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View Full Version : APL to BSL

Kat Girl
February 21st, 2011, 10:55 AM
I was surprised not to have found a thread for this already, unless I somehow missed it. Anyway, I had BSL with some sloppy choppy (unwanted) layers that were driving me crazy, so I made the chop and got rid of the layers, which now puts me right at APL. I'm happy to be rid of the layers, but this is the shortest my hair has been in a very long time. Now I really want the length back. :( So this is for all of those going from APL to BSL (and those who already have). How long did it take you and what kinds of things did/do you do to help it along?

February 21st, 2011, 11:09 AM
Hi, I'm at apl, well at least I think my hair is APL when straightened(it's very curly)... My hair grows well when it's warm. When the weather was warmer it grew 5 centimetres in 3 months. Now that the weather is cold I feel like it's growing really slow. I just recenty started using coconut oil...and have decided to quit using hair products( just for a while ) I usually trim my hair every 3/4 months to keep theends healthy. I've heard that castor oil makes hair grow so the next time I'm at the pharmacy I'm going to buy some and try it out.:)
Good luck with ur growth mission!

February 21st, 2011, 11:12 AM
Here (http://www.longhaircommunity.com/forums/showthread.php?t=170)is the main thread you're looking for.