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February 12th, 2011, 02:08 PM
Will straitening hair using a flat iron (if only on occasion) cause my hair to grow any slower?

February 12th, 2011, 02:37 PM
Depends on the condition of your hair and what you consider to be on a occassion and how strong your hair is.

My hair just broke off badly when I straightened and had bleach damaged (my top would be covered in inch long hairs). Now I am bleach free I heat straighten around once a month using lower heat, and heat protection. In between I am really looking after my hair with dt's and light oiling and its growing pretty good and in fairly good condition. I have to snip a few individual splits off almost daily but it doesn't effect my length at all.

Although I would like to go without trims - I know because I still heat style occassionally that regular teeny tiny trims are necessary. So that does slow my growth down a fair bit. Hope that helps.

February 12th, 2011, 02:38 PM
Will straitening hair using a flat iron (if only on occasion) cause my hair to grow any slower?
No, using a flat iron won't affect your growth. It might seem to grow more slowly, though, if the ends gat sufficiently damaged to start breaking off.

February 13th, 2011, 08:30 AM
You will get more breakage but no slower growth.. Im heatfree since this year januari 1 and much happier with my ends.