View Full Version : Help keeping ends moisturized

January 12th, 2011, 09:05 AM
I am desperately looking for new ideas and advice to keep my ends & length moisturised better as current attempts don't seem to be working to well.

For the past year, I have switched over from washing every other day to washing just once a week and using dry shampoo (mostly Dr. Hauschka or Lush powder) on my scalp in-between. This works really well for avoiding greasies and having an overall happy scalp, but now that it's winter and my hair is quite long (longer BSL) for the first time, I am really starting to struggle with dry ends.

I alread mist and oil my ends nearly every evening, mostly with plain distilled water and either with Fox' Shea Butter cream or some kind of good hair oil like jojoba, coconut, argan or camellia. This doesn't really seem to do much for the ends though, which get dryer and parchier as the week progresses.

I get the same (non-)results with commercial or coney leave-ins and moisturisers.

At night, my hair is always up in a bun, with the ends moisturised as decribed above, and I sleep on silk.

I also do a deep oiling or treatment before washing every week, ie slather on loads more of the abovementioned goodies on damp hair the night before, or morning of wash day, plus sometimes a SMT or similar concoction an hour or so before the wash.

The wash itself tends to involve a mild shampoo, mostly conditioner on the ends and sometimes a catnip or acid rinse.

Do you have any ideas how I could keep my ends in better shape throughout the week?

Also, as they don't seem as dry right after washing, should I consider completely wetting the hair or at least ends down more often? I am a bit reluctant to do that, as the weekly wash with dry shampoo in-between works so well for my scalp, it's convenient and I thought I was doing my length a favour by not getting it totally wet so often, too.

But I am willing to try something new if it is promising...just completely wetting the ends? Completely rinsing the hair without any product? Rinsing and conditioning? CO wash (tried in past with so-so results)? Other ideas?

Many thanks in advance!

January 12th, 2011, 09:13 AM
I actually tried wetting my length completely and CO-ing in between washes, but I found that adding a bit of (usually cone-free) conditioner to my mister worked even better. Have you tried that? I go back and forth between misting with a bit of coconut oil and/or conditioner depending on what my hair feels like.

January 12th, 2011, 09:44 AM
I use NightBlooming's (http://www.etsy.com/people/NightBlooming?ref=ls_profile) Triple Moon Hair Anointing Oil on my length & her Panacea's Hair Salve on my ends. They work great, smell lovely, & are made by an LHC member. :)

January 12th, 2011, 09:48 AM
Have you clarified recently? Hair that just won't take up moisture is often a symptom of having too many coatings.

You might also want to try putting your hair into a bun damp, maybe even wetting the ends before putting your hair up for the day.

January 12th, 2011, 09:49 AM
Have you tried argan oil? (I get mine on ebay.) It seems to soak in better for me than other oils.

The entire day before washing, I *saturate* my length with it and put it up. Then when I wash, I don't put shampoo anywhere except my scalp and let the rinse runoff wash the length. Then I deep condition using a strengthening masque.

I've found that this works well for me and that the hair stays moisturized and looks very pretty after the shampoo.

January 12th, 2011, 01:07 PM
Thanks guys, definitely a few things for me to try there especially:

*putting a bit of conditioner into mister
*completely wetting ends before bunning

Argan oil I have tried but perhaps not enough, so I will give that a go.

About clarifying, I am not sure. I do use shampoo with detergent although my current one is sulfate free, I think, and I do squeeze some of the foam through the length just before rinsing during my weekly wash. Would that already count as clarifying or would a more drastic shampoo be in order?

Anyway, I will try wetter ends tonight and conditioner in my mister on the length above the immediate ends and see if that makes a difference tomorrow.


January 12th, 2011, 02:06 PM
In my case keeping my ends covered with a coconut oil all the time (I wear my hair up) really helped. After a three days;) It may be inconvenient but it works...