View Full Version : Baby Fine Hair and Tangles (Knots)

UP Lisa
February 25th, 2011, 09:49 AM
Hi. I have the world's most tangly hair, and am wondering how others deal with it. I have the type of hair that you can't separate into sections for braiding without it sticking together and tangling. I can take a section and comb through it, and no matter how many times I comb through it the section is still tangled. I get the most awful knots underneath if I let it rub on a collar or something. Basically, I can't have my hair down at all unless I wear a silk shirt. And forget about ever letting a breeze hit it.

Anyone out there like me?

February 25th, 2011, 10:20 AM
i have baby fine hair, too, and it tangles like crazy! I can't brush, comb or even finger- comb the tangles out because then I'll lose all curl and wind up with a frizzy bush floating around my head. I wear it up a lot. The tangles have to stay until I wash my hair in the shower and can comb through with conditioner.

My hair does what you described when I braid. I resist the urge to pull the offending hair apart and put it where it's supposed to go :rolleyes:

February 25th, 2011, 10:22 AM
I've had much less trouble since I started using a chelating shampoo once a month or so.

In my case, I think the water where I live contributes to buildup.

I also use both a conditioner and a creme rinse/detangler on my length, seems to help.

February 25th, 2011, 10:29 AM
No! I have the most tangly hair!:D

Seriously, my hair is like yours, braiding is a problem because of the reason you gave. I can't even bun it for the same reason. Sometimes I don't know what to do with it to be honest.
I have natural hair right now and that makes it worse. Silicones definately tame the hair. But I want to keep my hair natural. I don't use conditioner either and that doesn't help the cause. But like I said my hair is totally natural I only use yucca to wash it or plain soap if I don't have yucca.

I don't know if oiling would help or not? Maybe.

UP Lisa
February 25th, 2011, 10:35 AM
Some say that oil helps to get a tangle out. I've tried it. Not sure if it helped or not.

For me, I don't think going without conditioner would be a good thing.

I do have hard water; I'm sure that doesn't help. I don't really notice a difference after using a hard water shampoo. Clarifying does help. I should probably clarify every time I wash, but afraid of drying out the hair.

UP Lisa
February 25th, 2011, 10:36 AM
I get so frustrated that I usually DON'T resist the urge to pull the sections apart. Then I get mad at myself for causing damage. It takes so long to grow, and so little time to ruin.

February 25th, 2011, 10:53 AM
I'm right with ya!! My hair is the same way. My nape hairs are somehow in a constant state of knot. And I don't get it, because they get in a knot, when my hair is up and nothing is touching them and they've got oil on them! =(
And yeah...I get you on the breeze thing...haha. I can't really even hardly consider letting my hair be down to go and be out and about. It tangles, it gets caught in anything it can because my hair is so lightweight and fine, it just flies around all over the place.

*sigh* It surely is a pain at times!

February 25th, 2011, 12:47 PM
I bought a "Tangle Teezer" from Sally's Beauty and so far that seems to help a bit with the tangles, maybe you could try getting one and see if it helps you at all.

UP Lisa
February 25th, 2011, 12:57 PM
Actually, I just got a Tangle Teezer. Haven't been able to give it a good try, since I had surgery on my hand and wan't able to properly take care of my hair for the last couple of weeks. Disaster for my hair. Had to have my husband and son braid it at night, but they didn't even know how to make a braid! So I lost more hair than usual recently!

February 25th, 2011, 02:03 PM
Me also, I think that I could have wrote your post, infact, LOL
Your hair sounds just like mine. I like to braid it at night but it has gotten just to hard to braid for the tangles, that I just put those little cloth ties in it - 4 of them on the way down, I think that it is called a Caterpillar sleep pony tail,only it is low, not high. So far that is working out better than the braid did. It doesn't fall out like a braid did. I hope that it isn't bad for my hair.
It is better if I use cones on it like Pantene or something, but then it is too limp. I can't win for losing. So I haven't found a routine that works for me yet.

February 25th, 2011, 03:36 PM
You just described my hair without cones. Gotta love the cones! I have no desire to fight with my hair, rip and tear it, so I use cone conditioners/coney serum.

Going cone free didn't do a thing for my hair.

I think if I wore my hair up all the time it might be worth me going cone free but otherwise, with these knots and fine tangles why do it the hard way?

February 25th, 2011, 06:20 PM
Do you CO-wash?

Do you use oil of some sort in your hair?

Our air is sooooooooooooo dry right now that my hair is SCREAMING for moisture 24/7. I try to oil it every couple of days, and I leave tons of conditioner in it after every shower.

You could also try Panacea Hair Salve (I prefer the smell of the vegan version -- it's lighter smelling than the regular) or some other shea butter recipe like Fox's Shea Butter Conditioning Cream.

And you're gonna love the Tangle Teezer... it even works on MY hair!!!!

February 25th, 2011, 07:17 PM
Hi Up Lisa! :) Or I should say, Hi hair twin!!! :)

My hair does the same exact thing. I have been told that my hair didn't need conditioner, and that a creme rinse or a light conditioner rinsed out would do the trick. I also went "no cones" and no sulfates for a while, and all my slip was gone- with all the tangles to boot. So, what I swear by now is a good shampoo, and then while my hair is damp I use Moroccan Oil. (a.k.a a "good coney serum). I LOOOOOOVE this stuff. It is a bit pricey, but you only need a little tiny bit. Really! It is good to "see" you! :)

February 25th, 2011, 07:26 PM
Knot Today by Kinky Curly is a good detangler/leave in without cones, but it feels like you've used cones--good slip. Some Targets and Wholefoods are carrying this brand, and you can order it online from Curlmart. It's pretty natural too, if that's a concern. :)

You could also try not rinsing out all of your conditioner, then applying a leave in. There are also some great detangling spays out there which should minimize damage while combing.

Best of luck.

February 25th, 2011, 09:50 PM
I second (third, fourth, or fifth?) the Cones and the Tangle Teezer.

Also try CWC. Or CWCC... and then oil it after it dries. And before you braid. And at night.

Moisture, moisture, moisture!

February 25th, 2011, 10:02 PM
I'm with MsBubbles on the cone thing. My hair needs it - what's worse, having to get rid of build up once in a while, or tearing hair all the time!!;) I just discovered Mane n Tail shampoo and hair cream, and I use Dove Intense Moisture Conditioner when I wash. I tried combing through under the running water and that worked well - until it dried and I had the tightest little knots. For me it works best to just blot dry after the shower and when I take the towel off I very slowly and gently give a general comb down the length with the wide tooth (but I have to bring my hair to the front and work from underneath around the nape) , then I apply the Olive Oil Hair Cream and comb it through with a fne tooth. (By the way, many fine hairs swear by a fine tooth comb.) If you wear your hair secured, try different oils or hair creams (probably coconut or olive oil). My hair tugs and settles too much for buns so I've recently taken to scarves and boy what a difference in the knots, and moisture retention. Moisture makes so much difference for the tangles! Finding your way through the myriad of techniques can be daunting, and I almost wondered if it was worth it (all the time, care, and purchases!!) but I think I've finally found it for now. Don't give up. Figure out what shampoos, conditioners, and oils/work best for you, how best to comb/not comb after/during washing. and what comb/brush to use. We can never get enough suggestions for working out and avoiding tangles! Good luck!

February 25th, 2011, 10:08 PM
One more thing - I haven't clarified, but I chelated for the hard water - just poured club soda through my hair (I diluted a can with water so I had lots of liquid to soak it), and moisturized well. My hair even sounded different after when combing!

February 25th, 2011, 10:08 PM
Yep--mine gets really tangled. It's especially bad if I wear a hoodie or a scarf around my neck. It's also really bad if I leave the car window open while I'm driving. It's soooo annoying to me to have tangles. I wish it didn't have to be like this!

February 26th, 2011, 03:53 AM
I thought I was the only one with such tangley hair... I have trouble doing all the nice braids and buns shown here because my hair starts to tangle when doing them. The most I can do is the twisty cinnamon bun. If I go too many days without conditioning it will start to mat up.

I'm not sure on the cones or no-cones. I did go cone free for awhile just using conefree shampoo and Suave conditioners, sometimes just CO washing, and my hair did ok, didn't seem much different than with cones.

btw, is this what is called 'velcro hair'?

March 7th, 2011, 01:41 PM
I want to try chelating so bad, but I can't find either a chelating shampoo, or club soda! I have really hard water, and I really think it'll help...

March 8th, 2011, 01:27 AM
:waving:Ooo me, this is me.:D My hair tangles up just looking at it. I have been cone free for about a year now and I really like the results...I use oils, conditioner only washing, and I deep treat as often as possible...I still have to be very careful detangling though. I tried going back to cones and while I looved the slip and ease of detangling...once my hair dried I hated the crunchy-crinckly-stiffness that is my hair on cones. :rolleyes:

I havent found my one holy grail product...but I have found about half a dozen conditioners/oils/butters/teas that when used together work pretty darn well.:D I hope you find something that works well for you.

March 8th, 2011, 05:04 AM
Oh my goodness your story is so similar in the tangles department as my hair!!!! And the person that said the hair at the nape of their neck is in a constant state of tangle, don't I know that one!!!!! :rolleyes:

It's funny, I was getting sooooooo upset with my hair doing this, that I was thinking of starting a thread! Thank you for starting it first!!!!!

And oil didn't work for me either.

I really like having long hair, but sometimes I'm so frustrated I could just cry! I just had surgery and I KNOW that means that my hair is in two huge knots that will take hours and hours to go through.

I've also noticed that my hair seems to celebrate it's own bi-annual knot fest. And the only way I know it's the knot fest and is going to require me cutting big chunks of hair out as the only mediation is that no matter how many hours I take detangling, it does it again as soon as I move on to the next section.

Just before surgery I had to do a big cut the tangles out (I thought I had bladed myself in the back of my head, because the final knot ball was the size of my fist!!!!!!!!!!!! and to my absolute shock and amazement, it didn't cut out any particular section or look odd.).... and it of course helped a lot. But then I had to have surgery. And my hair, although virgin, is very very very unhappy!

If I put my hair in a pony tail, braid or bun, by the end of the day I have a huge knot underneath it.

I've also gotten the tangle teaser and it works ok, but only if my hair is not all freaked out to begin with. And during the winter I can't really use it because my hair gets so weirdly dry. I can only detangle my hair when wet (which I know goes against every piece of advice you get on the LHC). But if I let my hair dry in a tangle, then the tangles are set in like stone and are worse than if I finger comb through each piece.

I recently tried the Moisturizing Kirkland brand shampoo and conditioner... it's by no means the HG for my hair... but it has helped a lot. It's made my hair a little less knotty (after the annual cut out the tangles fest) and has seemingly added some moisture it needed. And it lasts for a week, without sucking all the rest of the moisturizer out of my hair. So that has been good. It also surprised me that it didn't completely flatten my hair in the process! It actually seems to be making it nicer and feel thicker, somehow. I think, despite all the cones and oils in it, it seems to be making it less "flat" than with "lighter" products. :shrug: I can't explain why it's working as well as it is working. Since when I look at the list of ingredients, I'd normally think that on my fine hair, it would look like I had that horrible 'wet rodent" look on my head. I was so frustrated that day and Costco gives a money back guarantee, that I decided to try it, just because it would be easy to return if it didn't work. Then it did work better than anything has for years.

Here are the ingredients:

Kirkland Signature Moisture Conditioner


Kirkland Signature Moisture Shampoo


***I think they are imitating Pureology Hydrate Shampoo and conditioner????

Now, I still need something that I put in as a leave in that will allow me to have even better control over my tangles, without weight.... But even after reading about it all, I"m still not sure what they mean by cream rinse and etc???? :confused: Anyone understand what all that means and how to choose a good one for our hair type?

Oh my! I turned this into a novel. My apologies! You just hit on the one subject that is always a major issue with my hair and that right now I'm VERY frustrated with.

Thank you again for starting the thread! :flower:

ETA: I apologize ahead of time if my sentences are not well thought out. I just had surgery and the pain meds they are giving me makes me not as lucid as I think I am. :o But even through the pain fog, this is still what brought me to the forum tonight!:(

March 8th, 2011, 05:31 AM
For me, one day wearing it down means two days of dealing with the tangles. It gets completely matted, and like OP described, there are sections that just need to be ripped apart. I'm pretty sure all of my damage comes from tangles.
It's always been like that, with cones, processed, all-natural... I think it has to do with the different types of hair in my head, the fair fine ones are fighting with the thicker ones :D
So, I try to keep it up as much as possible, but when I get to waist I think I'll just let my hair do it's thing and knot up in dreads. Actually, one lock is already forming at back of my head.

March 8th, 2011, 05:35 AM
My hair is the same if I use protein. Fine hair usually wants that, damaged hair usually loves it. My fine, damaged hair freaks and has a knot fest with protein.

UP Lisa
March 8th, 2011, 06:40 AM
I've never tried a serum. Do you mind if I ask what you use?

You just described my hair without cones. Gotta love the cones! I have no desire to fight with my hair, rip and tear it, so I use cone conditioners/coney serum.

Going cone free didn't do a thing for my hair.

I think if I wore my hair up all the time it might be worth me going cone free but otherwise, with these knots and fine tangles why do it the hard way?

UP Lisa
March 8th, 2011, 06:43 AM
I really like Kendra's clarifying shampoo. I've been thinking of using it a lot more often. My hair does not get dry, so it would probably be OK. It really helps with the tangles. I also have hard water.

I want to try chelating so bad, but I can't find either a chelating shampoo, or club soda! I have really hard water, and I really think it'll help...

UP Lisa
March 8th, 2011, 06:52 AM
K Angel,

You are my hair twin, and our struggles seem to be the same. It is very frustrating!!!

I guess I am not alone. We all share the pain. I do find some relief with Loreal's Mega Moisture conditioner.

March 10th, 2011, 07:15 PM
I have the fine hair and tangles, too. What helps me deal with it pretty well is to use sulfate free shampoo. That has made a huge difference. I also got a Tangle Teaser before Christmas and love it. It has revolutionized combing out. I use any conditioner; so far I just haven't gotten around to trying cone free. I am careful when washing my hair in the shower not to bunch it up and when I rinse after the conditioner, I try to let the water detangle it as much as possible and get the hair laying in the position if will be in when combed out as much as I can. Then I Tangle Tease gently in sections from the bottom up as soon as possible. If any drying time is allowed before combing, the tangles will "set." I have struggled with tangles all my life (almost 58) and this is the first time I have felt control with the tangle issue and all due to the input on this forum. I did originally get the sulfate free and tangle connection from the killerstrand blog by googling tangles for info.

March 12th, 2011, 09:33 AM
What always amazes me is that different products work so well on some and on others it's a complete mess. And getting rid of tangles seems the same problem. But I sure wish someone would come up with a safe and lovely way to get rid of tangles! LOL

ETA: How long does it normally take you to get your tangles out on a wash day?

UP Lisa
March 14th, 2011, 07:05 AM
Well, I can't seem to decide if it's better to try to get the tangles out while my hair is wet, or to wait for it to dry. If I use a good conditioner, plus a leave in on it, it isn't too bad to get the tangles out when it's wet with a wide-tooth seamless comb. I do feel like I'm breaking hairs, however.

The worst is when my hair has been rubbing on something like a collar or a fleece-type shirt. I just can't let that happen, or I regret it. I will end up with knots that I have to cut out.

What always amazes me is that different products work so well on some and on others it's a complete mess. And getting rid of tangles seems the same problem. But I sure wish someone would come up with a safe and lovely way to get rid of tangles! LOL

ETA: How long does it normally take you to get your tangles out on a wash day?

March 14th, 2011, 07:33 AM
Well, I can't seem to decide if it's better to try to get the tangles out while my hair is wet, or to wait for it to dry.

I usually loosen the knots and make them smaller when the hair is soaked in conditioner and deal with the rest when it's dry.
One technique has also helpd: I make two braids, then detangle little by little as I open the braids (hope that's clear enough...).

I spend the weekend in a place where the water is very soft and had almost no tangles, and the ones that formed we're easy to get out, damn that hard water!

Do anyone of you guys feel that the quality of water effects to tangling?

UP Lisa
March 14th, 2011, 08:05 AM
Yes. I think the hard water makes my hair more tangly. That's why I'm considering using a hard water or clarifying shampoo every time I wash.

March 14th, 2011, 08:43 AM
If hard water is your problem and your hair is like mine, I'd suggest a shower filter rather than a special shampoo or whatever a "clarifying" shampoo is supposed to be. London water (which I have) is horribly hard and trashed my hair (which like yours is superfine) for years. The shower filter really stopped that; also helpful is a final rinse with a little vinegar (I use plain old cheap white vinegar; works fine).


UP Lisa
March 14th, 2011, 08:57 AM
Well, my husband does not want to put a filter on the shower head. We don't have enough water pressure for it to work properly. Hope to get a water softener sometime, but it's not happening anytime soon.

March 14th, 2011, 10:36 AM
I really like Kendra's clarifying shampoo. I've been thinking of using it a lot more often. My hair does not get dry, so it would probably be OK. It really helps with the tangles. I also have hard water.

I have very hard water.

Condition Wash Condition is often good for tangles. What I found is that it took my already insane dry time (6+ hours for BSL length hair), and made it even longer.

Using just shampoo cuts the dry time down to a more reasonable 2-3 hours, sometimes as little as 1 depending on the shampoo. BUT... the tangles are massive. I do want shorter drying time, but I don't want to spend a literal 5 hours detangling my hair to get it, because then it's not a net win.

The coconut oil shampoo technique increases drying time from plain shampoo, but improves the tangle level somewhat. By itself, it was not a cure all tho, and the more I repeated it, the less effective it got. This was not at all consistent with most successful results over there. My dry time kept getting longer and longer too, which is totally not what successful oil shampoo users report.

So far, a clarifying shampoo combined with vinegar rinses is producing very nice results. (please note I have pretty straight hair that has always been happiest with fairly strong cleansers... you'd want to use a product that suits *your* hair.) My drying time is good at around 2-4 hours. The tangles are consistently easy to work out. It still isn't ideal, but this is a pretty functional compromise.

I would not have expected these results at all.

UP Lisa
March 14th, 2011, 11:48 AM
I've never done a vinegar rinse. Don't know if I want to start.

March 14th, 2011, 05:06 PM
I was pretty dubious about the idea. Then I looked in my teakettle.

See, I had to replace my teakettle in August. It's got a black enamel interior. In less than 6 months, it has needed a thorough scrubbing with acid, and then an acid boil to clean out the deposits. TWICE. Because if I am not doing that every 3 months or so, the enamel interior goes from black to white due to the calcium carbonate buildup.

Sooo... I decided to try a very dilute vinegar rinse, as that is how you clean up calcium carbonate buildup.

It is emphatically not a cure all. But it does help.

March 14th, 2011, 05:45 PM
your hair looks and sounds very similar to mine! I used to use oil daily on my ends but recently changed to leaving a little of my regular conditioner on the ends. I also fill a spray bottle with rose water, evoo (just a drop) and a drop of serum and use it when my hair is being tangly.

I also do a heavy EVOO overnight before shampooing, another tip try to only wash your hair twice a week. Our type hair soon goes tangly and breaks if washed too much; I learnt the hard way!

March 14th, 2011, 08:51 PM
Yet another fine haired lady with nest full of knots here. That's actually one of the main reasons I had dreadlocks for so long. I suppose the fact that every single hair on my head has separation anxiety lends itself well to that hairstyle (but, in the deep south, that hairstyle does not lend itself well to lucrative employment...sigh...). I wish I could offer more help, but I'm watching this thread like a hawk for suggestions.

March 14th, 2011, 09:15 PM
The knots were unbelievable for me for years. Still are, if I relax the eternal vigilance for even half a day. That said, some combination of the following seems to work for me:

-Camellia oil. This is probably my desert-island detangler. This is what I've used to replace cones. Seriously, before you say "my hair doesn't like oil," make sure you've tried a few different ones. We fine-haired people need oils that won't get gummy. My go-tos are camellia and avocado. Camellia's my daytime oil, avocado for night. I oil TONS. I've found that, for me, that's what cone-free demands.

-Henna. For whatever reason, I tangle less now that I henna.

-Vigilance and finger-combing. I'm more or less always at it. I don't leave updos or braids in all day, and whenever it seems to be locking up on me, I take it out, finger comb, and if I'm home I'll add another couple of drops of oil.

I stopped using combs a while ago, and just kind of perpetually, gently un-knot. I also find I have to S&D those bendy tangle bits, because they'll retangle in a second.

For me, cone-free has been worth it for volume and general hair health. I too had the limpness problem with cones. But it does make the hair seem more... volatile? More in need of babying, at any rate.

March 14th, 2011, 10:28 PM
My hair is the same.I have to keep it in a braid day and night .I cut my hair twice because of the tangles.
Have you tried henna? My hair feels nice after I use henna.Softer and tangles less. Maybe because it coats the hair shaft.

UP Lisa
March 15th, 2011, 07:15 AM
My hair would turn into dreadlocks all on it's own within a week if I let it.

March 15th, 2011, 11:16 PM
My hair is tangly, but not that tangly. For me, it's mostly the damage causing it (I suppose), since the ends seem to snarl themselves all the time. So, we could say I feel your pain. I usually put my hair up, keeping my ends in place so they won't have the opportunity to get too cuddly with one another :p

March 16th, 2011, 08:25 PM
My hair is the same.I have to keep it in a braid day and night .I cut my hair twice because of the tangles.
Have you tried henna? My hair feels nice after I use henna.Softer and tangles less. Maybe because it coats the hair shaft.
Would you say the henna made such a difference that you went from tangles to smooth?

March 16th, 2011, 08:38 PM
My hair would turn into dreadlocks all on it's own within a week if I let it.
Yes, so would mine.

Right now, my hair is a mess. After surgery I have not been able to do much with it. And sleeping most of the day is not making that better. I try pulling pieces tangle free when lying down, but there are two layers of tangles. There are the ones under the pony tail (and those are the ones I cannot reach at present) and the ones that form from the pony tail onward.

Although my hair is now TB, I have the real gut wrenching feeling, that I might have to cut it when I get done. I hope not, but I'm really not sure in what condition it will be in when I get done.

If my hair were normal, I could have had someone wash it for me, but with the tangles, it would only be pure torture.

I wish there was at least a product that would rescue someone from tangles when they get so out of hand. You know, a lovely thick conditioner sort of thing that you globed on your hair, let it sit and then rinsed out your tangles with it!!!!

I've tried everything that I've heard on this forum, that's for sure! I found a product called "Cowboy Magic" from here. It's sort of a rescue thing. And if I could just turn around and wash my hair right after I used it and worked through the knots it would be fine, but that's not really possible right now. And I've found that it dries my hair out, if I try to use it more than just for a rescue mission and then a good wash.

Sorry to gripe! :( I'm just so frustrated that all it takes is not feeling well for a few days and then the next thing I know I have a whole head of tangles that are monsters!

March 16th, 2011, 09:01 PM
The knots were unbelievable for me for years. Still are, if I relax the eternal vigilance for even half a day. That said, some combination of the following seems to work for me:

-Camellia oil. This is probably my desert-island detangler. This is what I've used to replace cones. Seriously, before you say "my hair doesn't like oil," make sure you've tried a few different ones. We fine-haired people need oils that won't get gummy. My go-tos are camellia and avocado. Camellia's my daytime oil, avocado for night. I oil TONS. I've found that, for me, that's what cone-free demands.

Where do you get the avocado oil?

UP Lisa
March 17th, 2011, 06:30 AM
I had surgery on my hand recently, so I know what you are talking about. My hair really suffered during that time. I lost a lot of nape hairs, and others. I had my husband and son braid my hair, but they didn't even know how to make a simple braid!

Yes, so would mine.

Right now, my hair is a mess. After surgery I have not been able to do much with it. And sleeping most of the day is not making that better. I try pulling pieces tangle free when lying down, but there are two layers of tangles. There are the ones under the pony tail (and those are the ones I cannot reach at present) and the ones that form from the pony tail onward.

Although my hair is now TB, I have the real gut wrenching feeling, that I might have to cut it when I get done. I hope not, but I'm really not sure in what condition it will be in when I get done.

If my hair were normal, I could have had someone wash it for me, but with the tangles, it would only be pure torture.

I wish there was at least a product that would rescue someone from tangles when they get so out of hand. You know, a lovely thick conditioner sort of thing that you globed on your hair, let it sit and then rinsed out your tangles with it!!!!

I've tried everything that I've heard on this forum, that's for sure! I found a product called "Cowboy Magic" from here. It's sort of a rescue thing. And if I could just turn around and wash my hair right after I used it and worked through the knots it would be fine, but that's not really possible right now. And I've found that it dries my hair out, if I try to use it more than just for a rescue mission and then a good wash.

Sorry to gripe! :( I'm just so frustrated that all it takes is not feeling well for a few days and then the next thing I know I have a whole head of tangles that are monsters!

March 17th, 2011, 11:04 AM
One thing that has helped me deal with tangles quite well is to not detangle while my hair is wet. Rather I very gently separate the hair into a few strands (I guess it's finger combing just a tiny bit) then let the hair air dry fully before doing any real detangling. It makes no sense to me, but my hair is much easier to detangle once it's dry. I would have thought it would make the tangles harder to remove, but it works just the opposite of that.

Sometimes my hair is too difficult to even do the little bit of finger combing. On those occasions, I just let the whole mess completely dry before I tackle it at all.

It's pretty amazing, but it works.

March 17th, 2011, 11:12 AM
I get mats at the base of my neck if I wear my hair down. If my hair isn't properly up when I wear a necklace with a clasp, I become fused with it.

I have found that oiling the underside a little more than might be proper helps with this. My old routine involved bs/lemon water rinses and then I got a wild hair (har har) and decided to see why I switched away from conditioner... and that was exciting. While the conditioner does help with the tangles, it also causes 'Hermione hair' for me and pulls any curls I've had into waves.

After I finish using the conditioner (I'm just using it from about the nape down right now trying to use it up) I'm going back to baking soda with lemon rinses with just oilings to tame the tangles. I really do find it helps.

March 17th, 2011, 11:17 AM
I don't have fine hair. It's more medium, but I have a lot of it and it's wavy so it tangles easy. I find a good cone conditioner really helps.

I like using the Aussie 3MM as my regular conditioner.

March 25th, 2011, 08:14 PM
UpLisa: I have hope! I was online on the Sally's website browsing ingredients lists and reading reviews on different products and found out that a lot of people REALLY liked the Mane and Tail spray on, leave-in detangler product.

So, being desperate, after cutting out all the snarls, tangles and knots in my hair (filling a gallon sized plastic baggie!) I decided to give it a try!

And although, I just used it today, it seems to have worked. This was a four days after wash day and that's when the tangles really start to get even worse! :( I have been fingering them out while lying down (because of surgery) but as you know, they come right back anyway.

The smell is light, so that was good! And I just sprayed on my dry hair and it really did help me in just a few minutes to use my wide tooth comb and comb through all of my hair!!!!!!! Can you believe it??????? That never happens to me!!!!! Never!!!!! And although, I've been sleeping on my hair for 4 days so it's pretty flat already, it didn't seem to make it worse flat. Didn't make it more fluffy either, but didn't seem to make it feel like string, like some things can.

Now, since I've only done this one application, I'm not proclaiming it a HG yet, but I tell you what, today it saved my hair from one more day of tangle torture and I'm thrilled! :D

I also tried another product for the nape of my neck where I have curly hair. It especially likes to tangle there. Biotera Curl Creme Biotera By: Naturelle from Sally's. I only took a tiny dot of it and put it only on the very nape of my neck curls and sure enough, instead of gel stiff curls or etc... this product makes them bouncy soft and easily brushed! I'm so thrilled!

Whether these will work under "normal" circumstances or not, I'm not sure. But they didn't feel like they weighed down my hair. They felt light and refreshing.

And even now, some 3 hours later, I keep touching my hair and it seems very tangle free! Which I can hardly believe. Especially because I have to pull it into a high pony tail, which under normal circumstances guarantees tangles when I take it down, doesn't seem to be producing them.

Again, is this a HG product???? I'm not really sure. But it's sure saving me today from tangles and one more day without tangles, in my situation, is a Hallelujah day for me!!!! :cheese:

ETA: I was able to continue to comb through my hair by re-wetting with the Mane N Tail product two days in a row. And on the third day, I didn't even have to spray any on it at all and I was able to wide tooth comb through my hair. Amazing stuff!

Still not sure how it would be if I was using it when I wasn't bed ridden because of surgery. But at least it's made a great emergency product.

Also, for those who get itchy scalp from products, like I tend to, this has not caused any irritation or "product itch" like I like to call it. :)

UP Lisa
March 30th, 2011, 09:16 AM
K Angel,

I actually have that product. I think I tried it once before deciding that I should use up some of my other products first.

Last night I had an amazing experience with the Tangle Teezer. I had used it some on my dry hair, and wasn't sure what to think. The noise it makes when going through the hair makes it sound like it's breaking them off like crazy, and it really didn't seem that great. I tried it on Wet hair, though, and I couldn't believe it! Never have I ever been able to comb through my hair so easily with anything when it's wet! I could actually go from root to end of my wet hair without feeling like I was ripping it all out! I had put some detangler spray on it, but that never really helps all that much, so it had to be the Tangel Teezer!

March 30th, 2011, 09:45 AM
I found that for me-light cone usage is the only way- to avoid tangles.
I've never had my hair as long as yours, but I really start having trouble with tangles once it gets past BSL.. I have to wear it up most of the time or keep it contained throughout the day-even low ponys can cause tangles.
I have to comb through my hair frequently if I wear it down.
I recently cut my hair back to shoulder length, but I'll be growing it out again.
I have good luck with Mane and Tail conditioner (no cones either)and am thinking of trying the Mane and tail detangler.

UP Lisa
March 30th, 2011, 09:51 AM
I was thinking that the Mane and Tail conditioner was full of cones.....

I found that for me-light cone usage is the only way- to avoid tangles.
I've never had my hair as long as yours, but I really start having trouble with tangles once it gets past BSL.. I have to wear it up most of the time or keep it contained throughout the day-even low ponys can cause tangles.
I have to comb through my hair frequently if I wear it down.
I recently cut my hair back to shoulder length, but I'll be growing it out again.
I have good luck with Mane and Tail conditioner (no cones either)and am thinking of trying the Mane and tail detangler.

March 30th, 2011, 12:40 PM
I was thinking that the Mane and Tail conditioner was full of cones.....

Not sure about the detangling spray-
here are the Original conditioner ingredients:

Water,Stearmidopropyl ,Dimethylamine Lactate,Distearyldimonium chloride,Stearyl
alcohol,Emulsifying Wax NF,Cetyl Alchohol,Coconut Oil,Glycerin,Sodium Chloride,
Vegetable Oil,Fragrance,Hydrolized Protein,Lanolin,Phenoxyethanol,Methylparaben,Propl yparaben,FD&C yellow #5.

UP Lisa
March 30th, 2011, 12:42 PM
Well, I don't see any cones, but it did seem rather waxy to me. I ended up giving it away.

March 30th, 2011, 01:15 PM
I looked up the detangling spray online and it does have cones-
I use the Original conditioner in rotation only and never on the scalp-only from the bottom of ears down. I've never noticed any buildup- but I do shampoo.............so that's probably why.

March 30th, 2011, 09:25 PM
K Angel,

I actually have that product. I think I tried it once before deciding that I should use up some of my other products first.

Last night I had an amazing experience with the Tangle Teezer. I had used it some on my dry hair, and wasn't sure what to think. The noise it makes when going through the hair makes it sound like it's breaking them off like crazy, and it really didn't seem that great. I tried it on Wet hair, though, and I couldn't believe it! Never have I ever been able to comb through my hair so easily with anything when it's wet! I could actually go from root to end of my wet hair without feeling like I was ripping it all out! I had put some detangler spray on it, but that never really helps all that much, so it had to be the Tangel Teezer!

Yeah I bought a Tangle Teezer about 2 Christmases ago and have loved it ever since! Although, in this case I'm the exact opposite and it works on my dry hair with no breaking noises and is horrible in my wet hair. :shrug: Go figure! :p

I can't use it all the time, but when I do it works remarkably well. I've been very pleased with my Tangle Teezer.

What are the leave-in sprays you are currently using?

ETA: I forgot to give the

Mane N Tail Detangler's ingredients list:

Ingredients: Water, Dimethicone, PEG 7 Amodimethicone, Horsetail Leaf Extract, Chaprarral Extract, Colts Foot Flower Extract, Horse Chestnut Seed Extract, Meadowsweet Flower Extract, Clover Flower Extract, Fragrance, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone, Trideceth-6.

UP Lisa
March 31st, 2011, 06:16 AM
I have a Kenra detangling spray. It is very lightweight. No weighing the hair down.

Yeah I bought a Tangle Teezer about 2 Christmases ago and have loved it ever since! Although, in this case I'm the exact opposite and it works on my dry hair with no breaking noises and is horrible in my wet hair. :shrug: Go figure! :p

I can't use it all the time, but when I do it works remarkably well. I've been very pleased with my Tangle Teezer.

What are the leave-in sprays you are currently using?

ETA: I forgot to give the

Mane N Tail Detangler's ingredients list:

Ingredients: Water, Dimethicone, PEG 7 Amodimethicone, Horsetail Leaf Extract, Chaprarral Extract, Colts Foot Flower Extract, Horse Chestnut Seed Extract, Meadowsweet Flower Extract, Clover Flower Extract, Fragrance, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone, Trideceth-6.

March 31st, 2011, 10:09 AM
My DD has super fine, tangly hair, too. You have already gotten tons of great suggestions, but I just wanted to add a few that work for her.

The best time to detangle her hair is while wet, with conditioner in. The Tangle Teezer works really well at that time.

Braids get hopelessly matted together and are hard to un-braid. But rope braids don't tangle and are really easy to un-braid.

We tried a satin-lined sleep cap last night for the first time and her hair was great this morning.

UP Lisa
March 31st, 2011, 10:37 AM
Yes, I just realized how well the Tangle Teezer works for that.....

My DD has super fine, tangly hair, too. You have already gotten tons of great suggestions, but I just wanted to add a few that work for her.

The best time to detangle her hair is while wet, with conditioner in. The Tangle Teezer works really well at that time.

Braids get hopelessly matted together and are hard to un-braid. But rope braids don't tangle and are really easy to un-braid.

We tried a satin-lined sleep cap last night for the first time and her hair was great this morning.

March 31st, 2011, 10:41 AM
I have super thin/ fine hair and it tangles endlessly when I braid. I just live with it and do the best I can. The tangle teezer is great!! I have found that shampoo bars and acv rinses really helped. I no longer user anything with silicones, I found they coated and matted my hair terribly. I can actually was with a poo bar and run my fingers thru while I am sudsing up. Once I rinse out the lather, I use a acv/honey rinse. Sometimes I put a little conditioner on the neds and then do a final rinse. I have found this has helped a lot with the tangles. Keeping my product use to a minimum so it does not biuld up. Good luck.

UP Lisa
March 31st, 2011, 11:12 AM
Do you mean that it tangles while it is braided, or when you are braiding it? Mine tries to braid itself on the ends while I am braiding it. I have to keep unbraiding the ends while I braid from the top.

The worst part is trying to separate my hair into sections. It does not want to come apart.

I have super thin/ fine hair and it tangles endlessly when I braid. I just live with it and do the best I can. The tangle teezer is great!! I have found that shampoo bars and acv rinses really helped. I no longer user anything with silicones, I found they coated and matted my hair terribly. I can actually was with a poo bar and run my fingers thru while I am sudsing up. Once I rinse out the lather, I use a acv/honey rinse. Sometimes I put a little conditioner on the neds and then do a final rinse. I have found this has helped a lot with the tangles. Keeping my product use to a minimum so it does not biuld up. Good luck.

March 31st, 2011, 12:16 PM
Do you mean that it tangles while it is braided, or when you are braiding it? Mine tries to braid itself on the ends while I am braiding it. I have to keep unbraiding the ends while I braid from the top.

The worst part is trying to separate my hair into sections. It does not want to come apart.
while I am braiding it , it seems like our hair is of a like mind. Anything I do- especially if I am doing a half updo, it gets stuck together, I cannot separate it easily.

UP Lisa
March 31st, 2011, 12:19 PM
I think that's why I don't do a lot of the fancy updos. I feel like I am causing too much damage to the hair. Also, I'm lazy.:D

while I am braiding it , it seems like our hair is of a like mind. Anything I do- especially if I am doing a half updo, it gets stuck together, I cannot separate it easily.

March 31st, 2011, 01:13 PM
My hair loves to tangle ! But I have been really loving this product I made a post about it a while back http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=66603&highlight=holy+detangler+batman . I actually popped into this thread wondering if there were more sprays like it!!

March 31st, 2011, 09:39 PM
My hair would turn into dreadlocks all on it's own within a week if I let it.

Oh my god, I say that EXACT thing all the time haha, I'm amazed.

My hair is like this too :( oiling helps me soooo much when I'm trying to get tangles out of my hair when it's dry. I take a section of a couple of inches and oil my fingers/hands, then run the oil through from about chin length down as I finger-comb all the tangles out. It works REALLY well for me, and is also helping my fried ends :)
I also CO and use a lot of conditioner and usually detangle when it's wet because otherwise the tangles can be like dreadlocks - I oil when it's dry because I've been wearing it up constantly so it doesn't matter if the ends look oily or not.

The thing is though - I really want my hair to be longer, but I love wearing my hair down - BUT, I also want it to be healthy and not require having inches chopped off it all the time :( so I'm just feeling like what's the point of growing it long if I can't even wear it out for fear of extreme tangles!

April 1st, 2011, 04:32 AM
I think I could recognize myself in some quotes. I can never do a classic easy braid that hair just sticks up and all over other sections! :mad:

@Hala: :thudpile:camellia and jojoba oils are the only ones I haven't already tried. I mostly use drops of Vatika Enriched Coconut Hair Oil and a bit of sheabutter only on the ends. Jojoba is a bit expensive so it's safely in my closet ;P and I didn't know Camellia oil but I'll look for it :) Thanks for the advice.

October 24th, 2016, 01:48 PM
Hi. I have the world's most tangly hair, and am wondering how others deal with it. I have the type of hair that you can't separate into sections for braiding without it sticking together and tangling. I can take a section and comb through it, and no matter how many times I comb through it the section is still tangled. I get the most awful knots underneath if I let it rub on a collar or something. Basically, I can't have my hair down at all unless I wear a silk shirt. And forget about ever letting a breeze hit it.

Anyone out there like me?

THIS. This right here is exactly what I didn't have the words to explain. I'm still in shoulder blade land right now, so wearing it down isn't that bad, but we shall see. :/ The braiding sections thing is too real. I can braid my hair decently enough, but the shift that happens when my hair is lying one way, then I grab a piece to braid is exactly what you describe. And the combing thing… *facedesk*

I was combing the same section for like twenty straight minutes yesterday because I stubbornly decided I was going to make my hair behave…lol yeah my hair won. Combing when my hair has conditioner or oils on it is the worst, it seems to make tangles appear magically! Combing or brushing while wet is a death sentence (it just sort of bunches up and gets super tangled.) The only time I can think about running a comb through it is when it's dry and so clean it's basically clarified. A super wide tooth has been okay at nights with my head upside down, but I almost feel like wide tooth might pull out more hair than a fine tooth because the pressure isn't equalized.

I think the main thing is, my hair doesn't look "presentable" unless it's just been bbb'd. I love my boar bristle because it gets lint out and makes my hair so smooth and shiny! The general consensus I've seen is that a comb is for detangling and a brush is only for smoothing and distributing oils, but I feel like the bbb does both quite well, as well as very quickly, and it feels amazing on my scalp! It doesn't seem like it rips through tangles at all as I'm still very gentle; the only hair that gets pulled out prematurely from hitting a stubborn tangle are tiny tangles with only a few hairs and are caused by lint being removed.

October 24th, 2016, 03:14 PM
I don't know if degree of fineness has anything to do with tangling; I have super fine hair, the most of anyone I know and about a quarter of the thickness (per strand) of anyone in my college dorm. But it's never been tangly. I can comb through from root to tip directly after showering and not get a single snag. My hair is more on the fine and silky side, not fine and tangly. :shrug: Dunno why, except I guess a different hair type, or maybe the condition of the hair?

October 24th, 2016, 03:39 PM
I have F hair too, and I use plenty of silicones in my conditioners, plenty of moisture, which makes that I hardly have tangles when it's combed out after a wash (when it comes out of its towel). Moisture is key!!!