View Full Version : I have problems with updos.

March 3rd, 2011, 09:47 AM
When I try to do anything with braiding then pinning up I ALWAYS have hair sticking out.

Now I know part of the problem is that I used to have really thick bangs but I started growing them out and when they started annoying me too much I trimmed down to a thin layer of bang to keep the old thick ones back (I also don't like what I look like with out bangs but the ones I had were too thick.)

But my problem is whenever I do braid my hair no matter the braid the short ends stick out... Kinda like this...

https://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B7G1p6vkurXFN2EwYmZiYzctOTA0Yi00ZGFkLWEyY zctZjYyNmQzZWYwMTlh&hl=en&authkey=CNvJ67oD

Or even worse then that if I use a 2 strand braid. And to me the point of a bun is to make your hair look nice and neat not all over the place.

So anyone have suggestions on how to keep those little hairs from doing that?

And the odd thing is the bangs are rather shorter then that now that I think of it so I wonder if it's not the band why the longest hair s do that too. But It was even worse they I did double (pigtails with the braided bun).

March 3rd, 2011, 09:50 AM
Maybe try some goop to keep your hair smooth when you braid it? I like olive and coconut oil. Not at the same time of course, but it helps keep my frizz down while I'm braiding so maybe try some oil?

March 3rd, 2011, 09:52 AM
I get the same thing. All those newer hairs are shorter, and they always end up poking out of the braid/s. I can keep braids neater by using product such as gel or hair styling cream as I braid. Oil isn't enough.

March 3rd, 2011, 09:59 AM
Aloe gel works for me, most of the time. I get a "halo" of new hairs really easily and aloe keeps it down. Conventional gels or waxes just make my hair look greasy. I recently discovered that rubbing a tiny amount of conditioner on my hands and then smoothing my hair works too.

March 3rd, 2011, 10:02 AM
I second the suggestion of using aloe! I don't always bother with it, even though I know that my braids get rather fuzzy, but for me it is a surefire way to get control of those little fuzzies. And without my hair getting all sticky, too!:)

March 3rd, 2011, 10:16 AM
If I want really smooth braids, I use either coconut oil or hair wax - I even get super smooth rope braids with hair wax, except if there is a whole bunch of hairs sticking out at the same length. Although you can usually pin those down in some way.

Also, starting out with very neatly brushed/combed hair and sometimes stopping to braid to re-comb could help your hair lie better.

March 3rd, 2011, 10:30 AM
I get them, too :( My hair is heavily layered and it's simply impossible to avoid the ends' sticking out.
I found though, the greasier my hair the smoother braids :eyebrows: 3rd-4th day hair is the best.

March 3rd, 2011, 10:20 PM
Thanks now I have lots of things to try to see what works.

Oh now I have another question...

Split ends are a problem for me they are one of the reasons my hair is so many lengths (wonder what it would look like if it wasn't so broken up) what the best way to get rid of them?

Esp since my hair is just about BSL and I can't see the Back of my hair very well.