View Full Version : Omg!!! I'm Curly!

February 14th, 2011, 08:52 AM
OMGGGG... I'M CURLYYY.... i have curls..... how come i didn't realize that before????

i did the SMT for the first time and when it was drying... my normal annoying frizzy waves were there..at that point i always brush but i remembered my new LHC vow....dont wet comb so i didnt.... not matter how frizzy i just resisted.....but further drying and the waves just started to curl... like perfect curls i could only get with curl iron..i was so SHOCKEDDDDDDDDD :shocked:....my hair is nice and shiny now i'd never seen it like that i still have lots of frizz but i dont want to add anything yet like a leave in CO or prewash nothing....

just a week here and you guys made me discover my curliness...my hubbie is shocked too in a good way he says he can have" curly fun" now lol.. anyways...
i did the SMT in his head and the result was awful... his frizz was worst that ever and the next day he had dandruff...any suggestions?..:pray:

LOVE YOU ALL... guess ill change my hair type now :joy:

February 14th, 2011, 09:07 AM
Ooooooohhhhhhhh! Nice discovery! Welcome to the Curly world! This forum is awesome, isn't it? :)

February 14th, 2011, 05:16 PM
Welcome to the dark and twisty side ;) My hair definitely behaves more curly than it did before finding LHC! Check out the Wurly and Curly thread on The Mane Forum if you haven't already!

The only thing I can think of for your hubby: did the conditioner you used for the SMT have protein in it? His hair might be protein sensitive. If that's not it, it may be a different ingredient causing issues.

February 14th, 2011, 05:17 PM
LOL, so MANY of us come to that discovery. It's quite a shock, after years of thinking we have unruly, frizzy, dumb hair - to have CURLS.

LOL, I remember I had curls when I was little, and my mom always commented missing them. Funny to discover that I had them all along.

Welcome to the wonderous, frustrating, and intersting world of curls :)