View Full Version : Any Swedes out there that know if you can...

January 17th, 2011, 06:46 PM
Wash your hair with grumme grön såpa, soap? I read this on a vegan or freegan website somewhere and i wondered if it was good, or if it was just a way to avoid other chemical products.
Anyone know or tried it?

January 18th, 2011, 06:27 AM
I haven't tried it, but if you do you'll need to use an acidic rinse after since it's alkaline (ph about 10 according to the bottle I have at home). My hands always feel rough for hours if I get too much soapy water on them.

You might as well use yellow instead of green unless you already have the green soap at home, the only difference between them is that the green one has a dye in it.

January 30th, 2011, 05:28 AM
I haven't tried it, but if you do you'll need to use an acidic rinse after since it's alkaline (ph about 10 according to the bottle I have at home). My hands always feel rough for hours if I get too much soapy water on them.

You might as well use yellow instead of green unless you already have the green soap at home, the only difference between them is that the green one has a dye in it.

Ah, thats good to know if ever try it. Thank you! :)
Are you serious with the dye, i'm actually chocked, i always thought that grumme was the most natural stuff on the market for cleaning and such. I always use grumme grön såpa when i clean my house, but i guess the yellow one is better than. You learn something new every day. :)

January 30th, 2011, 05:54 AM
Well, I wouldn't recommend it. I have a vague memory about soap having quite a big structure, which ends up getting stuck between the hairs cuticles, or something like that. Your hair won't fall off, but it might feel rough and get dried out easily.

Use an acid rinse anyway if you're still going to do it. It might help. :)

January 30th, 2011, 08:30 AM
It was mostly out of curiosity that i asked, i'm quite settled in my routine and don't plan on starting a grumme-experiment, haha. I wonder what result the vegans/freegans got from using it. I sort of get the picture in my head that its sort of like hairspray, so NOT something i would like to use in my hair. :P

January 31st, 2011, 03:25 AM
Maybe there is a misunderstanding somewhere, I think people used to wash their hair with "såpa" back in the old days, but that one was cooked at home and was a lot "fatter" than the "såpa" Grumme is, roughly 30 % oilcontent (linseed oil is used today when there is need for an old-fashioned "såpa", Grumme is worthless if you have old wooden floors to tend, for example). But I don't know if I'd like to put lye in my hair :p. Traditional "såpa" is boiled from birchwood ashes turned into lye, together with fat (oil or tallow). Neither would I like to put potassium tallate, potassium carbonate, sodium sulfate, perfume and colour in my hair, and that is what Grumme grönsåpa contains of.

January 31st, 2011, 07:11 AM
My spontaneous reaction was :scared: and that,
I'm sure you can use it to wash your hair :gabigrin: In theory. Just like some use dish liquid and other household soaps for that purpose...
However I don't think it would be a good idea to use it to wash long hair. :wink:
(May work for short hair though, who knows.)
Some of my RL freegan friends are just WO or experimented with home grown herbal rinses like soapwort or birch teas or egg washes.