View Full Version : VO5 products?

February 6th, 2011, 02:35 PM
I almost always use Aussie or Garnier shampoo, but I LOVE V05 clarifying shampoo so today I picked up some other V05 shampoo. It's got soy milk protein in it, which I'm not sure about but for 79 cents I thought what the hey?

Anyone else out there like V05?

February 6th, 2011, 06:01 PM
I haven't used V05 a whole lot. The Passionfruit Smoothie is great when I need protein, but my hair gets SO ANGRY when I used Sun Kissed Raspberry.

Maybe I'll try some of the other ones :p I need to change up my routine.

February 6th, 2011, 06:04 PM
I use their Tea Therapy condish as my CO. I tried others but I keep going back to this one, and yep, at a buck or under, you cannot beat the price! Even if your hair does not like it, you are not out much money. I also loooooove the smell.

February 6th, 2011, 07:05 PM
Mine is strawberry and it smells like a strawberry creamsicle. Yum! My hair is stretchy anyway but it felt like it was super stretchy afterwards, but maybe just because I was paranoid and paying attention. :P

It seems to have made my hair super soft! I was squicked out a little at first because it was like super SQUEAKY clean in the shower (right after I rinsed). Probably will go back to my Aussie and Garnier, but I don't hate it. :)

February 6th, 2011, 07:14 PM
I REALLY love their "Tea Therapy" Vanilla Tea Clarifying Conditioner (I don't use their shampoo because I only use SLS free shampoos). Any of their other products I don't care for too much. Unfortunately it seems that all of the Vanilla Tea Clarifying conditioners have disappeared from ALL my local stores! They'll have a full stock of all the other products, even the Vanilla Tea Clarifying Shampoo, but then they'll have a price tag for the conditioner and they'll ALL be gone. I'm so afraid it's been discontinued... :(

February 6th, 2011, 08:21 PM
I CO and V05 is THEE Best for it!!! I love love love Vanilla Mint Tea!!!

February 7th, 2011, 12:06 AM
I CO and V05 is THEE Best for it!!! I love love love Vanilla Mint Tea!!!
Have you bought any lately so you know if the stores you buy from still carry it? I'm just asking because it has suddenly disappeared from my area and I'm a little upset and confused.... :confused:

February 7th, 2011, 02:20 AM
I CWC with VO5, and I use a LOT of it. It's cheap, and great!

Although the formula we have over here is different to the US one. This one has cones.

February 7th, 2011, 04:13 AM
I thought V05 in the US had cones? Huh. I just assumed it did. Maybe I should check my bottle for cones (I like cones or at least don't mind them, but I'd be surprised to find it didn't have them! On a side note, the shampoo and conditioner from Ikea doesn't have them.)

February 7th, 2011, 06:28 AM
Have you bought any lately so you know if the stores you buy from still carry it? I'm just asking because it has suddenly disappeared from my area and I'm a little upset and confused.... :confused:

I just bought 2 bottles last week. I am on the East Coast. If worse comes to worse, I'll ship you some ;) lol!

February 7th, 2011, 08:14 AM
I CWC with VO5, and I use a LOT of it. It's cheap, and great!

Although the formula we have over here is different to the US one. This one has cones.

I love the US version of VO5. Great for co-washing. I used to find it at Poundland. But no anymore, which makes me furious because I haven't found an equivalent in the UK. I found cheap Tesco's conditioner without cones but my hair didn't like it. Alternatively you can find US VO5 on Ebay...but you won't get it cheap! :shrug:

February 7th, 2011, 08:19 AM
I love the US version of VO5. Great for co-washing. I used to find it at Poundland. But no anymore, which makes me furious because I haven't found an equivalent in the UK. I found cheap Tesco's conditioner without cones but my hair didn't like it. Alternatively you can find US VO5 on Ebay...but you won't get it cheap! :shrug:

Yep, I use the cheap Tesco coconut cone-free conditioner when removing castor oil from my scalp. It doesn't smell too great, doesn't really condition my hair very well either, but it does the job when I do heavy scalp oilings.

February 7th, 2011, 10:12 AM
I use VO5 products - champagne kiss (S & C) , strawberry (S & C), the blue conditioner one for split ends is what I use for SMT. I use gobs of conditioner because I CWC so it needs to be cheap. I save my money for Aubrey Organics Honey Suckle Rose for deep conditioning so why not use VO5 for the other things?

February 7th, 2011, 12:16 PM
Another Vanilla Mint Tea conditioner fan here. I've used it for CO and it always worked great. Smells nice, too!

February 7th, 2011, 03:33 PM
This stuff made my hair so soft I can't keep it in a ponytail! It seems a little more fragile though, but maybe, that's just my imagination. :)