View Full Version : Qwikbuns

January 14th, 2011, 12:54 PM
Anyone familiar with these? They look like a larger and sturdier version of the hairgami

Link (http://www.qwikbuns.com/www.qwikbuns.com/Home.html)

January 14th, 2011, 12:58 PM
This looks better than the hairgami--the hairgami was way harder and was very, very quick snapping and frankly scared the daylights out of me as I nearly got my hair stuck in it.

Let me know if you get this as I'd be interested in trying one for riding--it looks like a much softer concept than the hairgami. Hairgami was very stiff/hard and wouldn't have worked with a helmet.

January 14th, 2011, 01:06 PM
I’m actually seriously considering it. It wouldn’t be able to hold all my hair of course, but it would be a quick way of making a more complicated bun, like a sock bun-ish creation with accent braids around for example.
Like you said, the hairgami was good in theory but in reality not so much… :lol:

January 14th, 2011, 01:20 PM
I swear we had one of these at home when I was younger. I always tried and tried but I could a) never get my hair to stick around long enough to wrap them and b) they'd sag out if the hair rolled up was lumped too much in one place.. which pretty much made it useless for my tiny hands to wear.

They look great though! I just couldn't get them to work :shrug:

January 14th, 2011, 01:25 PM
Consider me intrigued. I saw something similar in a video on youtube that looked like it was filmed in the 80s. I'm seriously considering attempting to make one. Any thoughts on what kind of wire they might be using that won't be getting fatigued and break from all the bending?

January 14th, 2011, 02:19 PM
I have one. I was very disappointed in it. I never wear it because it pulls and pinches like crazy. Just now I pulled it out again and tried it again and no success. When I took it out about 5 hairs came with it. Ouch!

January 14th, 2011, 02:38 PM
I got one of these back in the 80s and have probably still got it around somewhere. I've always had long hair and this thing was a nightmare to use and I tried it numerous times over many year when I used to find it tucked away somewhere and thought I'd give it another go. It used to pull my hair badly and I remember having a few panic moments when my hair got knotted around the thing badly.http://yoursmiles.org/tsmile/rtfm/t2401.gif (http://yoursmiles.org/t-rtfm.php?page=1) They would possibly work well on hair that is BSL or shorter but mine was around waist length or longer when I've tried to use it.

January 14th, 2011, 03:21 PM
I used to have one and I wouldn't recommend. It just pulled and pinched no matter what I did.

January 14th, 2011, 04:10 PM
My BF's nieces had these in their hair at Christmas and it got me somewhat interested. Both of them have thin and only shoulder lenght hair though and I didn't get to try it myself. I might try to find and buy one, since they don't seem like they would cost that much. Not the end of the world if they don't work.

January 14th, 2011, 09:12 PM
Great to hear from someone who actually tried it! :flower:
I was beginning to think it looked pretty good (And so easy in the videos!) but after reading this, nah… I’ll skip it

January 14th, 2011, 10:02 PM
I'm with you there Igor--if it pulls, not gonna use it--like the hairgami--I think it has to be pretty stiff wire to bend and with that, severe tugging which I don't like.

I bet we could make our own----I'm thinking if you made something like a scrunchie, but kept ties at the ends, could you not slip hair through, wrap and tie?? I'm thinking more for something I'd use riding....hmmm....creative wheels are turning....

January 15th, 2011, 08:45 AM
I bet we could make our own----I'm thinking if you made something like a scrunchie, but kept ties at the ends, could you not slip hair through, wrap and tie?? I'm thinking more for something I'd use riding....hmmm....creative wheels are turning....
There are some similar products out there, like the EZ Bun, and the Hare Do. I improvised my own insty-bun out of a pair of "slap-on" cyclist's ankle clips (they didn't work very well to keep my husband's trousers out of his bike chain, but they make a fun bun!). You might be able to use a pair of slap bracelets the same way (but they would probably be too small if one had very long and/or thick hair). The skeleton of the ankle clips is like the metal used in retractable metal measuring tapes. This article about making your own slap bracelets out of an old measuring tape might give you some ideas:
I think you'd want to sew the metal into a tube of fabric. For a hair application I don't think you'd need to add magnetic clasps as they suggest. With my "ankle clip bun" I have some of the ankle clips showing, which I don't mind. The commercial ones also seem to show a bit when the bun is complete. I should take a few photos.

January 15th, 2011, 10:12 AM
Thanks QM, but when riding, I don't want anything firm in my hair--if I were to fall, to have something wire/metal could result in an unwanted injury. So, it's got to be soft--this bun thing looked softer than the hairgami or ezbun---oh, those things are SO hard! They snap and I wondered if i'd ever get my hair back!!

I'm thinking fabric with a tie would work to hold the length of my hair gently, but I also managed a braided knot yesterday and it worked well :)

January 15th, 2011, 01:43 PM
I see what you mean, Darkhorse1. I don't know if this will work for you, but there's a sort of related technique toward the end of this youtube video I just saw where she rolls her ponytailed hair around a ribbon to secure an updo (at least a couple bobby pins are also used). Looks quite equestrian to my eyes! I wish she showed getting started rolling around the ribbon a bit more, to me that seems like the "and then a miracle occurs" step, but maybe experimentation would help me to understand it. Anyway, here's the link, and the part with the ribbon-secured updo starts at 5:32

January 15th, 2011, 01:48 PM
Thanks for the link! I always welcome new styles for riding :)

January 15th, 2011, 03:08 PM
Oh I had something similar to those too. It was looking good but it pulled my hair and made my scalp ache :(

January 15th, 2011, 03:15 PM
I swear we had one of these at home when I was younger. I always tried and tried but I could a) never get my hair to stick around long enough to wrap them and b) they'd sag out if the hair rolled up was lumped too much in one place.. which pretty much made it useless for my tiny hands to wear.

They look great though! I just couldn't get them to work :shrug:

I know for sure I had a black one when I was about 12 years old or so.
I got it to work sometimes, but usually my hair fell out before I could roll it up, either because the shorter side layer were falling out, or because I couldn't reach far enough to the tips and the 'extra' hair was sticking out everywhere.

@Igor: If you want to use these for a single bun with all your hair, I seriously doubt it will fit. Might work for a half-up style if you manage to get all your hair to behave and stay inside the roll.

January 15th, 2011, 04:05 PM
LOL!! Mirsha and Niphredil, we are definately from the same country. Perhaps even the same generation. I distinctly remember owning one of these when I was a child. Didn't work for me AT ALL. My slippery hair wouldn't stay in position long enough for the thing to twist up and secure it.

March 20th, 2012, 12:06 PM
Never heard of those sounds cool.