View Full Version : Photoshop help with hair color please

March 2nd, 2011, 09:43 AM
Hey everyone!

So I'm toying with the idea of doing blonde (probably highlights) on the top of my head, ears up most likely.

I'm on the fence with it because I'm wondering if I'll even like it. I had blonde hair before with a bunch of rounds of highlights but I always though it just made my face look chubbier. Now that I'm a lot thinner then I was back then I'm thinking of trying it again.... I just can't picture it in my head though.

Would someone be able to work their photoshop magic on my hair to show me some blonde shades. Maybe with highlights if you can? Also I don't know how easy or possible it is but maybe only doing the upper half of my head and left my under hair black. That is probably asking a lot... So no pressure.

Thank you to anyone who wants to give this a go!

Here's my album with some different hair shots. Not sure if these are even really usable. If not let me know and I get better pictures when I get home today.

March 2nd, 2011, 10:18 AM

Something like that?? This is just a really rough job done using Taaz, but it gives an idea of what you described. There isn't really an option for highlights on that site, so maybe someone else can get closer to what you're thinking??

It looks neat, but keep in mind the damage that would likely result due to bleach, and that it may be hard to get a neutral shade like this, which I think is going to look better than a golden or ash shade.

March 2nd, 2011, 10:29 AM

Something like that?? This is just a really rough job done using Taaz, but it gives an idea of what you described. There isn't really an option for highlights on that site, so maybe someone else can get closer to what you're thinking??

It looks neat, but keep in mind the damage that would likely result due to bleach, and that it may be hard to get a neutral shade like this, which I think is going to look better than a golden or ash shade.

Thank you!!!!I didn't know you could do that on Taaz! I've been playing around on that site all week.

I do plan (if I do this) to use coconut oil and start with highlights. I figure it will be less damage then full bleach to me head. Plus with only doing the top I figure it will cut down on the length damage.

I like the shade you picked too. And do to the layers the blonde would be a little bit longer (I know you cant see that in that picture though). I would want more shades of blonde then one flat shade just because I don't think it would look that great on me. Also... I thought about doing color oops on the part that I would do the blonde to help remove so of the dye, thinking that will get it over all lighter probably making it easier to bleach highlights.

March 2nd, 2011, 10:37 AM

It came out ALL blonde, sorry! :-( Hahaha xXxx

March 2nd, 2011, 10:43 AM
It sounds like you've got it pretty well figured out. One thing I will mention, is that colour oops doesn't usually result in a good outcome unless you use it within 72 hours of colouring. Once the cortex has settled it is much harder to get the colour out with a product such as that, and you might get very patchy results, better to go get the colour removed, with bleach, by a professional.

As you're only wanting to do the top layer, the damage will not be on all your hair, and it is worth a try if it's what you want. Certainly the blonde suits your colouring, so you don't have to worry about that too much. The only thing I could add is that you may get some unwanted breakage if you do too much to the top layer all at once, but leaving it to a professional would likely lessen this chance.

March 2nd, 2011, 02:52 PM

It came out ALL blonde, sorry! :-( Hahaha xXxx

Thank you very much! You can actually see my layers when it's lighter!!!

It sounds like you've got it pretty well figured out. One thing I will mention, is that colour oops doesn't usually result in a good outcome unless you use it within 72 hours of colouring. Once the cortex has settled it is much harder to get the colour out with a product such as that, and you might get very patchy results, better to go get the colour removed, with bleach, by a professional.

As you're only wanting to do the top layer, the damage will not be on all your hair, and it is worth a try if it's what you want. Certainly the blonde suits your colouring, so you don't have to worry about that too much. The only thing I could add is that you may get some unwanted breakage if you do too much to the top layer all at once, but leaving it to a professional would likely lessen this chance.
thank you. I totally plan, if I do any of the highlights, to go to the salon... I know I would cook my hair if I tried. I've acutally have always had great results with color oops not mattered when I used it... Sure my hair is always a weird brassy color but it has always done a great job getting the darkness out of my hair. The only thing I hate is the smell.... Goodness.... It's like wet dog.

Thinking about it more today I dont think I acutally want straight up blonde hair... I know it wouldn't work in one shot and that it woudl wreck the hair... So maybe I would do what I did last time, The lady did tons of little lights so that way the over all look of my hair was lighter and blonder, And that time I had started with dark-almost black hair.

March 2nd, 2011, 03:13 PM
You have such beautiful hair naturally it would be ashame to put bleach on it. But of course it's what ever makes you happy but for what its worth your hair is beautiful dark. just my two cents :)

March 2nd, 2011, 07:04 PM
You have such beautiful hair naturally it would be ashame to put bleach on it. But of course it's what ever makes you happy but for what its worth your hair is beautiful dark. just my two cents :)

that is so sweet of you... But sadly that isn't my natural color. I dye my hair black, naturally I'm a medium to light brown.