View Full Version : When is the next moon thingy?

February 19th, 2011, 10:02 PM
[quosiorpew'ap'ote][/quote]q U O T E

February 19th, 2011, 10:07 PM
Now. LOL. You still have time. I think the full moon in Leo phase lasts for few more days. :)

February 19th, 2011, 10:24 PM
Crud! Okay, but I really didn't wanna cut my hair now because I am going to Brazil in 2 weeks to see my fiance and don't want my hair to feel "shorter"...Oh no what a dilemma!

Is there anything in end of March or April? Thank you. :)

February 19th, 2011, 10:37 PM
Are you talking about a full moon? There's a full moon every month. There will be one March 19, April 18, May 17, and so on.

If you're talking about a blue moon, then you're out of luck 'cause there's not supposed to be a blue moon until next year, I believe.

If it's a new moon, there's one March 4, April 3, May 3, etc.

Is hair supposed to grow better if you cut it during a certain moon phase?

February 19th, 2011, 10:41 PM
Check the calendar I have on my signature. It's the Morocco Method Lunar Calendar.
March 18-20th (during the Spring Equinox) is a good time to cut next month!

February 20th, 2011, 12:19 AM
The full moon is for thicker hair, not faster growth. I use this method according to the zodiac, if you're interested I suggest you to read, because it explains...couldn't find an explanation to the morroco method on their site.


I always trim first quarter in cancer, but others are beneficial for growth and thickness too.

You can see the moon everyday on http://www.lunarium.co.uk/. They have a calendar you can adjust to where you live. I do see improvement by using it, specially when coloring.

March 13th is the next first quarter in cancer.

A little bit from that site:
"The Moon in Cancer is a fruitful and moist sign. It is considered the most productive of all the signs and most frequently used for planting, seeding and irrigation. As the premier water sign, Cancer is the best sign to get your hair cut for growth and thickness. Avoid radical styling moves such as severe colors or kinky perms. Cancer is a sign better suited to traditional styles that make mom and dad proud. Even if you do not need a cut but want the long, luxurious locks that knock men off their seats, consider a trim to enhance your hair’s growing ability. A soft look that frames your face will have your guy curling up in you arms. Because there is abundant moist energy available, all chemical processes will take well. This is a great time for coloring or highlighting your hair golden blonde."

February 21st, 2011, 01:27 AM
Thank you I will check the links out :cheer: