View Full Version : Desperate for help

February 18th, 2011, 02:07 PM
Hi Everyone,
Here's my story...hope to get some advice from all you very caring and helpful people
I have always had thin hair and I didnt take very good care of it, was always coloring it with different colors and then finally when the hair became a mess I decided to fix it. I started with Biotin supplement; while it made my hair beautiful..I had a bad bad skin reaction which I am still struggling with
So, I decided going the natural route ...I had been doing a lot of reading on the forum and after a lot of tips and advices that I collected I tried few on me. I tried egg, henna, oils, indian herbs, deep conditioning...and I thought slowly my hair would recover. After two months there is no sign of success; I guess I am doing it wrong because my hair is falling at a very high rate..it falls during massaging oil into scalp, during the shower, while combing...
2 days back i oiled my scalp, did the towel steam then applied egg for an hour, followed my shampoo and then used Burt's bees green tea and fennel conditioner for an hour with steaming towel...and when I washed it out..almost one-fourth of my hair fell out...while combing it fell out again...I am totally freaking out..i dont know what to do :confused:...please help!!!

February 18th, 2011, 02:14 PM
okay....so what condition is your hair in?
is it dry/damaged due to over dyeing, perming which is causing your hair to come out due to weakness from chemically treated hair or could this be a medical problem??

February 18th, 2011, 02:15 PM
I think you need to see a doctor. I don't know anything and I'm sure more of the old timers will chime in but that does not seem normal or right.

February 18th, 2011, 02:27 PM
Do the fallen out hairs have roots attached, some kind of bulb, or are they broken?

If a quarter of your hair fell out from the root in one day after that kind of deep treatment I can't stress strongly enough that you should see a doctor as soon as possible. If it is breakage through the bleach then there isn't any guaranteed hope, but Nightshade wrote a great article on hair rehab that might help.


February 18th, 2011, 02:50 PM
Do the fallen out hairs have roots attached, some kind of bulb, or are they broken?

If a quarter of your hair fell out from the root in one day after that kind of deep treatment I can't stress strongly enough that you should see a doctor as soon as possible. If it is breakage through the bleach then there isn't any guaranteed hope, but Nightshade wrote a great article on hair rehab that might help.


Yes, that article is located here (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/vbjournal.php?do=article&articleid=79). Good luck and let us know what happens!

February 18th, 2011, 03:23 PM
I agree, you should see a doctor, for that much hair to fall out in one go is worrying...

February 18th, 2011, 05:12 PM
Thanks everyone for the replies. Also thanks for the post by Nightshade, its really informative.
I will go see a doctor.