View Full Version : Grandma's advice...

Florida Mom
January 19th, 2011, 06:41 AM
I was talking with my mom yesterday and happened to mention that I did an ACV rinse. To my surprise she knew exactly what I meant. Then she told me how her mom used to do put egg yolks in her hair in the winter time. Mayonnaise was another favorite - wrapped on her head for an hour then washed. And ACV rinses. They had very little money so seldom had shampoos. She also remembers her mom oiling her hair.

I asked mom if she was interested in doing any of these things now and she said no... she doesn't want her hair shiny and smooth. She likes it puffy/frizzy from teasing, and colored (but the grays are winning).

Anyway just wanted to share. I wonder what other haircare advice my grandma would have given me if she could.

January 19th, 2011, 06:43 AM
- I used to do the egg thing before I turned vegan, and beer and things like that .

My mother has a lot of weird hair habits . . she has beautiful long hair though, I should put a picture up, she has my ideal hair ! Just that it's black and not red ;)

She does this thing where she puts some bonemarrow she gets from the butchers in the microwave and then rubbs the juice in her hair . It's supposed to strengthen it or something . .

January 19th, 2011, 08:42 AM
My grandma would only wash her long hair in rain water, and if the weather had been dry and the rain barrel was empty, she didn't wash it. I thought that was kind of disgusting because I could smell her head at the dining table.

She also used buttermilk in her hair, but I don't remember what it was supposed to do.

January 19th, 2011, 08:45 AM
- I used to do the egg thing before I turned vegan, and beer and things like that .

My mother has a lot of weird hair habits . . she has beautiful long hair though, I should put a picture up, she has my ideal hair ! Just that it's black and not red ;)

She does this thing where she puts some bonemarrow she gets from the butchers in the microwave and then rubbs the juice in her hair . It's supposed to strengthen it or something . .
Bone marrow is the BEST thing you could use for your hair,only if you can stand the smell :)

January 19th, 2011, 09:46 AM
I vaguely remember my dad oiling my scalp and hair with baby oil and sending me to bed with a bandanna wrapped around my head to protect my pillow, and my mom washed it out the next day. I was maybe 3 or 4 at the time...I remember him telling me how my grandmother and aunt used to do the same thing when my dad was growing up, because it kept their hair nice and soft. Nowadays I wouldn't dream of using baby oil, but it amazes me how haircair is so commercialized that people won't use anything that hasn't been advertised specifically for haircare (except on LHC of course!)

January 19th, 2011, 09:54 AM
I can remember my mum using malt vinegar on my hair when I was a little girl to give it shine and she used to rinse hers in guiness

January 19th, 2011, 10:11 AM
When I was younger, I used to do some ACV rinses, but that was a long time ago. I hardly do anything to my hair - when I wash it, it's just shampoo. Now that I've started henna'ing, I use henna-based shampoos so as to strengthen and enhance the colour.
I don't oil, or condition either. My hair doesn't seem to want CO or oils, it gets really greasy (dunno why). Thankfully enough, my hair is quite silky and shiny without any need of CO (and henna has enhanced that in an awesome way :)), but I have been wondering if some oiling would strengthen my ends, which have been looking a bit thinnish lately...

Would some oiling help (just the ends)? And should I do it after washing my hair? And rinse the oiled hair later?

And I don't really know if I am going off-thread...

Dark Queen
January 19th, 2011, 04:29 PM
My mother taught me the egg and mayo thing, but I've also heard to use a mashed up avocado as a hair mask treatment before a wash. I use the ACV fairly often and it keeps my scalp healthy. For some reason I've also had luck with Perrier mineral water (also good for dry scalp).

January 19th, 2011, 04:32 PM
The only hair advice one of my grandma's gave was, "Keep your hair long. It makes for a lovely woman."

Good enough for me. :D

Paula Auguste
January 19th, 2011, 05:57 PM
In my mother's youth, long straight hair was the thing to have. She, however, was blessed with wurly curly hair. So what she did, since the straightening iron wasn't invented yet, she ironed out her hair :p She told me once when I was completely depressed about my curly hair. After that, I felt better and once I figured out how to care for it, I even kind of liked my hair.

My mother also told me to rinse my hair with vinegar after every hair dyeing. She claimed this would seal the color in. No idea if it really prolonged the hair dye, since I colored every few weeks, but it gave a nice shine.

January 19th, 2011, 06:09 PM
My grandma's advice is rubbish, lol. She has similar dry curly frizzy hair to mine except hers is short-ish and she combs it even when it's dry! She gets it dyed every few months and used a ton of hairspray and a blowdrier and as a result she looks like she has one of those awful fried perms that football players used to get in the 70s.

She complains about my natural hair colour (mousey brown) because she claims I should be blonde as I was blonde as a kid - the only time she approved was when I got highlights done. She'll hate it when I henna.

So no useful advice from her then... ;)

January 19th, 2011, 06:21 PM
My Grandma oils her hair nightly with this awful mineral oil called Soir de Paris (I think it's a knock-off of the real parfum) and says that it's what keeps her hair really black. She doesn't have a single grey and she's almost 80 but I think that's just genetics. My mom and I have the same hair type as her, and my mom is past 50 and also has no grey so far, although she doesn't oil and regularly saturates her hair with chemicals and heat.

January 19th, 2011, 07:55 PM
Both of my grandmothers have passed, and both had short curly permanents- classic "old lady" hair. I think they would have told me to style it short, have fun chatting under the dryer with the 'girls', and not to forget my plastic bonnet when it rains!

January 19th, 2011, 07:59 PM
I remember sitting in the backyard in the sun with mayonnaise on my hair...but that was because of my Mom, not my Grandma. I remember the mayo being nasty and smelly...probably why I CAN NOT eat anything with mayo in it. Makes me sick to my stomach.