View Full Version : help coin a term for us !!

March 3rd, 2011, 09:06 PM
While reading through Fingolphin's thread on how we tend to forget guys on this thread or even if not forget accidentally address "ok ladies" or "girls" or etc. - btw I have made it pretty clear on this forum I dont mind being called a lady - take it as the best compliment haha !!

Should we coin a term for all of us hair lovers just on based of our preference for growing out lovely locks and striving to keeping them healthy and shining :)

Please suggest words - feel free to coin a new one !!

March 3rd, 2011, 09:07 PM
How about LHC'ers?

March 3rd, 2011, 09:08 PM
I like that but some thing more catchy and inclusive - even if we talking about someone who has gorgeous hair and not on LHC yet !!

March 3rd, 2011, 09:17 PM
Yeah, something that is pronounceable as a word. Nothing wrong with LHC'ers but not really a word you can say.

March 3rd, 2011, 09:19 PM
Hairees? :D

March 3rd, 2011, 09:20 PM
Hairballs? :D J/K

March 3rd, 2011, 09:36 PM
people? I don't see why that can't be used instead of 'ladies'

March 3rd, 2011, 09:39 PM
Hair-heads? :silly: this is harder than I thought it would be...

March 3rd, 2011, 09:40 PM
Lock rockers! (if we had a heavy metal emoticon I would definitely insert it here----> hehe)

ETA: Or just plain lockers (but maybe folks would think we smelled like the gym--gross). Maybe lockies? Okay, clearly I'm just stuck on locks because of my blog. :)

March 3rd, 2011, 09:43 PM
Lock rockers! (if we had a heavy metal emoticon I would definitely insert it here----> hehe)

ETA: Or just plain lockers (but maybe folks would think we smelled like the gym--gross). Maybe lockies?

Lock-anything makes me think of dreads :D

This is hard :ponder:

March 3rd, 2011, 09:45 PM
What about Mane Playas? lol

March 3rd, 2011, 09:47 PM
What about Mane Playas? lol

That is funny.;)

March 3rd, 2011, 10:17 PM
How about HOs - as in Hair Obessesed ...
HAs - as in Hair Afficionados
or - Hair Appreciators

March 3rd, 2011, 10:17 PM
I like HOs ;) hahahaha!

March 3rd, 2011, 10:20 PM
"Friends" would cover everyone.

March 4th, 2011, 12:26 AM
Hair Freaks :D

ETA: "Freak" not meant to sound offensive. As an LHC member, I am obsessed with hair!

March 4th, 2011, 01:16 AM
Longhairs? I've seen that term used before.

hanne jensen
March 4th, 2011, 03:49 AM
:cheese::cheese::cheese: Cheesers?

March 4th, 2011, 07:31 AM
Tressers? :shrug:

March 4th, 2011, 07:36 AM
people? I don't see why that can't be used instead of 'ladies'I was going to suggest "people". Whatever the context, you can't get more inclusive than that.

March 4th, 2011, 02:53 PM
Hey People !! I think we have a consensus on what we would like to call out :)

Any more thoughts / ideas

March 4th, 2011, 03:11 PM
Part of me likes Hairy Peeps....

March 4th, 2011, 03:16 PM
Ladies and gentlemen!

Except that still doesn't apply to everybody, now does it?

March 4th, 2011, 03:51 PM
I still think longhairs is appropriate, though some who started here with rather short hair (like myself) might take offense to it initially because they may consider themselves shot-haired... hmm

Hello, EVERYONE! : D

March 4th, 2011, 04:14 PM
I do feel a little bit left out by the term "longhairs" - although definitely not offended.

March 4th, 2011, 04:19 PM
Um, I've always just said LHC, or everyone. I really don't see why we need a new term. If I make a post, it's addressed anyone who wants to read it. :shrug:

March 4th, 2011, 04:36 PM
I've definitely seen the term "longhairs" more than once, referring to anyone actively trying to grow their hair, not just those who already have long hair. I think it works. And it's already been floating around, so it will be immediately recognizable.

March 4th, 2011, 04:45 PM
Ladies and gentlemen!

Except that still doesn't apply to everybody, now does it?

<snort> I seriously LOL'd at this!

Sorry, I don't have a new term for us to use. I just had to let Spidermom know how much I apppreciate her sense of humor!

March 4th, 2011, 04:49 PM
How about hairtenders? Like gardeners, but for hair!

That would cover all of us - no matter what length we have right now, whether we're reaching for a distant goal or we've been maintaining for years, we're all here talking about and learning how to properly tend to our hair and keep it in the best possible condition.

ETA: Plus, it's fun to say, and can be shortened to 'tenders' for brevity (^(oo)^)v

March 4th, 2011, 04:56 PM
Folks, all, everybody, gang, clan, tribe, mystic ninja denizens of the clandestine society of Awesome...

March 4th, 2011, 05:07 PM
Folks, all, everybody, gang, clan, tribe, mystic ninja denizens of the clandestine society of Awesome...

teeheee!!!!!! I LOVE the last one!:cheese:

March 4th, 2011, 05:11 PM
How about hairtenders? Like gardeners, but for hair!

That would cover all of us - no matter what length we have right now, whether we're reaching for a distant goal or we've been maintaining for years, we're all here talking about and learning how to properly tend to our hair and keep it in the best possible condition.

ETA: Plus, it's fun to say, and can be shortened to 'tenders' for brevity (^(oo)^)v

Hmm...I kinda like that.

March 4th, 2011, 06:18 PM
Hairballs? :D J/K

I like HOs ;) hahahaha!

I'm sorry,but these two had me rollin'!! :rollin:

Hmmm... how about Trichies - short for Trichologists :). Yes, I know we're not Trichologists (well, maybe some here are), but we do enjoy finding out more about the health of hair and scalp, right? Instead of Trekkes - they'll call us Trichies...we're probably just as weird:D;). Ok...I'll speak for myself:p

March 4th, 2011, 06:32 PM
Long Hairians!

(like Canadians but take out the canad and add hair:p)

March 4th, 2011, 07:03 PM
How about hairtenders? Like gardeners, but for hair!

That would cover all of us - no matter what length we have right now, whether we're reaching for a distant goal or we've been maintaining for years, we're all here talking about and learning how to properly tend to our hair and keep it in the best possible condition.

ETA: Plus, it's fun to say, and can be shortened to 'tenders' for brevity (^(oo)^)v

One vote for "Tenders"!

March 4th, 2011, 09:28 PM
Rapunzelites! or Punzies!

March 4th, 2011, 09:34 PM
I also really like hairtenders, more so than longhairs, which is nice but would make me feel kind of left out (and hey, I've been growing for quite a while already).

March 4th, 2011, 10:12 PM
Longhairs? I've seen that term used before.

Yeah, I kinda thought that this was already kinda the gender-neutral standard around here... :shrug: That's how it happens in my head anyway, like, if I'm thinking about LHC as a group.

ETA--> jujube, I didn't see your post before I posted, and admit I didn't think of that. Of course, we could also think of 'longhairs' as short for 'prospective/aspiring longhairs' as well as the literal meaning... ;)

March 4th, 2011, 10:25 PM
Hmm, I like Hairtenders too - though it sounds more like Bartenders than Gardeners - I will toast to that.

March 4th, 2011, 10:50 PM
:cheese:I feel a Kevin Costner moment coming on... How about "Messes With Hair?" Doesn't lend itself to collectivizing very well, though..

I like most ot these ideas, but I think I usually address my posts to "gang," or even "kids," which is at least uniformly inappropriate for 99% of us, I reckon.

We could call ourselves 'tenders' as Luxepiggy suggested. We could take The Platters' beautiful hair anthem, "The Great Hairtender," as a theme song.

Scalp farmers?
Coiffure monkeys?
Lock jockeys?

Honestly, it feels clumsier and clumsier. I will probably keep using 'gang' or something, as I have heard that there are a token few humor challenged among us and I don't want to get scalped. Otherwise, I would be calling you "Hairbrains" already.

March 5th, 2011, 04:19 AM
Hmm, I like Hairtenders too - though it sounds more like Bartenders than Gardeners - I will toast to that.

LOL!! How about a beer garden - best of both worlds :beerchug:

March 5th, 2011, 07:59 AM
Longs? Longers?

Since around here you either have long hair or you long for it; or you have long hair and you long for longer hair...

March 5th, 2011, 08:09 AM
I always think of my LHC friends as a bunch of longhairs. :cheese:

Longhairs come in bunches, it seems. :hollie:

March 5th, 2011, 08:17 AM
LHC'ers or longhairs is more than enough for me. :lol:

I'll have a piece of cheese now. :cheese:

March 5th, 2011, 08:51 AM
Well, if some people don't like "longhairs" then maybe just "hairs"?

It kinda sounds like every member is an individual hair on the collective scalp of LHC. :p

March 5th, 2011, 08:52 AM
I hope this isn't going to be taken so far that it reaches the point of censorship and intervention by the mods for those of us who see nothing wrong with starting off a post with "Hello ladies."

If it's going to be made an actual forum RULE that you have to be politically-correct and all for gender equality, then as a non-feminist Christian I don't think I'll be sticking around.

I think people should just get over themselves. If I were on a bodybuilding forum and were outnumbered by men, I wouldn't start throwing little temper tantrums and huffs every time a man started a post with the words "hey dudes." I would just accept and understand that I was in a predominantly male environment.

March 5th, 2011, 09:05 AM
I hope this isn't going to be taken so far that it reaches the point of censorship and intervention by the mods for those of us who see nothing wrong with starting off a post with "Hello ladies."

If it's going to be made an actual forum RULE that you have to be politically-correct and all for gender equality, then as a non-feminist Christian I don't think I'll be sticking around.

I think people should just get over themselves. If I were on a bodybuilding forum and were outnumbered by men, I wouldn't start throwing little temper tantrums and huffs every time a man started a post with the words "hey dudes." I would just accept and understand that I was in a predominantly male environment.

I hardly think I threw a temper tantrum in my original thread post about the subject, do you? Really? I thought that I tried to be as kind as possible with it. Are you saying that as a Christian, you don't acknowledge the presence here of men with long hair, as if if you pretend they're not here, they somehow don't exist for you? By the way I am a Christian as well, and a male. And if it was a forum for "bodybuilding," yes, I would try to be as inclusive in my terminology as possible, since, of course, not everyone who is interested in bodybuilding is male. I am not trying to be unkind. To me it is just a matter of manners and courtesy to not try to make people feel left out, that's all. Shouldn't we, as Christians, be about courtesy?

March 5th, 2011, 09:11 AM
If you read my post carefully you will note that I did not accuse you (or anyone else) of thowing temper tantrums or huffs. I merely said that I myself would not throw them were I to find myself in a hypothetical situation.

I just feel that when it comes to alternative religions people are all about demanding and giving respect for different belief systems but when it comes to Christianity (Bible-believing, God-fearing, fundamentalist, anti-feminist Christianity) we are constantly being censored.

If I am no longer going to be allowed to say "hello ladies" just because it may offend a man, then that offends ME. That's my point.

To clarify a bit further: this seems to be a discussion all about gender equality. People have been replying to your other thread saying things like "I hear where you're coming from, I'm a feminist." Well, I am NOT a feminist. I am a Christian. And surely in a forum where so many religions and cultures exist alongside one another, it would be best not to force everyone into the same feminist mold, but rather respect their right to freedom of speech and thought?

Feminism is so widely-spread nowadays that many people seem to forget that there are still some of us who are NOT feminists.

If somebody wants to start off their post by saying "hello LHCers" or some other neutral gender-equal term, because they're a feminist, they should be free to do so, and not stuffed into MY anti-feminist mold. Correct? They would all be offended if I started a thread demanding or discussing that people did this the opposite way around.

So why can't it work the other way round? I resent being stuffed into a feminist, gender-equality mold when I am not a feminist.

Why do other people not respect my beliefs, even though I am expected to respect theirs?

Starting off a post with "Hello Ladies" is not, to my way of thinking, offensive. It contains no cursewords and does not violate any current forum guidelines that I am aware of, but perhaps the mods would care to confirm and update their policies accordingly.

March 5th, 2011, 10:40 AM
If you read my post carefully you will note that I did not accuse you (or anyone else) of thowing temper tantrums or huffs. I merely said that I myself would not throw them were I to find myself in a hypothetical situation.

I just feel that when it comes to alternative religions people are all about demanding and giving respect for different belief systems but when it comes to Christianity (Bible-believing, God-fearing, fundamentalist, anti-feminist Christianity) we are constantly being censored.

If I am no longer going to be allowed to say "hello ladies" just because it may offend a man, then that offends ME. That's my point.

To clarify a bit further: this seems to be a discussion all about gender equality. People have been replying to your other thread saying things like "I hear where you're coming from, I'm a feminist." Well, I am NOT a feminist. I am a Christian. And surely in a forum where so many religions and cultures exist alongside one another, it would be best not to force everyone into the same feminist mold, but rather respect their right to freedom of speech and thought?

Feminism is so widely-spread nowadays that many people seem to forget that there are still some of us who are NOT feminists.

If somebody wants to start off their post by saying "hello LHCers" or some other neutral gender-equal term, because they're a feminist, they should be free to do so, and not stuffed into MY anti-feminist mold. Correct? They would all be offended if I started a thread demanding or discussing that people did this the opposite way around.

So why can't it work the other way round? I resent being stuffed into a feminist, gender-equality mold when I am not a feminist.

Why do other people not respect my beliefs, even though I am expected to respect theirs?

Starting off a post with "Hello Ladies" is not, to my way of thinking, offensive. It contains no cursewords and does not violate any current forum guidelines that I am aware of, but perhaps the mods would care to confirm and update their policies accordingly.

First of all, I'm pretty sure this thread is kind of a joke thread, or at least one started in good spirits. No one is suggesting that YOU need to use a particular vernacular, especially not in a moderated sense.

Second, if you'd read the other thread (which I suspect you didn't), you'd realize that Fingolphin was simply expressing a perspective as a minority group on this forum. He was not suggesting taking away your right to say anything, just expressing a feeling of being left out.

Frankly, it's really hard to respect your perspective when you're acting so aggressively. Attacking someone else's political perspective, especially by trying to somehow create a spurious relationship between anti-feminism and Christianity, comes off like you're attacking other people.

I'm sorry if you don't feel your political alignment and religion is not respected here, but it's completely inappropriate to go on a tangent about that kind of thing in a thread that was started in good fun.

March 5th, 2011, 10:41 AM
I really don't think that anyone is seeing this as a big issue or that anyone is looking to set down rules. A member was feeling a little left out of some threads because he is a male and the threads were directed towards the women so a bunch of people were trying to find a way to make their post titles a little more inclusive.

It is not a feminism issue, it is not a Christian issue, it is just a fun way of trying to be more inclusive. If anyone wants to use "ladies" or "Gents" or "Renegrays" or "teens" any other group identifyer even if the thread is informative for everyone go ahead. If anyone wants to coin and use a new term for the membership as a whole, they should be able to do it.

March 5th, 2011, 11:16 AM
Goodness, someone must've peed in someone else's corn flakes this morning. :rolleyes:

March 5th, 2011, 11:20 AM
I too feel that this particular thread was started in good fun. No one has ever said anything like you "have" to address people this way. It was just started by Karenpetal as a fun way to come up with a new term for us "hairjobs" or whatever we are, just for fun to use if we want to. Personally, I'm throwing in my vote for hairtenders. Although, if we shorten to tenders, it kinda reminds me of chicken tenders. :)

March 5th, 2011, 11:21 AM
Goodness, someone must've peed in someone else's corn flakes this morning. :rolleyes:

Excuse ME.

I had FROOT LOOPS. Hmmph.


March 5th, 2011, 11:23 AM
I too feel that this particular thread was started in good fun. No one has ever said anything like you "have" to address people this way. It was just started by Karenpetal as a fun way to come up with a new term for us "hairjobs" or whatever we are, just for fun to use if we want to. Personally, I'm throwing in my vote for hairtenders. Although, if we shorten to tenders, it kinda reminds me of chicken tenders. :)

And then I'm going to get super hungry any time someone needs to address us as a group! May as well just call ourselves "Brownies" or "Tacos", if you wanna torture me so.

March 5th, 2011, 11:24 AM
Excuse ME.

I had FROOT LOOPS. Hmmph.


I agree with what you were saying and I really don't understand the connection between anti-feminism and Christianity. Anyway, I don't think myself or Karenpetal were trying to start gender battles or certainly not religious ones.

March 5th, 2011, 11:25 AM
if you'd read the other thread (which I suspect you didn't) snip

If you'd read my post properly (which perhaps you didn't) you would notice my reference to the other thread. Also to the replies from other members stating that they were backing him because they were feminists. They were the ones who turned this into a gender equality issue, not me.

Frankly, it's really hard to respect your perspective when you're acting so aggressively.

Can you explain exactly in what way you feel I have been aggressive? I am genuinely puzzled. My posts have been factual and to the point.

Attacking someone else's political perspective, especially by trying to somehow create a spurious relationship between anti-feminism and Christianity, comes off like you're attacking other people.

In what way have I "attacked someone else's political perspective?" When? Where? What does this have to do with politics? I am offended by this allegation and, again, puzzled. If you care to go back and read my post properly, I was doing the contrary. I was suggesting that, since we all have such different views, we shouldn't make some sort of general mold and force others into it, but instead respect one another's differences. The relationship between Christianity and anti-feminism is not "spurious" according to my own belief system. I live by the Bible. It may be your own personal opinion that it is, but for you to state your opinion as though it is fact and allege that I am wrong to believe as I do makes YOU the one who is in fact attacking my own personal beliefs, so kindly leave me alone.

March 5th, 2011, 11:31 AM

You walked into a thread about using different group identifiers and turned it into a debate about how feminism offends you.

That's what made me believe you're needlessly attacking people.

Now let it go.

March 5th, 2011, 11:41 AM
And then I'm going to get super hungry any time someone needs to address us as a group! May as well just call ourselves "Brownies" or "Tacos", if you wanna torture me so.

Donuts :D http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=59733


March 5th, 2011, 11:42 AM

You walked into a thread about using different group identifiers and turned it into a debate about how feminism offends you.

That's what made me believe you're needlessly attacking people.

Now let it go.

I see. So you make yet another false allegation and then say "let it go?"

I will let it go when you stop attaking me and stop saying I've said things I haven't said.

Where in any of my posts does it say "feminism offends me?"

I was not getting on a soapbox to start a debate about feminism. I was making a more general point. Perhaps you missed that. A general point that not everyone has the same belief system as those who start threads like that, and not everyone appreciates being pushed into a mold that doesn't represent their own beliefs. It could refer to one's religion, culture, or whatever: we all think differently.

I feel I have made myself blindingly clear by now but I'm sure you'll find something else to misinterpret.

*Stands back and braces herself for next false offensive allegation*

March 5th, 2011, 11:44 AM
Excuse ME.

I had FROOT LOOPS. Hmmph.


Walking to my car the other day after class, I sniffed the air appreciatively... it was Froot Loops making day at the local Kellogg's plant and you can always smell them all through town! :lol: (Post Fruity Pebbles smell very similar... we also have a Post plant in here. I ate a LOT of cereal growing up in that city!)

March 5th, 2011, 11:45 AM
Fellow long hairs?

March 5th, 2011, 11:46 AM
Walking to my car the other day after class, I sniffed the air appreciatively... it was Froot Loops making day at the local Kellogg's plant and you can always smell them all through town! :lol: (Post Fruity Pebbles smell very similar... we also have a Post plant in here. I ate a LOT of cereal growing up in that city!)

D: I wanna live next to a cereal plant...

March 5th, 2011, 11:51 AM
I too feel that this particular thread was started in good fun. No one has ever said anything like you "have" to address people this way. It was just started by Karenpetal as a fun way to come up with a new term for us "hairjobs" or whatever we are, just for fun to use if we want to. Personally, I'm throwing in my vote for hairtenders. Although, if we shorten to tenders, it kinda reminds me of chicken tenders. :)

Food items mentioned thus far: corn flakes, chicken tenders, tacos, brownies, froot loops, fruity pebbles and donuts.

Perhaps "hungries" would be appropriate? :p

March 5th, 2011, 11:56 AM
Food items mentioned thus far: corn flakes, chicken tenders, tacos, brownies, froot loops, fruity pebbles and donuts.

Perhaps "hungries" would be appropriate? :p

Well, we may all BE little piggies, but there's only one REAL little piggy here... :p

March 5th, 2011, 11:57 AM
follicle-happy people? as politically correct as they get.

March 5th, 2011, 12:16 PM
Well, we may all BE little piggies, but there's only one REAL little piggy here... :p

Now that you mention it, I'm very fond of bacon, too...

ETA: Oh, my God, we are so off-topic now. I like follicle-happy people. It makes us sound like this weird tribe that worships hair follicles.

March 5th, 2011, 12:56 PM
I'm trying to think of what kind of cheese I would like now. Hmm. How about some monterey jack with some fresh sourdough bread? Yum.

On topic:
Cheeseheads is taken...

March 5th, 2011, 01:16 PM
I'm trying to think of what kind of cheese I would like now. Hmm. How about some monterey jack with some fresh sourdough bread? Yum.

On topic:
Cheeseheads is taken...

Yup! And proudly!

March 5th, 2011, 04:54 PM
D: I wanna live next to a cereal plant...I live next to a cookie making plant. Mr. Christies really does make good cookies, but his factory outlet store is really not good at all for my waistline.

March 5th, 2011, 05:08 PM
I liked Hairbrains. :lol: Who said that?

Now excuse me while I get a cookie.

March 5th, 2011, 05:12 PM
I liked Hairbrains. :lol: Who said that?

Now excuse me while I get a cookie.

I like everything about this post. Especially the cookies.

March 5th, 2011, 05:15 PM
I like cookies. Maybe we should just call ourselves "cookies."

March 5th, 2011, 06:14 PM
I like cookies. Maybe we should just call ourselves "cookies."

Ha! I knew it would end up being food-related (^(oo)^)

I still vote for donuts though . . . "Good morning, donuts! I have query for you . . . " :D

March 5th, 2011, 07:25 PM
Food items mentioned thus far: corn flakes, chicken tenders, tacos, brownies, froot loops, fruity pebbles and donuts.

Perhaps "hungries" would be appropriate? :p

I'm trying to think of what kind of cheese I would like now. Hmm. How about some monterey jack with some fresh sourdough bread? Yum.

On topic:
Cheeseheads is taken...

I like cookies. Maybe we should just call ourselves "cookies."

LOL, this thread induces the munchies even worse than another *ahem* recreational activity. :cloud9::eyebrows:

March 5th, 2011, 07:30 PM


Oh, fart and blast. Someone send me a jar of salsa and a dozen donuts here, will you? I'm suffering. :(

March 5th, 2011, 07:32 PM
LOL, this thread induces the munchies even worse than another *ahem* recreational activity. :cloud9::eyebrows:

Whoa! I thought I was the only one that got the munchies while knitting! :eek:

March 5th, 2011, 07:33 PM
Folks, people, longhairs, humans...

Honestly, it is going to happen. The human brain has a tendency to categorize for simplicity. Stereotypes are often the brain's way of sorting information. It takes a real effort to remember intricacies. I try to - but I often fail. :(

March 5th, 2011, 07:42 PM
LOL, this thread induces the munchies even worse than another *ahem* recreational activity. :cloud9::eyebrows:
Whoa! I thought I was the only one that got the munchies while knitting! :eek:


March 5th, 2011, 07:45 PM
Lad(d)ies should cover both :D

March 5th, 2011, 07:53 PM
I'm so glad that this thread was brought back from the brink of nasty. Keep the food references coming!
I may be rude but I usually start a post without a salutation. I am liking hairtender especially.

March 5th, 2011, 08:07 PM
Whoa! I thought I was the only one that got the munchies while knitting! :eek:

Ahhh yes of course, knitting. :eyebrows:


And my response to that is even more :rollin::bigtongue:

March 6th, 2011, 07:19 AM
Oh, fart and blast. Someone send me a jar of salsa and a dozen donuts here, will you? I'm suffering. :(

Guess what I had for dinner last night? :lol:

March 6th, 2011, 12:09 PM
Hairtenders, Hairnuts, Donuts, Cookies, HoneyBuns !!! Lad(d)ies I am loving the inputs

We rock hahah !!!

P.S. Sorry for offending anyone - was not meant to

hanne jensen
March 7th, 2011, 02:18 AM
I still like Cheesers! Appropriate since we all have the munchies.

My fellow Cheesers, I'm sitting with a plate of cheddar!

March 7th, 2011, 02:14 PM
Lock rockers! (if we had a heavy metal emoticon I would definitely insert it here----> hehe)
