuff is a lot more basic, outside of LHC. There are three colours, light, dark and ginger, and there are three lengths, nothing, normal and hippie. Ever tried finding hair stuff for guys? It's just razors/clippers, weak little combs that can't handle real hair, and goo. I'm learning to adapt to going to girly shops to get my stuff, it's interesting the looks I'm getting. (Most people tend to think I'm buying for someone else, then when I start talking... Yeah) So, the colour... If it's anywhere in the light category, and not red, then it's blonde.

So true! Also, women with our color hair often bleach or dye, leading popular opinion to think that blonde = white or platinum. I have blonde eyebrows, therefore, I claim myself as blonde. OR tawny. :D

Hair toys for men is another hard one. I wish I could wean BF off the elastic (and the way he rips it out of his hair...sigh...). So far he's tried a stick, and that's it. Anything else is 'girly' and he doesn't like it, but his hair is suffering.

November 14th, 2008, 09:32 AM
Yay! I love cookies florenonite!
Just to add to the discussion..my eyes are very dark, but wam, brown, almost black, so seems I do not fit directly in club...:o My eyes are like that too.

November 14th, 2008, 10:11 AM
i am in this group for sure, and i surely dont want to be a platinium blonde :D i would prefer to be a strawberry with henna then to go that way... My eyebrows are actually darker than my hair, they are not brown, not blonde, i think they look like dark grey or something eheh my hair tends to be blond at the top and light brown at the bottom, and i love it that way :)

November 17th, 2008, 11:57 AM
Tawny! I love that word, and what a great description of our color!


Depending on the light and what I'm wearing, mine can look all different colors. Harsh white light turns it a plain light ash brown - my least favorite look. Natural light gives a more golden brown, direct sunlight a straight golden brown. Vivid greens and blues make it look dark strawberry blond or auburn, and yellow light also emphasizes the red. The underlayer is mostly a straight light/medium brown, but the canopy is crazy. The ends are much more golden than the roots. It looks darker in tight updos, and braids look striped - especially after a summer in the sun.

I started life very blonde with Shirley-Temple pigtails, and look where I am now! My brother's hair is identical to mine, even in texture and growth variations. (I cut it last week, so I should know!) He started life as a true white blonde, too gold to be platinum but just as light. And we both have blue eyes. Not light blue nor bright blue, but dark blue. Absolutely no green or brown and very, very little gray.

November 17th, 2008, 12:19 PM
Count me in :)
Right now most of it is still colored but I'm on my way to going all natural.

June 19th, 2009, 08:20 PM
Just one note on the eye color as it relates to tawny hair color. I remember reading someone calling this hair color "hair colored hair". So thinking of the eye thing, I took a picture of my eye with my computer. Today it seems the computer wants to call my eye a kind of green color. But since there seems to be just as much confusion over the changing eye color . . . I wonder if we can call this an "eye colored eye". http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/picture.php?albumid=317&pictureid=16305

Haha! hair-colored-hair, and eye-colored-eyes... I have used those exact terms more than once to describe my own hair and eyes. I have also variously referred to that hair color as "used-to-be-blonde" and that eye color as "greenish grayish bluish with yellow flecks" and "sea-colored" but most often as "umm...gray?"

I kinda like tawny as a color title for that. I hereby apply for Tawny Hair Club membership. Now I need an equally nice term for the indeterminate eye color that goes with it.

I think mine qualifies as cendre at the roots, and tawny at the ends. I'm really not sure how it manages to get more yellow just from the sun-- it's not like I've ever dyed it. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v436/Cordelia_naismith/tawnyandcendre.jpg

June 19th, 2009, 08:23 PM
I think I may fit this category - my hair has been called blonde, brown, red, gold, fawn-colored. I wish it was more honey colored than reddish....

June 19th, 2009, 08:30 PM
I've also got the changing eye color - green/grey/gold/brown/blue. I have a theory: we inherited genes for every possible color of hair and eye, and nothing (or everything) ended up being dominant, so we got the "all of the above" option.

I have zero understanding of genetics, of course.

June 20th, 2009, 11:07 AM
I have a theory: we inherited genes for every possible color of hair and eye, and nothing (or everything) ended up being dominant, so we got the "all of the above" option.

I have zero understanding of genetics, of course.

I dunno. Tawny hair with some sort of light eye colour is quite common in Britain, particularly among folk who were blonde as a child. I think the tawny colour is just from the natural darkening of the blonde hair.

As for the eyes, I've got really blue eyes, so they're a pretty determinate colour :p

June 20th, 2009, 12:00 PM
I have light green eyes, so sometimes they can look greyish. I love this thread!

I hate being 'in between' and I noticed a lot of tawnies bleach their hair. Where I live, I don't see tawnies very often, because I think they're 'in disguise' by bleaching their hair.

The colour can look so bland, certainly on a photo, but I kind of observed my haircolour and I think it such a special colour. I especially love the rich golden tone in it.

I think most tawnies don't really like their colour 'cause it can look so bland if you compare it too baby blonde or asian black hair.

ETA: I noticed that our colour is really NOT a popular colour, if you look at this poll for instance, I'm so curious to know why. Would it be the bland thing?


June 20th, 2009, 03:11 PM
I love my Tawny hair.
I am now seeing my virgin roots and I love them I do not want to colour them, however the length of my hair doesn't quiet match, yet I cannot find a semi perm that matches.
They are either too dark, too red or too light the other way.

ugh! come on virgin hair, let's grow!!!

June 20th, 2009, 05:50 PM
I have a love-hate relationship with my tawny hair. Some days I love admiring the contrast between my dark undertones and my honey canopy, other days I wish my hair would just darken up all the way. :P

June 20th, 2009, 05:52 PM
I believe that's what I am. :) (Avatar is a good selection of my natural colour.)
I used to get all disappointed because they never had that fake-hair hair tie thing in my colour. Or regular hair things in my colour. But all the same, I like my colour. :D

June 20th, 2009, 07:52 PM
I'm sure I must have posted on this thread some time ago, but I don't remember when/where.

The color in my siggie is slightly altered with the last of the henndigo I had used. The natural color is a bit lighter. It's more ashy than golden so it's just...not-blonde-or-brown.

Although I know this thread was started so we can gain appreciation, I do not like the color of my hair. Someone here mentioned that our color seems to be the one that gets artificially colored a lot--either lighter or darker. This is so true.

June 20th, 2009, 08:04 PM
Oh, and when people ask me what color my hair is, I tell them it's brown. In its natural state--which we will be seeing as it grows out--I say light brown. It's just easier.

I see a few people here have said they were blonde as children. That's interesting--I was too. I was unmistakeably blonde until about, hmmm...fifth grade, maybe? By that time it was darkening up. I'd say by high school--the mid grades there, maybe I noticed this sophomore or junior year?--I was definitely tawny and no longer what could easily be called naturally "blonde". However, by that point I had begun to color my hair, so I still called myself blonde.

June 21st, 2009, 01:32 PM
Oh, and when people ask me what color my hair is, I tell them it's brown. In its natural state--which we will be seeing as it grows out--I say light brown. It's just easier.

I see a few people here have said they were blonde as children. That's interesting--I was too. I was unmistakeably blonde until about, hmmm...fifth grade, maybe? By that time it was darkening up. I'd say by high school--the mid grades there, maybe I noticed this sophomore or junior year?--I was definitely tawny and no longer what could easily be called naturally "blonde". However, by that point I had begun to color my hair, so I still called myself blonde.

Yeah, it was about the same time for me that my hair was definitely tawny, but it was always highlighted by the sun in summer so it only really looked tawny around about April, when I'd cut off most of the blonde hair (I kept my hair around SL for most of high school).

I, too, tell people my hair is "brown" because when it grows out of my head it's more brown than blonde, and I think that colour suits me more than the blonde, so I like to consider my hair brown.

June 21st, 2009, 05:41 PM
I *think* I'm in this group, though I'll have to wait and see. My hair was blond as a child and turned darker in middle school. Then I started coloring it. Right now, I have maybe 3" of roots (hard to determine how much) and it is definitely not blond. But it is also kind of golden.
It's so difficult to grow out. XP

June 21st, 2009, 06:02 PM
My hair used to be blonde too. Now, a few say my hair is brown and others claim it is dark blonde.

June 21st, 2009, 06:28 PM
My hair was blond as a child and turned darker in middle school. Then I started coloring it.

Yes. Sounds familiar. Welcome to the group. :D

June 21st, 2009, 07:49 PM
I'm definitely a tawny. Blonde with reddish tones as a child (enough to be called Pippi Longstocking), darkened as adolescent, and my hb says I have a lot of colors going on my head ;-) He says from far, it's exactly the color of a puma, he even calls me puma and has a puma as his wallpaper because he's sure it's my totem animal.

My eyes hover between brown, olive and green.

My herbal dye brings out the green in my eyes because it makes my hair redder.

Much depends on the light.

http://img402.imageshack.us/img402/5723/hinterkopfsonneex0.th.jpg (http://img402.imageshack.us/my.php?image=hinterkopfsonneex0.jpg)


June 21st, 2009, 08:25 PM
My name is Amy Jorgensen....and I have tawny hair. ;)
I have a love/hate relationship with the color, and I often moan that I have "indecisive" hair because it wants to hover between colors.

June 21st, 2009, 08:38 PM
Hey everyone! This is my first post on this board, but I've been lurking for a while. This thread finally brought me out to say something.

My hair definitely is "tawny". I always describe it as dark blond/light brown with a bit of red. Right now I'm growing out several years of black hair dye (I've been growing it out since the end of December).


June 21st, 2009, 09:10 PM
Not sure if you already know about this but there is a "Cendre" group for hair that's that dark blond / light brown "tawny" color. You can find it by going to my page and seeing my groups :)

June 22nd, 2009, 04:33 PM
I thought cendre wasn't the same since it shouldn't have any golden tones in it?

June 22nd, 2009, 04:52 PM
Yay! I am now going to embrace my 'tawny' hair after years of highlighting... I've finally decided that it is a beautiful colour that shimmers in the sunlight. I can't wait until my own shade is long enough to blend in with the old highlighted blonde bits - no cutting happening here! :)

June 22nd, 2009, 05:15 PM
Right now it's dyed a browncopper colour but naturally my hair is also tawny. It has various shades of blonde and brown in it, no reds i'm afraid (stylist says i'm ashtoned) which is kinda weird because i was a bright copperhead as a baby
But i'm in process of growing the dye out :cheese:
I realised i had to embrace my natural colour since it's true what Phalaenopsis (did i spell it right??) said: where i live there aren't much people who have thos colour, most of them are a midbrown, black or (dyed) lightblonde.

My eyes appear blue, but not bright blue. However if you come up real close you can see that they are actually green ha!
Emeraldgreen with a darkblue ring and goldenyellow specks around the iris to be precise :p
And yes, they also change colour from day to day

For hairtoys i like to use turquoise

Do some of you also experience that they perceive they hair a lot darker when you look in the mirror than it actually looks in pictures?

June 22nd, 2009, 05:40 PM
Not sure if you already know about this but there is a "Cendre" group for hair that's that dark blond / light brown "tawny" color. You can find it by going to my page and seeing my groups :)

I thought cendre wasn't the same since it shouldn't have any golden tones in it?

The thread that introduced the word cendre to the board said a whole lot about ash tones, and no yellows.

That isn't me, and this topic "Tawny" very accurately describes my color.

I see now that the cendre group seems broader to include the shade of tawny, with no mention of ash tones in the group description.

Cendre, tawny... I'm definitely tawny! :D

June 24th, 2009, 08:38 AM
I think I'm in this "color" group. :) My hair seems determined to thwart any color-typing. It is growing in rather dark...to the point that some people are asking if I'm growing out blonde hair dye! If I pull my hair straight back, some friends blink and say "I didn't realize your hair was so dark...or brown!" It's gold in the light though. *shrugs*

June 24th, 2009, 09:30 AM
I consider myself both cendre and puma colored. The puma in Melisande's picture is a lot like my hair color. Normally pumas and other lions are referred to as being "tawny" but these creatures range from golden blonde to dark ash brown, just like many of us.

I really like the term 'hair colored hair' to describe the inbetween, indescribable hair colors...

Sometimes I say bronze or dark gold, though my hair has a lot of ash in it too. Like my eye color, it is mostly cool, but with some warm tones.

June 24th, 2009, 04:59 PM
Tawny, cendre- I think I could possibly fit in both groups, depending.... :undecided

One thing is certain- regardless, I like cendre and tawny better than mousey, dishwater or dirty!!:blueeek:

June 24th, 2009, 05:12 PM
Feline - I absolutely agree. Cendre or/and Tawny are more flattering.

July 12th, 2009, 11:56 AM
I'm surprised to hear so many of you stay so far away from purple! It's one of my favorite hair accessory and clothing colors, and my current pair and most recent old pair of glasses are both purple.

I have golden undertones to my skin, so purple (being the opposite on the color wheel from yellow) really sets it off nicely. The amount of yellow in my hair varies from day-to-day and depending on lighting conditions, so I think the purple brings out as much of the yellow as possible. I also have reddish highlights, and it looks more strawberry blonde in direct light, so purple, being close to red on the color wheel, is a good choice for that, too.

I'm making an active effort to transition my wardrobe over to mostly brown, purple, blue, green, and oatmeal. I have a lot of red and black right now - they work, but not as well.

What would happen if one of us told the clerk at the DMV "tawny" when asked hair color? Would that get us strange looks?

July 12th, 2009, 12:02 PM
I wear purple a lot - and I think it looks okay. Not every purple of course. Purple and green are my colors. It's very individual, since skin and eye color also play a role.

July 12th, 2009, 01:02 PM
I think I'm a bit too dark to be called tawny, but in the sunlight I think that's the right word for the color. :) I have no red highlights whatsoever, though. I've got henna on my length from shoulders down, and this virgin length is the first I've seen of my real hair color since I was 16 or so. I've colored it all kinds of shades but now it's just exciting to see my real color! I'd forgotten what it looked like! It's so much lighter than the dark burgandy I was used to with henna. Indoors, it's dark-medium brown, but it's got a golden sheen in the lamplight in my bedroom and in the sunlight. I'm loving it! I can't wait to grow it out more.

August 4th, 2009, 06:04 AM
I'm checking in. I haven't seen this thread before.

I am growing out my tawny hair, the natural hair is down to the middle of my nose now. My natural hair color can be seen in my avatar. The longer the roots get the more I love the color. I can't wait to see what it will look like when all my highlights are gone and the hair is all virgin. :)

I have been dyeing my hair since I was 13. It was lighter then and probably still considered to be blonde by most people. The reason I have been dyeing for all these years is that I am easily bored when it comes to my hair and I have been loving to change it. Also almost everyone here in Sweden who has this color (which is a lot of people) dyes it into another color. I have heard some negative comments about it. Also the roots seem more grey when you compare it to hair dye. As the roots grow longer they appear less gray I think.

My eyes are green. They have a ring of yellowish brown in them which in some lights make them look yellow or tawny. So my eye color actually blends with my hair color. This has also been a reason for me to dye my hair in the past. I always thought my hair and eyes looked like they were the same color. Other hair colors made my green eye color really pop out.

Anyway, that's my story. I am now embracing this color that I actually find very pretty and also unusual (because so few people keep it virgin).

August 4th, 2009, 06:28 AM
I notice that my roots look grey, too, Lize. I'm growing out a henna gloss, and although it's not a hugely different colour from my natural colour (indeed in many lights you can't even see my roots), when you look at the roots they do look greyer.

August 4th, 2009, 07:18 AM
Could anyone explain to me why is the Tawny a "support group" ???? I love tawny! I consider myself a tawny and i woudnt change it so what the hell??!?!? :P

August 4th, 2009, 07:35 AM
Could anyone explain to me why is the Tawny a "support group" ???? I love tawny! I consider myself a tawny and i woudnt change it so what the hell??!?!? :P

In much of North America and Northern Europe, tawny is seen culturally as a dull colour and "not real blonde", so as a consequence a lot of tawnies felt obliged to highlight their hair in the past so they could have true blonde hair. In Britain it's often referred to as "mousy", in North America it's either "dirty blonde" or "dishwater blonde" and in Estonia it's something like "potato-coloured". None of these are particularly flattering adjectives, so we've called ourselves tawny and are trying to appreciate a colour that a lot of mainstream society sees as dull and boring.

August 4th, 2009, 07:39 AM
come to find out this is me...I hated my hair color and started coloring it about 15 years ago, and decided to start growing it out and now that theres enough of it to actually see I believe this is where I belong, I dont like the work TAWNY so I started calling it Auburn, but seeing many of your hair color, very impressive and I am trying to embrace my natural god given color ♥

August 4th, 2009, 10:16 AM
Tawny checking in here! I admit to highlighting my hair two or three times, but that was pre-LHC. Now I'm really learning to love my color. :) Like Melisande, I also believe that purple goes nicely with the tawny color.

August 4th, 2009, 10:25 AM
I THINK I fit into here. My hair is dyed right now, but this is my natural color.

Do I belong here? :)

December 2nd, 2009, 02:18 AM
OMG, I have been looking for a name for my hair color for years. My college roommate called my hair color "Z," because it was undefinable. Dark blonde, some ash, prone to gold highlights for no obvious reason, usually reflects red.

Since the middle of college I've experimented with coloring, trying to keep it from ever looking mousy; but it's incredibly hard to get the right balance of gold, red, and cool, and anything even slightly off looks wrong on me. Plus, with the exception of my year of dark hair, I'm always dyeing it more or less my natural color.

Re: clothing colors. My hair likes purple too. And also camel, and the shade of caramel that when my hair's its natural color perfectly matches it.

My dog's hair in my avatar is similar. In some lights it looks light brown/dark blonde. In others red. We match too!

http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v521/owlofminerva/Heap&#37;20of%20Images/?action=view&current=IMG_1000.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v521/owlofminerva/Heap%20of%20Images/IMG_1000.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"

December 2nd, 2009, 08:53 AM
This reminds me of one of my friends from high school. She got pulled over for speeding while in another state and the officer asked her what color her hair was. She had to stop and think for a while before saying, "It's kind of blondish, reddish brownish...." She said she had never really had to explain her hair color and was surprised that she had such an issue. Her hair is the definition of tawny methinks.

December 2nd, 2009, 12:29 PM
Dark blonde, some ash, prone to gold highlights for no obvious reason, usually reflects red.

Gah! That's my natural hair color, except the more in the sun it got, the browner it looked! So my roots looked dull and boring and my length looked shiny and almost an actual color. I never knew it had a name either.

I tried to love my natural hair color, but I'm so much happier with henna. I am also excited for going silver, because my mom's hair looks AMAZING. :cheese:

December 2nd, 2009, 07:32 PM
I haven't seen this thread before!

Tawny would be a good description for my hair color I think. I normally go by dark-blond when asked. But it hovers between dark-ash-blond, golden-brown, and stawberry depending on light and where in the length one looks.

Like many others in this thread my hair started out lighter. I was born with auburn hair, lost it all and was a happily bald baby for a few years before growing in white blond hair that has darkened over time. I keep expecting to go brunette because my eye-brows and lashes are nearly black, and because my grandfather had nearly-white hair as child but med-dark brown as an adult. I've now been expecting dark hair for 10? years, and I guess I just keep getting enough sun every summer to bleach into blond tones.

Though I've gone back and forth on how much I like my hair color I've never dyed it. Currently I love the variety of shades I have. I think tawny looks better long (at least on me) as the length allows the subtle variations in color to develop and have enough space in which to be seen.

December 3rd, 2009, 01:58 AM
Yeah, I'm loving the color variations too! My virgin hair is only down to my mouth at the moment, but I am loving every inch of it as it grows out. It's allready showing tendencys to be a lot of different colors in one. :) That is really neat.

December 3rd, 2009, 02:05 AM
Hm, I think my hair's a bit too dark to actually fit into the tawny range. It gets to be a sandy brown when it gets sunbleached, though. Right now my hair looks pretty cool because my ends are the light brown color, while most of my hair is various shades of medium brown, lightish brown, and darker brown, and the top of my hair is a deeper dark brown. I love the variety of color and how it gradually gets lighter.

My sister would almost certainly fall into this group though! Can't get her to join LHC though. . .

December 3rd, 2009, 07:41 AM
I THINK I fit into here. My hair is dyed right now, but this is my natural color.

Do I belong here? :)

I consider your hair a very pretty golden brown. I would not consider it tawny, but thats just my opinion. Maybe its my monitor though and Im not see your true color.

May 30th, 2010, 01:54 PM
I'm not sure if I would fit in here but my hair has been described as "golden brown", light brown, or auburn... my eyes are also green but at times look blue-ish. In the summertime my hair gets nearly blond towards the tips.

May 30th, 2010, 01:59 PM
I've been dubbed strawberry-blonde, dirty blonde, light brown, dishwater-blonde, golden, mousey ...

I have highlights which are platinum, and the hair underneath is almost chestnut. Do I count? :p

May 30th, 2010, 03:12 PM
Straight up tawny with a tiny bit of red here and there. I just henna over it, well, after about a year of chemicals and lightening. :p
It's such a pretty color, but I like full on henna red better!
Now that I see everyone's beautiful tawny hair on here I like it more.
But henna still wins.

May 31st, 2010, 07:13 PM
Oh, pick me pick me! My boyfriend calls it "honey," but also calls me "leonine" so I guess tawny works great! :D

I henna it, and have for about a year now, so it's not tawny any more, but I have no qualms about letting the henna grow out. Except it's impossible to find hair ties that blend in...

May 31st, 2010, 07:40 PM
I used to have hair this color... But then I bleached it within an inch of its life, and then chemically dyed it red. I'm soon to use henna.

June 1st, 2010, 12:53 PM
Is this tawny? Or plain going-gray dishwater?


June 1st, 2010, 01:24 PM
Is this tawny? Or plain going-gray dishwater?


What? That's blonde!!!! (Or am I crazy?) I would actually classify you as a full-on blonde, not a tawny.

However, I do think people's interpretations of this type of hair color are different, so not everyone might agree with me.

June 1st, 2010, 01:26 PM
I know...it looks so light in the photo, but my underlayers are light brown--even medium brown. And part of the lightness comes from silver!

I guess I don't have enough red to be tawny....

June 1st, 2010, 01:27 PM
I know...it looks so light in the photo, but my underlayers are light brown--even medium brown. And part of the lightness comes from silver!

I guess I don't have enough red to be tawny....

Well, all in all, it's just a gorgeous color...IMHO. Sparkling, layered colors...just lovely.

Light-medium brown...Yes, those could be tawny. I can't really see those so much in the picture.

June 1st, 2010, 01:29 PM
I grew up in a town that was mainly settled by Scandinavians, so blond meant BLOND. I was always a brown haired person in that context!

And the old self-perception thing...you know how inaccurate that is.

June 1st, 2010, 04:16 PM
YAY! I have rediscovered my tawnyness!

My roots had grown to almost top of ear, so I used a semi-permanent dye on the lengths from the natural growth downwards (covering reddish dye). I actually can't believe how nice the colour looks and that I have hidden it for 10 years! It goes well with my skin and eyes :joy: I know it's silly but I am just so surprised!

The colour is darker than I remembered it to be, light brown with blonde and darker strands.

June 2nd, 2010, 12:36 AM
I'm also a tawny ! I've been using this color to describe my hair for a while before I discovered this thread. I also have hazel eyes, changing from a vivid Gold color, to cats-eye-green if I've been crying (or when I'm sick/eyes watering). On my passport both eyes and hair are listed simply as 'brown'. haha

Miss Misha
June 2nd, 2010, 12:32 PM
I'm glad this thread got revived!

I've been called dishwater or dirty blonde before and I despise both those terms. I like tawny much, much better.

But wait -- can I still get offended at blonde jokes?;)

June 4th, 2010, 04:11 AM
*sigh* I recently fell off the wagon and got new highlights. Why is it that I can't accept my natural color? On the other hand it's propbably more about wanting quick change and wanting what you don't have, because I DO like my natural color. I am planning to try to grow it out again of course! Hi tawny hairs! :waving:

May 2nd, 2011, 10:17 PM
I've been dubbed strawberry-blonde, dirty blonde, light brown, dishwater-blonde, golden, mousey ...

I have highlights which are platinum, and the hair underneath is almost chestnut. Do I count? :p

I have been called all of these things, too, and I get very strong natural highlights. My siggy pic shows these but looks strangely strawberry, whereas I think of my hair as darker and more cool-toned.

YAY! I have rediscovered my tawnyness!

My roots had grown to almost top of ear, so I used a semi-permanent dye on the lengths from the natural growth downwards (covering reddish dye). I actually can't believe how nice the colour looks and that I have hidden it for 10 years! It goes well with my skin and eyes :joy: I know it's silly but I am just so surprised!

The colour is darker than I remembered it to be, light brown with blonde and darker strands.

This exact same thing happened to me 4 years ago when I gave up dye and started to grow my hair out...I had been changing it for so long I had no idea how well it went with my skin and eyes or even what colour it was anymore!

May 2nd, 2011, 10:37 PM
Hey, wow! I didn't realize there was a whole thread for "tawnies'--though I'd never searched for it because I didn't know what to call my ashy-strawberry-blonde (at least, that's what I've been going with so far, but yes, "tawny" is much quicker) and then I saw this!

Hello, friends. Haven't seen my virgin color in maybe fifteen years. I rather like it. Lots of...er...variety. Lol. I can't wait until I'm at classic, virgin tawny locks!

Miss Catrina
May 3rd, 2011, 02:21 PM
Do I count? Lighting has a HUGE effect on my hair color, but I've definitely had people argue over whether my hair is brown or blond...


Lee's Girl
May 3rd, 2011, 02:49 PM
Sounds like I found my home! I have practically every color from light gold/blonde (in summer, mostly) to dark brown in my hair. It's darkened a bit since I quit dying & cutting a few years ago, but it sounds like Tawny is an appropriate description - not to mention a lot of the pics you all have up are SO similar in color to mine!

May 3rd, 2011, 02:50 PM
I'm tawny I think. All of my kid photos are tawny. Not blonde not brunette. Light brown I guess. People in Jr. High could never pick a color for my hair when we had to describe people in spanish class hehe :(

My hair is growing virgin right now so I will be able to be here soon I guess. I'm growing all my roots but I have bleach damage on the ends and glossed over them to blend in more but that faded and they are pretty rusty now.

I too aim for virgin tawny locks!!!

(Funny, I never looked at this thread before because I didn't know what it meant, being curious this afternoon and I find myself more than intrigued :D)

May 3rd, 2011, 03:25 PM
Hey, this is me, too! I can find fine blond, medium red, and coarse dark hair on my head. In photos I can look anywhere from a red head to a brunette to a "dishwater" blonde. I really love the term tawny (I thought calico was a good one too ;)).

I sometimes wish I was one color or the other, instead of a mish mash of inbetween. I think of it as mousy brown. Blech. I've colored (red) and highlighted in the past, but I'm committed now to learning to enjoy my natural color (and waves, but that's another thread...). I'm focusing on improving health and shine. If it's dull (like it is now) it's really unflattering. As always I am a work in progress. :)

May 3rd, 2011, 03:39 PM
Tawny. That's nice. I've never heard it used to refer to hair color, though.

When I've asked stylists what color they would call my hair, every single one of them said "gold." (that answer will be changing to "silver" in the not too distant future, I think, although my current stylist calls my natural highlights "platinum". I like that.)

I always was a tawny, now I have those platinum highlights so I'm looking rather silverish myself. :eyebrows:

May 3rd, 2011, 05:26 PM
Tawny! Yay, a color I can call my hair!!

May 3rd, 2011, 05:44 PM
I'm here too. I've always called it amber colored, but I think tawny is better!

May 3rd, 2011, 06:57 PM
This is wonderful, no one ever knows what color my hair is! I get called a "ginger" way too often.

May 15th, 2012, 12:01 AM
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I have been agonizing over my color and the fact that it is not really a color. For some reason this feeling of being in hair color limbo has made me dislike it on many occasions. Oh and the description of mousey or dishwater makes it even worse. But then this thread comes to my attention and the word TAWNY changes everything. Tawny is a beautiful word to describe this range and tone of hair color. It honestly sounds like a color I would run out and beg a salon to color my hair. Oooooh..... I want TAWNY HAIR. The best part, though???? You absolutely CANNOT get this color in a salon or box. I can't imagine anyone being able to recreate the diversity of tawny hair. My hair is between a dark and medium blonde, with light brown lowlights, golden highlights, and an overall subtle ashy tone. Wow..... I feel overwhelmingly proud and lucky to have TAWNY hair. WOO HOO!!!

May 15th, 2012, 01:41 PM
This is me!!

I've also been called ginger or a cross between ginger and dark blond or a dirty blond :rolleyes:!!

Think I like Tawny better though! :D

September 13th, 2013, 04:01 PM
Yes, now that I've stripped the old dark brown out, and asked my older sister what color I was as a child, teenager = 'Honey, Tawny darkish blonde', I have been able to replicate it from a bottle, and I look so good it must be right! Interestingly (for all of us here) I'm not sure this color would suit anyone who wasn't born to have it. It's hard to find the right shade of foundation for this coloring as well. Oh, and have deep green eyes with gold flecks as well, so think it all sounds as if I belong in the 'Tawny Home'. I have been searching for the right word to describe it to hairdressers for ages!

Indigo Girl
September 13th, 2013, 04:09 PM
Yes, now that I've stripped the old dark brown out, and asked my older sister what color I was as a child, teenager = 'Honey, Tawny darkish blonde', I have been able to replicate it from a bottle, and I look so good it must be right! Interestingly (for all of us here) I'm not sure this color would suit anyone who wasn't born to have it. It's hard to find the right shade of foundation for this coloring as well. Oh, and have deep green eyes with gold flecks as well, so think it all sounds as if I belong in the 'Tawny Home'. I have been searching for the right word to describe it to hairdressers for ages!

How funny - I was just thinking of this thread yesterday! I know what you mean, I was relieved when I found the word "tawny" here because I finally found a description that fit. :bluesmile

September 13th, 2013, 04:25 PM
I think I might belong in this revived thread also. My hair was lighter blonde, then I moved to a dark country and my hair darkened. I put highlights and lowlights in to transition it a bit and now I'm growing it out naturally again. Its a dark blonde now and it may lighten up more now that I'm back in a sunnier place. I'm fairly content with the colour, although I would like a few more 'bright' spots in it!

September 13th, 2013, 04:37 PM
Hmm, I had never thought of "tawny" as a word for my hair, but it works too! I've been calling it "torie/tortoiseshell" for the past couple years.

Eve 322
September 13th, 2013, 04:38 PM
I think I may be in this thread. In the summer my hair lightens and is very easily made blonde with a little Chamomile tea and lemon juice. Towards the fall, like now, it becomes what I've always called "mousy brown."

And I hate that term... but my hair is really like light brown with a blond sheen to it, with blonde strands here and there. Other people mostly refer to it as either dirty blonde or really light brown. I like tawny! Idk....my sig pic is more Brown (taken last week) and my profile pic is more blonde (taken in August).

Do I get the job? :p

March 12th, 2014, 10:28 AM
Am I tawny?? I don't even know.. My natural hair is a little below ear-length now but it is really overwhelmed by the red of my old henna below it. It some lights it looks like a dark mousey brown, in others it looks gray and still others it has a golden tint. I also remember it getting lighter in the summer when I was young and all natural. I can't wait for it to grow even longer so I can fully experience what my hair has to offer!

March 12th, 2014, 10:53 AM
Am I tawny?? I don't even know.. My natural hair is a little below ear-length now but it is really overwhelmed by the red of my old henna below it. It some lights it looks like a dark mousey brown, in others it looks gray and still others it has a golden tint. I also remember it getting lighter in the summer when I was young and all natural. I can't wait for it to grow even longer so I can fully experience what my hair has to offer!

Reyn, I am in the almost the exact same boat - natural to about jawbone and the rest was previously bleached and then colored over a reddish brown permanent which has now faded very brassy. But I think I am a tawny and have been called that by some other LHCers By the looks of your avatar I think you are a tawny too!
I also think tawny hair changes a lot with different lighting and with some sun highlights. This will be my first summer with half of my length being natural I can't wait to see what the color does!
Glad you resurrected this thread as I didn't know it existed. :)

March 13th, 2014, 01:39 AM
I am looking forward to seeing what my natural color does after the upcoming summer season =) Hoping it will make the color lighter and more amazing =P

April 30th, 2014, 07:05 AM
Another tawny here, with a good dose of crystal fighting for supremacy underneath (thus my username)! Well, I reckon crystal, or diamond, or snow, as it's white, not grey. :p I started as a strawberry blonde, then more gingery, then got the odd darker brown hairs and rare blacks in my 20s. Then came my first white hair at 26... :eek: So many different coloured strands, with a bit of sunkissing towards the ends just to add more to the mix!

My adoptive parents always referred to me as a redhead, but it was my birth mum who said my "tawny hair" was just like hers was (she was all-white by the time I met her). Not quite red, brown, or blonde, but kind of a golden, yet ashy blondish brown. I actually put "tawny" as my hair colour when renewing my driver's licence years ago, but it was not accepted, so brown it is. My eyes are also tawnyish (hazel for driver's licence), with grey/blue rim, olive green, golden and golden brown near the pupil.

I took a couple of pics for my avatar and profile today and chose the darker one that shows the contrast I normally see (yeah, I tend to "see" myself darker compared to pics). Like many others in this thread, I have different results even in similar lighting.


March 16th, 2015, 11:12 AM
I'm pretty sure I'm a tawny. I don't have quite as much of a red note as some, but its there, enought that I don't quite think I classify as a blonette. Most people call me blonde, I sort of think of myself as having light brown hair, but then there is that slight orange tinge that keeps it from being either.

March 16th, 2015, 07:35 PM
Yeah, it wasn't until LHC that I've begun to accept and understand the blonde side of my lion's mane (level 7 on the charts) instead of the brown.

March 18th, 2015, 10:15 AM
I fall in this range but I rebel and dye red.. I don't think the color suits me very well. I grow it out for a little over a year but I got tired of how bland it looked.

March 20th, 2015, 10:02 PM
I definitely have some tawny tendencies, but my little girl is the real thing. Her hair goes from cool ashy to blonde to warm gold to auburn in a single day, often all at the same time. It's gorgeous, but I look like a deer in the headlights when people ask what color it is exactly.

April 28th, 2015, 01:21 PM
To heck with it all! I am a tawny coyote girl and proud of it!
My mom always calls my hair coyote because of the blonde, red, brown, and black hairs that are evrywhere. Heck, I even have some very shiny white hairs now!

April 30th, 2015, 01:38 AM
So, so pretty on both photos and love the shine!!!!

April 30th, 2015, 01:48 AM
My virgin haircolour is tawny, but really, I've been dyeing with henna for over 5 years now. There's nothing wrong with it, but the red just makes me happier than my virgin colour does :)

April 30th, 2015, 08:07 AM
Oh I like Tawny. Makes me think of the Owl ^___^ (which I love). But I suppose that is me as well. No one can really figure out if I'm dark blond, light brown, if they see red in there, etc. Tawny it is!! I've dyed my hair since I was 18 and only stopped about two years ago (accompanied by a massive chop), so I've been trying to embrace my natural color and not freak out and dye it again. I am excited to see my natural color super long though. Who knows, I may learn to love it!

April 30th, 2015, 08:57 AM
Oh, I agree with others how nice it was to find a name for this colour! :) I think I fell into this category before I started to dye my hair to cover greys, now I am not sure, but on the other hand I still don´t know what to call my current colour so maybe I am still here :p

1997 vs 2015
http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=16997&d=1430235814 http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17023&d=1430405429

(An interesting change in hair type also... it can´t all be due to better hair care routines I think)

ETA: Oh, looking at these photos together I see that my current colour looks disturbingly brassy, at least in indoor bathroom lightning. I have been mixing in a little red in my normal more brownish dye for a number of dye sessions, I think I will stop that for a while... My aim with colouring is to achieve something close to my natural colour, but still cover greys.

April 30th, 2015, 10:02 AM
Oh, it has a name!!! And it is a pretty one as well!!! :happydance: I used to describe my colour as: Do not vacuum or dust in your house for about two weeks, then get all the dust together in a corner that is not in direct sunlight... voilá: the colour of my hair :o

April 30th, 2015, 11:16 AM
WOW catasa, your hair is gorgeus in both of those pictures!

Oh, it has a name!!! And it is a pretty one as well!!! :happydance: I used to describe my colour as: Do not vacuum or dust in your house for about two weeks, then get all the dust together in a corner that is not in direct sunlight... voilá: the colour of my hair :o

Ah, you really need to ditch the old description and replace it with tawny :D There are so many unflattering names to light brown and dark blondes, embrace the few good ones!

April 30th, 2015, 08:17 PM
Oh, I agree with others how nice it was to find a name for this colour! :) I think I fell into this category before I started to dye my hair to cover greys, now I am not sure, but on the other hand I still don´t know what to call my current colour so maybe I am still here :p

1997 vs 2015
http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=16997&d=1430235814 http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=17023&d=1430405429

(An interesting change in hair type also... it can´t all be due to better hair care routines I think)

ETA: Oh, looking at these photos together I see that my current colour looks disturbingly brassy, at least in indoor bathroom lightning. I have been mixing in a little red in my normal more brownish dye for a number of dye sessions, I think I will stop that for a while... My aim with colouring is to achieve something close to my natural colour, but still cover greys.

It's beautiful, no matter what! I gave up trying to mask my whites years ago as nothing really matched all the colours of my natural strands (plus they're sooooo dye resistant). You've done well to mimic it thus far! Love your newly-found texture, btw! Mine is kinda like yours (if I leave it to drip dry). I love how the whites play with the tawnies (hairtyping pic from almost a year ago):


Nadine <3
April 30th, 2015, 10:07 PM
Oh, a home for me! My hair was described as dirty dishwater blonde for so long, but now I will call it tawny. I like that much better.

April 30th, 2015, 10:16 PM
I found my hair color thread! Yay. I agree, much better than dishwater blonde I love the word tawny, it sounds so cute ^.^

May 1st, 2015, 02:36 AM
Oh, it has a name!!! And it is a pretty one as well!!! :happydance: I used to describe my colour as: Do not vacuum or dust in your house for about two weeks, then get all the dust together in a corner that is not in direct sunlight... voilá: the colour of my hair :o


WOW catasa, your hair is gorgeus in both of those pictures!

Thank you! :) Your hair is lovely as well, beautiful colour and shine!

It's beautiful, no matter what! I gave up trying to mask my whites years ago as nothing really matched all the colours of my natural strands (plus they're sooooo dye resistant). You've done well to mimic it thus far! Love your newly-found texture, btw! Mine is kinda like yours (if I leave it to drip dry). I love how the whites play with the tawnies (hairtyping pic from almost a year ago):


Thank you, your hair is lovely also! I really like that mix of tawny and white. I have no idea if I would have similar grey/white streaks in my lengths now since I have been dying for some years, but I could definitely live with that if I have. I really don´t like it round my face though, which is (naturally I guess) where it was when I started to dye. I managed to go a couple of years without dying, until I finally gave in and accepted that I just didn´t feel like myself anymore, my usual clothes didn´t look nice anymore etc.

May 7th, 2015, 09:14 PM
Yep, this is definitely me. It leans more toward blonde than brown, but it's definitely super dark blonde. I agree with those who've said it's preferable to "dishwater blonde", lol. :D

May 7th, 2015, 09:40 PM
The mix of tawny and white reminds me of Bambi, it's beautiful!

May 7th, 2015, 11:47 PM
^ That's really accurate! Aww, I want to be able to say that my hair is Bambi colored :D

May 8th, 2015, 12:42 AM
Bambi coloured! Love it! :D I can already hear hubby going, "Oh, deer..." when I tell him! :bull: <<<for the purpose of this post, that's Bambi in the shadows, okay? :wigtongue

December 10th, 2015, 01:08 PM
I found my peoples! or my hair color. I decided to post a picture of my hair on facebook and ask what the color was I got strawberry to sandy blond, light brown and auburn, then someone said tawny...

Groovy Granny
December 10th, 2015, 01:24 PM
In 2 years here I never saw this thread lol

Welcome Andrea :)
We'd love to see you hair pic :popcorn:
I have silver top/sides, and a tawny underlayer with increasing silver working through

Bambi coloured! Love it! :D I can already hear hubby going, "Oh, deer..." when I tell him! :bull: <<<for the purpose of this post, that's Bambi in the shadows, okay? :wigtongue

Your hair color is beautiful beyond words :thud:

December 10th, 2015, 02:45 PM
trying to figure out how to get a picture to work in this forum....

December 10th, 2015, 02:46 PM

December 10th, 2015, 03:03 PM
I found my peoples! or my hair color. I decided to post a picture of my hair on facebook and ask what the color was I got strawberry to sandy blond, light brown and auburn, then someone said tawny...

December 10th, 2015, 03:14 PM

Groovy Granny
December 10th, 2015, 05:19 PM
It sure does have strawberry tones to it; goes beautifully with your eyes!

January 13th, 2016, 03:16 AM
I do believe this is me! Well, mostly. The hair that's grown over the winter and spring is a darker brown, since it hasn't had a chance to get bleached by the sun.

January 13th, 2016, 04:40 AM
My virgin haircolour is tawny, but really, I've been dyeing with henna for over 5 years now. There's nothing wrong with it, but the red just makes me happier than my virgin colour does :)

My virgin hair colour is light ashy tawny sort of... I've always just been called blonde, because it was so hard to describe. My henna is still a baby though, 2 months and 1 week old. :D

January 13th, 2016, 11:56 AM
I swear, it doesn't matter if it is in the sun or not, my hair gets more reddish golden the longer it has been outside of my scalp. The roots might be ashy tawny, but then it livens up into a fantastically lovely color. If I didn't love it as much as I do, I would henna.

January 13th, 2016, 08:22 PM
Your hair color is beautiful beyond words :thud:

Naw, thank you, GG! It's growing on me... :p I can actually thank a few hairdressers from visits past that gushed over how unique my natural hair colour was (before the white stuff) for me accepting and embracing this colour. Considering how many heads of hair they saw, it stuck with me. I'm also adopted (although didn't know until I was 18 ), so this colour stood out for the wrong reasons while I was growing up...

And yeah, missrandie, mine is the same! My eyebrows (and leg hair regrowth) are also that ashier colour (like andreaC's up a few posts), although there's, um, someplace else that's the reddest of all... :o

Swan Maiden
January 14th, 2016, 09:02 AM
Although I suppose I have considered myself a blonde most of my life, I feel my hair fits in the Tawny color range. Time in the sun bleaches it very light blonde and I have that reflected in my length. I have lots of reddish gold strands, but it can also look ashen. It is a very animalistic color and I am fond of it.

January 21st, 2016, 03:05 PM
I think my hair is tawny, it's definitely honey/ash/dark blonde color at the top of my head. But I think what happens is as my hair grows, the ends get lighter from the sun? For years my mother has said, "your hair is getting darker", but really that's the color it is naturally since i was around 12-13 and it just gets lighter at the ends as the hair ages, thanks to bright and sunny California. I'm not sure if it is going to be getting lighter since moving to the dark and "dreary" PNW though, I guess i'm okay with that. The tawny color is becoming more and more. ;)

Inside pic


outside pic


January 21st, 2016, 03:13 PM
Although I suppose I have considered myself a blonde most of my life, I feel my hair fits in the Tawny color range. Time in the sun bleaches it very light blonde and I have that reflected in my length. I have lots of reddish gold strands, but it can also look ashen. It is a very animalistic color and I am fond of it.

Animalistic is a perfect way to describe the color.

Swan Maiden
January 21st, 2016, 03:23 PM
I love seeing your ends vs. roots, it reassures me of my own hair. I always feel kind of odd when I wear buns because my length is golden compared to my ashy roots

January 21st, 2016, 03:48 PM
I think my hair is tawny, it's definitely honey/ash/dark blonde color at the top of my head. But I think what happens is as my hair grows, the ends get lighter from the sun? For years my mother has said, "your hair is getting darker", but really that's the color it is naturally since i was around 12-13 and it just gets lighter at the ends as the hair ages, thanks to bright and sunny California. I'm not sure if it is going to be getting lighter since moving to the dark and "dreary" PNW though, I guess i'm okay with that. The tawny color is becoming more and more. ;)

Inside pic


outside pic


Wow! Your ends sun bleach a lot! Its so pretty :)

January 21st, 2016, 04:43 PM
Can I just say I think this hair colour is really pretty and don't understand why it gets so much flak? :flowers:
Ellethwyn , your hair is stunning :thud: Wow! I love that sort of ombre effect :)

January 22nd, 2016, 10:30 AM
I love seeing your ends vs. roots, it reassures me of my own hair. I always feel kind of odd when I wear buns because my length is golden compared to my ashy roots

Oh I know! The underside of my hair is even darker than my roots, so updos i feel look a bit funny sometimes. ;)

Wow! Your ends sun bleach a lot! Its so pretty :)

Thank you! :D

Can I just say I think this hair colour is really pretty and don't understand why it gets so much flak? :flowers:
Ellethwyn , your hair is stunning :thud: Wow! I love that sort of ombre effect :)

It's totally ombre. A kind of funny ombre. Thank you!! :)

January 22nd, 2016, 10:32 AM
It's totally ombre. A kind of funny ombre. Thank you!! :)

You're welcome! It's beautiful! :flower:

January 22nd, 2016, 10:33 AM
The mix of tawny and white reminds me of Bambi, it's beautiful!

That's so true! I would love that colour combination. How sweet :)

September 10th, 2016, 06:02 PM
Hmm... I think I belong here. My hair was strawberry as a baby, darkened to a dark dishwater blond that turned more golden as it got longer. My hair has been dyed for a good 15 years, but I've given it up to see hat my true color is now.Right now my hubby wants to argue with me as to what shade my 4-5in long roots are. He says it's light brown, I see dark blond, and in the right light there's some red mixed in there. I'm hoping once all my henna is grown out and trimmed off that the golden shade comes back. Guess I'll find out.

September 12th, 2016, 11:32 AM
I think my hair falls here, I get natural golden highlights during the summer (ignore my ends - old bleach growing out):


September 12th, 2016, 11:37 AM
I consider tawny as a shade of blonette, so you have your pick!

Tawnette? ;-)

September 12th, 2016, 04:51 PM

Inspired by Ellethwyn, here is the difference between my roots and my ends! I suppose it's from being sun bleached, but I love the natural ombre effect that I have!

Also... excuse the greasy roots, this was right before a shower xD

You can also really see it in my new signature picture, my roots are really quite dark!

October 28th, 2016, 05:25 AM
YOu guyes all have such beutiful hair :crush:
I think I fit in here, I was growing out henna and for a long time I thought I still had henna in my ends since it shone orange in the sunlight, but my SO pointed out that all of my hair was like that in the sunlight. I cut a few inches for nothing then :doh:
Now it is all virgin with some sunbleached streakes in it. It can look really dark in some lightings, my mother ofter refers to it as darkbrown. Noone have called it mousy but say brown if I ask. I have a bit of a warm golden orange red tone in it but nowhare near being auburn. When I had henna in it people didnt seem to notice the difference until it was really saturated after several applications.

I quite like it nowadays though previously I wanted it darker. I really liked the henna, though I do not have the brave personality that goes with red hair :) and its a hassle to keep up

https://c7.staticflickr.com/6/5629/29984743054_7fe68d79c7_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/MFDDsw)20161028_102022 (https://flic.kr/p/MFDDsw) by Linda Gun (https://www.flickr.com/photos/148644365@N05/), on Flickr

October 28th, 2016, 11:12 AM
YOu guyes all have such beutiful hair :crush:
I think I fit in here, I was growing out henna and for a long time I thought I still had henna in my end since it shone orange in the sunlight, but my SO pinted out that all of my hair was like that in the sunlight. I cut a few inches for nothing then :doh:
Now it is all virgin with some sunbleached streakes in it. It can look really dark in some lightings, my mother ofter refers to it as darkbrown. Noone have called it mousy but say brown if I ask. I have a bit of a warm golden orange red tone in it but nowhare near being auburn. When I had henna in it people didnt seem to notice the difference until it was really saturated after several applications.

I quite like it nowadays though previously I wanted it darker. I really liked the henna, though I do not have the brave personality that goes with red hair :) and its a hassle to keep up

https://c7.staticflickr.com/6/5629/29984743054_7fe68d79c7_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/MFDDsw)20161028_102022 (https://flic.kr/p/MFDDsw) by Linda Gun (https://www.flickr.com/photos/148644365@N05/), on Flickr

You sure do belong here!

October 30th, 2016, 04:22 AM
You sure do belong here!

Thank you :o

Its just that it looks so dark in some lights, is it more of you tawnies who are on the dark side?

October 30th, 2016, 10:01 AM
Thank you :o

Its just that it looks so dark in some lights, is it more of you tawnies who are on the dark side?

I would say it definitely depends on the light, but I feel like I'm on the darker side of tawny.

November 1st, 2016, 05:49 PM
I think I've found my people!

My hair has been described as strawberry blonde, lightest auburn, dishwater, mousey copper, and brownish blonde. It's colour depends on entirely lighting and angle.
I love the term tawny and think it's a perfect descriptor for not quite any colour hair!

November 1st, 2016, 06:06 PM
Welcome to all the newbie (lion)mane-heads! I don't know about you guys, but I found it's one of those colours that hairdressers marvel over--not that I went to one very often, and defs not anymore! Hehehe. I've never had the dishwater and mousey tags for mine, though, as I'm more on the reddish orangey side of the spectrum.

Thank you :o

Its just that it looks so dark in some lights, is it more of you tawnies who are on the dark side?

Yup! What's not white on me comes across as darker. I have all the hair colours that mix in, although the mix is getting lighter/blonder on the ends where I've layered it to show the underlying whites.

November 1st, 2016, 07:40 PM
thank you!

Totally agree about hairdressers! Though everyone seems to have a different idea of what my hair colour is exactly. I wonder if any other tawnies have to play guess my shade with people?

November 1st, 2016, 08:20 PM
I think I am too. I like that color description! My hair is strawberry blonde if I'm in the sun a lot, otherwise dark blonde to light brown with reddish blonde highlights. My greys are blending in right now to look like blonde highlights.
My eyes are light brown with dark green edges.

November 12th, 2016, 11:54 PM

February 4th, 2017, 08:57 PM
I like 'calico'! I too have coarse black strands next to fine blonde strands next to reddish-brown strands! Tawny sounds like an even distribution of a single dark blonde color.

February 4th, 2017, 09:36 PM
I like 'calico'! I too have coarse black strands next to fine blonde strands next to reddish-brown strands! Tawny sounds like an even distribution of a single dark blonde color.

I consider myself more coyote than calico :)

February 4th, 2017, 10:52 PM
I guess this is me. I rid myself of it with henna and indigo though.

February 5th, 2017, 01:25 PM
Something I've come to love about tawny hair is that it can be a real pain and sometimes impossible to duplicate with bottle dye. I told my hubby that this is just another reason I'm not coloring anymore. My color is mine.

Some neeto things. Tawny always sort of reminded me of that hot jungle girl look. Like I wanna put on brown eyeshadow and carve out a spear. :whip:
Plus, natural colors match under tones. No washing out, no Oompa Loompa.

February 5th, 2017, 06:04 PM
Mrstran, the lack of colour matchup is one of the reasons I don't dye. I like the uniqueness of my colour and loathe having to cover that--and uuuuuugh, the regrowth of multi-colours against the flatness of a dye... The trade-off for me is the extra colours of white and silver now in the mix. :lol:

February 5th, 2017, 07:17 PM
Mrstran, the lack of colour matchup is one of the reasons I don't dye. I like the uniqueness of my colour and loathe having to cover that--and uuuuuugh, the regrowth of multi-colours against the flatness of a dye... The trade-off for me is the extra colours of white and silver now in the mix. :lol:

You are too right! I gave up trying to match my natural color once I realized it was growing in multiple colors. This grow out process is going to look just awful. Like you said, the bottle dyes are too flat for our color. I agree completely.
On the plus side, we have unique hair that really can't be copied. Not easily anyway. That's why I think it's pretty cool.
I was looking at your signature photos in the thread when I originally posted. You are so lucky. The colors and texture are beautiful. I have big S waves that are more prominent on the left half of my head, and are more flat on the right side. :rolleyes:

February 10th, 2017, 10:53 AM
^ agreed, I'll never do overall dye again since it is never a soft enough color. I will most likely get balayage highlights through the length again, but I will always leave the top 4-5 inches of my hair virgin. If I get ashy blonde balayage, my grays just look like additional highlights :)

February 10th, 2017, 11:17 AM
^ agreed, I'll never do overall dye again since it is never a soft enough color. I will most likely get balayage highlights through the length again, but I will always leave the top 4-5 inches of my hair virgin. If I get ashy blonde balayage, my grays just look like additional highlights :)

I never found a way to describe it, "soft" would be suiting. The bottles are very deep colors. Even when you go ash. Odd!

February 10th, 2017, 11:21 AM
I never found a way to describe it, "soft" would be suiting. The bottles are very deep colors. Even when you go ash. Odd!

definitely! And there always seems to be gold metallic looking strands, even with the ash colors. I guess it's their way of making it "dimensional" and the closest they can get to mimicking natural highlights, but it isn't all that natural looking.

February 10th, 2017, 12:02 PM
Hey, I haven't been on LHC for ages! I missed you all so much ... :cheer: :blossom:

I think I'm 'tawny'. :shrug: I'm hazel-green eyed, was honey blonde as a child and became 'gingery' at about 12 years old. After that, I darkened slowly to 'rusty brown', lol. :rolleyes: These days, I henna myself red (bright red) but kind of suspect I need to tilt a bit more toward golden rich red, if that makes sense. I think my skin colouring is warm-neutral as I age, but I still have problems working out my foundation/lipstick colours! Do any other tawnys have that problem? I don't think the cosmetics industry would like me to say this, but I don't think it caters enough for us!!! :couch:

February 11th, 2017, 01:26 AM
You are too right! I gave up trying to match my natural color once I realized it was growing in multiple colors. This grow out process is going to look just awful. Like you said, the bottle dyes are too flat for our color. I agree completely.
On the plus side, we have unique hair that really can't be copied. Not easily anyway. That's why I think it's pretty cool.
I was looking at your signature photos in the thread when I originally posted. You are so lucky. The colors and texture are beautiful. I have big S waves that are more prominent on the left half of my head, and are more flat on the right side. :rolleyes:

Thankyou! :blossom: My hair is thinner on the right side compared to the left, which allows the underlying white to show through as a streak more often than not nowadays. :lol: It's also a pain if I want to do split dos, like pigtails or twin braids, although my hair has thickened up a lot since I've joined LHC so it's not as much of an uneven hassle as it was when I was a littlie. Weirdo hair, hey!

^ agreed, I'll never do overall dye again since it is never a soft enough color. I will most likely get balayage highlights through the length again, but I will always leave the top 4-5 inches of my hair virgin. If I get ashy blonde balayage, my grays just look like additional highlights :)

Balayage of the natural kind is how I'm letting my whites come in, and was how I grew out my oooooooold left-over bleached ends after the (final) box dye faded. I love the look, especially with our already multi-hued hair.

Hey, I haven't been on LHC for ages! I missed you all so much ... :cheer: :blossom:

I think I'm 'tawny'. :shrug: I'm hazel-green eyed, was honey blonde as a child and became 'gingery' at about 12 years old. After that, I darkened slowly to 'rusty brown', lol. :rolleyes: These days, I henna myself red (bright red) but kind of suspect I need to tilt a bit more toward golden rich red, if that makes sense. I think my skin colouring is warm-neutral as I age, but I still have problems working out my foundation/lipstick colours! Do any other tawnys have that problem? I don't think the cosmetics industry would like me to say this, but I don't think it caters enough for us!!! :couch:

Welcome back! For lipstick, I've always gone by my gum colour as a good starting point for hues, and foundation is based off my wrist and palm colours, although my skin has darkened as I've aged so I now use a mix of ivory and beige (Maybelline sticks, or previously Max Factor pan sticks, mainly as a concealer). For rouge, my palm pinkiness is the base colour I lean towards. For colours in general, this is the (Spring) palette I'm happiest with:


February 11th, 2017, 08:30 AM
I think I'm a dark tawny as I have brown hair with gold strands that looks ashy in one lighting and golden in the next. Very hard to take pictures of! Crystawni, where did you find that color pic? I'm not a spring but am interested in finding something so comprehensive in other categories!

February 11th, 2017, 11:20 AM
Gums and wrist, why the heck didn't I think of that? I have the same issues. Lately I've been frustrated and just gone without foundation. Sunblock, a bit of concealer, some chap stick and a few pats of Rosehip.

February 11th, 2017, 01:20 PM
Ugh color matching and cosmetics. A nightmare for me! My skin tone, eye color, and hair color are all a mix of Mom and Dad's. So Irish-German + Irish-Italian!

I have a strange coloring, never have I seen a person with the exact same as mine! And in the same thought, never has a liquid foundation matched me exactly haha. I go for loose mineral powders instead.