View Full Version : Ponytail fixed my frizzy mess

January 23rd, 2011, 05:30 AM
I went to a water theme park today. I wore my hair loose basically because it provided me with an added sun protection for my shoulders and back as I'd forgotten to pack a T-shirt. I was walking around feeling long-haired and fabulous until I got a good look in the mirror. I had a wild halo of frizz like I've not seen on myself before - don't you just love it. Always when you think you are looking great - lol.

Anyway, on the way home I finger-combed my hair back in a ponytail which it stayed in for about an hour or so. When we got home I must have taken my hair down again and when I went to look in the mirror just now, its back to it's normal self. Frizzies have all disappeared!!!

Now I'm off to smother my hair in coconut oil so I can give it a lovely treatment tomorrow after coming in contact with all that chlorine and goodness knows "what else".

For the first time I really felt like a long hair today. It's great to be at "can I call this waist". It's all long to me from here!

January 23rd, 2011, 07:50 AM
Yay! I know what you mean, always when we think we look our best there's something wrong. Yay for your frizzies disappearing, maybe it was because they were damp when you put your hair up? Glad you enjoyed being a long hair today. :D:D:D

I've never thought about the "other things" that are in that water. :bigeyes:

January 23rd, 2011, 08:13 AM
Something like that happened to me. I went to the boardwalk on the beach with my hair down. I caught sight of myself in a mirror - my white hair was so frizzed out, I looked like a witch! And I thought I looked so cute! I got mad at my husband because he should have told me how wild I looked. Now I know better! I keep a hair elastic with me at all times in case of frizz emergency.