View Full Version : one step forward, three steps back

January 28th, 2011, 02:39 AM
First I wanna say hi to everybody, I haven't been on the forum in a couple of months.:waving:

The thread title is kind of how I'm feeling about my hair right now. When last I was here I was in the midst of losing my hair, about half of it fell out in the end. At first I cried a lot, then eventually I just stared numbly at the clumps of hair coming out in my hands. I was fortunate in that I had so much hair to begin with that the hair loss wasn't so noticeable. I was ecstatic when it stopped though. Turns out the hair loss was temporary, thank God.:) I have about two inches of regrowth now, some of it anyway. My hair is coming back in waves it seems, so there's also 1 1/2 in, 1 in, 1/2 in regrowth.

The whole situation makes my tail bone length hair goal a bit more interesting now. I figured my BSL length hair would reach TBL in about two years, but now only half of my hair can reach that goal in that amount of time. The other half will probably take four years.:( I've decided I won't be cutting the longer hair to match the shorter at any time because my ends shouldn't look to thin or terrible in the future. I'm trying to be positive, (after all it's not like I lost all my hair) but the growing out process is going to take forever.:p

January 28th, 2011, 03:06 AM
I wouldn't worry about trimming to the regrowth. Hair is always regrowing. While a massive shed might make a massive regrow. Its still spread out naturally with new hairs springing in at different times and rates. So it wont look like one blunt layer in your hair. Enjoy! the hair is regrowing, and those that stayed with you through the shed will just get there first.

January 28th, 2011, 07:50 PM
Thank you swivelhop! I definitely won't be cutting the rest of my hair off. I wish I would get past the fuzzy head stage faster though, all the short hairs make me look funny! :D

January 28th, 2011, 07:55 PM
I think that's a good choice since your hair was thick enough to withstand the shedding without looking too thin. Besides, with the shorter hairs growing in it will just look like your hair is layered on purpose. Heck, when I burned my hair on the stove half of the people I knew thought I just got some face framing layers;).

January 28th, 2011, 09:30 PM
So sorry to hear about your hair loss, but it's so great that you're looking on the bright side. Stay positive! :)

January 29th, 2011, 02:29 AM
Thank you very much for the support ladies. :)

Your hair story made me laugh Christine. :D I did something similar with a candle once. I bent over the counter to get close to it and blow it out, but then a chunk of my hair slipped forward and got singed off before the candle went out. :p :)

January 29th, 2011, 02:38 AM
I lost a lot of hair after both of my pregnancies, maybe a third of it . So all those hairs are now on the same shed cycle and I get an "anniversary" shed about every 6.5 years since the last time I gave birth, over 18 years ago. It freaked my out until I figured out what was causing it. The first couple months are the hardest because my baby hairs some in really wavy and stick straight out. Once they are long enough to lie flat, I don't really notice them. So, don't lose hope. Eventually it won't be noticeable at all.