View Full Version : Secret Hair Battles!

February 22nd, 2011, 11:58 PM
Do you ever race other people without their knowledge, try to outgrow them? This childish amusement of mine is more exciting than you'd think!

Right now I'm racing a few people at my school, and all of them had head starts. One of them is Clair, who has a blunt cut slightly shorter than my longest layer (so an inch or two longer than most of my hair). She's the one I'm closest to matching.

Since none of them have LHC on their sides, though, I should be able to overtake them all in good time... *evil cackle!* :stirpot:

February 23rd, 2011, 12:07 AM
Hahah! I do this exact same thing! And because at my college we've known each other since the past fall term and won't graduate until December of this year, I actually have reasonable time to outgrow them!! >:D

The girl with the longest hair in my class is about BSL, and I'm steadily catching up to her... I'm sure I'll surpass her length by the end of the year. Victory is mine!!

February 23rd, 2011, 12:52 AM
I have a girl at work who I am trying to beat out. She is past BSL right now but she dyes hers so it has steadily declined in condition over the past 2 yrs we've been working together. I'm still a few inches away but about to pull out my secret weapon (Henna) and that should at least help my condition.

Incidentally I have mentioned my natural care routine but it has fallen on deaf ears. Maybe when the results are evident she'll give it a shot!

February 23rd, 2011, 12:53 AM
I had a friend that I was in a friendly race with since we were very close in length, but she cut back to waist. So now, I have two acquaintances with longer hair, but all my friends have shorter.

February 23rd, 2011, 01:01 AM
I am glad not to be the only one who does this XD
for years I wanted longer hair than my younger sister, and only last month I realized my hair is actually much longer now XD
hers is between taille and hip length, and mine has just reached tail bone length.

February 23rd, 2011, 01:04 AM
Haha i used to do this when i was around 14,15 with my best friend, she was also doing it with me because after a while it wasnt a secret anymore.
She trimmed every 2 months and i didnt for 9 months. My hair was longer then hers finally , i was happy, she wasnt.

Good old times haha,girls are always competetive i guess,luckily i dont have sisters..

February 23rd, 2011, 02:53 AM
I do this too! Hehe. But everyone I tried to beat, have cut back their hair to really short lengts. So I don't think I have any one around me to beat anymore!

Hmm thankfully there is LHC(:

February 23rd, 2011, 02:59 AM
I remember envying a friend in high school for her beautiful long hair, and I can still remember the day at a friend's party when someone (looking at us from behind) mentioned that MY hair was actually longer than hers lol.

I also remember being about 8 years old and having my mum compare my friend's and my hair lengths and actually CRYING cause her hair was longer than mine.

February 23rd, 2011, 05:30 AM
Some years ago I tried to outgrow this one girl I knew at the university I went to. She had the most amazing hair - thick, dark and wavy, about waist length. In the end I almost outgrew her hair, but by then I'd already decided to chop if off. I haven't seen her for awhile now, but I do know from friends who know her that she has since dyed her hair a lighter colour and cut bangs.

February 23rd, 2011, 05:40 AM
I did this a couple of years ago - there was a girl in my class who had hip length hair, similar texture to mine, and I kept comparing our lengths... I thought I would never catch up to her, it was a shock when she cut hers to alittle below waist and I realized my hair was now longer than hers... I felt happy for "winning" but also sad she cut it, she was my hair idol for so long...
Now I don't know anyone with hair longer than mine, so no-one to compete with, except the members here, LOL :D

February 23rd, 2011, 07:48 AM
At first, I thought you meant other LHCers :p I don't race anyone on LHC, but my best friend has straight hair that's getting longer than mine and super thick! Better up the castor oil scalp massages...

February 23rd, 2011, 10:59 AM
Well, I (unfortuantely) work with my boyfriend's ex-fiancee and she has long hair about BSL, but she dyes it blonde and it is damaged really bad, so I am hoping to surpass her in length eventually, but health first. I have a few more inches to be able to beat her length. MWAHAHAHA!

February 23rd, 2011, 11:01 AM
I'm not racing anybody, but there is a woman who works in my section of the office building who has the most beautiful thick, black, wavy, waist-length hair and I'd love to catch up to her.

February 23rd, 2011, 11:15 AM
Well, my best friend used to have gorgeous tbl curly red-black hair. She progressively cut to chin length. We both decided to grow out from chin length about the same time. Her hair grows quite fast, even faster than mine. Yesterday she sent me a pic. Straightened its APL, but curly is about my length, CBL.... We're not really competing, more like, growing out together sort of. We have similar goal lengths, but she is already planning to cut it again when she reaches goal, and Im not Heheh :eyebrows:

February 23rd, 2011, 11:19 AM
So I'm not alone in my secret hair races?! Right now my two best friends, my mom, and my sister all have longer hair than I do but with LHC on my side I know that eventually I will outgrow them all!!

February 23rd, 2011, 11:24 AM
I competed with a male friend of mine in high school. He thought he was winning until I flat ironed my hair and revealed I had four inches on him XD

Now he keeps his at about what would be BSL and I just reached tailbone... however, his hemline is, by far, thicker than mine.........

February 23rd, 2011, 11:30 AM
Yes, some aren't even friends, just classmates.:gabigrin:

One who was catching up recently got a bob though so the only person I have left to catch up to has true TBL hair.. I doubt I'll ever catch up but it's fun to secretly try to race them. :p

February 23rd, 2011, 11:56 AM
I had several hair idols throughout my school days, but they were so far ahead I couldn't dream to catch up. Now that I have length, it's more like me against the world - I love how my longhair sightings have evolved from "I wish my hair was that long" to "my hair is longer than theirs!"

February 23rd, 2011, 12:23 PM
I secretly am trying to have longer hair than my DBF's cousin. She has some awesome hair... TBL 1a/C/ii/iii pretty glossy black hair. So basically my dream hair... So I'm trying to out-grow her and get to Classic... I don't think she is aiming for longer ATM.

February 23rd, 2011, 12:29 PM
I also remember being about 8 years old and having my mum compare my friend's and my hair lengths and actually CRYING cause her hair was longer than mine.

Wow! That's kind of extreme! As I grow up I realize how lucky I am to have the mum I do... she never forced her aesthetic preferences on me, not even the multiple times I got mohawks.

February 23rd, 2011, 12:31 PM
Heh, I did! I used to be "winning" too :D Right now, I'm not much competition, but I'm really enjoying my thick hemline.

February 23rd, 2011, 12:32 PM
I remember when I was younger my 2 older sisters(they are just one year a part in age ) were always competetive about almost everything. They both had grown their hair for 4 or 5 years and it was pretty much down to their back , maybe even longer. Each one would ask me when the other one was not around "who's hair is longer?".....and when they would be going out to a party one would tell me "Go into her room and tell me what dress she's wearing."....
Since I was 5 and six years younger than the 2, I was always stuck in the middle :)...They were only that way as teenagers.

February 23rd, 2011, 12:34 PM
Well, I (unfortuantely) work with my boyfriend's ex-fiancee and she has long hair about BSL, but she dyes it blonde and it is damaged really bad, so I am hoping to surpass her in length eventually, but health first. I have a few more inches to be able to beat her length. MWAHAHAHA!

Me too! I also am racing a female romantic competitor - my ex's ex! I didn't mention it in the original post in case it seemed petty, also because I wanted to highlight Clair since she's my focus right now. The ex has hair a few inches longer than mine and almost as layered as mine, but hers differs from mine in that it is damaged from repeated dying and bleaching. I have no doubts that my hair is softer, thicker, healthier, etc. :demon: Now I need only surpass her in length!

February 23rd, 2011, 12:36 PM
Well, my best friend used to have gorgeous tbl curly red-black hair. She progressively cut to chin length. We both decided to grow out from chin length about the same time. Her hair grows quite fast, even faster than mine. Yesterday she sent me a pic. Straightened its APL, but curly is about my length, CBL.... We're not really competing, more like, growing out together sort of. We have similar goal lengths, but she is already planning to cut it again when she reaches goal, and Im not Heheh :eyebrows:

OOh, well that's fun too! A shared hair growth adventure!

February 23rd, 2011, 01:26 PM
Nope. I've no-one in real life to race. I've got at least two years on anyone in uni, and none of my friends out of there are growing or have long hair, nor does anyone in my family.

I don't race people on here.

It would be fun to have some healthy compeition in the long hair stakes, not there's none.

February 23rd, 2011, 01:32 PM
I have the longest hair at work! Woot I win!

February 23rd, 2011, 01:50 PM
Do you ever race other people without their knowledge, try to outgrow them? This childish amusement of mine is more exciting than you'd think!

I have one friend that we are growing together, and I am trying to encourage her, because she has gorgeous hair, my other friend is one of those with willpower of iron, she can decide to grow her hair out, and then just not obsess over it for two years and ta-da! All while dying it and flat ironing it. She can pony her hair right now, and I can't, so I'm trying to catch up. But she's getting married soon, so I doub't she'll be cutting it anything major. Secretly hoping she'll chop it soon. Hehehe.

February 23rd, 2011, 01:56 PM
I am secretly racing my friend, but her hair is already longer, thicker and just healthier than mine.. but that's ok I'll still play :) It always seems like everyone elses hair just grows faster than mine, maybe now that I have LHC on my side I can be a contender one day.

February 23rd, 2011, 04:15 PM
For years I wanted longer hair than my younger sister. I do now, but it would have taken much longer except that she cut it to apl. It looks cute at that length, and she likes it. There is one girl at school with gorgeous hiplength hair- I'm about 2 inches behind her, and I admit I do sometimes think "How long until mine gets longer than hers?"

February 23rd, 2011, 04:17 PM
I am not-so-secretly racing my best friend to waist-length. Her hair is pretty similar to mine, except that it's thicker and more blunt. We're neck and neck right now, so I'm praying for a random growth spurt!

It's all in good fun, of course. I want to get there first, but I'm also insanely jealous of how much hair she has. I'm sure hers will look better long anyway. :p

February 23rd, 2011, 06:36 PM
*stumbled in here expecting to find a rant about detangling, but this is MUCH more interesting*:drama: LOL

February 23rd, 2011, 07:42 PM
Well, I wouldn't call it a "battle," per se, but... :o

There are two women in my department at work that have longer hair than I do, but so far I haven't seen anyone on my floor with hair longer than TBL. I periodically check their length to see if I'm catching up to them. Both of them have thicker hemlines than I do, and one has what appears to be 2c/C/iii hair...so I'll never catch up to her, volume-wise, but I think I'm pretty close to surpassing both of them in length. I know the other one was talking about cutting hers...she doesn't grow her hair long intentionally, she just forgets to cut it and it gets long lol. She thinks it looks unkempt...it doesn't, it's so pretty! I think 1b/M/ii/iii, dark brown, and very silky.

I have to admit, I do enjoy having the longest hair in the room.

February 23rd, 2011, 07:51 PM
I used to compare my length (in my own mind) against someone's a work, but she bowed out of the contest (without ever knowing about it) and highlighted then cut her hair.

February 23rd, 2011, 09:44 PM
I have quite a few people at work that have major headstarts on me, but then I use their hair as inspiration to get mine long ^_^ Plus I think most of them stopped at BSL and I'm aiming for waist ^_^ In the end, I shall win this mini battle.

February 24th, 2011, 04:17 AM
I have quite a few friends I want to catch up to... One friend has BSL hair but it is very badly damaged from bleaching and she needs a cut. The other with BSL hair is about to bleach it! I don't care that I'm losing because my hair will be so more healthy when its longer.

February 24th, 2011, 04:46 PM
Hahaha, I have a race going with lopads of my friends...mine was always the longest, except my friend Paul, who's not cut his hair in about 10 years.

Every so often I'd cut mine back and then last year a few of them stopped cutting theirs and they started to catch me up. I was afraid they were going to overtake me, but one of them cut all the highlighted ends off her subsequently dyed red hair to a chin length bob, and I was secretly pleased about that... ;)

February 24th, 2011, 10:37 PM
Yes! And I try to make my hair healthier looking/glossier, or in better styles than theirs. I feel vaguely guilty, but it is all in fun. I don't take it too seriously, and it doesn't make me feel bad about my hair.

March 3rd, 2011, 07:39 AM
I'm also insanely jealous of how much hair she has. I'm sure hers will look better long anyway. :p

Ah, do not fret! Your siggy looks great. I'm sure it will look good on you. =)

March 3rd, 2011, 08:35 AM
I had to come back to this thread because I started another not as secret race with another coworker. I am super jealous of her hair because it is really thick and not dyed at all, but strawberry blonde. I told her yesterday that I was planning on growing it to about her length and she said she was planning to get hers cut!

I think she chopped some off, but it is still about BSL and I have 2 more inches to go!!!

March 3rd, 2011, 09:00 AM
This thread cracked me up. I didn't know others did this, too! :lol:

I work with a lady that has maintained a little past waist for years. I'm this >< close to having the same length and have every intention of passing her up. :p She has no idea I'm using her length as my current target.

My next target is BFF who flip flops between tailbone and classic. Since she's BFF she already knows our competition will be on like Donkey Kong once I get to tailbone. She likes to tease me, but it's done with love. :)

March 3rd, 2011, 09:11 AM
Until I hit classic, I was sort of on competition with a younger version of myself! I wanted hair as long as it was when I was a little girl. Well, I achieved that length and have surpassed it. So I guess I won. :silly:

March 3rd, 2011, 07:51 PM
Well, my friend cut three inches from her hair. I'm secretly delighted ;)

pretty wings
March 3rd, 2011, 08:00 PM
I'm not racing anyone really. I'm secretly trying to catch up to my sister who is around APL. (I'm getting really close to SL finally!)

March 3rd, 2011, 08:01 PM
What if the person is not growing their hair? Unless you know they're growing too, it isn't fair. The years I had shoulder length hair, I trimmed close to half an inch every two weeks to keep the style.

Erm..Also, I don't think is that fair to compare virgin and not virgin hair growth. In fact, I don't think is fair to compare any hair, since we all have different hair strength, growth, natural different issues with split/dry hair that brakes, tangles that could lead to breakage, etc.

Oh, boy! Am I no fun? ;)

Carry on! :D

March 3rd, 2011, 11:22 PM
i am right now...heck, im eveing racing my mom and my friend who wants hip length hair :D and im racing this girl who i see every day in class with hair from a bob thats APL now...hope she doesnt get past me by june!

March 3rd, 2011, 11:28 PM
This is going to sound bizarre, but last night, I compared my hair length to that of my significant other :P I wondered out loud: "why the heck is your hair looking so much longer than mine!?"

I think it's roughly equal (we shaved our heads at about the same time), but it was weird catching myself comparing my hair length to his ;)

March 3rd, 2011, 11:48 PM
My desk location moved at work, and my cubicle is now much closer to the two women on my team with long hair. I took a good look today, and asked one how long her hair is when it's down. She even took her ponytail down to show me, and she's at about hip. The other woman, who has lovely natural red curls (although she brushes, so they tend to be a bit poofy), is also at hip. For some reason I thought they were both at TBL, but neither one of them even has BCL yet.

So my hair is longer than their's...who will I race now? :p

Jenn of Pence
March 3rd, 2011, 11:51 PM
Very odd....since I've been in grad school, I've had two offices and three officemates, all of whom are girls with long hair (mid-back). I think that's pretty unusual, but I love it! :D Mine has been various lengths of mid-back in that time, too; now, armed with LHC knowledge I'm hoping to finally break free of the trim-every-three-months cycle and actually grow longer for the first time ever. One girl had amazing, thick, long Indian hair but has cut long, APL-ish layers, so competing with her isn't that "fun" anymore. ;) Although, she is the most observant of the three; she notices the condition of my hair and has commented on how much healthier it is now than when I was straightening it before LHC. She's more of a cheerleader than competitor. Another girl had nice mid-back fairy-tale ends for a long time; then she had a baby and a major shed, and she cut to APL-ish about a month ago. So I can't racer her anymore either. The last girl has waist-length hair that's very tapered, not necessarily fairy-tale looking, but kind of layered. I was talking to her today and just noticed how many splits she has...it was sad to be able to see it. Heaven knows my hair has looked like that before, though, so I'm definitely not trying to be holier-than-thou. But if I haven't already matched her length, I know I'll soon pass it if hers is breaking off. So, it seems my secret hair battles aren't very interesting any more.

March 4th, 2011, 04:26 PM
I had to come back to this thread because I started another not as secret race with another coworker. I am super jealous of her hair because it is really thick and not dyed at all, but strawberry blonde. I told her yesterday that I was planning on growing it to about her length and she said she was planning to get hers cut!

I think she chopped some off, but it is still about BSL and I have 2 more inches to go!!!

Oh, strawberry blond is so beautiful!
Good luck and I'm sure you'll get there soon!

March 4th, 2011, 04:29 PM
What if the person is not growing their hair? Unless you know they're growing too, it isn't fair. The years I had shoulder length hair, I trimmed close to half an inch every two weeks to keep the style.

Erm..Also, I don't think is that fair to compare virgin and not virgin hair growth. In fact, I don't think is fair to compare any hair, since we all have different hair strength, growth, natural different issues with split/dry hair that brakes, tangles that could lead to breakage, etc.

Oh, boy! Am I no fun? ;)

Carry on! :D

Hee hee, no, you're right, but it's fine. For me it isn't really about fairness, obvs, since I gloated about having LHC on my side. It's just for funz really! If it was a fair and legit competition, the other person would know about it.

March 4th, 2011, 04:46 PM
Hmm, so does anyone compete with someone here in LHC? After all, we're all trying to grow or be healthier, right?

March 4th, 2011, 09:41 PM
Hmm, so does anyone compete with someone here in LHC? After all, we're all trying to grow or be healthier, right?

I don't compete with anyone on here because I think of them as mentors and co-conspirators. But it's a possibility. :)

March 4th, 2011, 11:30 PM
If I was to compete with someone, I'd pick someone here, because I could choose the same hairtype or length, or both! Or very close. :p

March 5th, 2011, 12:07 AM
I'm battling my DF but it isn't a secret. It's kind of a joke between us. When he found out I was taking biotin he accused me of 'doping' :-)

I didn't really think he was in the battle himself, since he maintains at waist with an annual trim and seems to have no desire for super-long hair. But... for some reason this year he skipped his annual trim! If he'd done it as usual I would have caught him this year for sure. So perhaps he's in a secret hair battle with me.

March 5th, 2011, 09:17 PM
If I was to compete with someone, I'd pick someone here, because I could choose the same hairtype or length, or both! Or very close. :p

That's true! But I wouldn't want bad blood with anyone on here, so I personally would let them know about it. <3

March 5th, 2011, 09:18 PM
I'm battling my DF but it isn't a secret. It's kind of a joke between us. When he found out I was taking biotin he accused me of 'doping' :-)

I didn't really think he was in the battle himself, since he maintains at waist with an annual trim and seems to have no desire for super-long hair. But... for some reason this year he skipped his annual trim! If he'd done it as usual I would have caught him this year for sure. So perhaps he's in a secret hair battle with me.

Haha, that's great! *dramatic narrator voice* He tries to act aloof and manly, but he can't hide it anymore!

March 5th, 2011, 09:18 PM
That's true! But I wouldn't want bad blood with anyone on here, so I personally would let them know about it. <3

That's why the thread is called "secret" battles. Hehe. :D It could be all good fun though.

March 5th, 2011, 09:56 PM
Oh, boy! Am I no fun? ;)

Carry on! :D

Lianna, you're such a good sport, it's wonderfully refreshing!

March 6th, 2011, 01:34 AM
Well, I haven't been racing anyone, though I'm competitive about nearly anything and everything (which is sooo not good, and I'm working on it). I used to think I was kind of racing someone until I realized I was seriously not aware of how long my hair really was.

March 6th, 2011, 02:31 AM
I'm secretly racing a girl at work who shares my first name LOL. Her hair's also a similar texture to mine, perhaps a bit curlier. Hers is at APL I'd say, and glossy black although she colours it. Mine's about APL and henna'd and I'm aiming for waist...

I like having someone to compare my growth rate with! :-)

April 22nd, 2011, 04:52 AM
I check the hair length of other people around me, secretly hoping I'll be the one with the longest hair in the room. And if so, I am secretly very happy. ;-) Sometimes I share it with the few other people around me who understand this.... :-)

Last time I was in the sauna with a friend and I was the girl with the longest hair! :cheese:

At university there is a friend with a length between hip and waist - mostly she is the one with the longest hair in class. I can't wait to beat her. :cool:
Btw her hair is very beautiful, too. She uses natural cosmetics... :cheese:

April 22nd, 2011, 05:50 AM
I have done this in the past, not racing but comparing and waiting, because it seems everyone eventually cuts their hair. I knew patience was the way to surpass their lengths. It was an envy thing, not a race.

Now I cannot think of anyone I know IRL with hair longer than mine. Hmm. Wonder when that happened? And all those people who had "such long hair" now seem like short hairs to me. Heck, I feel like MY hair is short.

Honestly, though, I went from admiring/envying their hair to feeling sad when they chopped it all off. And they always CHOP too. Then last year one of those ladies seemed like she was growing it out again, it was MBL (and looking very healthy with huge soft waves), then she chopped it again. :shrug:. I don't feel like anyone is competing with me and I have no one to compete with now or to aspirte to I should say, except here on LHC.

I would never battle anyone on LHC. That seems like mutiny or something. LOL! I look up to my "leaders", I don't try to take them out!

April 22nd, 2011, 06:31 AM
Just to make sure...

For me there is no envy...it more a way to make the waiting time seem shorter. ;-)
I don't want the people to cut their hair shorter, most people just do....not my decision...

April 22nd, 2011, 06:38 AM
I also notice anyone whose hair length is close to mine or longer. I wouldn't say I'm racing them, because beautiful hair is not only about the length, of course, but I notice and compare :)
But what I can definitely say is that a compliment about my hair from a fellow long-hair is one of the best I can get. After all, they probably have an eye for hair health as well. So that always makes me really happy.
One of the girls in my class has very nice waist-length hair, but dyed it last week. I haven't seen it yet, but she said she's not blonde anymore. That made me a little sad... it takes SO long to wash or grow out. It's, of course, her choice, but I can't help but feel a little sad.

April 22nd, 2011, 08:17 AM
I had almost outgrown everyone at work but then, last week, they hired a new person and she is at waist! She seems nice enough but for just a second I thought to myself. "Darn it, it is going to take a while to get longer than her." So close!!!

April 22nd, 2011, 08:28 AM
Haha I do this too xD I had four girls in my class who had hair longer than mine, three of them have cut it since so only one left, and I think I'm gaining on her =D

But, I'm nearly on my goal length and plan to microtrim so that the rest can catch up so she may stay ahead of me.

I was always secretly happy if my hair turned out to be longer than those of my longer haired friends ^^;

April 22nd, 2011, 11:19 AM
I want to catch up with my long haired sister that lives in another state. I'm about 2-3 years from that goal probably though..SIGH

April 22nd, 2011, 12:49 PM
I don't really race anyone, but now that I'm more aware of my own hair I definitely notice others' hair more often. It's great to see other lovely heads of hair at all lengths and hair types :)

Dark Queen
April 22nd, 2011, 01:13 PM
I don't know about racing, but I do love to notice other people with nice hair. Depending on the situation, I say something about it. I do remember one time though when I knew a girl with super thick long blonde hair. We used to talk about our hair, but she ended up cutting it back to BSL. That left me with the longest hair, lol. Not really a competition though.

April 22nd, 2011, 02:15 PM
I want to have the longest hair in my class for graduation. I have a 16 months to get there and fingers crossed should make it.

I find myself comparing hair length with everyone! It's become quite an obsession :p

April 25th, 2011, 03:17 PM
LOL! I do this. I've beaten all of my competitors (who were once my hair idols) except for one...my cousin (who is 14 hahah). She's probably between WL/HL. Oooh, I wanna get there so badly. I don't want to surpass her. I just want there to be a tie! Even Steven...

September 4th, 2011, 07:44 PM
Ah! I hope it's okay to re-activate one's own thread... this is relevant!

My friend just returned from a year in Chile. I was shocked to see that she had outgrown me in that year even though her chop, identical to mine, happened a few weeks later.

Then I realized I've had 4 small trims and she hasn't had any. That's how she beat me. *blustery* No more trims this year for me!


September 4th, 2011, 07:55 PM
I feel so much better knowing that I am not the only one that does this. It almost makes me feel bad, I don't know why. But I enjoy it and it makes me feel good about myself. Do you guys ever feel guilt about this?

September 4th, 2011, 07:57 PM
I do this and somehow never win :p I know that when a friend who has semi long hair gets a haircut I'm all "YESSSS" inside :D

September 4th, 2011, 08:05 PM
I usually beat people except for this one girl named Anna in my graduating class. Her hair grows like 2" a month (not exaggerating) so I just don't count her.

September 4th, 2011, 09:57 PM
In the left corner, we have 2a/m/ii. In the right corner, we have 2c/c/iii.

Grow! =P

I used to race my sister all the time as kids. We'd have our mom measure our hair so it was fair. It was a good way to keep us going to waist, hip and tailbone. My sister stopped growing hair long and I miss her company.

September 4th, 2011, 10:34 PM
Since none of them have LHC on their sides, though, I should be able to overtake them all in good time... *evil cackle!* :stirpot:

*Sigh*...yes! I'm racing littler sis, who's hair is several inches shorter than mine. Buuut.....she's not faithful to lhc principles. Therefor I'll win, which is important since people mistake us for twins (same height, long brown hair, same eyes...). A little friendly competition never hurt anyone!

I've gotta take up cackling.

September 4th, 2011, 11:50 PM
Until I hit classic, I was sort of on competition with a younger version of myself! I wanted hair as long as it was when I was a little girl. Well, I achieved that length and have surpassed it. So I guess I won. :silly:

And here I was, reading this thread and thinking, "These are funny; I don't have any battles with anyone", until I read this post. I am *totally* trying to have the longest hair I've ever had in my life, which means upstaging my younger self surpassing the length I had as a child. I'm not there yet, but it shouldn't be too long, maybe a year or so.

September 5th, 2011, 12:53 AM
Jeez...some people just grow hair naturally slower. It's not fair.

September 5th, 2011, 03:52 AM
eheh I do this every day!

I beated all of my co-workers, since they all soon or later cut they hair over the years and now I've the longest hair in the Company (which is 300 employers!!!)

September 5th, 2011, 11:29 AM
I'm doing this with pretty much every girl I know. Especially my sister. Her hair is around BSL, and mine is MBL. Hers grow alot faster than mine, though, and we both have waist goals.

However, she uses alot of heat, and I'm an LHC girl!

September 5th, 2011, 11:40 AM
If I did this I'd always lose. Everyone's hair seems to grow faster than mine!

September 5th, 2011, 11:43 AM
I'm currently battling with my younger sister for length. Her hair is abused in every way she can think of, but it's still super-thick, glossy, and has almost no splits!! Where my hair is thin, dull, and split all the way up to heaven's gates. -.-

The race started last month I suddenly realized that she was nearly caught up to me(I'm MBL, she's at BSL), and when I told her about my goal of growing my hair long, she said "that'd be cool! I think I'll try." So now, even though her hair is still shorter than mine, I think she might pass me up in the hear future because of her hair's amazing health. :rolleyes:

September 5th, 2011, 11:44 AM
I have a friend who's about tailbone length- UGH. It looks amazing on her too. she never cut it when she was young and i'm pretty sure she uses "normal" shampoos and conditioners... But, she's also really short, so growing her hair doesn't take as long in relation to her body!!

i've always been jealous of her. Right now i'm secretly fighting to have the best hair around, in length, health, and shine... wish me luck :p

September 5th, 2011, 11:52 AM
i'm so glad that more of you have secret hair battles, now i dont feel so bad about having my own.

September 5th, 2011, 12:03 PM
Ahahaha, I just realized I've been doing this. My Asian best friend has hair that grows REALLY! fast, it always makes me frustrated he doesn't try and grow it long.

September 6th, 2011, 01:52 PM
Hee, I do this. Not with anyone I know, so it's not really a battle. I just compare my hair length to people I see randomly on the street.

I want to have long hair irrespective of what everyone else has, but comparing my length to the "average length" of people around makes me feel like I'm making progress. I've started having "longest hair in the room" days. I want to have more! I want to have longer hair than most people I meet. I think this will happen once I hit "solid waist".

So that, for me, is a sort of mini-goal I have, which keeps me motivated. Though, there is one friend with hip-length hair which is gloriously (naturally) platinum blonde. She doesn't care for it carefully, and I think she will cut when it starts getting in her way/splitting (it hasn't until now because she doesn't blowfry/colour/straighten), but I wish to have longer hair than hers. I hope she doesn't cut it though! I haven't seen her in ages, and I am worried she might have. That would be no fun.

September 6th, 2011, 01:57 PM
Oh. I do this all the time to amuse myself. Right now I'm still shorter than lots, but I'm catching up. Many girls with WL hair at my school cut it after it gets bad due to damage (WL is the longest, usually). A girl I just met has super damaged hair. I'm assuming she will cut it soon. And then I have a head start. :D

September 6th, 2011, 04:10 PM
I usually get more fascinated than envious. I eventually have passed everyone I know in real life, there's no one IRL with hair longer than mine. There used to be a lot of people, about 3 (it's a lot, right? with hair past classic?)

Anyways, it made me really sad when they cut their hair shorter. I feel kinda lonely now about my hair experiences, so I just bring it all to LHC :)

September 6th, 2011, 06:09 PM
no battle really, but sometimes i'll think darn, her hair is longer than mine. i think my friend had a hair battle with me - but she cut her hair to chin length and keeps telling me i should get a short haircut like everyone is getting :P

September 7th, 2011, 08:25 AM
I don't have secret battles yet since I've only really decided to start taking proper (ie. LHC!) care of my hair and really growing it.
But there are 2 girls in my work who's hair I really admire and they're my inspiration. One has her hair around BSL or so and it's super shiny and thick. The other is around waist and is also so shiny and healthy.

kamikaze hair
September 7th, 2011, 10:47 AM
And here I thought I was the only one!! love it!. I do this all the time, wherever I go, I always check out everybody's hair. Unfortunately at work there is only two of us girls and the other has really short hair, (think pixie) looks awesome on her though. There is one guy who has long hair but his is only past shoulder length, so it will be YEARS before we can race each other fairly :D. I did see this one girl though, who must have about thigh length hair when loose cause she always wears braids and it comes up at about BCL, and then, coincidently, very shortly after, I discovered the LHC... Its on like DonkeyKong!!

September 7th, 2011, 12:01 PM
My sister, actually. She has pretty short hair right now, and is constantly straightening to make it look longer than it really is. She also dyes it which, I believe, damages it further since its very thin. She also has very slow growing hair...

September 24th, 2011, 11:28 PM
I feel so much better knowing that I am not the only one that does this. It almost makes me feel bad, I don't know why. But I enjoy it and it makes me feel good about myself. Do you guys ever feel guilt about this?

I don't feel guilt about it. I'm sorry you do. I'm sure there's no reason for guilt - if they're not engaged in the race they will have no problem with you outgrowing them.

September 24th, 2011, 11:32 PM
I've gotta take up cackling.

made me lol. :)

September 24th, 2011, 11:53 PM
Luckily I've already "beat" most people lol. Since I only get about 2" a year on average, I'm sure I'd lose almost any race! I'm still wildly envious/jealous of anyone with hair near my length. I always have been, since I was little! I remember being 6 years old and being super grumpy when someone remarked on the long braids of my friend who shared my violin teacher. I was also evilly happy when years later I met her in orchestra and she had a bob. But then I met another girl in orchestra whose hair was almost as long as mine, and she was my stand partner! At least it wasn't longer than mine lol, but it was very thick and pretty.

I was also envious of my cousins, and a little girl in second grade, whose mother complained to mine about how thick her hair was and how often she had to cut it! I liked mine better because I liked my color and texture, but I hate how slow my hair has always grown!

September 25th, 2011, 12:40 AM
Oo, me too!
My "competitor" is my bestie (usually referred to as my sister since we decided we were practically family anyway). It's difficult, though! For one thing, her hair grows super-fast--as in, she had her hair in a bob late last summer and it's already getting down to tailbone now.
But I'm stubborn, so I figure that between her often major trims and my 2013 estimate of how long it might take to get my hair to waist (allowing for trims and spazzing), we might end up about equal. :D

September 25th, 2011, 03:43 AM
My SO's hair seems to grow faster than mine. I know that I have been too scissors happy with my hair lately and it's because of that but still. Luckily he wants me to cut his hair today. :D

September 26th, 2011, 12:35 PM
I'm sort of secretly doing this with my best friends. One is at 30 inches (she has gorgeous thick naturally white-blond hair though, so mine won't looka s long as hers even if I managed to "overtake" it). The other is at probably about 23 inches and is trying to get to about 30-ish. Her hair is red and quite pretty, but she doesn't take care of it because it's relatively hardy. I'm thinking that with LHC I should have a fighting chance of beating her, and at least making my way somewhere near to what the first girl has!:D

September 26th, 2011, 12:54 PM
Before getting married, my hubby (then boyfriend) decided to grow his hair out. I had shoulder length hair at the time, but for some reason could not stand the idea of him having longer hair than me. So I secretly (not so secretly) grew my hair out too. About two years later we decided to get married and we both had waist length hair. His was actually longer because he is so much taller. Standing side by side, our hair was the same distance from the floor. If I can find the pic of it I will post it because it is too funny! He had to cut it for a job and I cut mine because it was so damaged and I didn't know how to take care of it (way before finding TLHC)

September 26th, 2011, 01:30 PM
Heck, mine grows so slowly that I laughed at the concept of racing someone

September 26th, 2011, 02:43 PM
I dont know. I never thought of racing someone, but I do sometimes wish for longer hair than somebody every so often. I was so jealous of one of the girls at my band because I thought she had longer hair than me, until my brother laughed and told me that my hair had apparently always been at least a couple of inches longer. He pointed out at the time that my hair was hip-length, and so a good few inches longer than her waist length hair. I was so shocked. I guess I had wanted longer hair so much that I never actually realised that it was longer.

Ah well. Mine will be shorter now anyway thanks to my latest chop, but anywho, I'm sure if I find someone else I want to grow longer than I'm sure I will be giving it a valliant effort.

Oh and I think I may have seen a possible LHCer today at uni. It was hard to tell how long her hair was because she had it up, but it must have been either long or thick judging by the size of her updo. She had this most beutiful clip in her hair, and her hair was burgundy red, but I swear, when the sun came out, the flare from (what I knew to be) henna was just drop dead gorgeous. It made me pine slightly for red hair, but henna can't give me that kind of colour on my dark hair :( so I guess I cant win that particular hair battle.

September 26th, 2011, 02:49 PM
Do you ever race other people without their knowledge, try to outgrow them? This childish amusement of mine is more exciting than you'd think!

Right now I'm racing a few people at my school, and all of them had head starts. One of them is Clair, who has a blunt cut slightly shorter than my longest layer (so an inch or two longer than most of my hair). She's the one I'm closest to matching.

Since none of them have LHC on their sides, though, I should be able to overtake them all in good time... *evil cackle!* :stirpot:
Hahah This ^^^ is priceless! I'd like to think I'm having a secret hair battle with all of my female friends. They just don't know it. :) I'm winning by a mile!!! Muahahah!!! Thanks to LHC that is.:p

September 26th, 2011, 03:56 PM
I used to race a friend of mine a couple years back, when her hair was around waist (she's shorter than me though) and mine about APL. Now, my hair is WL and hers about BSL I think. She nevers cuts it, I just outgrew her thanks to caring so much about my hair lately. Hers is so damaged it basically doesn't gain lenght, it just breaks off. A shame really, she could have such beautiful hair!

But, I'm still jalous of the great amount of volume she gets:D even though that's because it's so dried out and she never detangles it, so it's practically teased all the time haha.

September 27th, 2011, 08:42 AM
I don't have anyone to race! My sister recently cut her hair to a pixie, so now I have longer hair than her for the first time in our lives, by no effort of mine. I get new coursemates every semester at uni, so there's no point trying to race anyone there. Only two of my friends have longer hair than me, and one of them has dreads. The other one I don't want to get any kind of competitive with.