View Full Version : So disappointed....

February 18th, 2011, 12:19 PM
It turns out that Ebags (where I ordered my Ficcare from) put that I had to sign for it and they missed me by an hour! Won't get it until Monday now (if I happen to be home then.) Why do they do that???

Also, my Triple moon annointing oil and panacea has not arrived yet either. I was so excited thinking all of this stuff wound come today... I seriously am pouting like a kid. :( I really needed something to cheer me up today.

I did get my Body Shop wooden comb and it seems nice but I was so looking forward to getting the other stuff. :knitfrog: Thanks for letting me whine for a bit....

February 18th, 2011, 01:19 PM
OH NO!! :wail: I totally sympathise! This has happened to me so many times i end up stalking the street for the mailman i get that MAD! :hatchet:

February 18th, 2011, 01:57 PM
I know how this feels.

One friday, I stayed at home all day because I was waiting for a package that would be delivered that day. Then at 17:50, I didn't think they'd come anymore, so I went to the store to buy me some food. I was back 10 minutes later, just to find a note on my door that I could pick up my package at the post office...next monday. Ack!

Another time, I was at home but I was doing my henna treatment. Me with henna on my head looks so utterly charming that I didn't open the door:( Silly me...

Look at it this way: mondays are pretty awful, but you'll have something to look forward to:D

February 18th, 2011, 02:05 PM
I can't have stuff delivered. First I lived on a farm (and had to get stuff delivered to the grocery store were my mom worked) but now I'm living in a basement suite and my mom ended up having to follow me (lol) to get a job and the one time I was absolutely desperate to get this stuff and it couldn't be shipped to a PO box so I had it delivered to my aunt's bar where my mom was working but they must've come super early or didn't deliver it. It didn't come with a tracking number so I had to email and get it then once I checked it said that there was a note left saying where to pick up my package ... and there was no note. I was damn lucky when I finally found out where it was. 10 more days and it would've been sent back if it wasn't picked up. I was sooooo pissed off. It was stupid. I am NEVER buying something again that needs a physical address to be dropped off at.

Wow...that was a novel. lol

February 18th, 2011, 02:57 PM
Argh, how annoying! But hey, maybe you can play some waiting games.


You could play "post on LHC as much as possible until Monday"

I quite like that one myself.

February 20th, 2011, 09:37 AM
What a bummer... this is why I have most of my must-have-right-now toys shipped to my shop, that way I know someone will be there to sign for it :D

February 22nd, 2011, 05:42 AM
I did get my ficcare yesterday and I am afraid that another addiction has been started... The medium seems to fit my hair perfectly when I do a french twist! Very happy with it (and already eyeing up others!)

February 22nd, 2011, 06:14 AM
that seems to happen to me a lot as well, I just mis the mailman by an hour, and then have to wait a whole weekend.

but I am glad you received it now ^^