View Full Version : Is coagulated conditioner bad to use?

January 7th, 2011, 05:08 PM
My mom picked me up a couple of bottles of Suave pomegranate splash conditioner. One of the bottles is fine, the conditioner looks to be a normal conditioner consistency. The other one, well. It's watery and then there's sort of a big coagulated gelatinous center of the conditioner stuff. When I hold it upside down the chunky part stays where it is until an air bubble slowly climbs up the bottle and gets to the top, then the blob of conditioner falls towards the cap in one solid chunk. Do I have to throw this away, or is it still useful, if not for hair maybe something else?

It also appears to be darker and more pink in color. It looks chunky instead of one smooth thing.

January 7th, 2011, 05:24 PM
Does it have an expiration date? Or does it smell "off" or different than the "normal" bottle? I'd personally be hesitant to use it on my hair. You could always take it back to the store & ask for an exchange. If you want to use it in alternative ways, some people use conditioner as a fabric softener. I use it to shave my legs.

January 7th, 2011, 05:32 PM
Does it have an expiration date? Or does it smell "off" or different than the "normal" bottle? I'd personally be hesitant to use it on my hair. You could always take it back to the store & ask for an exchange. If you want to use it in alternative ways, some people use conditioner as a fabric softener. I use it to shave my legs.

I don't know where the expiration date would be, the only thing I see is an 03010JU42 which is the same on both bottles and doesn't look like an expiration date.

It smells *slightly* less potent than the normal bottle, but I'm not sure if that's because I'm expecting it to smell different.

January 7th, 2011, 05:41 PM
shaking it up seems to have made it less watery but its still kind of chunky. Maybe its just old. Can I use old conditioner ? :confused:

January 7th, 2011, 06:45 PM
I've had conditioner coagulate on me and I couldn't get the solid bits to go back to being liquid so I just got rid of the solid bits and used the liquid part. :shrug:

For me it happened with a tub of thick conditioner that I think too much air and heat got to it and there was a darker layer of solid conditioner that stayed solid for the most part even when I added water to it in my hand. I didn't try to use the solid part because I was worried about it getting stuck in my hair. Oh, and the conditioner became this way after I bought. If it was like that as soon as I got it home, I would take it back to the store and exchange it or get a refund.

Hope that helps. :flower:

January 8th, 2011, 07:46 AM
I'm considering returning it, but I don't have the receipt.. and it was on sale.. I don't know if they'd let me.:confused:

Maybe I'll just use it for other things.

January 8th, 2011, 08:20 AM
It sounds like maybe it wasn't mixed well or something. If you can find the receipt, take it back. It doesn't matter if it was on sale or not.

January 8th, 2011, 08:24 AM
Does it smell funky? I don't know if you should use it...I mean, you already have doubts about it, so maybe you can just shave with it, or make a craft project, lol!

January 8th, 2011, 08:25 AM
I had a similar chunky, gloppy, watery consistency thing happen with a bottle of dishwasher detergent gel. I complained to the manufacturer, they said it had probably been frozen at some point. Then they sent me a couple coupons for free products. If you can't return it, contact the manufacturer. They'd probably be interested in hearing about the problem, in any case.

Good luck!

January 8th, 2011, 08:26 AM
I'll try to find the receipt, hopefully it didn't get lost in my room. It just smells a little more chemical-y and less pomegranate-y compared to the normal bottle.