View Full Version : Did your hair seem to stall at a certain milestone?

February 12th, 2011, 12:49 PM
I swear I have been at "almost BSL" FOREVER.... Seriously, one day I think I finally can definitely call it BSL and the next day I would swear my hair retreated a few inches...

Are there any trends to hair stalling at certain lengths? (and please tell me it starts growing again!)

February 12th, 2011, 01:05 PM
I am at just-past BSL and feel the same way... I haven't trimmed in 9 months and I know I've had growth but it seems VERY slow. I just started taking length shots and hope that will keep me motivated. I've only trimmed once in over 2 years and am hoping to make it a few months more without a trim because I *need* to get to waist :p. However, I am starting to see more splits than usual and am paranoid it will split faster than it will grow out of my head.

February 12th, 2011, 01:09 PM
My longest layers are waist length and the shortest ones are BSL...I've been this long for months! I haven't got a hair cut in 5 months and I'm scared that my ends are destroying the rest of my hair and thats why its not growing =/ i don't know what to do so I'll just wait it out

February 12th, 2011, 01:13 PM
I think BSL is a common length to stall at, because that's when your hair (in my exerience) begins to get caught on the backs of chairs, under armpits, in seatbelts, etc. more regularly. I know, when I'm in church or class, I'll try to drape my hair over the back of the chair but it always shifts and gets caught between my back and the chair again. I can almost hear the breakage! I think mechanical damage is a big cause of stalls here. Let's hope it doesn't last too long :)

February 12th, 2011, 01:27 PM
I think BSL is a common length to stall at, because that's when your hair (in my exerience) begins to get caught on the backs of chairs, under armpits, in seatbelts, etc. more regularly. I know, when I'm in church or class, I'll try to drape my hair over the back of the chair but it always shifts and gets caught between my back and the chair again. I can almost hear the breakage! I think mechanical damage is a big cause of stalls here. Let's hope it doesn't last too long :)

I suspected that as the culprit as well... I think another issue I have is that my hair is too thick to get into really protective up-dos yet so I end up doing a lot of ponytails to avoid the aforementioned mechanical damage.... not sure that is very good for my hair either! I think I am going to switch to french twists for awhile (hopefully with my new ficcare when it comes :eyebrows:) and see if that helps protect my ends more.

February 12th, 2011, 01:39 PM
My shortest layer has been BSL for almost a year now. Urgh.

I can't recall my whole head stalling, maybe at waist.

February 12th, 2011, 01:41 PM
I feel like I have been stuck at APL for over a year... But I have also had a huge shed.. here's to hoping we all start growing again.

February 12th, 2011, 01:47 PM
I also feel like I have been stuck at bsl.... my hair started growing about an inch per month but since the new year i feel like it is still the same....I have been trying to keep it up or in braids at all times to diminish damage and breakage but it still doen not grow :(