View Full Version : Beginning henna?!

February 21st, 2011, 08:57 PM
Hello everyone- I've been hearing lots of great things about henna, so I think I'm going to take the plunge and go ahead and try it within the next few weeks. I just have a few questions though.
First, where is the best, most reputable place to get henna? (Are you buying it online?? )
Second, Is there a specific amount I should get?
And most importantly, does anyone who has similar hair type to me (1c-F/M-i/ii) have any idea how it might react and if anyone has any idea how the color will turn out on light brown hair (it also naturally has a lot of red and blonde in it)?

Thanks a lot for answering these questions. I've been reading some henna forums and I'm sure some of these are repeat questions, so I'm sorry for that, but I also really wanted any specific advice anyone might have about how it might work with my hair type.

Thanks a lot! :)

February 21st, 2011, 10:57 PM
I think this belongs in the henna section. :)

Your hair's about the same color as mine (a little closer to the color my ends used to be, I suppose.) My hair went pretty auburn/burgundy right off the bat. The first henna (and my roots) are a bit more orange-red than burgundy-red, but when they get a second coat they dim out. It's still VERY orange-red in the light. :lol:

I use 100g henna + water, allspice (for scent) and then dilute with cheap conditioner once dye is released. It's easier to apply and wash out, and you use less. As you can tell it hasn't limited the dye I get.

That said, it's VERY permanent. And you'll have to grow out and deal with two-toned hair if you decide to quit, so consider that. :) Possibly try cassia first using the same process as henna to see if you're willing to do the effort. It's harder than it seems at times.

February 22nd, 2011, 03:38 PM
I love henna and I'll never go back to chemical dyes...my hair is very dark 'cherry cola' color and I love it. :)

And it IS very permanent. You can't get it out! I find the effort is worth it though. My hair is very fine and almost stick straight and it is great with henna!