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February 8th, 2011, 06:54 AM
- I have recently started wrapping my hair more often because I love the wavy effect it gives in my very curly hair .

Only downside is living with one of my SO's that has to see me in a silly wrap . .

I thought there already existed a thread like this but I can't find it, but thought it would be interesting seeing Before and After pictures of peoples hair, due to wrapping ! ^^

My before picture is in my signature and my after picture is;

Show me your Before & After pics due to wrapping !

February 8th, 2011, 07:02 AM
Redheadmistress. Wow! Some kind of beautiful curls after wrapping. I need to find out how to do that. ( Was pretty before too!!) Love it!!

February 8th, 2011, 07:08 AM
Is that plopping you're doing there by another name?

February 8th, 2011, 07:13 AM
Summerjade; Thank you ! I just wash my hair, wrap it around my head my brushing it to my scalp, then put clips on it, all around, then wrap a scarf around it . I like the effect afterwards, for me it's wavy, I see my before-hair as curly ^^

But after I put in some oils, it gets less wavy, which gives a nice effect . I usually use Lush Glitter bug, it's a massage bar but I use it in my hair and it gets covered in purple glitter . .

Is that plopping you're doing there by another name?

- No, plopping makes your hair curlier, no ?
I just wrap my hair around my head, sleep with it and take the scarf off in the morning and then I have less curly hair . (:

February 8th, 2011, 01:28 PM
Oh, I've done this. :D
Before(ok, more like last month):

After(more like December 2009 but I didnt get a before of this):