View Full Version : Agh! Flakes! What ELSE can I try???

March 2nd, 2011, 09:24 PM
A flakey scalp has always been a problem for me.

I'm COing, oiling scalp, and ACV rinses. They've all helped minimally, but the problem is still there.

What else can I do???

March 2nd, 2011, 09:30 PM
dandruff is a fungus that lies beneath the scalp. In order to get rid of it, you need an anti-fungal.

Tea tree oil works well if you wish to stay natural, but sometimes it's not strong enough. I use Head and Shoulders for mild cases, Nizoral for more difficult cases. Nizoral works, but can cause itching as that's the medication working under the scalp.

Remember too, oil is part of the problem for dandruff--it feeds the fungus, so I'd try some Head and shoulders to start, and if you still have flaking, you might want to see your doctor to make sure there isn't another underlying cause.

March 2nd, 2011, 09:46 PM
I have a Mason Pearson Large Extra BBB that does a really good job of removing fine, powdery flakes from my scalp and hair.

March 2nd, 2011, 10:01 PM
What oil are you using? I've noticed that coconut oil seems to stop my flare-ups, and other people find the reverse to be true, so maybe experiment with other oils a little.

Also, are you really scrubbing your scalp well with your conditioner when you CO-wash? When I get too lazy with my scrubbing action, my flakes try to reappear. I also have to CO-wash at least every other day... if I go longer than that, I'm in big trouble.

Hang in there!

March 3rd, 2011, 05:30 AM
I second the coconut oil...and try to get the organic cold-processed unrefined virgin coconut oil if you can. I got mine at GNC for $8. If you look it up you will see an incredible number of benefits...also makes awesome popcorn! :D It fights fungus, among many other things, so I bet it would help! It is also the BEST moisturizer/lotion I have ever used! I have been using it for about a week now and I'm amazed at how quickly my skin has changed for the better! No more dandruff, my face is glowing and smoother than it has ever been--no little pimples that I used to have. I use CV bars and exfoliate...after I dry off I apply the littlest bit of cococonut oil (1 tsp does my whole body) and my skin is as soft as my baby's--it has also cured my stubborn exema! Sorry...I got off track from your question but I have to share about this incredible oil...best stuff I have ever bought and it's completely natural! Good luck!!:)

March 3rd, 2011, 05:39 AM
Some (essential) oils have antifungal properties. The most used essetial oils are tea tree and lavender (test firts for allergic reactions and always use with a base oil) 'Normal' oils are coconut, babassu (oils with a lot of lauric acid), neem oil (the smell is...... but it works for most people).
Also treatments with neem powder, henna or/and cassia can solve the problem. Good luck!

March 3rd, 2011, 07:17 AM
Dandruff is not a fungus. Dandruff is the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. A dry scalp is a different issue, scalp fungus is a different issue. Everyone has dandruff, because everyone's dead skin cells shed, but people who wash their hair more frequently tend to have less of it.
You need to first identify what your issue really is. Do you have dead skin buildup from infrequent washings ? Do you have a dry itchy scalp ? Do you have oily, scaly flakes that might be a fungal infection ? These are all different.