View Full Version : Dry Shampoo

January 27th, 2011, 01:28 PM
Okay, this is DM (a newspaper in the UK) and yes its sudjectional, however I did think it was interesting. I use Charles Worthington (Not on the list) as I got it, when it was on offer :)

Here is the Article.


See what you all think about it.

January 27th, 2011, 02:29 PM
I'm amazed that it's so popular; 1 in 5 shampoo sales!

I use Batiste regularly, especially since they brought out the brunette version. I've even got DH onto it because even though hunting it down and using it probably takes longer than washing as drying his short hair, it's a super quick, matte finish way to give him texture in his superfine hair which he'd never known before.

Actually...all my friends use it too! Obviously washing hair in the British winter is unappealing to everyone :lol:

January 27th, 2011, 02:56 PM
I'm amazed that there are so many dry shampoos available in the UK! In Belgium I know only one, but it does happen to be one of my more essential products: the infamous granny product by Schwarzkopf.


January 27th, 2011, 09:14 PM
I'm in Canada and dry shampoos haven't always been easy to find... but they are making a come-back.

I recently bought KMS Makeover spray, about $15 a bottle. It's just OK. I don't really like the smell, and its oil-absorbing properties are limited. It definitely helps a bit, so I keep a bottle handy for "emergencies". However, once this bottle runs out, I'll try something else. Oh, I should mention that I don't think a bottle will last very long - I estimate that a bottle only lasts 8-10 uses.