View Full Version : Hair antics.

June 11th, 2008, 11:16 AM
I swear, my hair is moodier then I could ever be!

Background: Almost stick-straight hair fine hair with medium thickness aka Slippery Hell. Henna'ed.

We have had a dry spell for 2 weeks here - no rain, rather windy and warm. In the middle of this period, I henna'ed my roots and did some straight cassia on the lenghts.

And now - my hair have gone totally bonkers! It's iii thick, it feels like coarse hair and it behaves like curly hair. Hmm? It's craving mouisture and cones like nothing else.

Whaat?! This is sooo out of line of my normal hair. It's not bad, my updo's look huge and all of that, no breakage or sign of damage....but it doesn't feel like my hair.

*shakes head*


June 11th, 2008, 12:58 PM
do you think it could be the cassia? My hair changes with the climate too. Hair can definitely be moody.

June 11th, 2008, 01:26 PM
do you think it could be the cassia? My hair changes with the climate too. Hair can definitely be moody.

It's the first time I have had that reaction to cassia, but it could be thecombination cassia + dry weather. It actually nice to have thick and updo-good hair, but it's weird if you are use to slippery tresses.

June 11th, 2008, 03:19 PM
ahh well... enjoy it while it lasts! I bet it is nice to be able to get your hair to hold. My hair (my virgin hair) tends to be very slippery as well. Interestingly, Henna seemed to "rough it up" a bit. I never did try Cassia though...

June 11th, 2008, 03:49 PM
Hmm. I henna and while my hair started out fairly slippery, it has gotten slipperier with henna, but it is also much fatter and thicker feeling. What are you mixing you henna with?

June 11th, 2008, 05:31 PM
maybe its getting a visit from "Aunt Flow"......