View Full Version : Owie, it hurts to braid!

January 23rd, 2011, 09:46 PM
Okay so long story short I have a shoulder disability (the muscles that connect my neck to my shoulders in the back, I don't remember the name of them) are basically always flexed. I've had various treatments to get it fixed to no avail. It doesn't affect me much but now that I'm at a computer all the time for work and school it hurts a lot more often.

Lately whenever I try to do a braid that takes time, such as a french braid, it hurts SO MUCH I can barely move my arms afterward, almost like a really deep workout! I was wondering if anyone else has the tired arm effect from braiding and if there are any styles or methods of securing my hair that won't kill my shoulders? I'm mostly just looking for a style to sleep in.

January 23rd, 2011, 10:14 PM
Trapezius muscles?

Tired arms are a really normal thing for most people when they start french braiding, even without shoulder problems. So it's no surprise that you're finding them tired afterward. In my case (some rotator cuff issues on both sides thanks to swim team, but nothing particularly serious going on), the tiredness has ceased to be an issue for most braids -- some of this probably because I can do it faster with practice, and some because my arms are used to the exercise. More time-consuming braids like crown braids can still give me some soreness.

For sleep, I like a satin sleep bonnet, and usually just leave my hair loose inside. I get minimal tangles in the morning that way, compared to sleeping with my hair loose. You can get them quite cheap, usually nestled among haircare products targeted to black people. (Where the idea comes to market sleep bonnets primarily to that specific group, I'm not really sure, though it certainly would help make intricate braids last longer.)

January 23rd, 2011, 10:27 PM
I have a couple of suggestion/adaptions ....

1. If you sit at a table and lean forward so that your forehead is very close to the tables surface. Then do braid your hair whilst resting your elbows on the table. I find this a lot easier.

2. Another alternative is to sit in a chair, put your head between your knees and braid upside down. I find it easier to start the braid behind my head ( a couple of bumps worth) before flipping over.

Hope this helps.

January 23rd, 2011, 10:37 PM
I don't have that exact problem but I think I'm pinching a nerve or something when I braid because I get so dizzy and lightheaded that I totally black out if I don't stop. Maybe putting a heating pad on your shoulders when you braid may help. If you do an English braid that should not require putting your arms up- you could just bring your hair over your shoulder and do it in a low English braid.

January 23rd, 2011, 10:38 PM
Thank you, I'll try this at the kitchen table. Hopefully I'll be able to braid without being in complete agony for hours. :3

January 23rd, 2011, 10:41 PM
my hair isn't long enough to put over my shoulders yet and short of having muscle relaxers injected into my shoulders nothing makes them "unclench". Thank you guys for all the suggestions though! I'm definitely going to try some of them.