View Full Version : Excessive shedding, thinning, aggresive scalp psoriasis

February 5th, 2011, 08:17 PM
Hello there everyone,

I'm new here. So the title says it all. I've been suffering excessive hair shedding, thinning in the roots, and now painful scalp psoraisis that does not want to go away with any shampoo.

I've been shedding like crazy and thinning for about 10 months! That's a pretty long time. I'm embarrassed of what I have left. Ugh.

I bought nettle leaves by the bulk to do a rinse, to see if that solves all of my problems all at once. Waiting for that to arrive. In the mean time. I started to do a black tea rinse last night. Suppose to help with shedding.

I have activating shampoos, organic shampoos for hair loss/thinning, Altar Ego Nequal liquid activator, once a week coconut oil with evening primrose massage, nettle tea/capsules, 5,000mcg Biotin, bought msm today, & tons of other vitamins.

I also did 6 laser treatments at this hair loss specialist. I'm also thinking of buying a laser comb. Does anyone know any you can reccomend best?

Please help. I am desperate. I'm trying not to stress over it. I already know the cause, & it was stress in the past. I've gotten a few physical exams(blood & pelvic) & nothing. I'm fine.

Thanks for reading! :)

February 5th, 2011, 09:28 PM
When I had bleached hair I had a bad thinning problem and taking garlic tablets and castor oil treatments really reduced it!! :) sorry I can't offer much advice!, it sucks to have thinning hair! :(

February 5th, 2011, 09:41 PM
have you seen a doctor?

February 5th, 2011, 10:21 PM
Zarah, it seems as if you are attacking this problem from all angles and from what I am reading it sounds like you have a good plan. Although I have never had psoriasis, I have thinning hair. I believe my thinness is due to my age... but it began about 12 years back. Almost a constant big shed for all those years!

I learned to keep oils off my scalp. Whenever I use a base oil (which could be jojoba, olive, grape seed, etc) or a blend of essential oils in a base oil, I really shed more than I want to. Whatever the theory is behind it, I don't care. I just know I shed more and I don't want to. So no scalp oils for me.

The one shampoo and conditioner that seemed to have helped with my excess shedding has been Organix TheraNeem. My sensitive scalp calmed down right away when I used it, and in the beginning I used it exclusively. Now I rotate it in with my other favorite products, but it is the one conditioner I use on my scalp and I never have a problem/reaction to it.

I also found msm to be helpful along with supplements. I wish you luck in your endeavors.

Purdy Bear
February 6th, 2011, 03:38 AM

I know exactly where you are coming from, Iv been there.

You need to see your Dr as soon as possible, I know its frightening, but the sooner you seem them the quicker you can get treatment.

Hair loss can be caused by numerous things that can be easily fixed such as Anaemia, Thyroid problems, Vitamin and Mineral Definicies, Allergies etc. You need to cross them off the mark with blood tests and tests to the scalp.

The Dr may get you to see a Dermatologist, who would be able to offer you treatments etc. Some of these treatments can effect a womens fertility so you need to be aware of this before agreeing to go ahead.

If your diagnosed with Alopecia, then there is lots you can do, and the alternative therapies have been found to have a better success if the medicinal treatments have not worked.

You need to deal with the stress, I know its not easy, but if you can do everything to destress (meditate, exercise, time in nature, have a lay in on the weekends etc).

As a Alopecia Univarlis (total body hair loss) Iv come across a few things that help a great deal:

Balayam (rubbing your nails - see You Tube)
Head massages
Warm flannel compresses on the bald areas.

Eatting Swiss Chard, Spinach, Watercress (be careful with this one as it has high vitamin a levels), as well as others you can add being eggs, cheese, chocolate, nuts, bio-yogurts.

I would also take good care of the hair you have, by reducing any tight updos, stopping any heat treatments or uses of heat styling aids and treating your hair to some nourishing treatments.

My thoughts are with you:grouphug:

February 6th, 2011, 04:10 AM
I second a doctor. For psoriasis, dead sea products are often recommended. I know that there are many pushy salespeople around whose products are over priced and I don't know whether they are good. I buy either the German Murnau brand or the Israeli Ahava mud mask - the latter is mud from the dead sea and it smells like it ;-) Both brands are good, as far as my experience goes.

Many people with psoriasis come from all over the world to the dead sea and I know it's not only the mud and salt, it's also the climate - but it's worth a try, I guess.

But of course, I'd go and see a doctor. Psoriasis and hairloss, that's too serious for self treatment. Please go to have your health checked thoroughly. All the best to you.

February 6th, 2011, 04:38 AM
Also consider going to a natural health practitioner rather than a medical doctor - many medical doctors mean well but will do something like provide you a steroid cream or whatever, when something like a change in diet could be all you need to fix the problem.

February 6th, 2011, 07:17 AM
I second what mesmerise and melisande said. Natural is the way to go. Issues take longer to heal but won't do the damage to your system that traditional medications will do. My son has had psoriasis for years. I think it's his diet. If he had food allergy tests done and eliminated the offenders, I think he'd clear up. Good luck with this!!

February 6th, 2011, 08:22 AM
Go see a dermatologist, it's better, especielly if he/she is specialized in scalp

February 14th, 2011, 11:12 PM
I've seen a holistic doctor/endocronologist, i've had many physical tests done. Such as for food allergies, thyroid, hormone, everything... and nothing came up. The only thing that came up in my food allergy test was to give up dairy. I gave it up in August. Oh, and my testosterone is a little hight. That may be part of it.

I saw a dermatologist. I didn't like her. I'm gonna see another one for the psoriasis.

I also found a hormone specialist. I'm going to see this man when I can(right now I need money, since I have no health insurance)... http://www.hormonehelpny.com/index.html

He seems to be very knowledgable on hair loss for women & best of all...compassionate about it. I've noticed too, a couple of days when i'm about to get my period my hair falls flat when I style it and sheds a lot.

I will keep you ladies updated in my quest for all of this nightmare to end.

February 15th, 2011, 12:51 AM
I too suffer from psoriasis on the scalp and had massive thinning from it, wich reasently got me to cut off like five inches. If you have untreated psoriasis on the scalp for a long period of time, it can cause hair loss. I think your psoriasis is contributing to your problem.

There are many ways to reduce your outbreaks. Turmeric in food is said to be good and most people find that red meat is a trigger. Stress is also a trigger. Sun and salt can help prevent it, as can a supplement of vitamin D. It's a bit of a trial and error, not everything workes for everybody.

I tried to calm my psoriasis with oils and herbs and different shampoos. However, when I have an aggressive outbreak the only thing that solves it is a steriod solution that I get on prescription. I strongly suggest that you go se a doctor.

February 15th, 2011, 11:34 PM
Ugh, so hard not to cry. I want to cry. I'm so depressed about this. I've spent over thousands of dollars(I don't have health insurance) trying to find a cure. Between doctor visits & products. I'm feeling so overwhelmed.


February 16th, 2011, 12:58 AM
Ugh, so hard not to cry. I want to cry. I'm so depressed about this. I've spent over thousands of dollars(I don't have health insurance) trying to find a cure. Between doctor visits & products. I'm feeling so overwhelmed.


I'm so sorry that you are sad. It's no fun to feel unhealthy and not be able to get the medical care you want and need.

However, I am sure this can be treated. Have you had anything on prescription so far? Have you had a doctor say that it is psoriasis you have?

I know you want to find a cure emediately, but sometimes it takes a little time. Hang in there! I too have suffered from scalp problems and thinning, but I got a hang of it and I'm cured now. The information you get can be overwhelming, I know. The trick is to try to calm down and not try everything at once.

February 16th, 2011, 03:21 AM
Ugh, so hard not to cry. I want to cry. I'm so depressed about this. I've spent over thousands of dollars(I don't have health insurance) trying to find a cure. Between doctor visits & products. I'm feeling so overwhelmed.

Zarah don't be sad :( Eolan is right, patience is the key...

I too suffer from acute psoriasis, and I find even the slightest stress triggers it, and i'm back in sore-itchy-flaky land for a month or so. Oilatum helps a lot for me, I'm not sure if you can buy it where you are but it really calms it down, enough to let other remedies like my occasional-steroid cream from my doctor work.

I've been told by both natural practitioners and my GP that when it's very bad, like if you have big scaly patches, no remedy will work until it is less inflamed. Something to do with the fact that your immune reaction is blowing a siren, and you're adding more 'alien' matter to the area, which it immediately rejects.

I hope this helps, even just a little! I know it is so disheartening, but keep your chin up. :)

(oh and I found an online store that ships internationally for Oilatum... http://www.chemistdirect.co.uk/oilatum_v_530.html?vi=Grid&ps=11&gclid=CPupprW5jKcCFQsTfAodMBYZeA)

February 16th, 2011, 04:56 AM
I've been told by both natural practitioners and my GP that when it's very bad, like if you have big scaly patches, no remedy will work until it is less inflamed. Something to do with the fact that your immune reaction is blowing a siren, and you're adding more 'alien' matter to the area, which it immediately rejects.

I can really relate to this. I've had it just like that. Interresting to know how it works! I now know how to take care of my psoriasis, so that it doesn't blow up. When it did, I had to use my steroid treatment twice a day for two weeks, and that cleared it up.

I don't know what treatments there are available in your country, or the cost, but my steroid treatment is not expensive and I got the prescription from a GP. So psoriasis is totally treatable! Don't loose hope, Zarah!

February 17th, 2011, 02:08 PM
I've been thinning due to psoriasis and anemia. I found that massaging my scalp very well with coconut oil every other day, and smothering it with EVOO once a week on wash day for a few hours, has caused me to shed less and have a happier scalp. it still flares up every once and a while but its much better than before.

February 21st, 2011, 03:03 AM
Thanks ladies.

I am seeing an acupunture specialist this week & scheduling another appointment for a different dermatologist.

Endymion, I will keep that link in mind if other treatment isn't working. I just bought some stuff online the other day and waiting for it to get here. Thank you :)

I am wondering if quitting dairy food is playing a role in thinning and shedding? I do take a multivitamin, maybe it's not enough?

February 21st, 2011, 06:29 AM
Hi Zarah, can totally relate. If it was caused by stress, then you probably have telogen effluvium. I have the same issue and get an episode ever time I experience a lot of stress, (ie, last year's crash diet for 3 weeks caused 6 months worth). MY hair has slowed down in shedding, but I am working right now on growing it back. I know that a naturopath in the past told me it was my adrenals and I had adrenal fatigue. I did have other symptoms like being tired in the afternoons etc. He told me to take isocort and pretty much right away my shedding stopped.

February 21st, 2011, 07:11 AM
I agree that a good dermatologist is the best route to go.

There is this but it is not for psoriasis.
“In 1970, clinical tests at the University of California at Los Angeles failed to reveal any hair-growth promoting activity but confirmed that the oil of sapote seed is effective in stopping hair-fall caused by seborrheic dermatitis.”

More on the sapote or sapota

February 22nd, 2011, 07:02 AM
I hope everything turns out :flower:

I have psoraisis, and it took years to find treatments that helped me. I'd try a shampoo, and it would work for a while, but then seem to have no effect. I had steroid creams, shampoos, massages, many things. Eventually I found a routine that worked for me. Don't give up!

What I find works in the long term, combined with TGel shampoo/Nizoral (it's a bit more expensive, though, I found), and ACV rinses, is vitamin D. If I am only taking one supplement, it will bd vitamin D. It's made such a huge difference!

I would caution you on taking too many vitamins, though. If your urine becomes darker than usual, it means that the vitamins you are taking aren't being absorbed because your body will only absorb so much. Personally, I'll take a multivitamin on days I've been too rushed to eat healthily (very rarely, thankfully!) but the vitamin D every day. It works for me :)

Good luck!

February 22nd, 2011, 08:03 AM
Capybara, I also take vitamin D. I have eaten it for the last half year or so, mainly because I live in the north where the winters are long and dark and we all tend to lack on vitamin D. I haven't noticed a huge difference in my skin or scalp yet, but I had a good behaving scalp to start with. It's good to hear that it works for that too, though!

Zarah, I hope you get your hair and scalp sorted out.

February 22nd, 2011, 12:41 PM
I have psoriasis. On my elbows and hairline mainly and scalp also. Well, had. The only way I personally and many I know cured it, is diet. Really, it works, it even makes really aggressive psoriasis milder and in my case, it totally vanished.
It's not a miracle cure because it takes some time for the body and mind to adjust to the new diet. Also, it takes some will power and perhaps a dose of curiosity about how your body works and reacts to different things, but it's worth it.
It's all explained in a book by doctor John O. A Pagano, Healing Psoriasis. I found it after I was diagnosed with psoriasis and refused the harsh medication which doesn't cure the problem, only helps to endure it with lesser symptoms if even that. I started researching diet and found this book.
The tough part is that the diet is very strict but once you get used to it, it's actually good in so many more levels than just the psoriasis which slowly starts to heal. It's a very healthy diet and it needs a commitment! I guess you have to be really desperate!:)
I certainly was!

February 24th, 2011, 09:18 PM
Hi Zarah, can totally relate. If it was caused by stress, then you probably have telogen effluvium. I have the same issue and get an episode ever time I experience a lot of stress, (ie, last year's crash diet for 3 weeks caused 6 months worth). MY hair has slowed down in shedding, but I am working right now on growing it back. I know that a naturopath in the past told me it was my adrenals and I had adrenal fatigue. I did have other symptoms like being tired in the afternoons etc. He told me to take isocort and pretty much right away my shedding stopped.

I'll look into Isocort later on. I looked it up and sounds good. Today I went to my very first acupuncture session. For hormornal balance & hair loss. Hopefully this will help. The dr put needles on my scalp to help with blood circulation.

Tomorrow I am seeing a dermatologist for the head scabs.

I am going to see how I will do with the acupuncture sessions first. She gave me some herbal Chinese supplements. I have to take about 8 of them a day for about a month. That's gonna be a pain.

If I see no improvement with acupuncture then I will see that hormone specialist.

I'm thinking my problem maybe hormornal mainly, in combination with other things. Because right before I get my period, that's when my hair gets flatter & shed like crazy.

I've taken vitamin D that a hair/scalp specialist has suggested for me to take. I didn't see a difference. Maybe bc I am taking a multi, biotin, & lots of other stuff...who knows?

BTW, I was looking online and I read some where that women who lack in acidophilus(what's in dairy) may lose hair. I've noticed that there hasn't been in improvement since I quit dairy. It has prolonged and getting worst. I am going to start eating kefir now. Screw that!

February 25th, 2011, 08:19 PM
Ok, turns out I don't have psoriasis. It's seborrheic dermatitis. He gave me a medicated shampoo & a steroid foam. I got the shampoo, but gonna wait on the steroid foam. It's almost $400.00!!! The pharmacy is gonna call my derm's office Monday to see if they can give me a discount. In the meantime as well, I also received an all natural scalp fungal cleanse.
From www.justnaturalskincare.com
Will post my review on that.
I have to go back in a month and then will do blood work to see what's causing thinning and shedding.

February 25th, 2011, 08:21 PM
I went to the supermarket today and stocked up on sugar free probiotic organic yogurt. Hopefully that'll help kill off the fungus.

March 3rd, 2011, 05:42 PM

Okay, so I just got out of the shower and the shed was almost non existant!! Even after condition(that's when I pull out the most). :cheese: I would say less than 50 hairs. It was probably between the 20s or 30s. VERY little.

Okay, i'm not sure what helped but I will post my new regime & think what has helped with shedding so far.

Last week I saw my derm and he gave me a medicated shampoo & steroid solution for my stubborn SD. I've been using the shampoo since Friday as directed. Skipping every 2-3 day, then every other day. On days I don't wash with the medicated shampoo, i've done ACV rinse and washing with garlic shampoo. Last night I applied the solution for the first time. It's too soon to say i've been cured from SD bc I just started doing the medical treatment.

In the mean time, i've been doing this in addition:

~Been drinking Fenugreek with nettle and roobios together in the same cup. Then after that, use the bags as rinses.

~On Tuesday I did a raw honey & raw fresh garlic mask on my scalp for two hours. Then washed off with garlic shampoo & conditioned with garlic/aloe conditioner.

~I've been swallowing raw garlic(hardcore, I know) for a few days this week.

~I've been drinking coconut cultured milk to get enough of calcium and acidophilus. I'm allergic to dairy, so getting enough calcium is a challenge unless I take a supplement. This stuff is great www.sodeliciousdairyfree.com/products/product.php?p=so_delicious_cultured_coconut_milk_o riginal in a blender with fresh berries and a tad of stevia(don't want to feed that fungus more sugar).

~I got a new multivitamin by Mega Foods that has "strengthening blends". You may want to read the ingredients here... http://www.mynaturalmarket.com/MegaFood-Women-One-Daily.html

~Yesterday I started taking Candida Take Care, to help keep those yeast balanced at bay...

I honestly think it's all of the garlic, eating it, garlic shampoo, and putting it over my head. Plus the fenugreek tea i've been drinking and using as a rinse. But be careful with it as a rinse. A member here said she shedded a lot when she did the fenugreek rinse.

Now, all I have to concentrate is getting rid of these painful scabs and once that is done with...I will focus on growing it out long & thick like the way it use to be.

March 3rd, 2011, 05:46 PM
The down side of all of this, I smell like frikkin' food!! LOL. The fenugreek and garlic, I smell so sexy!!

Tomorrow I have my second acupuncture session. My dr. also gave me some Chinese herbs.